29 research outputs found

    Arum macalatum bitkisinin yara iyileştirici aktivitesi

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    Objective: In this study, the antioxidant properties of Arum maculatum plant were evaluated. This study reported for the first time the wound healing activity of the methanol extract of A. maculatum fruits. This study aimed to assess and determine the possible pharmacological activities of A. maculatum and evaluate its potential to act as a wound care plant. Methods: The antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of A. maculatum were investigated using excisional in vivo and in vitro wound healing mouse models. A total of 32 Balb-c mice were used, which were equally, divided into four groups: saline control group, control group, A. maculatum group, and Centella asiatica extract group. Treatment applications were performed topically once per day. Wound area narrowing, wound healing percentage, and epithelialization time were analyzed. Results: A. maculatum application supported the healing process in in vivo and in vitro wound models. A. maculatum contributed to the healing process by promoting granulation tissue formation, epidermal regeneration, and angiogenesis. Conclusions: Wound healing is a complex and well-organized process that requires communication between cells. The antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of A. maculatum extract have been determined by current studies. A. maculatum extract may provide significant benefits in promoting the wound healing process.Amaç: Bu araştırmada antioksidan özelliklerini değerlendirmek için Arum maculatum bitkisi seçilmiştir. Bildiğimiz kadarıyla A. maculatum meyvelerinin metanol özünün yara iyileştirici aktivitesi ilk kez bu çalışmada rapor edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, A. maculatum’un olası farmakolojik aktivitelerini belirlemek, değerlendirmek ve bir yara tedavi edici bitki olarak etki gösterme potansiyelini değerlendirmek içindi. Yöntemler: A. maculatum’un antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri, farelerde eksizyonel in vivo ve in vitro yara iyileşme modelleri kulanılarak araştırılmıştır. Toplamda 32 Balb-c fare kullanılmış olup salin kontrol grubu, kontrol grubu, A. maculatum uygulanan grup ve Centella asiatica özütü uygulanan grup olmak üzere 4 gruba ayrılmıştır. Tedavi uygulamaları günde bir kez topikal olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Skar alanı hacminde gerçekleşen değişim, yara iyileşme yüzdesi ve epitelizasyon süresi analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: A. maculatum uygulaması in vivo ve in vitro yara modelinde iyileşme sürecini desteklemiştir. A. maculatum, granülasyon dokusunu artırarak iyileşme sürecine katkıda bulunmuş, epidermal rejenerasyonu ve anjiyogenezi artırmıştır. Sonuçlar: Yara iyileşmesi, hücreler arası iletişimi gerektiren karmaşık ve iyi organize edilmiş bir süreçtir. Mevcut çalışmalar doğrultusunda antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktivitesi belirlenmiş olan A. maculatum özü, yara iyileşme sürecinin desteklenmesinde önemli bir fayda sağlayabilir

    Cytotoxic effects of arctium minus methanol extract on various cancer cell lines

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. ssp. minus’un toprak üstü kısımlarından elde edilen metanol ekstresinin kanser hücre hatları üzerindeki sitotoksik etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. ssp. minus’un metanol ekstresinin, iki farklı insan meme kanseri hücre hattına (MCF-7 ve MDA-MB-231) ve kontrol olarak normal insan fibroblast hücre hattına (MRC-5) uygulanması ile in vitro sitotoksik etkileri araştırılmıştır. Hücre canlılık tayini CellTiter-Blue metodu kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. İstatistiksel analiz için One-Way ANOVA ve Tukey post-hoc testi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç ve Tartışma: Analizlerde, MCF-7 kanser hücrelerinde hücre canlılığı %27,8 -38,7 oranında belirlenmiş olup önemli derecede sitotoksik aktivite tespit edilmiştir (1 mg/mL ekstre uygulaması için p<0.022). Ancak MDA- MB-231 kanser hücre hatlarında %47,8-59,7 oranında hücre canlılığı gözlemlenmiştir. MRC-5 normal fibroblast hücrelerinde ise sitotoksisite gözlemlenmemiştir (%92,4 – 105,4 hücre canlılığı). Bu bulgulardan yola çıkarak, MCF- 7 kanser hücreleri ve MRC5 normal fibroblast hücrelerine 1,25 mg/mL Arcitum minus ekstresi ile muamele edilmiş ve flow sitometrisi metodu ile hücre ölümünün ölçümü gerçekleştirilmiştir. Arctium minus ekstresi uygulaması ile hücre ölümü, MCF-7 kanser hücrelerinde (%98) MRC5 normal fibroblast hücrelerinden (%25) çok daha yüksek oranda gerçekleşmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Arctium minus ssp. minus ekstresi uygulamasının hücre canlılığını MCF-7 hücre hattında normal fibroblast hücre hattına göre daha fazla azalttığı söylenilebilir.Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. ssp. minus methanol extract derived from aerial parts on cancer cell lines. Material and Method: For cytotoxicity assays, two different human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and healthy human fibroblast cell line (MRC-5)as a control were used. Cell viability determination was performed using the CellTiter-Blue method. One-Way ANOVA and Tukey post test were used for statistical analysis. Result and Discussion: Cell viability has been detected between ratios of 27.8-38.7% for MCF-7 cancer cell line, and a significant cytotoxic activity was observed via the analysis (1 mg/mL extract treatment p< 0.022). However, 47.8-59.7% cell viability was observed for MDA-MB-231 cancer cell line, and MRC-5 healthy fibroblast cell line did not demonstrate any cell viability (92.4-105.4% cell viability). Depending on these data, MCF-7 cancer cell line and MRC-5 fibroblast healthy cell line were treated with Arcitum minus extract, then cell viability was detected by flow cytometry technique. The ratio of the cell death was higher in MCF-7 cancer cell line (98%) compared with the MRC-5 fibroblast healthy cell line (25%) after the Arctium minus extract treatment. In conclusion, Arctium minus ssp. minus extract has significantly decreased the cell viability in MCF7 cancer cell line when compared with the MCR-5 fibroblast normal cell line

    Beta-sitosterol ve antinosiseptif etki mekanizmasi

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    Objective: In this study, the possible central antinociceptive activity of beta-sitosterol is investigated along with its association of stimulation of opioidergic, serotonergic, adrenergic, and cholinergic receptors to mice central analgesia because of the beta-sitosterol administration. Material and Method: The beta-sitosterol was administrated to mice in various doses, such as 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg. Then, the mice analyzed via hot-plate and tail-flick assay to investigate the possible antinociceptive effects of beta-sitosterol. Additionally, in order to associate the mechanism of action mechanism, 20 mg/kg of beta-sitosterol was intraperitoneally administered to the animal which were previously pre-treated with opioid antagonist naloxone (5 mg/kg), serotonin 5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist ketanserin (1 mg/kg), serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist – ondansetron (1 mg/kg), α2-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine (1 mg/kg) and muscarinic antagonist atropine (5 mg/kg), as well as nicotinic antagonist mecamylamine (1 mg/kg). Result and Discussion: The antinociceptive effect of beta-sitosterol was confirmed as dose-dependent for 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg doses in tail-flick and hot-plate tests. It can be concluded that beta-sitosterol promotes central antinociception effects associated with the spinal and supraspinal mediated cholinergic and opioidergic modulation.Amaç: Bu çalışmada, farelerde beta-sitosterol uygulamasına bağlı santral analjezide opioiderjik, serotonerjik, adrenerjik ve kolinerjik reseptörleri ile ilişkili olası antinosiseptif aktivitesi araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Beta-sitosterol, farelere 5, 10 ve 20 mg/kg dozlarında uygulandı. Daha sonra, fareler beta-sitosterolün olası antinosiseptif etkilerini araştırmak için tail-flick ve hot-plate testleri ile analiz edildi. Ek olarak, etki mekanizmasını değerlendirmek için, farelere, beta-sitosterol (20 mg/kg, intraperitonel) uygulamasından önce opioid antagonisti nalokson (5 mg/kg), serotonin 5-HT3 reseptör antagonisti ondansetron (1 mg/kg), serotonin 5-HT2A/2C reseptör antagonisti ketanserin (1 mg/kg), α2-adrenoseptör antagonisti yohimbin (1 mg/kg) ve muskarinik antagonist atropin (5 mg/kg) ve ayrıca nikotinik antagonisti mekamilamin (1 mg/kg) uygulandı. Sonuç ve Tartışma: Beta-sitosterolün doza-bağlı antinosiseptif etkisi, tail-flick ve hot-plate testlerinde 5, 10 ve 20 mg/kg dozlarında tespit edilmiştir. Beta-sitosterolün, spinal ve supraspinal aracılı kolinerjik ve opioiderjik modülasyon ile ilişkili merkezi antinosisepsiyon etkilerini teşvik ettiği sonucuna varılabilir

    The effects of SM1EC2 as derivated pyridoindole on vascular reactivity, endothelial functions and markers of glicooxidative stress in diabetic old and young rats

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    Diyabetik komplikasyonların patogenezinde aşırı oksidatif stresin önemli bir rolü bulunmaktadır. İntensif glukoz kontrolü bu komplikasyonların önlenmesinde ve azaltılmasında en etkili yol olsa da tedaviye antioksidanların eklenmesinin ek yararlar sağlayabileceği genellikle kabul görmektedir. Bu araştırmada yeni bir antioksidan sentetik piridoindol türevi SM1EC2 kodlu bileşiğin hızlı yaşlanma modeli olarak da kabul edilen deneysel STZ-diyabetik sıçan modelinde ve yaşlı sıçanlarda komplikasyonlar üzerindeki koruyucu etkinliği araştırılmıştır. STZ ile (40 mg/kg, i.p) diyabet oluşturulmuş genç ve yaşlı şıçanlara (Wistar ) diyabet oluşur oluşmaz (preventif tedavi) başlanan oral SMeC1E2 tedavisi 14 hafta sürdürülmüştür.Yaşa ve diyabete bağlı gelişen organ disfonksiyonundaki temel rollerinden dolayı, tedavi sonlandığında çeşitli dokularda AGEs (ileri glikasyon son ürünleri ), 4-HNE (4- hidroksinonenal), 3-NT (3- nitrotirozin), iNOS (indüklenebilir NOS) ve RAGE (AGEs bağlandığı reseptörler) düzeyleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Vasküler reaktivite çalışmaları izole organ banyosuna alınan endotelyumu intakt aorta halkalarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Fenilefrin (FE) ve KCl ile indüklenen kasılmalar, asetil kolin (Ach) ve salbutamol ile indüklenen endotel bağımlı gevşemeler gruplar arası karşılaştırılmıştır. SMeC1E2 tedavisi diyabetik ve yaşlı diyabetik aortalarda bozulan vasküler reaktiviteyi olumlu etkilemiştir. AGEs ve 4-HNE düzeyleri, yaşlı ve diyabetik yaşlı sıçanların beyin, kalp ventrikülleri ve böbreklerinde anlamlı olarak artmıştır. Diyabetik yaşlı hayvanların lens ve karaciğerlerinde de belirgin bir artış izlenmiştir. Yaşlı diyabetik sıçanlarda SM1EC2 sadece böbreği AGEs artışına karşı koruyabilmiş ve beyin, böbrek, karaciğerde, lense oranla daha belirgin 4- HNE inhibisyonu oluşmuştur. Yaşlı diyabetik sıçanların böbrek, lens ve ventriküllerinde 3-NT düzeyi belirgin olarak artmış, ancak SM1EC2 in 3- NT artışına karşı koruyucu etkisi saptanmamıştır. Sonuçlarımıza göre: 1. Yaşlanmayla artan gliko- lipo oksidatif ve nitrozatif strese karşı doku proteinlerinin verdiği cevaplar dokulara göre değişmektedir. 2. Diyabet yaşlanmanın hızlanmasına katkıda bulunan temel faktördür. 3. SM1EC2 tedavisi oksidatif modifiye proteinleri sadece sınırlı sayıda dokuda selektif olarak inhibe etmektedir. 4. Tedavi bozulan vasküler reaktiviteyi olumlu yönde etklemektedir. Bulgularımız yeni bir antioksidan bileşik ile farmakolojik müdahalenin diyabetin ve yaşlılık süreçlerindeki komplikasyonların önlenmesinde yararlı olabileceğini göstermektedir.Oxidative stress has an important role in the onset and progression of diabetic complications. Although intensive glycemic control is the most effective way of preventing or decreasing these complications, antioxidant therapy has some beneficial effects in preventing diabetesinduced complications. We investigated the effects of a new antioxidant pyridoindol substance SM1EC2 treatment in prevention of late cardiovascular diabetic complications in STZ-diabetic rat model as an aging model. Experiments were conducted in Wistar adult young and aged male rats. The rats were made diabetic by streptozotocin (STZ, 40 mg/kg, ip). Some of them and control rats were treated orally for 14 weeks with SMeC1E2 starting one week after STZ injection (preventive study). Because of its central role in the pathogenesis of age-dependent and diabetes mediated functional decline, we compared the levels of oxidatively modified protein markers, namely AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products), 4-HNE (4-hydroxy-nonenal-histidine) and 3-NT (3- nitrotyrosine), in different tissues of rat groups. Vascular reactivity studies were performed in endothelium intact isolated aortic rings. Phenylephrine and KCl -induced contractions and acethylcholine (Ach) -induced relaxations were compared among groups. Diabetes propagated ageinginduced increase in AGEs and 4-HNE in brain, ventricle and kidney, and raised significantly lens and liver AGEs and 4-HNE levels in aged rats. In aged diabetic rats, SM1EC2 protected only kidney against increase in AGEs, and inhibited significantly 4-HNE levels in brain, kidney, liver and lens that was observed more pronounced in lens. 3-NT was significantly increased in brain of aged rats and in kidney, lens and ventricle of aged diabetic rats, while SM1EC2 has no protective effect on 3-NT increase. Our results demonstrate that; 1. The responsiveness of different tissueproteins to glyco-lipo-oxidative and nitrosative stress in course of normal aging was miscellaneous 2. Diabetes is major factor contributing to accelerated aging 3. SM1EC2 selectively inhibited the generation of oxidatively modified proteins, only in a limited number of tissues. 4. SM1EC2 can protect vascular dysfunction in diabetes and aging. Our studies provided further evidence that antioxidants may have significant implications in the development of diabetic complications and aging

    Mechanism of antinociceptive action of syringic acid

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    Syringic acid presents various biological properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and other activities. The present experiment aimed to investigate the effect of the oral administration of syringic acid (10, 50, and 100 mg/kg) on its possible nociceptive response using hot-plate and tail-flick assay in the Balb-C mice model. The mice were pre-treated with 5 mg/kg atropine 15 min before, 1mg/kg mecamylamine 20 min before, 1mg/kg ketanserin 30 min before, 1 mg/kg ondansetron 30 min before, 1mg/kg yohimbine 30 min before, 1 mg/kg prazosin 30 min before and 5 mg/kg naloxone 15min before the administration of the Syringic acid. Dose-dependent antinociceptive activity of syringic acid was reported for 50 and 100 mg/kg doses in tail-flick and hot-plate assays, respectively. In further, mecamylamine, yohimbine, and naloxone significantly reversed syringic acid-induced response to thermal stimuli in tail-flick and hot-plate assays, respectively. From the data, it was confirmed that syringic acid presents central antinociceptive effects which may be coordinated by supraspinal/spinal mediated cholinergic, opioidergic, and adrenergic, inflection

    A pyridoindole antioxidant SMe1EC2 regulates contractility, relaxation ability, cation channel activity, and protein-carbonyl modifications in the aorta of young and old rats with or without diabetes mellitus

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    WOS: 000444557200004PubMed ID: 30054861We studied the effects of treatment with SMe1EC, a hexahydropyridoindole antioxidant, on vascular reactivity, endothelial function, and oxidonitrosative stress level of thoracic aorta in young and old rats with or without diabetes mellitus. The rats were grouped as young control (YC 3 months old), old control (OC 15 months old), young diabetic (YD), old diabetic (OD), young control treated (YCT), old control treated (OCT), young diabetic treated (YDT), and old diabetic treated (ODT). Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection and subsequently SMe1EC2 (10 mg/kg/day, p.o.) was administered to YCT, OCT, YDT, and ODT rats for 5 months. In young and old rats, diabetes resulted in hypertension, weight loss, hyperglycemia, and hypertriglyceridemia, which were partially prevented by SMe1EC2. SMe1EC2 also inhibited the diabetes-induced increase in aorta levels of AGEs (advanced glycosylation end-protein adducts), 4-HNE (4-hydroxy-nonenal-histidine), 3-NT (3-nitrotyrosine), and RAGEs (receptors for AGEs). The contractions of the aorta rings to phenylephrine (Phe) and KCL did not significantly change, but acetylcholine (ACh) and salbutamol relaxations were reduced in OC compared to YC rats. Diabetes induction increased Phe contractions in YC and OC rats, KCL contractions in YC rats, and did not cause further inhibition in already inhibited ACh and salbutamol relaxations in OC rats. We have achieved the lowest levels of ACh relaxation in YD rats compared to other groups. SMe1EC2 did not change the response of aorta to ACh, salbutamol and Phe in YC rats, and ameliorated ACh relaxations in OC and YD but not in OD rats. In YDT and ODT rats, increased Phe and KCL contractions, high blood pressure, and impaired salbutamol relaxations were amended by SMe1EC2. Phe contractions observed in YD and OD rats as well as KCl contractions observed in OC rats were the lowest levels when the rats were treated with SMe1EC2. When the bath solution was shifted to cyclopiazonic acid (CYP) or CYP plus Ca2+-free medium, the contraction induced by a single dose of Phe (3 x 10(-6) M) was more inhibited in YD and OD than in YC but not in OC rats. In SMe1EC2-treated rats, neither the presence of CFM nor CFM plus CYP exhibited a significant change in response of aorta to a single dose of Phe. These findings suggest that alpha 1-adrenergic receptor signaling is activated in both age groups of diabetic rats, diabetes activates K+-depolarization and calcium mobilization via Ca-V especially in the aorta of young rats, and sensitizes the aorta of old rats to the regulating effect of SMe1EC2. ACh relaxations were inhibited in YC rats, increased in OC rats and unchanged in YD and OD rats when aortic rings pretreated with TEA, an inhibitor of calcium-activated K+ channels (K-Ca), or 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), an inhibitor of voltage-sensitive K+ channels (K-V). ACh relaxations were inhibited in YCT, OCT, and YDT rats in the presence of 4-AP or TEA. In ODT rats, 4-AP did not change ACh relaxation but TEA inhibited. These findings suggest that the contribution of K-v and K-Ca to ACh relaxation is likely upregulated by SMe1EC2 when the relaxations were inhibited by aging or diabetes. We conclude that SMe1EC2 might be a promising agent for aging and diabetes related vascular disorders.Research Foundation of Gazi University [01/2010-126]; Research Foundation of Ankara University [10B336002]; COST Action [BM1203]; Slovak Academy of Sciences [APVV-51-017905]This article has been written by Prof. Karasu who is the leader of ADIC study group. We thank Ahmet Cumaolu and Elif Aydn for their technical help during measurement of some biomarkers. This work originally includes a part of the PhD thesis of Dr. Arzu Sakul and was partly supported by the Research Foundations of Gazi and Ankara Universities (GU-Project No. 01/2010-126, AU-Project No. 10B336002), COST Action BM1203 and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (VEGA grant APVV-51-017905)

    Beta-sitosterol ve antinosiseptif etki mekanizması

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    Objective: In this study, the possible central antinociceptive activity of beta-sitosterol is investigated along with its association of stimulation of opioidergic, serotonergic, adrenergic, and cholinergic receptors to mice central analgesia because of the beta-sitosterol administration. Material and Method: The beta-sitosterol was administrated to mice in various doses, such as 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg. Then, the mice analyzed via hot-plate and tail-flick assay to investigate the possible antinociceptive effects of beta-sitosterol. Additionally, in order to associate the mechanism of action mechanism, 20 mg/kg of beta-sitosterol was intraperitoneally administered to the animal which were previously pre-treated with opioid antagonist naloxone (5 mg/kg), serotonin 5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist ketanserin (1 mg/kg), serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist – ondansetron (1 mg/kg), α2-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine (1 mg/kg) and muscarinic antagonist atropine (5 mg/kg), as well as nicotinic antagonist mecamylamine (1 mg/kg). Result and Discussion: The antinociceptive effect of beta-sitosterol was confirmed as dose-dependent for 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg doses in tail-flick and hot-plate tests. It can be concluded that beta-sitosterol promotes central antinociception effects associated with the spinal and supraspinal mediated cholinergic and opioidergic modulation

    Measuring level of information and demand of users about the content of drug and food supplements

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    İlaçların ve gıda takviyelerinin prospektüslerine bakıldığında içeriklerinin kullanıcıya tam olarak aksettirilmediği görülmektedir. Bu nedenle ilaç veya gıda takviyesi kullanacak kişi, bunların içeriğinde kendi inanç ve kültürüne uygun olmayan bir madde olup olmadığı hakkında güvenilir bir bilgiye erişme imkanına sahip olamamakta; böyle bir şeyi arzu etse dahi bu bilgilere nereden erişeceği konusunda yeterli bir bilgiye ulaşamamaktadır. İnternet ortamındaki bilgiler ise genel itibariyle bilimsel yeterlilikten yoksun, yeterli bir denetimden geçmemiş bir bilgi kirliliği görünümü arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ilaç ve gıda takviyesi ürünlerin içeriklerinin kullanıcıların kendi ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda şeffaflaştırılması hususundaki düşünce ve tercihlerini belirlemektir. Yöntem: Araştırmanın örneklemini eczanelere başvuran 888 reçete sahibi oluşturdu. 16 soruluk anket verileri toplandı. Veriler tanımlayıcı ve analitik istatistik yöntemleriyle değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Katılımcılar ortalama 40,05 yaşında, %92,9’u şehir veya büyük şehirlerde yaşayan, %62,2’si kadın olan gönüllülerden oluşmaktaydı. Katılımcıların eğitim seviyesi, %54,9 ilköğretim ve %43,2 yüksek öğretim olarak tespit edildi. Gönüllülerin %33,2’si her gün veya haftada en az bir gün ilaç kullanırken %66,8’i hastalandıkça veya nadiren ilaç kullandığını beyan etti. Katılımcıların %92,7’si ilaç kullanmak gerektiğinde hekim veya eczacıya başvuracağını, %92,7’si her zaman veya ihtiyaç olduğunda prospektüs okuduğunu, %92.2’si ilaçların içeriği ile ilgili olarak kendilerini hekim veya eczacının bilgilendirmesi gerektiği kanaatinde olduğunu, %44,5’i ilaç konusunda sağlık meslek mensuplarınca bilgilendirildiğini bildirdi. Gönüllülerin %94.8’i ilaç veya gıda takviyesinde bağımlılık yapıcı madde, alerjik reaksiyona sebep olabilecek bir içerik, alkol veya domuzdan elde edilmiş ürün olup olmadığını bilmek istediğini, böyle bir ürün bulunduğunu öğrenmeleri durumunda katılımcıların %80,8’i önerilen tedaviye veya gıda takviyesine alternatif yollar arayacağını, %10,8’i ise tedaviyi reddedeceğini bildirdi. Sonuç: Kullanıcıların ilaç veya gıda takviyelerine ait içerikleri gösteren bilgilerin kendi inanç ve kültürlerinin gerekliliklerini de yansıtacak şekilde prospektüslere girmesini istedikleri sonucuna varıldı. Prospektüsler hazırlanırken bu konunun da dikkate alınması, hem hasta hakları hem de tüketici hakları yönünden dikkate alınması gerekli bir husus olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Objective: When the medicine leaflets of drugs and food supplements are examined, it is seen that the contents are not fully reflected to the user. For this reason, the person who will use drugs or food supplements does not have the opportunity to access reliable information about whether there is a substance in their content that is not suitable for their own belief and culture; even if he wishes for such a thing, he cannot reach sufficient information about where to access this information. The information on the Internet, on the other hand, presents an information pollution appearance that lacks scientific competence in general and has not been adequately audited. The aim of this study is to determine the opinions and preferences of the users regarding the transparency of the contents of pharmaceutical and food supplement products in line with their own needs. Methods: The sample of the study was made by 888 prescribers who applied to pharmacists, and the answers given to the questionnaire with 16 questions gave the results of the study. The data were evaluated by descriptive and analytical statistical methods. Results: Participants consisted of volunteers with an average age of 40.05, 92.9% living in cities or big cities, and 62.2% women. The educational level of the participants was 54.9% primary education and 43.2% higher education. When 33.2% of volunteers used medication at least once a day or week, 66.8% stated that they sick or rarely used medication. When 92.7% of the participants read the medicine leaflet or read the medicine leaflet whenever necessary, 92.7% of the participants thought that they should inform the physician or pharmacist about the contents of the drugs, 44.5% of the drug the health professions were informed about it. 94.8% of the volunteers wanted to know whether they were addictive substances in medicines or food supplements, a substance that could cause allergic reaction, alcohol or pigs, 80.8% of the participants would search for alternative ways, 10.8% he would deny the treatment. Conclusion: IIt was concluded that patients wanted the information showing the contents of medicines or food supplements to enter the pamphlets to reflect the requirements of their religious beliefs. Considering this issue while preparing the medicine leaflets has been considered as an issue that needs to be taken into account both in terms of patient rights and consumer rights

    The interaction of SIRT1, TLR4 and IL7 in human dementia

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    3rd International Congress of the Turkish-Neuroendocrinology-Society -- JUN 29-JUL 01, 2018 -- Malatya, TURKEYWOS: 000445952400081…Turkish Neuroendocrinol Societ

    Comparison of the efficacy of vestibular rehabilitation and pharmacological treatment in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

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    Aim: The aim of the study is to compare the effects of vestibular rehabilitation and pharmacological treatment in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Materials and methods: Thirty patients (40.93 ± 8.66 years old) diagnosed with BPPV were recruited. Patients were equally divided into pharmacological control group and vestibular rehabilitation group. The pharmacological control group was further divided into Group A (n = 8, 2 doses/day, 24 mg betahistine) and Group B (n = 7, 1 dose/day, 50 mg dimenhydrinate in addition to betahistine). Patients in the rehabilitation group underwent repeated head and eye movements, and Epley or Barbecue Roll Maneuvers were applied for 4 weeks. Subjective assessment of vertigo was measured with the visual analog scale. Static balance parameters were measured with the tandem, one-legged stance, and Romberg tests. Dynamic visual acuity was measured with a Snellen chart, and vestibular dysfunction was measured with the Unterberger (Fukuda stepping) test. All parameters were evaluated before and after treatment. Results: Vestibular rehabilitation resulted in greater improvement in severity of vertigo, balance parameters except Romberg test, and vestibular dysfunction than pharmacological therapy (p 0,05). Conclusion: The vestibular rehabilitation method can positively change the severity of vertigo, balance ability, and vestibular dysfunction compared to pharmacological therapy. Dimenhydrinate administered in combination with betahistine was not superior to betahistine alone but can be recommended for its antiemetic effect