613 research outputs found

    The incidence of thyroid cancer at thyroidectomy materials in Malatya

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    Objective: Thyroid cancers are the most common malignancyof the endocrine organs. It accounts for 1% of allcancer. Environmental, genetic and hormonal factors playan important role in its etiology. The aim of this study is toinvestigate the incidence of thyroid cancer and types atthyroidectomy materials in the city of Malatya.Methods: The pathology reports of thyroid surgical materials,which were sent to Inonu University Medical FacultyPathology Department retrospectively from the archivesbetween the years January 2007 and May 2013. Postoperativehistopathologic examinations of 543 cases wereevaluated for 6 years period.Results: 128 (23.5%) of 543 cases male and 415 (76.5%)were female. The youngest patient was 10, the oldest patientwas 89 years-old, and the average age is 48.1±15.2.Histopathological examination of 346 (64%) cases of nodularhyperplasia, 20 (4%) cases of diffuse hyperplasia, 13(2.4%) cases of lymphocytic thyroiditis, 164 (30.2%) patienthad thyroid tumors. The 164 tumors on the 57 (35%)cases benign, 107 (65%) cases were malign. As a typeof cancer 88 (53.6%) cases papillary carcinoma, 10 (6%)cases follicular carcinoma, 1 (0.6%) case medullary carcinoma,3 (1.8%) cases were anaplastic carcinoma.Conclusion: Thyroid cancer incidence is 19.7% at thyroidectomymaterials in the city of Malatya and most cancersis seen as a type of thyroid papillary carcinoma.Key words: Goitre, thyroid cancer, papillary carcinom

    Concept of Happiness in Schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that affects a person's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Although the symptoms of schizophrenia vary from person to person, the course of the disorder is generally not mild. In addition to these effects of the disease, patients have to struggle with both social and family problems. Having positive feelings such as hope and happiness for patients during this hard period can be a source of motivation in coping with the disease. Indeed, happiness is a basic dimension of a person's life, related to both functionality and achievement. Happiness is a power that supports mental and psychological well-being in many fields, from healthy living to social interaction in individuals. Happiness in schizophrenia points out less depressive mood, less social isolation, and a more hopeful process for the future and treatment process during the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of schizophrenia. However, limited data are available on happiness in schizophrenia due to the long-standing belief that anhedonia is an inherent feature in schizophrenia. In this context, this study aims to create awareness about the ignored concept of happiness in patients with schizophrenia and to evaluate happiness in schizophrenia with its clinical and functional results

    Dedikodu Hemşirelerin İş Performansı Algıları ile İlişkili midir?

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    This study seeks to reveal the relationship between nurse_x000D_ job performance and gossip level. The data were collected from 211 nurses working in training and research_x000D_ hospitals and public hospitals affiliated with the Provincial Directorate of Health in Sakarya province of Turkey_x000D_ between April and June 2018. The data collection tool_x000D_ was a scale consisting of three sections that are Nurse_x000D_ Performance Scale, Gossip Questionnaire, and Introductory Information Form. For analysis, independent sample_x000D_ t test, one-way variance analysis, and correlation and regression analyses were employed. The study showed that_x000D_ there is a negative, insignificant relationship between_x000D_ nurses’ gossip perceptions and performance perceptions_x000D_ (r= -0.134; p>0.05). It is possible to say that despite the_x000D_ negative relationship between influences, one of the subdimensions of gossip, and nurse performance, informal_x000D_ communication among nurses does not create a negative_x000D_ effect on nurse performance.Bu çalışma hemşirelerin iş performansı ile dedikodu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın verileri Nisan-Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasında Sakarya ilinde faaliyet gösteren İl Sağlık Müdürlüğüne bağlı eğitim ve araştırma hastanesi ve kamu hastanesinde çalışan 211 hemşireden toplanmıştır. Veri toplama_x000D_ aracı olarak; hemşire performansı ölçeği, dedikodu ölçeği_x000D_ ve tanıtıcı bilgi formu olmak üzere üç bölümden oluşan anket formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde bağımsız örneklem testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi; korelasyon, regresyon analizleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, hemşirelerin dedikodu işlev algıları ile performans algıları arasında negatif_x000D_ yönlü olmasına rağmen anlamlı ilişkinin olmadığı tespit_x000D_ edilmiştir (r= -0,134; p>0,05). Dedikodu alt boyutundan etkileme boyutu ile hemşirelerin performansları arasında_x000D_ olumsuz yönde etkileşim olsa bile hemşireler arasındaki informal iletişim ağının performansları üzerinde olumsuzluk_x000D_ oluşturmadığını söyleyebiliriz


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    Synthesis of carbon supported palladium particles based on a polyol process was investigated. The activity of Pd catalysts, synthesized by microwave assisted polyol method on carbon support, has been examined for formic acid electro-oxidation reaction. The catalysts were characterized with XRD to identify their nanostructure properties. The effect of catalyst preparation parameters on electrocatalytic performance of catalysts was examined. The electrocatalytic properties of Pd/C catalysts for the oxidation of formic acid were investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The electrocatalytic activity of Pd/C synthesized at 30 s and 130 oC are higher than the other Pd/C catalysts synthesized at different temperature and reaction time. It is proposed that the longer reaction time and higher temperature increased the particle size


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    Küresel bir sorun olan infertilite, fertil çağdaki eşlerin %8 ve %12’lik kısmını etkilemekte ve kişisel, toplumsal ilişkilerde sorunlar meydana getirmektedir. Bireylere hastalığın nedenleri incelenerek çeşitli tedavi yöntemleri uygulanmaktadır. Yardımcı üreme teknolojisi son zamanlarda birçok infertil çiftin çocuk sahibi olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Son yıllarda çoğu gelişmiş ülkedeki doğumların %1-2’sini oluşturmak için yardımcı üreme teknolojisi doğum sıklığı hızla artmakta ve buna bağlı bireylerde komplikasyonlar ve psikolojik sorunlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Hemşireler, infertil çiftlerin tedavi sürecinde büyük sorunların krize dönüşmemesi ve çözümlenmesi adına uygulamalara katkıda bulunmaktadırlar. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri etkili tedavi ve bakımın sağlanması adına kalite ve etkinliği optimize etmek için hemşirelerin mesleki gelişimlerine ihtiyaç duymaktadır

    E-Commerce diffusion path in Türkiye: Agent-based modeling

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    Dijitalleşme süreci toplumu etkileyerek sosyal düzeyde değişim yaratırken ekonomik hayatın da yeni bir boyuta evrimini sağlamaktadır. Dijital dönüşümü ivmelendiren önemli gelişmelerden birisi internetin ortaya çıkmasıdır. Küresel düzeyde internet ağının ortaya çıkması e-ticaret kavramını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de tüketiciler arasında e-ticaret difüzyon patikası şeklinin ve dinamiklerinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada ajan bazlı modelleme ile ekonometrik yöntemlerden oluşan hibrit bir model kullanılmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre bireylerin eticarete adaptasyonunda demografik ve hane özelliklerinin yanı sıra bilgi difüzyon süreçleri temelinde ortaya çıkan toplumsal kültür ve aile kültürü belirleyici olmaktadır. Türkiye’de e-ticaret difüzyon patikası S-şekline sahiptir. E-ticaretin algılanan işlem maliyetinin düşürülmesi ve internet kullanımının desteklenmesi e-ticarete geçiş sürecini hızlandırarak daha dik bir difüzyon patikasının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamaktadır.While the digitalization process creates social change by affecting society, it also provides the evolution of economic life to a new dimension. One of the important developments accelerating digital transformation is the emergence of the internet. The emergence of the internet network at the global level has brought the concept of e-commerce with it. The aim of this study is to determine the shape and dynamics of the e-commerce diffusion path among consumers in Turkey. A hybrid model consisting of agent-based modeling and econometric methods is used in the study. According to findings, in addition to demographic and household characteristics, social culture and family culture that emerged on the basis of information diffusion processes are decisive in the adaptation of individuals to e-commerce. The e-commerce diffusion path in Turkey has an S-shape. Reducing the perceived transaction cost of e-commerce and supporting the use of the internet accelerates the transition to e-commerce, resulting in a steeper diffusion path

    Cure for Fear During the COVID-19 Pandemic Process: Self-Compassion

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    COVID-19 not only creates vital physiological effects on human health, but also creates serious mental effects. Increasing death numbers, emerging new variants and uncertainties about the pandemic process cause people to fear. Increasing the individual protective factors during this period will prevent the emergence of fear even in a negative process such as a pandemic. Accordingly, one of the potential concepts that can help protect individuals from the negative effects of COVID-19 is thought to be self-compassion. The self-compassion that an individual will show to himself while going through these difficult times can be the salve for the fear of COVID-19 and the mental problems it causes during this period. In this direction; In this review, it is aimed to reveal the relationship between the fear of COVID-19 and the concepts of self-compassion. PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Google Scholar databases were searched and six studies were found that examined the fear of COVID-19 and the concept of self-compassion together. When studies are examined, it is reported that individuals with high self-compassion levels experience less fear of COVID-19 and reduce mental problems such as depression and anxiety disorder due to fear of COVID-19. The results of this review will raise awareness of mental health professionals that intervention studies focusing on self-compassion should be applied both to patients in clinical settings and to society in terms of preventive mental health

    Nanoyapılı Multimetalik Pt-Sn-Cs/C ve Pt-M/C (M=Ag, Ca, Cd, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ir, Mg, Pd, Sn, Zr) Doğrudan Beslemeli Etanol Yakıt Pili Katalizörlerinin Elektrokatalitik Özellikleri

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    Carbon supported Pt and Pt-M (M=Ag, Ca, Cd, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ir, Mg, Pd, Sn, Zr) bimetallic nanocatalysts (10% Pt loading) and Pt-Sn-Cs trimetallic nanocatalysts were prepared by ethylene glycol (EG) reduction method. The ethanol electrooxidation (EOR) performance of these catalysts were studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Considering Pt-M bimetallic nanocatalysts, carbon supported Pt-Sn bimetallic nanocatalyst showed the best EOR activity as a result of these CV, CA, EIS measurements. Furthermore, Cs promoted Pt bimetallic nanocatalyst also improved the activity of reverse current, attributed to the basic character of Cs. Pt-Sn nanocatalyst was promoted by Cs to neutralize the surface acid sites of the Pt-Sn nanocatalyst. Pt-Sn-Cs/C nanocatalyst showed the superior activity compared to Pt-Sn nanocatalysts. Hence, we further performed EIS measurements on Pt-Sn-Cs, Pt-Sn, Pt-Cs nanocatalysts to compare their electrocatalytic activities.Karbon destekli Pt ve Pt-M (M=Ag, Ca, Cd, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ir, Mg, Pd, Sn, Zr) bimetalik nanokatalizörler (10% Pt yüklemesi) ve Pt-Sn-Cs trimetalik nanokatalizörler etilen glikol (EG) indirgenme yöntemi ile hazırlanır. Etanol elektro oksitlenme (EOR) performansları döngüsel voltametre (CV), kronoamperometre (CA) ve elektrokimyasal impedans spektroskopisi (EIS) yöntemleri ile çalışılmıştır. Yapılan CV, CA ve EIS ölçümleri sonucunda bimetalik nanokatalizörlerinden karbon destekli Pt-Sn kalay katalizörü en iyi EOR aktivitesini göstermiştir. Ayrıca, Cs katkılanmış Pt bimetalik katalizöründe geri akım pikin aktivitesinin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Bu artışın sebebi Cs metalinin bazik karakterde olmasına bağlanmıştır. Pt-Sn bimetalik nanokatalizörü de Pt-Sn katalizörünün yüzeyindeki asit sitelerini nötralize etmek amacı ile Cs ile katkılanmıştır. Pt-Sn-Cs/C trimetalik katalizörü Pt-Sn da dahil olmak üzere diğer bimetalik katalizörler ile karşılaştırıldığında en iyi aktiviteyi göstermiştir. Bu yüzden Pt-Sn-Cs, Pt-Sn, Pt-Cs nanokatalizörleri üzerinde EIS ölçümleri yapılarak bu katalizörlerin elektrokimyasal özellikleri ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir

    Morfología y tipificación de Szovitsia callicarpa (Apiaceae)

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    The poorly known monotypic genus Szovitsia Fisch. & C.A.Mey, in the Apiaceae family, is here revised. Szovitsia callicarpa Fisch. & C.A.Mey. is an annual herb with a restricted distribution in the Caucasus region and adjacent areas of northwestern Iran and northeastern Turkey. The genus is unusual within the family because of the transverse plicae covering its fruits. In this study, morphological, micromorphological, and anatomical characters of S. callicarpa are reviewed. In addition, a previous lectotypification of the name S. callicarpa is discussed and amended.Se revisa Szovitsia Fisch. & C.A.Mey, un género monotípico y poco conocido en la familia de las Apiaceae. Szovitsia callicarpa Fisch. & C.A.Mey. es una hierba anual con una distribución restringida a la región del Cáucaso y áreas adyacentes del noroeste de Irán y noreste de Turquía. El género es inusual dentro de la familia debido a los pliegues transversales que cubren sus frutos. En este estudio se revisan los caracteres morfológicos, micromorfológicos y anatómicos de esta especie. También se discute y modifica una lectotipificación previa del nombre S. callicarpa