7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of The Effect of Abscissa Part on Seismic Response of Historical Masonry Church

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    Church buildings, which are the worship buildings of the Christian faith, were built in different plan typologies in different regions. There are many church structures built in Anatolia during the Ottoman Period. During the population exchange period in 1924, Muslims settled in the settlement areas instead of the non-Muslim community in Anatolia. In this period, church buildings were converted into mosque structures due to the change in the religious belief of the people. These structures, which are used by cultures belonging to and which are components of urban identity, have gained a place in the memory of the citizens. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure sustainability by protecting it. Churches have been destroyed either completely or locally due to earthquakes that have occurred over time. In this study, it is aimed to examine the earthquake behavior of the structure used as the Maden Mosque in Amasya. The effects and causes of this structural element on the dynamic behavior of the church, whose apse was destroyed, were investigated and reinforcement suggestions were presented accordingly. The 3D finite element model of the church has been developed, and structural responses were investigated under linear and nonlinear dynamic loads. As a result of the analyses, it has been determined that the most critical parts of the structure are the nave and wall at the west facade

    Investigation of the effect of silica fume and synthetic foam additive on cell structure in ultra-low density foam concrete

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    In this study, the properties of ultra-low density foam concrete with silica fume substitute and synthetic foam additive were investigated. Two different references and silica fume substituted foam concretes with densities of 220 and 200 kg/m(3) were produced. Silica fume was used as the replacement material and its ratio in the mixtures was kept constant at 5% by weight. According to the results of the study, the compressive strengths and the thermal conductivity coefficients of the references and silica fume substituted foam concretes with densities of 220 and 200 kg/m(3) were found to be 0.26, 0.21 and 0.32, 0.26 Mpa at 28 days and 0.073, 0.069 and 0.068, 0.060 W/mK, respectively. In addition, the behavior of foam concrete at high temperatures was investigated using a flame source, which can reach up to 1200 degrees C, since temperatures usually exceed 1000 degrees C during a fire. At the end of ten minutes, the heat permeability of silica fume substituted foam concrete exposed to a 1200 degrees C temperature was 6.5% and 5.3%, which was better than reference foam concretes, respectively. As a result, silica fume has positively affected the compressive strength at later ages and thermal conductivity properties of foam concrete

    Structural Assessment of the Historical Yozgat Clock Tower

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    Many methods and tools have been used to measure time throughout history. People started using mechanical watches instead of sundials and hourglasses because of technological advances. After that, they built clock towers, which have become a symbol of cities. Although clock towers were first constructed in Europe, they soon spread to the Ottoman Empire. Now these structures are considered an important component of a country’s cultural heritage, and therefore must be preserved for future generations. The clock tower in Yozgat, Turkey is one such structure. For this study, a three-dimensional model of the Yozgat clock tower was constructed in a digital environment and subjected to static and dynamic analyses. The static analyses demonstrated that the structure is safe in terms of stress and displacement. However, the dynamic analyses demonstrated that damage would be formed in the lower regions of the tower base and extend all the way to the balcony in the event of an earthquake. Both the linear and nonlinear analyses yielded similar results in terms of where the damage would occur. This study could be used as a guide for future restoration studies or endeavors

    Structural Assessment of the Historical Yozgat Clock Tower

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    Many methods and tools have been used to measure time throughout history. People started using mechanical watches instead of sundials and hourglasses because of technological advances. After that, they built clock towers, which have become a symbol of cities. Although clock towers were first constructed in Europe, they soon spread to the Ottoman Empire. Now these structures are considered an important component of a country’s cultural heritage, and therefore must be preserved for future generations. The clock tower in Yozgat, Turkey is one such structure. For this study, a three-dimensional model of the Yozgat clock tower was constructed in a digital environment and subjected to static and dynamic analyses. The static analyses demonstrated that the structure is safe in terms of stress and displacement. However, the dynamic analyses demonstrated that damage would be formed in the lower regions of the tower base and extend all the way to the balcony in the event of an earthquake. Both the linear and nonlinear analyses yielded similar results in terms of where the damage would occur. This study could be used as a guide for future restoration studies or endeavors


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    İslam mimarisinde ana yapılar genellikle farklı şekilde camiler ve külliyelerden oluşmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu tarz yapılara hemen hemen bütün İslam şehirlerinde rastlamak mümkündür. Ancak, geçen zaman içerisinde bu tür yapıların büyük bir bölümü zarar görmekte ve statik ve dinamik yükler etkisi altında risk altında bulunmaktadırlar. Bu yapıların doğru bir şekilde korunması için öncelikli olarak yapısal davranışlarının doğru bir şekilde belirlenmesi oldukça önemlidir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada Merzifon ilçe merkezinde bulunan Kara Mustafa Paşa Cami ele alınmış ve caminin yapısal davranışına odaklanılmıştır. Bu amaçla, Kara Mustafa Paşa Cami sayısal ortamda modellenmiş ve hazırlanan model üzerinde statik ve dinamik analizler yapılarak caminin yapısal performansı araştırılmıştır

    Investigation of the structural performance of alaca minaret mosque

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    Tarihi dönemler içerisinde Merzifon ve yöresi önemli yerleşim alanları olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Bu bölgede yerleşimin artması ile birlikte, şehircilik hareketlerinde hızlanma görülmüş ve farklı medeniyetler tarafından birçok farklı eser inşa edilmiştir. Son olarak Osmanlı hakimiyeti yıllarında Merzifon’da, medrese ve külliye tipi yapılarla birlikte daha çok cami ve mescid türünde yapılar ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada, bu yapı tiplerinden birisi olan Alaca Minare Mescidi yapısal performansının belirlenmesi amacı ile detaylı incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Mescidin üç boyutlu modeli, bilgisayar ortamında oluşturulmuş, daha sonra bu model statik ve deprem analizlerini içeren dinamik analizlere tabi tutulmuştur. Yapılan bu analizlerle, yapının boyut yeterliliği ve deprem etkisi altındaki yapısal performansı tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen bu bilgilere bağlı olarak, caminin olası deprem etkisinde zorlanabilecek ve hasara uğrayabilecek bölümleri ile ilgili bir fikir verilmek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, hasara uğraması muhtemel bu bölgelerin, uygun tekniklerle restorasyonun yapılması gerektiği önerilmiştir.Merzifon and its region are attracting notice as important residential areas during historical periods. With the increase of the settlement in this region, acceleration in movement of urban has occured and many different structures have been built by different civilizations. Finally at Merzifon Ottoman dominance years, not only the madrasas and complex, but also little or big mosques have emerged. In this study, one of these called Alaca Minaret Mosque has been subjected to detailed examination in order to determine its structural performance. Three-dimensional model of the mosque was built on a computer, then this model has been subjected to static and dynamic analysis which includes seismic analysies. With these analysies, it was aimed to determine the size adequacy and structural performance of the mosque under earthquake effect. Depending on the information obtained, it is intended to give an idea about the parts that can be damaged under the effect of a possible earthquake. Also in this study, restoration of mosque parts which can subject to possible damage during an earthquake, with appropriate techniques of restoration was proposed

    Investigation of the structural performance of a masonry domed mosque by experimental tests and numerical analysis

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    Historical masonry mosques are the most important structures of Islamic societies. To estimate the static and dynamic behavior of these historical structures, an examination of their restoration studies is very important. In this study, Kara Mustafa Pasha Mosque, which was built as a domed mosque by Kara Mustafa Pasha between 1666-1667 in Amasya, Turkey, has been analyzed. This study investigates the structural behavior and architectural features of the mosque. In order to determine specific mechanical properties, compression and three-point bending tests were conducted on materials, which have similar age and show similar properties as the examined mosque. Additionally, a three-dimensional finite element model of the mosque was developed and the structural responses were investigated through static and dynamic analyses. The results of the analyses were focused on the stresses and displacements. The experimental test results indicate that the construction materials have greatly retained their mechanical properties over the centuries. The obtained maximum compression and tensile stresses from the analyses have been determined as smaller than the materials' strengths. However, the stresses calculated from dynamic analysis might cause structural problems in terms of tensile stresses