384 research outputs found

    From “Olympic City” to “Olympic State”

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    Olimpiyatlar, 1896 yılından sonra tekrar ulus devletlerin ilgi gösterdiği büyük olaylar haline gelmiştir ve ulus devletler olimpiyatlara ev sahipliği yapmak için birbiriyle yarış içine girmişlerdir. Bu makalede olimpiyatların ulus devlet, ulus inşası, ulusçuluk gibi kavramlardan bağımsız değerlendirilemeyeceği ileri sürülmektedir. Bu çerçevede tarihsel süreç içerisinde olimpiyatların siyasal boyutlarına işaret edilmiştir. Sonuçta, genel olarak büyük olayları, özel olarak da olimpiyatları çalışan birinin bunların siyasal yönlerini dikkate almasının zorunlu olduğuna vurgu yapılmıştırOlympiads as mega-events become one of the most important subjects for nation states since 1896 and they are competing for hosting olympiads. In this article it has been argued that the olympiads can not be evaluated without taking into account nation states, nation building and nationalism. In this context it has been indicated political implications of olympiads in the historical process. In the end it has been emphasized that someone studying specifically on olympiads and generally on mega-events should consider the political aspects of the

    Comparison of Users' Adoption and Use Cases of Facebook and Their Academic Procrastination

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    Academic procrastination is one of the many types of postponing behaviors which almost every person demonstrates from time to time. One of the sources of academic procrastination, which can be expressed as postponing academic-based works to another time without a particular reason, is replacing the work to be done with pleasurable activities such as the internet use. The aim of this study is to compare the adoption and use cases of online social networks which are accessible via the internet and used quite intensively, and academic procrastination behaviors of Facebook users. In this context, the data acquired from 715 Facebook users were analyzed through SPSS 15 software. It was found out that people who use Facebook in accordance with their social relations have higher tendency for academic procrastination than people who use it for daily purposes, furthermore, people who use Facebook for academic purposes do not have a tendency for academic procrastination as a result of the statistical analysis conducted. Another output is that users with high level of adoption of Facebook have more tendency for academic procrastination than users with medium and low level of adoption of Facebook.Academic procrastination is one of the many types of postponing behaviors which almost every person demonstrates from time to time. One of the sources of academic procrastination, which can be expressed as postponing academic-based works to another time without a particular reason, is replacing the work to be done with pleasurable activities such as the internet use. The aim of this study is to compare the adoption and use cases of online social networks which are accessible via the internet and used quite intensively, and academic procrastination behaviors of Facebook users. In this context, the data acquired from 715 Facebook users were analyzed through SPSS 15 software. It was found out that people who use Facebook in accordance with their social relations have higher tendency for academic procrastination than people who use it for daily purposes, furthermore, people who use Facebook for academic purposes do not have a tendency for academic procrastination as a result of the statistical analysis conducted. Another output is that users with high level of adoption of Facebook have more tendency for academic procrastination than users with medium and low level of adoption of Facebook

    Solving travelling salesman problem using hybrid fluid genetic algorithm (HFGA)

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    Gezgin Satıcı Problemi (GSP), bir satıcının bütün şehirleri sadece bir defa ziyaret ederek başlangıç noktasına dönmesini sağlayan en kısa rotanın belirlendiği problemdir. GSP, araç rotalamadan baskılı devre kartı montajına kadar birçok problemin temelini oluşturur. Bu problem, optimizasyon alanında çalışan kişilerden büyük ilgi görmüştür, ancak özellikle büyük ölçekli veri kümeleri için çözülmesi zordur. Bu çalışmada, GSP’nin çözümü için Akışkan Genetik Algoritma, En Yakın Komşu ve 2-Opt sezgiselleri üzerine kurulu melez bir yöntem sunulmaktadır. Önerilen yöntemin performansı literatürde bulunan En Yakın Komşu, Genetik Algoritma, Tabu Arama, Karınca Kolonisi Optimizasyonu ve Ağaç Fizyolojisi Optimizasyon algoritmaları kullanılarak elde edilen çözüm değerleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Önerilen yöntemin sonuçları çözüm süresi ve kalitesi bakımından üstünlük göstermektedir

    A novel approximation method to obtain initial basic feasible solution of transportation problem

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    The transportation problem is one of the important problems in the field of optimization. It is related to finding the minimum cost transportation plan for moving to a certain number of demand points from a certain number of sources. Various methods for solving this problem have been included in the literature. These methods are usually developed for an initial solution or optimal solution. In this study, a novel method to find the initial solution to the transportation problem is proposed. This new method called Karagul-Sahin Approximation Method was compared with six initial solution methods in the literature using twenty-four test problems. Compared to other methods, the proposed method has obtained the best initial solution to 17 of these problems with remarkable calculation times. In conclusion, the solutions obtained by the proposed method are as good as the solutions obtained with Vogel's approach and as fast as the Northwest Corner Method


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    The purpose of the study is to ascertain misconceptions of students at 3rd grade of primary schools in respect of concepts such as force, matter, light and sound. The study was conducted at a primary school located in the province of Ordu, district of Unye, Turkey. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysis method at this study conducted with the qualitative research method. As the data collection tool, a test for ascertaining misconceptions calculated as Cronbach Alfa coefficient 0.673 (KYBT), developed by the researcher as well as a semi-structured interview form were used. KYBT including 12 questions were posed to 30 3rd grade students. Also, interview studies were conducted with 8 students. Misconceptions included in answers given by students to test questions are shown in tables. Data derived from interview forms was analyzed with descriptive analyses and results were given in tabular form. According to data derived, misconceptions of students regarding the subject of force, direction change, deceleration and acceleration, and dangers posed by moving objects to humans. With regards to the matter, misconceptions such as ability to distinguish certain liquids by touching and hardships in understanding were ascertained in connection with features characterizing the mater. When it comes to the light and sound, sources of natural and artificial sound, relation between the severity of sound and the distance as well as sources of sound that could lead to loss of hearing losses, high level of misconceptions and hardships in understanding were identified. However, although a few students think that, in connection with the force, taking a photo can move objects, there is almost no misconception with regards to concepts such as pushing-pulling. When it comes to the matter, there is too little misconception about distinguishing matters by their odors, matters that can cause damage if smelled and classification of matters by their forms, and, with regards to the sound, about hearing of the sound. In particular, it was understood that answers given for questions about abstract concepts are correlated with the wrong or incomplete experiences in the daily life. In this sense, for the purpose of teaching of concepts connected with the science education or life sciences to be offered at the primary school, it is suggested that perceptions, misconceptions and understanding difficulties relating to abstract concepts in particular be ascertained and that curriculums, course sources and other teaching materials be developed based on such data so derived.  Article visualizations

    The Role of Media Literacy in Online Information Searching Strategies

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    Along with the spread of Web 2.0 technologies, individuals' habits such as learning, socializing, and getting information have changed rapidly. A lot of information, the accuracy of which cannot be trusted, is available in the web, and it becomes difficult to choose useful, relevant, and accurate information. This pollution is also present in the media. The abilities to choose messages in the media, to look at these messages critically, and to produce your own messages are considered among the 21st-century skills. These reasons bring media literacy (ML) and online information searching strategies (OISS) to the agenda. The processes of ML and OISS have interrelated features. Therefore, it is important and necessary to examine these concepts together. Based on this necessity, the aim of the study was to determine the role of ML in OISS. To this end, the data were collected from 1809 pre-service teachers using the OISS inventory and the ML level determination scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, MANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. According to the results, pre-service teachers' ML and OISS levels were above the moderate level. ML and OISS vary significantly according to the type of websites. In conclusion, ML was revealed as a predictor variable that could explain OISS at a rate of 33.2%

    Defining Teachers’ Technostress Levels: A Scale Development

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    With the integration of technology in recent years, use of technology has rapidly increased in educational system, and has become almost a must rather than an option. The use of technology in educational processes accompanies some adaptation issues due to the nature of technology (rapid development, cost, need for electricity, change of roles, etc.). An important professional group that has been affected from this process is teaching. The pressure on teachers results in a stress commonly referred as techno-stress. The purpose of the present study is developing a Likert-type scale called as “Teachers’ Techno-stress Levels Defining Scale (TTLDS)” intended for defining teachers’ techno-stress levels. In accordance with this purpose, data were collected from 395 teachers. The steps followed in the present scale development study respectively are; forming the theoretical framework and pool of items, getting expert opinion, and testing validity and reliability. To define factor structure for validity, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and item discrimination; and for reliability internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach Alpha) and split-halves reliability coefficient (Spearman-Brown) were calculated. Validity and reliability studies resulted in a 28-item, five-factor (“Learning-Teaching Process Oriented”, “Profession Oriented”, “Technical Issue Oriented”, “Personal Oriented”, and “Social Oriented”) scale. For reliability coefficients, Cronbach Alpha was calculated as 0.917, and Spearman-Brown was calculated as 0.845. Keywords: Technostress, Psychology, ICT use, Teachers

    Predicting the intermingled yarn number of nips and nips stability with neural network models

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    This study aims at predicting the effects of selected process parameters on nips stability and number of nips by using different artificial intelligence methods. Partially oriented polyester yarn with 283 dtex linear density and different numbers of filaments are intermingled with different speed and pressure levels. The feed forward neural network with multi-hidden layers (ML-FFNN) and general regression neural networks (GRNN) have been selected as artificial intelligence methods. The number of filaments, intermingling speed and pressure values are used as input variables on the artificial neural networks. The effects of number of hidden layers on the ML-FFNN and number of nodes in the hidden layer are investigated. Based on comparative results, the ML-FFNN is found to give better performance (at most 6%) than by GRNN in terms of prediction accuracy on train and test data sets. It can be concluded from this study that the neural networks has great ability to predict intermingling process parameters

    Evaluation of the impact of residual anhydramnios following preterm premature rupture of membranes on respiratory distress syndrome

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    Objective The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of residual anhydramnios following preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) on respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) after the pregnancy was expectantly managed. Methods This study was retrospectively conducted at Erciyes University Medical School, Turkey. It assessed women with singleton pregnancies admitted to the hospital between 2010 and 2020 for expectant management of PPROM between 24th and 28th gestational weeks. The patients were divided into three groups as follows: (1) anhydramnios, (2) oligohydramnios, (3) normal amniotic fluid volume (AFV). Main outcome measure was as follows: The first evaluation was AFV at admission and the primary outcome was a neonatal RDS. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for RDS were calculated for each AFV-at-presentation adjusting for gestational age (GA) at PPROM, GA at delivery, latency period, birth-weight percentile, cesarean birth, and chorioamnionitis. Results Of the 440 women with PPROM, 261 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. There were 125 (47.8%) with normal AFV, 71 (27.3%) with oligohydramnios, and 65 (24.9%) with anhydramnios at admission. The maternal demographic characteristics were similar among the groups. Birth weight was significantly different among the groups. RDS was highest in the anhydramnios group (64.6%). Decreased AFV was not associated with RDS in either oligohydramnios or anhydramnios at presentation. A GA at PPROM, latency period >30 days, and cesarean delivery were co-factors in the outcome. Conclusion Our results indicated that oligohydramnios and anhydramnios were not associated with RDS risk, but GA at PPROM and delivery, latency period, and cesarean delivery were independently associated with the RDS risk