541 research outputs found

    An efficient heuristic for the multi-vehicle one-to-one pickup and delivery problem with split loads

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    In this study, we consider the Multi-vehicle One-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem with Split Loads (MPDPSL). This problem is a generalization of the one-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) where each load can be served by multiple vehicles as well as multiple stops by the same vehicle. In practice, split deliveries is a viable option in many settings where the load can be physically split, such as courier services of third party logistics operators. We propose an efficient heuristic that combines the strengths of Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing for the solution of MPDPSL. Results from experiments on two problems sets in the literature indicate that the heuristic is capable of producing good quality solutions in reasonable time. The experiments also demonstrate that up to 33\% savings can be obtained by allowing split loads; however, the magnitude of savings is dependent largely on the spatial distribution of the pickup and delivery points

    TFRS (TMS 1,TMS 2,TMS 7, TMS 18, TMS 24, TMS 40) ve SPK muhasebe standartlarının IFRS ile karşılaştırılması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalısmada, Uluslararası Muhasebe/Finansal Raporlama Standartları, TürkiyeMuhasebe/Finansal Raporlama Standartları ve Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu MuhasebeStandartları incelenerek çalısma kapsamındaki standartların benzerlik ve farklılıkyönlerinden karsılastırılması amaçlanmaktadır.Bu kapsamda, yayınlanan muhasebe standartlarından isletmelerde uygulanması en fazlaolan; finansal tabloların sunulusu, stoklar, nakit akım tablosu, hasılat, iliskili taraflar veyatırım amaçlı gayrimenkuller muhasebe standartları IASC/IASB, TMSK ve SPKmuhasebe standartları açısından karsılastırılmıstır.Çalısmanın birinci bölümünde, muhasebe standartlarının tanımı, önemi, ulusal veuluslar arası boyutu incelenmistir. Çalısmanın ikinci bölümünde, Türkiye'de veDünya'da muhasebe standartları ile ilgili çalısmalar yapan kuruluslara değinilmistir.Çalısmanın üçüncü bölümünde, IAS/TMS 1, IAS/TMS 2, IAS/TMS 7, IAS/TMS 18,IAS/TMS 24 ve IAS/TMS 40 kısımları IASC/IASB, TMSK ve SPK muhasebestandartları açısından karsılastırılmıstır. Üçüncü bölüm çalısmanın asıl amacınıolusturan bölümdür.Karsılastırılan muhasebe standartları büyük ölçüde birbirleri ile örtüsmektedir. Bununlabirlikte, bazı sekil ve içerik yönünden farklılıklar ortaya çıkmıstır. Bunun nedeni ise,her ülkenin muhasebe uygulamalarının ve vergisel yapısının farklı olmasıdır.Anahtar ke l ime l e r : Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları, Türkiye Finansal RaporlamaStandartları, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Muhasebe StandartlarıIn this study, International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards, TurkishAccounting/Financial Reporting Standards and the Accounting Standards of theCapital Market Board were examined and a comparison in terms of similarities anddifferences were aimed for the standards within the scope of this study.Within this scope, the most commonly implemented accounting standards of thestandards published; presentation of financial statements, inventories, cash flowstatements, revenue, related party disclosures and investment property accountingstandards IASC/IASB, TASB and CMB were compared in terms of accountingstandards.The definition of accounting standards, its importance, its national and internationalaspects was examined in the first part of this study. The establishments in Turkey andin the World which conduct studies in accounting standards are mentioned in thesecond part of the study. In the third part of the study, the parts of the IAS/TAS 1,IAS/TAS 2, IAS/TAS 7, IAS/TAS 18, IAS/TAS 24 and IAS/TAS 40 andIASC/IASB, TASB and CMB were compared in terms of the accounting standards.The third part is the key part which explains the purpose of the study.The compared accounting standards are more or less the same as each other.However, some differences were noticed in terms of form and content. The reason forthat is because every country?s accounting practises and the taxing structure aredifferent.Keywords: International Financial Reporting Standards, Turkish Financial ReportingStandards, the Accounting Standards of the Capital Market Boar

    When does the cumulative offer process produce an allocation?

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    This thesis examines the properties of an algorithm, namely the Cumulative Offer Process (COP), which has been the principal algorithm in the matching with contracts setting. Matching with contracts is an allocation problem which employs contracts as its basic unit of analysis. We examine properties of COP under the substitutes (S) condition as well as the bilateral substitutes (BS) and the unilateral substitutes (US) conditions. These conditions are imposed on the choice functions of hospitals to obtain desirable matchings. In our research, we found that in the absence of IRC, the US, and hence automatically the BS, does not guarantee the existence of a feasible allocation that is produced by COP, yet S guarantees it. Therefore, our study shows that IRC is an essential property of choice functions of hospitals in order for the COP algorithm to be well-defined under BS or US

    Metacognitive Activities Performed by Pre-Service Science Teachers in Scientific Reasoning Skills Teaching with the POE Technique

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the pre-service teachers’ metacognitive activities occurring in the teaching scientific reasoning skills with the POE technique. The participants of the research included six pre-service science teachers who were seniors in the science education department of at a university in the west of Turkey. The holistic single-case design was used as the research method in this study. The POE Activity Report, an Activity Journal and a Semi-structured Metacognition Observation Form were used to examine the participants’ metacognitive activities. Inductive and comparative analysis was used to. It was found that (i)  the pre-service teachers performed various monitoring activities (f = 13) and evaluating activities (f = 4) in the teaching of six different scientific reasoning skills (control of variables, proportional reasoning, correlation reasoning, probability reasoning, combinational reasoning, hypothetical-deductive reasoning) with the POE technique; (ii) there was more variety in metacognitive activities performed by pre-service teachers in teaching of control of variables (f = 15), there was least diversity in the teaching of hypothetical-deductive reasoning skill (f = 10). The results were discussed in line with the related literature, and suggestions were presented regarding the teaching of scientific reasoning skills

    Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin tamamlayıcı sağlık yaklaşımları konusunda bilgi, tutum ve uygulamaları

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    ABS TRACT Objective: The descriptive study was conducted to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing students when it comes to complementary health approaches (CHA). Material and Methods: The study was conducted with 264 nursing students who were studying at Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Health School in Turkey. Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the director of the college, students and ethics committee. Descriptive statistical methods were used. Percentage and frequency values were given as descriptive statistics. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the relationship between numerical variables not showing normal distribution. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The most common CHA were praying, exercising and imagery therapy. One third of the nursing students had received information about CHA. Students stated internet, TV, newspapers, magazines, books and family, respectively as information sources. Additionally, nearly half of the nursing students stated that they have used CHA. The most frequently used CHA by students was praying. About half of the students used CHA in stress situations. Most of the students stated that massage was useful. Three fourth of the students reported that CHA positively affected one’s psychology and recovery. There was a statistically significant difference between students’ class and use of CHA (p<0.05). A weak positive correlation was found between the status of nursing students benefiting from CHA and recommending CHA (r=0.169; p=0.038), and a positive correlation was found between the knowledge levels of CHA and recommending CHA (r=0.193; p=0.029) and benefitting from CHA (r=0.985; p=0.001). Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, it was determined that nursing students had a generally positive attitude about CHA but their knowledge level and practices related to CHA were insufficient; however, a positive relationship was found between students' levels of knowledge about CHA and their recommending and benefiting status of CHA.Amaç: Bu tanımlayıcı çalışma, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin tamamlayıcı sağlık yaklaşımları (TSY) konusunda bilgi, tutum ve uygulamalarını belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma, Türkiye’de Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu’ndaki 264 hemşirelik öğrencisiyle yapıldı. Çalışmanın yapılabilmesi için öğrencilerden, okul yöneticisinden ve etik kuruldan izin alındı. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler kullanılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı istatistikler olarak yüzde ve frekans değerleri verilmiştir. Normal dağılım göstermeyen sayısal değişkenler arasındaki ilişki ise Spearman korelasyon katsayısı ile değerlendirildi. p<0.05 istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Dua, egzersiz ve hayal kurma en sık bilinen TSY idi. Öğrencilerin, üçte biri TSY hakkında bilgi aldıklarını ifade etti. Öğrenciler bilgi kaynaklarının sırasıyla internet, TV, gazete, dergi ve kitap olduğunu belirttiler. Öğrencilerin, yaklaşık yarısı TSY kullandıklarını belirtti. Öğrencilerin en sık kullandığı TSY dua idi. Öğrencilerin, yarıdan fazlası stresli durumlarda TSY’yi kullanmaktadır. Öğrencilerin çoğunluğu masajın yararlı olduğunu ifade etti. Öğrencilerin dörtte üçü TSY’nin bireyin psikolojisini ve iyileşmesini pozitif yönde etkilediğini belirttiler. Öğrencilerin, öğrenim gördükleri sınıflar ile TSY kullanma durumu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0,05). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin, TSY’den yarar sağlama ve TSY’yi tavsiye etme durumları arasında (r=0,169; p=0,038) pozitif yönde zayıf bir ilişki olduğu ve TSY hakkında bilgi düzeyi ile TSY’yi tavsiye etme (r=0,193; p=0,029) ve TSY’den yarar sağlama (r=0,985; p=0,001) durumları arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre hemşirelik öğrencilerinin, TSY hakkında genelde olumlu tutuma sahip olduğu, konuya ilişkin bilgi ve uygulamalarının yetersiz olduğu ancak öğrencilerin TSY hakkındaki bilgi düzeyi ile tavsiye etme ve yarar sağlama durumları arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu bulundu

    Pankreatik olmayan ağır sepsisli hastalarda belirleyici faktörler olarak yüksek C-reaktif protein ve amilaz değerleri

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    Amaç: Kritik hastalarda sepsis ilerleyen multi organ yetmezliği ile ilişkilidir. Ağır sepsiste ilave biyogöstergeler, yüksek riskli hastaların etkili tedavi seçiminde ve prognozun belirlenmesi mücadelesinde başarılı olmak için gereklidir. Bu araştırmada ağır sepsisli hastalarda sağkalım için belirleyici faktörler olarak serumda C-reaktif protein (CRP) ve amilaz değerlendirildi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya ağır sepsis kriterlerini sağlayan 95 hasta (42 erkek, 53 kadın) dahil edildi. APACHE II skorları, serum CRP ve amilaz düzeyleri hastaların yoğun bakım ünitesine kabul edildiğinde, iki gün sonra ve yoğun bakım ünitesinden taburcu edildiği gün veya kaybedildikleri gün alındı. Bulgular: Amilaz ve ortalama CRP düzeyleri ile APACHE II skorları yaşamını kaybeden hastalarda, sağ kalan hastalardan anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Sonuç: Serum amilaz ve CRP, ağır sepsisli hastalarda sağkalımı belirleyicidir. Yüksek amilaz ve CRP düzeyleri ağır sepsisli hastaların risk değerlendirmesinde ve gelecek çalışmalarda yüksek riskli hastaların sınıflandırılmasında değerli araçlar olarak görülebilir.Objectives: Sepsis in critical illness is associated with the progressive failure of multiple organs. Additional biomarkers in severe sepsis are needed to tackle the challenges of determining a prognosis and optimizing the selection of high-risk patients for therapy. This paper evaluates serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and amylase as prognostic factors for survival in patients with severe sepsis. Patients and Methods: Ninety-five patients (42 males, 53 females) meeting the criteria for severe sepsis were chosen for the study. APACHE II scores, serum levels of CRP and amylase were taken on admission to an intensive care unit, two days later, and on the day of discharge from the intensive care unit or on the day of death. Results: Amylase levels, median CRP levels, and APACHE II scores were significantly higher in the non-survivors than in the surviving patients. Conclusion: Serum amylase and CRP are predictors of survival in patients with severe sepsis. High amylase and CRP levels appear to be a valuable tool for individual risk assessment in severe sepsis patients and for stratification of high-risk patients in future intervention trials

    Solving a robust airline crew pairing problem with column generation

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    In this study, we solve a robust version of the airline crew pairing problem. Our concept of robustness was partially shaped during our discussions with small local airlines in Turkey which may have to add a set of extra flights into their schedule at short notice during operation. Thus, robustness in this case is related to the ability of accommodating these extra flights at the time of operation by disrupting the original plans as minimally as possible. We focus on the crew pairing aspect of robustness and prescribe that the planned crew pairings incorporate a number of predefined recovery solutions for each potential extra flight. These solutions are implemented only if necessary for recovery purposes and involve either inserting an extra flight into an existing pairing or partially swapping the flights in two existing pairings in order to cover an extra flight. The resulting mathematical programming model follows the conventional set covering formulation of the airline crew pairing problem typically solved by column generation with an additional complication. The model includes constraints that depend on the columns due to the robustness consideration and grows not only column-wise but also row-wise as new columns are generated. To solve this dicult model, we propose a row and column generation approach. This approach requires a set of modifications to the multi-label shortest path problem for pricing out new columns (pairings) and various mechanisms to handle the simultaneous increase in the number of rows and columns in the restricted master problem during column generation. We conduct computational experiments on a set of real instances compiled from a local airline in Turkey

    Treatment adherence and short-term outcomes of smoking cessation outpatient clinic patients

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    INTRODUCTION Previous studies have shown that adherence to treatment is fundamental to success in smoking cessation. However, smoking cessation medication regimens are limited significantly by the struggle to adhere to them. This study was conducted to evaluate the factors associated with treatment adherence and quitting success in a group of patients that applied to our smoking cessation outpatient clinic (SCC). METHODS Patients that applied to SCC between April 2015 and December 2016 who were evaluated, found suitable for smoking cessation interventions and started pharmacological treatment were included in this study. Only those who could be reached by phone three months after their first application became participants. Those who had used the prescribed treatment for at least 30 days were grouped as treatment-adherent. RESULTS In total, data for 346 patients were evaluated. Mean (±SD) age was 44.3±13.9 years; most of them were male (63%), primary school graduated (36.1%), self-employed (43.7%), and had no comorbid diseases (71%). Bupropion was started in 52% of the patients, that rate was 35.8% for varenicline and 12.1% for a combination of the nicotine patch and gum. Mean days for treatment use was 20.9±18.5; 59% of the patients were non-adherent to their treatment and 51.7% had only one control visit number. Adverse reactions due to treatment were recorded in 25% of participants, and at their third month 37.9% of them had quit smoking. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, increase in control visit number, absence of adverse reaction, and varenicline use, were each associated with higher treatment adherence (p<0.001) and only being in the treatment-adherent group was associated with quit success (OR=3.01, 95% CI: 1.88–4.81, p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS This study showed that most patients did not use their prescribed SC treatments adequately; a main factor that affects quit success is treatment adherence. There is a need for closer monitoring and follow-up to ensure adequate use of treatment of patients