283 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analytically measure the fully developed laminar flow and heat transfer the water-based nanofluids, Cu, CuO, and Al2O3, within a micropipe with constant heat flux, under the temperature jump and slip rate boundary conditions. Knudsen number, nanoparticle volumes, and ratios of liquid layer thickness to particle radius are assumed, 0, 0.02, 0.04; 0%, 4%, %8, and 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, respectively. The findings suggest that adding nanoparticles to flow area has significant effect on both the velocity field and the heat transfer. There is a significant decline in the velocity both at the core and on the walls in the velocity area, due to the increase in the solid volume and the ratios of liquid layer thickness to particle radius after adding nanoparticles to flow area, and the increase of Nusselt number is significantly proportional to that of the solid volume and the ratios of liquid layer thickness to particle radius. Among the nanoparticles, Cu, CuO, and Al2O3, used as nanofluids within the micropipe, Cu is found to be the one with the highest heat transfer enhancement, followed by Al2O3, and CuO, respectively

    Experimental study on the ability of different biogas level dual fuel spark ignition engine: Emission mitigation, performance, and combustion analysis

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    The major aim of the research is to investigate the ability of biogas as an alternative fuel for gasoline-powered Spark Ignition (SI) engine. In this study, biogas/gasoline fuel mixtures containing different ratios of biogas, gasoline, and biogas were tested in an SI engine with an increased compression ratio at different engine loads and constant engine speed. According to the comparison with gasoline, the utilization of biogas generally decreased the Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE), while the Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) rose. The lowest BTE and the highest BSFC were obtained with 100% biogas. Compared to gasoline, a decrease of 16.04% and an increase of 75.52% were observed, respectively. On the other hand, the use of biogas has improved all emissions. The best emission values were obtained with 100% biogas. Compared to gasoline, Carbon monOxide (CO), HydroCarbon (HC), and Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions decreased by 56.42%, 63%, and 48.96%, respectively. Finally, according to the results of the combustion analysis, the peak pressures were reduced with the utilization of biogas, and the position of the peak pressure shifted by 2 degrees to 3 degrees Crank Angle (CA). Compared to gasoline, the lowest pressure was obtained with 100% biogas, resulting in a reduction of approximately 24.69%

    Response surface methodology-based parameter optimization of single-cylinder diesel engine fueled with graphene oxide dosed sesame oil/diesel fuel blend

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    In this study, an experimental study was carried out to determine the effects of adding different amounts of graphene oxide (GO) on engine characteristics to a single-cylinder diesel engine operating with 30% sesame oil (SO) + 70% diesel fuel mixture. After that, an optimization was carried out with response surface methodology (RSM) to determine optimum operating conditions at different engine loads. Experimental results showed that GO nanoparticle is a good addition for diesel–biodiesel blends to enhance the performance and reduce emissions. The most appropriate amount of GO is between 75 ppm and 100 ppm for the performance characteristics. The optimal amount of GO for power is 75 ppm, while for brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and exhaust gas temperature (EGT) it is 100 ppm. In addition, the maximum GO amount of 100 ppm is the most suitable for carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC), and 75 ppm GO amount is the most appropriate for nitrogen oxides (NOx). On the other hand, optimization results revealed that 100 ppm GO at 1950 W load was optimum conditions for all responses. The responses that emerged under optimum conditions were 1746.77 W, 968.73 g/kWh, 259.8 ?C, 0.0603%, 23.13 ppm and 185.61 ppm for power, BSFC, EGT, CO, HC, and NOx, respectively. According to the validation study, the error between the optimum and experimental results is 4.69% maximum. According to the findings of study, it can be concluded that the RSM model can successfully model a single-cylinder diesel engine and thus save time, and money. © 2022No financial support was received from any institution or organization for this study


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    Küresel kapitalizme özgü neoliberal politikalar ulusal ve uluslar arası düzeyde pek çok eşitsizliğe neden olmaktadır. Oluşan eşitsizlik alanlarında kadınlar daha da eşitsiz konumdadırlar. Pek çok alanda yaşanan güç ilişkileri toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği unsurunu yaratmaktadır. Türkiye'de de toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği nedeniyle kadınlar daha düşük öğrenime sahip olmakta, daha az işgücüne katılmakta, daha az gelir elde etmektedir. Bunlara toplumsal baskının da eklenmesiyle yaşanan cinsiyet eşitsizliği doğrudan ya da dolaylı etki ile sağlıksızlığa neden olmaktadır. Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği sağlık alanında kadının en çok üreme sağlığını etkilemektedir. Türkiye'de toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin kadın üreme sağlığına ilişkin başlıca etkileri kadına yönelik şiddet, namus cinayetleri, kızlık zarı kontrolü, cinsiyet seçimi ya da ihmal, istenmeyen ya da ergen gebelikler, sağlıksız koşullarda düşükler, cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıklar, hastalıkların tanısında gecikme, üreme sağlığı hizmetlerine ulaşamamadır. Bunların da sonucunda kadınlar daha çok hastalık yüküne sahip olmakta, engelliliğe maruz kalmakta ya da ölmektedir. The neoliberal policies of the global capitalism cause many inequalities in national and international level. Within these inequalities, women are in more unfavorable situation. Power relationships that can be seen in many areas create gender inequalities. In Turkey, with the effect of gender inequalities, women are less educated, participated less in labor force and earned less. With the addition of social pressure, gender inequalities cause directly or indirectly ill health. Gender inequalities affect mostly reproductive health in health sector. In Turkey, main influences of gender inequalities on reproductive health are violence against women, honor murders, physical control of the hymen, gender selection, unwanted pregnancies or pregnancy in adolescence, abortion in unhealthy circumstances, sexually transmitted diseases, late diagnosis of the diseases, difficulty in accessing reproductive health service. As a conclusion, women face with higher burden of the diseases, disability or death


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    The present research aims to determine the quality of life and factors affecting the quality of life of families who stay in accommodational institutions. Simple random sampling method was used in the research; and 12 accommodational institutions in Antalya were researched as a cluster. The sample group comprised a total of 200 families with children. The "World Health Organization Brief Form ofQuality of Life Assessment Questionnaire" was used in the study. The research data were analyzed using the SPSS 17 program. T test and variance analysis were used in the assessment of data. A Tukey test was used in the multiple comparison of groups. Significant differences were found between scale sub-dimensions, age, educationalstatus, profession and income level of families who participated in the research (p<.05)

    The Evaluation of Studies On Decreasing Intensive Care Infections with the Data of 8 Years Surveillance

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    Amaç Burdur Devlet Hastanesinin iki farklı yoğun bakım ünitesinde, enfeksiyon hızlarının azaltılmasına yönelik yaptığımız çalışmaları, 8 yıllık sürveyans verileri ışığında tartışmayı amaçladık. Materyal ve Metot Enfeksiyon hızının azaltılması için düzeltici faaliyetlerde; eğitimler, fiziki şartlardaki düzeltmeler, yatak sayısı ve basamak değişiklikleri irdelendi. Enfeksiyon hızının tespitinde; 01 Ocak 2008 – 30 Kasım 2015 tarihleri arasında yapılan sürveyans verileri dikkate alındı. Bulgular İki farklı yoğun bakımda toplam 5354 hasta ve 28164 hasta günü değerlendirildi. Sekiz yıllık süreçte; cerrahi yoğun bakım (CYB) yatak sayısı 5, dahili yoğun bakım (DYB) yatak sayısı 9 artarken ve basamak 1’den 2’ye yükseldi. Başta temizlik personelleri olmak üzere, tüm yoğun bakım çalışanlarına eğitimler düzenlendi. Yılda ortalama 45,8 eğitim yaplmıştı. İnvaziv araç kullanımında; üriner kateterde belirgin bir fark gözlenmezken, santral venöz kateter ve ventilatör kullanımında azalma olduğu görüldü. Hastane enfeksiyonu hızında CYB’da %46,67’den %3,76’ya, DYB’da %39,68’den %4,87’ye gerileme oldu. Kateter ilişkili üriner sistem enfeksiyonunda CYB’da %21,35, DYB’da %22,8 gerileme tespit edildi. Ventilatör ilişkili pnömonide CYB’da %19, DYB’da %17,37 azalma görüldü. Kateter ilişkili enfeksiyonda CYB’da %3,87, DYB’da %9,22 azalma görüldü. Sonuç Yoğun bakımlarda enfeksiyonların kontrol altına alınması için; multidisipliner bir yaklaşım gereklidir. İnvaziv araç kullanımının azaltılması kadar, bu araçların kullanılması esnasında hijyen kurallarının da kritik öneme sahip olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Bu amaçla nitelikli ve hedefe yönelik eğitimlerin yapılması, tüm yoğun bakım çalışanlarının bu eğitimlere dahil edilmesi faydalı olacaktır.Aim In this article, we aimed to discuss studies on decreasing intensive care infection rates in two different ICU of Burdur State Hospital under the light of 8 years of surveillance data. Materials and Methods Education, correction of physical conditions, number of beds and category changes were examined for the corrective actions in order to reduce the infection rate. For the determination of infection rate; held surveillance data was considered between 01/01/2008 and 30/11/2015. Results In two different ICU, total 5354 patient, 28164 patients day was evaluated. In 8 years, surgical intensive care unit’s (SICU) bed count elevated 5, internal intensive care unit’s (IICU) 9 and degree from 1 to2. Training was organized for all ICU staff. The average annual was 45.8. In the use of invasive instruments; there was no significant difference observed in urinary catheterization, however there was a reduction in the use of central venous catheters and ventilator in this period. Hospital infection rates decresed from 46.67% to 3.76% in SICU and from 39.68% to 4.87% in IICU. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections was decresed 21.35% in SICU and 22.8% in IICU. Decrease in ventilator-associated pneumonia was observed as 19% in SICU and 17.37% in IICU. Also decrease in catheter related infections was observed as 3.87% in SICU and 9.22% in IICU. Conclusion A multidisciplinary approach is needed for the control of infections in intensive care unit. As the reducing the use of invasive instruments, critical importance of hygiene rules should be noted during the use of these tools. For this purpose, performing a qualified and targeted education with the participation of all staff in intensive care unit would be beneficial

    The Evaluation of Studies On Decreasing Intensive Care Infections with the Data of 8 Years Surveillance

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    AimIn this article, we aimed to discuss studies on decreasing intensive care infection rates in two different ICU of Burdur State Hospital under the light of 8 years of surveillance data.Materials and MethodsEducation, correction of physical conditions, number of beds and category changes were examined for the corrective actions in order to reduce the infection rate. For the determination of infection rate; held surveillance data was considered between 01/01/2008 and 30/11/2015.ResultsIn two different ICU, total 5354 patient, 28164 patients day was evaluated. In 8 years, surgical intensive care unit’s (SICU) bed count elevated 5, internal intensive care unit’s (IICU) 9 and degree from 1 to2. Training was organized for all ICU staff. The average annual was 45.8. In the use of invasive instruments; there was no significant difference observed in urinary catheterization, however there was a reduction in the use of central venous catheters and ventilator in this period. Hospital infection rates decresed from 46.67% to 3.76% in SICU and from 39.68% to 4.87% in IICU. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections was decresed 21.35% in SICU and 22.8% in IICU. Decrease in ventilator-associated pneumonia was observed as 19% in SICU and 17.37% in IICU. Also decrease in catheter related infections was observed as 3.87% in SICU and 9.22% in IICU.ConclusionA multidisciplinary approach is needed for the control of infections in intensive care unit. As the reducing the use of invasive instruments, critical importance of hygiene rules should be noted during the use of these tools. For this purpose, performing a qualified and targeted education with the participation of all staff in intensive care unit would be beneficial

    Treatment uptake levels among the coronary heart disease patients at the university hospital

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    AMAÇ: Amaç bir üniversite hastanesinde koroner kalp hastalığı olan 35 yaş ve üzeri kişilerdeki risk etmenlerinin, uygulanan tedavi düzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. YÖNTEMLER: Tanımlayıcı tipteki araştırma Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hastanesi'nde yapılmıştır. Geriye dönük taranan kayıtlara göre DEÜ Hastanesi'nde 1 Ocak- 31 Aralık 2008'de KKH ve koroner bypass tanılı hastalar çalışmanın olgularını oluşturmuştur. Toplam 392 hastaya ulaşılmıştır. Değişkenler başvuru öncesi hastalık ve risk öyküsü, ilaç kullanımı, hastanede uygulanan girişimler, taburcu olurken reçete edilen ilaçlardır. Veri sıklık dağılımları ve yüzdeler biçiminde sunulmuştur. BULGULAR: Hastaların üçte birinde diyabet, hiperlipidemi ya da sigara riski, %65.6'sında hipertansiyon bulunmaktadır. Anjinalı olguların %86.2'sine, akut MI'lıların %85.4'üne anjiyografi, anjinalı hastaların %30.9'una, akut MI'lıların %54.4'üne anjiyoplasti, anjinalıların %13.8'ine, akut MI'lıların %11.1'ine by-pass cerrahisi yapılmıştır. Hastaneden çıkışta anjinalı hastaların %68.8'ine beta bloker, %79.6'sına statin, %28.0'ına ACE inhibitörü, %88.2'sine aspirin; MI'lı hastaların %84.1'ine beta bloker, %89.7'sine statin, %60.7'sine ACE inhibitörü, %95.3'üne aspirin reçete edilmiştir. Kalp yetmezliğinde ilaçların reçete edilme oranları beta blokerde %54.0, statinde %39.7, ACE inhibitöründe %42.9, aspirinde %71.4'tür. SONUÇ: İlaçların reçete edilme oranları düşüktür. Toplumda KKH mortalitesinin azaltılmasında etkili tedavilerin reçete edilmesi ve kullanımı önemlidir. OBJECTIVE: Aim of the study was to determine the treatment uptake levels and risk factors among the coronary heart disease patients over 35 years old at the university hospital. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted in the Dokuz Eylul University Hospital. Patients diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease or coronary by-pass graphy between 1 January-31 December 2008 in DEU Hospital formed the study group based on the hospital records which was screened retrospectively. In total 392 patients files were screened. Variables used in the survey were; information about morbidity, risk factors and use of medications, procedures applied during hospitalization and the medications at discharge. Data were presented as frequencies and percentages. RESULTS: One third of the patients presented risk of diabetes, hyperlipidemia or smoking and 65.6% had hypertension. 86.2% of the patients with angina and 85.4% of acute MI patients had angiography procedure, 29.8% of angina patients and 54.4% of MI patients had angioplasty; 13.8% of angina patients and 11.1% of AMI patients had by-pass surgery. Prescribed medications at discharge among the angina patients were 68.8% for beta blocker, 79.6% Statin, 28.0% ACE inhibitor, 88.2% aspirin. Beta blockers were prescribed to 84.1%, Statin to 89.7%, ACE inhibitor to 60.7%, Aspirin to 95.3% of the AMI patients. Beta blocker was prescribed to 54.0%, statin to 39.7%, ACE inhibitor to 60.7%, Aspirin to 71.4% of the heart failure patients. CONCLUSION: The treatment uptake levels for most of the CHD groups at the hospital discharge are low. It is important to provide effective medications to all eligible CHD patients to reduce CHD mortality in the community

    Does Serum R-Spondin-1 Play a Role in PCOS Pathophysiology?

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    Objective: Many new inflammatory and metabolic markers are considered to be involved in etiology of Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). R-spondin-1 (Rspo1) is a member of the roof plate-specific spondin protein family. Rspo1 levels have been associated with obesity and insulin resistance. We aimed to investigate whether Rspo1 has a role in the pathophysiology of PCOS. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was planned with newly diagnosed and untreated PCOS cases and a control group without PCOS. Patients with PCOS and healty participants were compared for Rspo1 levels. In addition, the PCOS group was also grouped according to body mass index (BMI) and Ferriman Gallwey scores (FGS) and compared in terms of Rsop1 levels. Results: A total of 47 patients in the PCOS group and 36 participants in the control group, as total 83 participants were included in the study. PCOS and control groups had similar age and BMI. As compared to the control group, PCOS patients had significantly higher FGS, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance scores, Rspo1, and total testosterone levels (


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    Amaç: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nde 2011-2012 öğretim yılında birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını, etkileyen etmenleri belirlemektir. Yöntemler: Araştırma kesitsel tiptedir. Bağımlı değişken; sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışıdır. Bağımsız değişkenler cinsiyet, kalınan yer, en uzun süre yaşanan yer, ekonomik durum ve sağlık algısı, anne- babanın öğrenimi, hane reisinin yaptığı iş, kronik hastalık varlığıdır. Veri öğrencilerin kendilerinin yanıtladığı anketle toplanmıştır. Veri analizinde t testi, Mann-Whitney U, Varyans Analizi, Kruskall Wallis Varyans Analizi, kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Parçalanmış aileye sahip olanlar olmayanlara göre; ailesiyle yaşayanlar yurtta kalanlara göre; sağlık algısı orta olanlar çok iyi- iyilere göre anlamlı olarak daha fazla fizik aktivite yapmaktadır. Ekonomik durum algısı kötü-en kötü olanların orta ve çok iyi-iyilere göre manevi gelişimleri ve toplam puanları; çok iyi-iyilere göre kişilerarası ilişkileri anlamlı olarak daha kötüdür. Sonuç: Ailesiyle birlikte yaşayanlar, parçalanmış aileye sahip olanlar, sağlık algısı orta olanlar, ekonomik durum algısı yüksek olanlar daha sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışına sahiptir Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine healthy lifestyle behaviours and affecting factors of first year students who attend to Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine for 2011-2012 academic year. Methods: The study design is cross-sectional.The study included 215 first year students who attend to Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Dependent variable was healthy lifestyle behaviour. Independent variables were gender, residence, the setting for long term residence, economic status and health perception, educational level of mother and father, job of the head of household, presence of chronic disease. Data were collected with self administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed with t test, Mann-Whitney U test, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis Analysis of Variance. Results: The students who have fragmented family compared to ones without; the students who live with their family compared to ones living at dormitory; the students whose health perception is mild compared to ones with good- very good health perception were more physically active. Spiritual development and total scores of the students,whose economic status perception was bad-the worst, were lower compared to the students with mild and good- very good economic status perception.. Interpersonal relations of the students were lower among those with bad-the worst economic status perception compared to ones with good- very good economic status perception is. Conclusion: The students who live with their family; the students who have fragmented family; the students whose health perception is mild; the students whose economic status perception is good-very good were more healty lifestyle behaviours score