19 research outputs found

    Endovascular embolization of renal cell carcinoma in a patient with solitary kidney

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    Background: Kidney tumors account for about 3% of tumors in adults. The primary therapy of renal cancer is the surgical removal. Traditionally, and also modern procedures are performed to remove the kidneys, especially when the tumor involves the entire kidney. In the cases of unresectable tumors embolization is used as a palliative procedure. Case Report: The aim of this study is to present the case of endovascular treatment of renal cell carcinoma in patient with solitary kidney. 77-years old patient had an ultrasound examination because of the pain in left lumbar region. MRI confirmed the presence of tumor size 29×45 mm in the left kidney. The right kidney had been removed eight years earlier because of clear cell carcinoma. Histopathological diagnosis was renal clear cell carinoma. The patient did not consent to surgical treatment. Tumor embolization was proceeded as a minimally invasive procedure. Pathological tumor vessels were closed using particles filling the entire vascular tumor. Next, the blood vessels supplying the tumor were closed using a mixture of lipiodolu and glubranu. Control angiographiy of the left renal artery confirmed the effective closure of all vascular pathology. In a recent ultrasound examination which was done 15 months after surgery no evidence of vascular pathology was found. Conclusions: Embolization of kidney cancer in particular cases may be an alternative way of treatment and give a good result in the form of stopping the growth of the tumor with simultaneous retaining the remaining parenchyma and renal function

    Chemoembolization as a minimally invasive treatment of primary malignant liver cancer

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer and one of the most malignant neoplasms with high incidence and mortality in humans worldwide. The complex nature of the disease and its high resistance to systemic therapies result in poor prognosis for patients with advanced HCC.  Case Report: In March 2017, the patient was admitted to the Department of Oncological Surgery, where a non-anatomical tumor resection was performed. Three years later, the patient developed a single change in segment 8 of the liver that was a relapse of the neoplastic process. Based on the Bracelon Criteria, the patient was qualified for the 1st stage of chemoembolization using the Seldinger method. In the presented patient as a result of the applied treatment, the neoplastic process was stabilized.  Conclusion: The chemoembolization treatment that was applied to the presented patient turned out to be the correct treatment option. After only the first stage of chemoembolization, the patient regressed the neoplastic lesion.

    Endovascular embolisation strategies for pulmonary arteriovenous malformations

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    Purpose: To assess the immediate efficacy of distinct embolisation devices in the endovascular treatment of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations as well as to identify and analyse the possible determinants of the technical success of the procedure. Material and methods: Prospective analysis of 16 consecutive patients was carried out, who underwent transcatheter endovascular embolisation therapy for pulmonary arteriovenous malformations between 2005 and 2017. Pre- and post-procedural angiography studies were implemented to confirm the diagnosis and to evaluate the technical success defined as the complete occlusion of the feeding artery. Embolisation devices - coils, microcoils, occluders, or combination of the above - were used. All the patients were advised to conduct a follow-up computed tomography evaluation 12 months after the procedure. Results: A total of 40 pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) were observed and embolised. The immediate technical success was achieved in all (n = 40; 100%) treated PAVMs, as confirmed by the post-procedural angiographic result. The statistical analysis revealed no significant impact of the number of PAVMs per patient (p > 0.05), their angioarchitecture (p > 0.05), localisation within the lung (p > 0.05) or particular lobe (p > 0.05), and the selection of embolisation device (p > 0.05) on the procedural success rates. The procedure-related complication rate was equal to 6.25%. Conclusions: The immediate success rate of the transcatheter PAVM embolisation reached 100% in this study. The statistical model of logistic regression revealed no significant impact of the number of PAVMs per patient, their angioarchitecture, localisation, and distribution pattern, as well as device selection, on the immediate technical success of the procedure

    Percutaneous extraction of residual post-cholecystectomy gallstones through the T-tube tract

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    Purpose: In the present study, the effectiveness and safety of minimally invasive percutaneous extraction of residual post-cholecystectomy gallstones through the T-tube tract were assessed. Material and methods: Between 2000 and 2015, 12 patients (seven women and five men, mean age 78 ± 8 years) after open cholecystectomy with common bile duct exploration and T-tube drainage underwent percutaneous extraction of residual gallstones through the T-tube tract. Results: The intervention was successful in 92% (11/12). In seven patients complete extraction of the retained gallstones was achieved, and in four cases partial extraction combined with passage of small residual fragments to the duodenum was obtained. In one case the extraction attempt was ineffective. Mild haemobilia was observed in two patients. No mortality or major complications were observed. Conclusions: Our findings are consistent with literature data and confirm that percutaneous extraction of residual post-cholecystectomy gallstones through the T-tube tract is an effective and safe treatment method. Although the presented technique is not a novel approach, it can be beneficial in patients unsuitable for open surgery or laparoscopic intervention when ERCP attempt occurs ineffective or there exist contraindications to ERCP

    Diagnostyka i leczenie pourazowej przetoki tętniczo-żylnej podudzia – opis przypadku

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    External injuries are one of the common reasons for reporting to hospital emergency departments. Peripheral vascular injuries occur in up to about 25% of upper and lower extremity injury cases. Arteriovenous fistula is a type of arterial injury. Doppler ultrasound is currently the primary diagnostic method for vascular injuries as it allows for the implementation of appropriately targeted treatment, indicating the potential need for extended diagnosis or patient qualification for endovascular or classical surgery. Endovascular procedures are currently an acknowledged treatment method in peripheral vascular injuries. We present a case of endovascular treatment in a patient with posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula in the lower leg. Patient qualification and treatment efficacy assessment were performed using Doppler ultrasound.Urazy zewnętrzne są jedną z częstszych przyczyn zgłaszania się chorych do szpitalnych oddziałów ratunkowych. Wśród urazów kończyn górnych i dolnych uszkodzenia naczyń obwodowych występują nawet w około 25% przypadków. Jednym z typów uszkodzenia tętnicy jest przetoka tętniczo-żylna. Dopplerowskie badanie ultrasonograficzne stanowi obecnie podstawową metodę w diagnostyce urazów naczyń, pozwala bowiem odpowiednio ukierunkować dalsze postępowanie, wskazując potrzebę ewentualnego rozszerzenia diagnostyki bądź zakwalifikowania chorego na zabieg wewnątrznaczyniowy lub klasyczną operację. W przypadku urazów naczyń obwodowych zabiegi wewnątrznaczyniowe są obecnie uznaną metodą leczenia. Przedstawiamy opis przypadku wewnątrznaczyniowego leczenia chorego z pourazową przetoką tętniczo-żylną podudzia. Kwalifikację do leczenia oraz ocenę jego skuteczności przeprowadzono przy pomocy badania ultrasonograficznego z opcją dopplera

    Diagnosis and treatment of posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula in the lower leg – a case report

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    External injuries are one of the common reasons for reporting to hospital emergency departments. Peripheral vascular injuries occur in up to about 25% of upper and lower extremity injury cases. Arteriovenous fistula is a type of arterial injury. Doppler ultrasound is currently the primary diagnostic method for vascular injuries as it allows for the implementation of appropriately targeted treatment, indicating the potential need for extended diagnosis or patient qualification for endovascular or classical surgery. Endovascular procedures are currently an acknowledged treatment method in peripheral vascular injuries. We present a case of endovascular treatment in a patient with posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula in the lower leg. Patient qualification and treatment efficacy assessment were performed using Doppler ultrasound

    Recommendations for ultrasonographic assessment of renal arteries

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    The present clinical practice recommendations are addressed to physicians of all specialties, who perform Doppler ultrasound examinations of the kidneys on a daily basis, and in particular to specialists in radiology and imaging diagnostics. The recommendations were based on the Ultrasonography Standards of the Polish Ultrasound Society and current scientific reports consistent with Evidence Based Medicine. The paper discusses patient preparation protocol, examinat ion technique with particular emphasis on patient’s position allowing to obtain proper Doppler angle of insonation, as well as diagnostic limitations of the technique. Normal blood flow parameters as well as those indicating hemodynamically significant stenosis are also presented. Although the 2013–2014 American guidelines for renal artery duplex sonography (AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Native Renal Artery Duplex Sonography and AIUM Practice Guideline for the Performance of an Ultrasound Examination of Solid-Organ Transplants), which were the basis for many national recommendations, have not been significantly updated to date, a large body of scientific research indicates the need for revision of current Doppler ultrasound standards and parameters, particularly for patients receiving endovascular treatment due to renovascular hypertension. Therefore, the paper refers to the current issue of ultrasound scan interpretation in patients receiving endovascular stenting, after transplantation of kidney, as well as in pediatric patients

    Tętniaki tętnic trzewnych – podział, diagnostyka i leczenie

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    Although visceral artery aneurysms are rare, mortality due to their rupture is high, estimated at even 25–75%. That is why it is significant to detect each such lesion. Visceral artery aneurysms are usually asymptomatic and found incidentally during examinations performed for other indications. Autopsy results suggest that most asymptomatic aneurysms remain undiagnosed during lifetime. Their prevalence in the population is therefore higher. The manifestation of a ruptured aneurysm depends on its location and may involve intraperitoneal hemorrhage, gastrointestinal and portal system bleeding with concomitant portal hypertension and bleeding from esophageal varices. Wide access to diagnostic tests, for example ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, helps establish the correct diagnosis and a therapeutic plan as well as select appropriate treatment. After a procedure, the same diagnostic tools enable assessment of treatment efficacy, or are used for the monitoring of aneurysm size and detection of potential complications in cases that are ineligible for treatment. The type of treatment depends on the size of an aneurysm, the course of the disease, risk of rupture and risk associated with surgery or endovascular procedure. Endovascular treatment is preferred in most cases. Aneurysms are excluded from the circulation using embolization coils, ethylene vinyl alcohol, stents, multilayer stents, stent grafts and histoacryl glue (or a combination of these methods).Tętniaki tętnic trzewnych należą do rzadkich patologii. Śmiertelność z powodu ich pęknięcia jest wysoka, szacowana nawet na 25–75%, dlatego też wykrywanie każdego przypadku odgrywa ważną rolę. Tętniaki tętnic trzewnych są zazwyczaj asymptomatyczne i znajdowane przypadkowo podczas badania wykonywanego z innych wskazań. Badania autopsyjne sugerują, że większość bezobjawowych zmian pozostaje niezdiagnozowana za życia, a tym samym częstość występowania tętniaków trzewnych w populacji jest wyższa. Manifestacja pękniętego tętniaka zależy od jego lokalizacji i może przebiegać jako krwotok wewnątrzotrzewnowy, krwotok do przewodu pokarmowego oraz układu wrotnego z towarzyszącym nadciśnieniem wrotnym i krwawieniem z żylaków przełyku.Szeroki dostęp do takich metod diagnostycznych jak ultrasonografia, tomografia komputerowa czy też obrazowanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego pozwala na ustalenie właściwego rozpoznania oraz zaplanowanie i wybór odpowiedniego leczenia. Po zabiegu metody te umożliwiają ocenę skuteczności postępowania, a w przypadkach niekwalifikujących się do leczenia służą do monitorowania wielkości tętniaków i wykrycia ewentualnych powikłań. Rodzaj leczenia zależy od rozmiarów tętniaka, przebiegu choroby, ryzyka pęknięcia oraz ryzyka związanego z leczeniem operacyjnym lub wewnątrznaczyniowym. Metodą z wyboru w większości przypadków jest zabieg wewnątrznaczyniowy. W celu wyłączenia tętniaków z krwiobiegu wykorzystywane są spirale embolizacyjne, EVOH (ethylene vinyl alcohol), stenty, stenty „gęsto plecione”, stentgrafty, kleje histoakrylowe (lub połączenie tych metod)

    Visceral artery aneurysms – classification, diagnosis and treatment

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    Although visceral artery aneurysms are rare, mortality due to their rupture is high, estimated at even 25–75%. That is why it is significant to detect each such lesion. Visceral artery aneurysms are usually asymptomatic and found incidentally during examinations performed for other indications. Autopsy results suggest that most asymptomatic aneurysms remain undiagnosed during lifetime. Their prevalence in the population is therefore higher. The manifestation of a ruptured aneurysm depends on its location and may involve intraperitoneal hemorrhage, gastrointestinal and portal system bleeding with concomitant portal hypertension and bleeding from esophageal varices. Wide access to diagnostic tests, for example ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, helps establish the correct diagnosis and a therapeutic plan as well as select appropriate treatment. After a procedure, the same diagnostic tools enable assessment of treatment efficacy, or are used for the monitoring of aneurysm size and detection of potential complications in cases that are ineligible for treatment. The type of treatment depends on the size of an aneurysm, the course of the disease, risk of rupture and risk associated with surgery or endovascular procedure. Endovascular treatment is preferred in most cases. Aneurysms are excluded from the circulation using embolization coils, ethylene vinyl alcohol, stents, multilayer stents, stent grafts and histoacryl glue (or a combination of these methods)

    Ultrasound-guided thrombin injection in the management of pseudoaneurysm after percutaneous arterial access

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    Aim: The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound-guided percutaneous thrombin injection as a treatment method for arterial access site pseudoaneurysm. Materials and methods: A total of 148 patients with iatrogenic arterial access site pseudoaneurysms were treated in the Department of Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, Medical University of Lublin. Of those, 142 pseudoaneurysms were located in the common femoral artery, 3 in the brachial artery and the remaining 3 in the radial artery. The study included 77 woman and 71 men (mean age 64.5 ± 14 years). Patients were qualified for percutaneous thrombin injection after Doppler examination during which pseudoaneurysm size and morphology were assessed as well as the presence of arteriovenous fistula was excluded. Results: In the reported study, 94.8% (128/135) of patients were successfully treated during the initial thrombin injection. Additional 400 IU dose of thrombin after 24 hours was effective in 5 out of 7 patients with recanalization during the follow-up. A total of 98.5% (133/135) of patients were successfully treated with a percutaneous ultrasound-guided thrombin injection. Conclusions: The 10-year experience presented in this study as well as literature reports prove that percutaneous ultrasound-guided thrombin injection is an effective and safe treatment method for iatrogenic arterial access site pseudoaneurysm