5 research outputs found

    Witkacy z perspektywy XXI wieku

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    A report from the conference "Witkacy – 21st Century Perspectives", April 29th–May 1st 2010, Washington D.C., Kościuszko Foundation. Includes a summary of presented papers

    Themersonowie i Witkacy, czyli nieeuklidesowa przygoda smoka Żabrołaka

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    Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and Franciszka and Stefan Themerson constitute a rare constellation of outstanding artists of the 20th century avant-garde. Their best known contributions were a concept of Pure Formand an idea of Semantic Poetry respectively. They all shared multiplicity and diversity of interests and areas of not only artistic activities. Philosophy and science influenced to large extent form and content of their works. Despite their mutual interest in each other’s work they had never met personally and no correspondence between them was found. However similarities in attitudes resulted then in intertwining of their paths of artistic development. One of early Stefan Themerson’s novels featured strong influence of Witkacy works but all his later writings were fully original and individual. However the author believes one can still find some flavours, tones and traces leading to the oeuvre of the author of Insatiability. After leaving Poland in 1938 Themersons had still maintained their interest in Witkiewicz works what finally led to translation andpreparation for publishing by Gaberbocchus Press of his two plays – Gyubal Wahazar and Mother featuring Franciszka’s drawings. A brief review of Gaberbocchus Press achievements and resources of the Themersons Archive, established by Jasia Reichardt after their death, constitute a background for an analysis of relationships between Witkacy and Themersons. The fact National Library in Warsaw acquired Themersons heritage alleviated very much access to many very interesting source documents. The author focused on a part of the Archive related to the all aspects of Witkacy’s works. Typescripts of publication ready translated and adapted plays, Vahazar and Mother, which finally remained not published by the Gaberbocchus Press triggered an idea to take up the challenge of publishing a “bestlooker” today. A draft of a bibliophilic bilingual edition of the Gyubal Wahazar drama illustrated with Franciszka Themerson’s drawings (samples are included in the paper) is proposed as a final thought.Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz oraz Franciszka i Stefan Themersonowie tworzą niezwykłą konstelację artystów światowego formatu awangardy artystycznej XX wieku. Ich najbardziej znanym wkładem były teoria Czystej Formy i koncepcja Poezji Semantycznej. Łączyła ich wielość i różnorodność zainteresowań oraz obszarów działalności nie tylko artystycznej. Szczególną rolę odgrywały w ich twórczości filozofia i nauki ścisłe. Mimo wzajemnego zainteresowania swoją twórczością drogi artystów się rozmijały. Prawdopodobnie nigdy się nie spotkali, nie ma też śladów korespondencji. Jednak bliskość postaw sprawiła, że ich linie rozwoju się splotły. We wczesnej twórczości Stefana Themersona pojawił się epizod silnej inspiracji Witkacym. Dojrzała twórczość Themersona jest już całkowicie samodzielna i oryginalna, ale nadal można doszukiwać się w niej nut, klimatów i tropów prowadzących do twórczości autora Nienasycenia. Po wyjeździe z Polski w 1938 roku Themersonowie trwale zachowali zainteresowanie twórczością Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza, czego ukoronowaniem było przygotowywane przez Gaberbocchus Press wydanie przetłumaczonych na angielski dramatów Gyubal Wahazar i Matka, do których projekty ilustracji przygotowała Franciszka.Tłem dla współczesnej analizy powiązań Themersonów z Witkacym jest krótkie omówienie działalności Gaberbocchus Press i utworzenie po ich śmierci przez Jasię Reichardt Archiwum Themersonów w Londynie. Podarowanie spuścizny po Themersonach Bibliotece Narodowej w Warszawie ułatwiło dostęp do bardzo interesujących materiałów. Polem zainteresowania autora jest część Archiwum dotycząca wszelkich aspektów twórczości Witkacego. Znalezione tam wśród wielu dokumentów maszynopisy przygotowanych do druku, ale niewydanych przez Gaberbocchusa dramatów Gyubal Wahazar i Matka zrodziły myśl, by podjąć edytorskie wyzwanie wydania „bestlookera”. W konkluzji naszkicowano projekt bibliofilskiego dwujęzycznego wydania Gyubala Wahazara, z ilustracjami Franciszki Themerson, których przykłady przytoczono

    Results of targeted temperature management of patients after sudden out‑of‑hospital cardiac arrest: a comparison between intensive general and cardiac care units

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    Background: Targeted temperature management (TTM) is used to treat patients after sudden out‑of‑hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Aims: The aim of the study was to compare the results of TTM between intensive general and cardiac care units (ICCUs). Methods: The Polish Registry of Therapeutic Hypothermia obtained data on 377 patients with OHCA from 26 centers (257 and 120 patients treated at the ICCU and intensive care unit [ICU], respectively). Eligibility for TTM was based on the current inclusion criteria for therapy. Medical history as well as data on TTM and additional treatment were analyzed. The main outcomes included in‑hospital survival and complications as well as neurologic assessment using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Rankin scale. Results: Both ICU and ICCU patients were mostly male (mean age, 60 years). There were no significant differences regarding the medical history, mechanism of arrhythmia responsible for OHCA, GCS score on admission, time of cardiopulmonary resuscitation activities, and the time to target temperature (33°C). Coronary angiography and the use of dual antiplatelet therapy, intra‑aortic balloon pump, intravascular hypothermia, dopamine, and dobutamine were more common in ICCU patients, while ICU patients more often received norepinephrine. Pneumonia and acute renal failure were more frequent in the ICCU group. Death occurred in 17% and 20% of ICU and ICCU patients, respectively (P = 0.57). The Rankin class after 48 hours since discontinuation of sedation and at discharge was comparable between groups. Conclusions: The ICCU has become a considerable alternative to the ICU to treat OHCA patients with TTM

    Metabolic syndrome is associated with similar long-term prognosis in non-obese and obese patients. An analysis of 45 615 patients from the nationwide LIPIDOGRAM 2004-2015 cohort studies

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    Aims We aimed to evaluate the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and long-term all-cause mortality. Methods The LIPIDOGRAM studies were carried out in the primary care in Poland in 2004, 2006 and 2015. MetS was diagnosed based on the National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III) and Joint Interim Statement (JIS) criteria. The cohort was divided into four groups: non-obese patients without MetS, obese patients without MetS, non-obese patients with MetS and obese patients with MetS. Differences in all-cause mortality was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses. Results 45,615 participants were enrolled (mean age 56.3, standard deviation: 11.8 years; 61.7% female). MetS was diagnosed in 14,202 (31%) by NCEP/ATP III criteria, and 17,216 (37.7%) by JIS criteria. Follow-up was available for 44,620 (97.8%, median duration 15.3 years) patients. MetS was associated with increased mortality risk among the obese (hazard ratio, HR: 1.88 [95% CI, 1.79-1.99] and HR: 1.93 [95% CI 1.82-2.04], according to NCEP/ATP III and JIS criteria, respectively) and non-obese individuals (HR: 2.11 [95% CI 1.85-2.40] and 1.7 [95% CI, 1.56-1.85] according to NCEP/ATP III and JIS criteria respectively). Obese patients without MetS had a higher mortality risk than non-obese patients without MetS (HR: 1.16 [95% CI 1.10-1.23] and HR: 1.22 [95%CI 1.15-1.30], respectively in subgroups with NCEP/ATP III and JIS criteria applied). Conclusions MetS is associated with increased all-cause mortality risk in non-obese and obese patients. In patients without MetS obesity remains significantly associated with mortality. The concept of metabolically healthy obesity should be revised