129 research outputs found
A Model of An Integration System for Operations and Cost Data Designed to Control Logistics Processes in Agricultural Enterprises
The paper presents a model of an integration system for operations and cost data designed for the needs of process controlling in agricultural enterprises, with special emphasis on logistics processes. The proposed model constituted the basis for the development of an IT tool to be used in the identification and analysis of logistics costs in agricultural enterprises in terms of the process based approach. As a result of research and programming efforts a model was developed, which made it possible in agricultural enterprises to determine the type-based relationship of cost dynamics and structure with realized actions, operating processes (including logistics processes) and products, as well as the relationship of these costs with used resources, maintained stocks, applied materials and work methods. Moreover, this model facilitates cost allocation to products and processes as well as cost centers and points, and makes it possible to determine multidimensional dependencies of the result (divided into individual products) on incurred costs
Security in providing processes and logistics services under the Covid-19 pandemic
PURPOSE: The the main goal of the article is an attempt to systematize and interpret scientific
and media reports in the context of changes affecting the security of the functioning of
processes and the implementation of logistics services during the global crisis of the Covid19 pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The analysis based on recent publications but due to the
high dynamics of recent events, only the first scientific papers appeared. However, the
problem is so complex that it should be constantly monitored and analysed, and then
appropriate interpretations and conclusions should be carried out, using all the data,
including those that appear the fastest. Therefore, the research based on accessible sources
and own observations through contact with selected companies as well.FINDINGS: Logistics and its processes are currently undergoing large and dynamic
transformations. On the one hand, the development of last mile logistics and all related
elements is positively influenced by the intense growth of the e-commerce industry, on the
other hand, it has to deal with high market instability caused by the Covid-19 crisis and
shortage of personnel, as well as the rapidly advancing technological revolution.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The author's research shows that after the initial panic - related to
ever new restrictions due to the pandemic - logistics companies quickly moved to the action
and created creative solutions to the new situation. In summary, new trends as a result of a
pandemic are changing the landscape of the logistics market - more and more warehouses
are created. Thus, the so far very popular approach to the approach to the view of
enterprises is changing from "just in time" to "just in case".ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article indicates changes in the functioning of logistics during a
pandemic and indicates the need to consider security as a key factor in the implementation of
logistics processes and services.peer-reviewe
Gestational diabetes mellitus/hyperglycaemia during pregnancy in Poland in the years 2010–2012 based on the data from the National Health Fund
Objectives: The incidence of gestational diabetes varies depending on a country and it is extremely difficult to analyse. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of gestational diabetes in Polish population.
Material and methods: Based on the data from the National Health Fund (NHF) the authors analysed reports regarding deliveries performed and then, determined the rates of gestational diabetes/hyperglycaemia during pregnancy and pregestational diabetes in Poland in the years 2010–2012.
Results and conclusions: In Poland, the incidence of gestational diabetes was estimated to be 4.665% in 2010, 6.918% in 2011 and 7.489% in 2012. The incidence of pregestational diabetes was 1.067% in 2010, 1.116% in 2011 and 0.932% in 2012
Model of value-based management in a multi-hub large-scale logistics network
PURPOSE: The dynamic growth of multi-channel sales (including e-commerce) causes a mass
flow of cargo in supply networks and large-scale transport and logistics processes in
complex multi-hub structures of logistics networks in Europe. One of the key objectives of
the effective management of processes and cargo flows in complex structures of logistics
networks is an increase in profitability of customer and shipment delivery.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: In the presented value-based management (VBM) model,
multi-factor price lists for logistics services and taxation weight of shipment are the basis for
revenue modelling by logistic operators, as well as their multi-criteria conditions for
qualifying rates and add-on factors. On the other hand, transport and logistics processes
implemented in supply chains and multi-hub network, create a complex cost environment.FINDINGS: Dynamically and segmentally planned process loads in logistics networks
according to the changing needs of customers, create complex and variable structures of
direct and indirect costs of logistics operators. The allocation of costs in multi-hub logistics
networks is determined by dynamic changes in the flow of cargo, through the settlement keys
of resources costs used in the processes of the logistics network. Customer service quality
indicators established by logistics operators are mapped to operational norms in the final
settlement model. The key factor in using the value-based management model by enterprises
is achieving the required operational and price competitiveness on the market of transport
and logistics services with the assumed profitability of customers and services.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The results of the presented model analysis of the profitability of
customers as well as the efficiency of processes in the logistics network influence managerial
decisions shaping the appraisal of shipment contracts with customers. The VBM model
presented in the article was used to verify the real costs and profitability of corporate
customers in large scale multi-hub logistics network, taking into account analysis of the
share and allocation of shipment flows, transport options in supply chains, as well as
process routes and resource consumption.peer-reviewe
The effect of the day of the week of discharge on mortality and readmissions in patients hospitalized due to heart failure
Background: The effect of the day of the week of discharge on mortality and readmissions in patients hospitalized due to heart failure (HF) remains unclear. The aim was to determine the effect of the day of the week of discharge of HF patients on 30-day and one-year mortality and rehospitalizations.
Material and methods: Inclusion criteria were hospitalization due to HF exacerbation in the 2013 year according to the National Health Fund data. The primary outcome variable was all-cause mortality and the secondary the first readmission due to HF exacerbation. Survival analysis was performed for outcomes according to the day of the week of discharge adjusting for age, sex, duration of the hospitalization, HF severity, type of ward, and fulfilling prescription for selected medications within the 30-day post-hospitalization period.
Results: The analysis included 96,219 patients (median age 77.0 yrs., 46.3% males). The mean all-cause one-year mortality was the highest on Sundays when compared with other days separately in the Cox analysis [hazard ratio (HR): 1.40; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.23–1.59; p < 0.001] and also when compared with the other weekdays pulled (27.8% vs. 21.8%, p < 0.001). The 30-day mortality was the highest for Sunday discharges in the Cox analysis (HR: 2.14; 95% CI: 1.78–2.57; p < 0.001). The day of the week of discharge did not affect rehospitalization rates.
Conclusions: The day of the week of discharge of HF patients matters as it may be related to the prognosis
Impact of alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists use on outcomes in patients with heart failure. A post-hoc analysis using Polish National Health Fund database
Background: The alpha-adrenolytics (AA) are not recommended in patients with ejection fraction (EF) reduced heart failure due to safety concerns. The aim of our study was to assess the safety of AA in patients hospitalized due to exacerbation of HF and the influence of these drugs on long-term endpoints.
Material and methods: Data collected by the National Health Fund tracking all patient admissions and taking of the drug prescriptions throughout the entire country was used. Patients hospitalized due to HF exacerbation were included. The primary outcome variable was all-cause mortality and the secondary was the first readmission due to HF or all-cause death occurring more than 30 days after discharge.
Results: Of 140 668 patients hospitalized in the year 2013 53 317 were included and followed for a median of 56.3 months. AA patients had lower long-term all-cause mortality (52.8% vs. 54.9%, unadjusted p = 0.038). The treatment with AA positively and independently affected long-term survival [adjusted hazard ratio (adjHR): 0.82, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.78–0.87, p < 0.001], as well as secondary endpoint (adjHR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.81–0.90, p < 0.001). Cox analysis in the subgroup treated with beta-blockers revealed that treatment with AA was associated with lower mortality (adjHR: 0.82, 95% CI: 0.75–0.90, p < 0.001) and lower incidence of secondary endpoint (adjHR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.78–0.92, p < 0.001).
Conclusion: In compliant patients hospitalized due to HF exacerbation post discharge treatment with AA was safe and beneficial
Comparison of indicators of the use of insulin and oral diabetes medication in a Polish population of patients in urban and rural areas in the years 2008, 2011 and 2012
introduction. Diabetes is one of the 10 most important chronic diseases in the world. According to the data of the International Diabetes Federation, in Poland 9% of the population between the ages of 20–79 suffer from diabetes.
objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in the prevalence of diabetes in urban and rural areas in Poland, and the preparation of a model describing the phenomenon.
materials and method. Differences between urban and rural areas were studied for the occurrence of patients treated with diabetes per 100,000 inhabitants, the number of patients, structure of treatment per the used products, and the costs of reimbursement of treatment products between 2008–2012. Urban and rural cases were compared using zip codes. The basis for classifying a patient as being an inhabitant of an urban or rural area was an urban zip code of the declared place of residence.
results. Differences were observed both between various areas of Poland, as well as depending on whether the declared place of residence of the patient was urban or rural. Differences between urban and rural areas within the studied period have increased. The difference in the prevalence of diabetes among the inhabitants of Podlaskie, Śląskie or Świętokrzyskie provinces is striking.
conclusion. Differences between urban and rural areas which depend on morbidity and detection of patients in the earlier phase of illness, the structures of medical technologies used in the treatment process, the number of purchased pharmaceuticals, enable better monitoring of effectiveness and quality of politics on prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. It is important for the creation of a health policy to devise a system of indicators, which will enable a decrease in the existing differences between regions, and between the urban and rural areas within the provinces
Epidemiologia astmy w Polsce z podziałem na regiony wiejskie i miejskie na podstawie danych dotyczących udzielanych świadczeń zdrowotnych
Introduction: Asthma is a serious health and social problem, also in Poland. The epidemiological data indicate that the problem of asthma concerns approximately 4 million people in Poland, whereas almost approximately 70% of them have no diagnosis and are not aware of their illness, and on the other hand in 39% of persons who declared the diagnosis of asthma in a survey the diagnosis was negatively verified (overdiagnosis of asthma). So far, no detailed comparative studies for asthma incidence rate in urban and rural areas were conducted in Poland. The aim of the study was to analyze patients with asthma in Poland in the years 2008−2012, with regard to province and type of commune (rural/urban).
Material and methods: The study used data from National Health Fund (NFZ) — reported by health care providers regarding the patients diagnosed with asthma. Using structured query language (SQL) a set of patients was selected and created, for whom at the same time ICD-10 code: J45.X-bronchial asthma was reported. In order to estimate the number of patients with asthma we used the PESEL social security number as a unique identifier of the patient. Code of the patient’s commune of residence in conjunction with the Central Statistical Office data formed the basis for the division of municipalities into urban and rural areas. The analysis of asthma incidence trends in Poland was performed on the basis of health services provided to patients. The analysis was performed by using the Statistica 10 software using a negative binomial regression model.
Results: In 2009 a significant increase in the number of patients with asthma was observed compared with the previous year, whereas after 2009 the number of patients diagnosed with asthma remained relatively constant. A significant increase of predominance of women among asthma patients in recent years can be noticed: from 107% in 2008 to almost 115% in 2012 (F:M ratio). Regardless of the analyzed year and the diagnosis the incidence rate remained constant: approximately 55−57% for urban areas and about 43−45% in rural areas.
Conclusions: The average prevalence rate for rural areas is significantly lower than for urban areas. The use of adjusted incidence rate leads to the conclusion that the number of sufferers in urban areas is higher (about 10%) of the number of sufferers in the rural areas. The results of the analysis are consistent with information from previous studies in Poland and in the world.Wstęp: Astma jest ważnym problemem zdrowotnym i socjalnym na świecie oraz w Polsce. Dostępne dane epidemiologiczne wskazują, że problem astmy dotyczy prawie 4 mln osób w Polsce, podczas gdy około 70% z nich nie ma postawionej diagnozy i nie są świadomi swojej choroby. Jednocześnie około 39% chorych z postawioną diagnozą astmy jest następnie negatywnie weryfikowana (nadrozpoznawalność astmy). Do tej pory brakuje szczegółowych badań porównawczych astmy w regionach wiejskich i miejskich. Celem badania była analiza danych chorych na astmę w Polsce w latach w latach 2008−2012 w odniesieniu do województw oraz typu gminy (wiejskie/miejskie).
Materiał i metody: W badaniu zastosowano analizę danych NFZ — sprawozdawanych przez świadczeniodawców — pacjentów ze zdiagnozowaną astmę. Przy zastosowaniu SQl (structured query language) wyodrębniono i utworzono zbiory pacjentów dla których sprawozdano kod ICD-10: J45.X- dychawica oskrzelowa. W celu oszacowania liczby pacjentów wykorzystano numer PESEL, jako unikalny identyfikator pacjenta. Kod gminy miejsca zamieszkania w połączeniu z danymi Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego był podstawą podziału gmin na regiony miejskie i wiejskie. Analizę trendu zachorowalności na astmę w Polsce wyliczono na podstawie udzielonych pacjentom świadczeń zdrowotnych. Analizę przeprowadzono za pomocą narzędzia Statistica 10, korzystając z modelu ujemnej regresji binominalnej.
Wyniki: W 2009 roku obserwowano istotne zwiększenie liczby chorych na astmę w porównaniu z rokiem poprzednim, natomiast po 2009 roku liczba pacjentów z rozpoznaniem astmy pozostawała na względnie st ałym poziomie. Zwraca uwagę istotny wzrost w ostatnich latach przewagi kobiet wśród chorych na astmę: ze 107% w 2008 roku do prawie 115% w 2012 roku (stosunek K:M). Niezależnie od badanego roku i rozpoznania utrzymuje się stały współczynnik zachorowalności: około 55−57% dla regionów miejskich i około 43−45% dla regionów wiejskich.
Wnioski: Średni wskaźnik chorobowości dla regionów wiejskich jest istotnie niższy niż dla regionów miejskich. Zastosowanie skorygowanego współczynnika zachorowalności pozwala na stwierdzenie, że liczba chorujących w regionach miejskich jest większa (o około 10%) od liczby chorujących w regionach wiejskich. Wyniki analizy są zbieżne z informacjami z wcześniejszych badań w Polsce i na świecie
Glove failure in elective thyroid surgery: A prospective randomized study
Objectives: To analyze perforation rate in sterile gloves used by surgeons in the operating theatre of the Department of Endocrinological and General Surgery of Medical University of Lodz. Material and Methods: Randomized and controlled trial. This study analyses the incidents of tears in sterile surgical gloves used by surgeons during operations on 3 types of thyroid diseases according to the 10th revision of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) codes. Nine hundred seventy-two pairs (sets) of gloves were collected from 321 surgical procedures. All gloves were tested immediately following surgery using the water leak test (EN455-1) to detect leakage. Results: Glove perforation was detected in 89 of 972 glove sets (9.2%). Statistically relevant more often glove tears occurred in operator than the 1st assistant (p < 0.001). The sites of perforation were localized mostly on the middle finger of the non-dominant hand (22.5%), and the non-dominant ring finger (17.9%). Conclusions: This study has proved that the role performed by the surgeon during the procedure (operator, 1st assistant) has significant influence on the risk of glove perforations. Nearly 90% of glove perforations are unnoticed during surgery
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