11 research outputs found

    Izbor metode za predviđanje ekonomskih rezultata tvrtki

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    This paper reports on the efforts to find a method for predicting economic results of companies. The input data files consist of 93 profitable companies and 93 bankrupt firms. From the total number of 93 firms in both categories, data of 72 firms served for establishing a classification criterion, and for the rest of 21 firms, a prognosis of their economic development was performed. The classification criterion for prognosticating the future economic development has been established by applications of discriminate analysis, logit analysis, and artificial neural network methods. The application of artificial neural networks has provided for better classification accuracies of 90,48 % for successful firms, and 100 % for bankrupt firms.U ovom se članku opisuju pokušaji pronalaska učinkovite metode za predviđanje ekonomskog rezultata tvrtki. Datoteke ulaznih podataka sastoje se od 93 uspješne tvrtke i 93 tvrtke koje su bankrotirale. Od ukupnog broja od 93 tvrtke u obje kategorije datoteka s ulaznim podacima, podaci za 72 tvrtke poslužili su za određivanje klasifikacijskog kriterija a za preostalu 21 tvrtku provela se prognoza njihovog ekonomskog razvoja. Klasifikacijski kriterij za predviđanje budućeg ekonomskog razvoja tvrtke uspostavljen je primjenom analize diskriminacije, logičkom regresijom i metodama umjetne neuronske mreže. Primjena logičke regresije i umjetnih neuronskih mreža omogućila je bolju klasifikacijsku točnost u slučaju 90,48 % uspješnih tvrtki i 100 % tvrtki koje su bankrotirale

    Database mirroring in fault-tolerant continuous technological process control

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    This paper describes the implementations of mirroring technology of the selected database systems – Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Caché. By simulating critical failures the systems behavior and their resilience against failure were tested. The aim was to determine whether the database mirroring is suitable to use in continuous metallurgical processes for ensuring the fault-tolerant solution at affordable cost. The present day database systems are characterized by high robustness and are resistant to sudden system failure. Database mirroring technologies are reliable and even low-budget projects can be provided with a decent fault-tolerant solution. The database system technologies available for low-budget projects are not suitable for use in real-time systems

    Use of cement suspension as an alternative matrix material for textile-reinforced concrete

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    Textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) is a material consisting of high-performance concrete (HPC) and tensile reinforcement comprised of carbon roving with epoxy resin matrix. However, the problem of low epoxy resin resistance at higher temperatures persists. In this work, an alternative to the epoxy resin matrix, a non-combustible cement suspension (cement milk) which has proven stability at elevated temperatures, was evaluated. In the first part of the work, microscopic research was carried out to determine the distribution of particle sizes in the cement suspension. Subsequently, five series of plate samples differing in the type of cement and the method of textile reinforcement saturation were designed and prepared. Mechanical experiments (four-point bending tests) were carried out to verify the properties of each sample type. It was found that the highest efficiency of carbon roving saturation was achieved by using finer ground cement (CEM 52.5) and the pressure saturation method. Moreover, this solution also exhibited the best results in the four-point bending test. Finally, the use of CEM 52.5 in the cement matrix appears to be a feasible variant for TRC constructions that could overcome problems with its low temperature resistance

    Choosing a method for predicting economic performance of companies

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    This paper reports on the efforts to find a method for predicting economic results of companies. The input data files consist of 93 profitable companies and 93 bankrupt firms. From the total number of 93 firms in both categories, data of 72 firms served for establishing a classification criterion, and for the rest of 21 firms, a prognosis of their economic development was performed. The classification criterion for prognosticating the future economic development has been established by applications of discriminate analysis, logit analysis, and artificial neural network methods. The application of artificial neural networks has provided for better classification accuracies of 90,48 % for successful firms, and 100 % for bankrupt firms

    Determination of technologically optimal factors of modulated waterjet

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    This paper deals with two methods of determination of technologically optimal factors of a hydrodynamic resonance system leading to the acquiring of maximal fundamental frequency, amplitude, pressure, and energy of oscillations of a liquid jet. These factors are determined by the differential method and the method of state space search into depth. Furthermore, theoretically predicted results are presented, interpreted, and compared with results of laboratory measurements. The benefit of the study is the optimization itself, either for the optimal input factors of the prototype or a maximum possible modification of existing equipment in order to achieve the highest possible material disintegration efficiency.Web of Science601-417917