19 research outputs found

    Reductions in tree-ring widths of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) as an indicator of air pollution in southern Poland

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    The aim of the study was to investigate how the emission of pollutants to the atmosphere from the late 19th century until modern times has been recorded in rings of silver fir trees growing in southern Poland. Samples were collected from 24 firs growing in the Beskid Niski Mountains (Western Carpathians). Using a Pressler borer, a single core was collected from each tree. Within the samples, tree-ring widths were measured. On this basis, reductions of tree-ring widths were calculated and subsequently divided into three classes according to their severity. Study results indicate that growth reductions at the site studied were influenced by the pollution emitted from the now-defunct Central Industrial Region, which developed most rapidly from 1920 to 1940, and began to decline after World War II. These emissions were probably responsible for reductions in the trees sampled in the years 1928–1947. On the other hand, reductions of tree-ring widths dating from 1951 to 1989 were caused by the post-war development of heavy industry throughout Poland, and in particular in the Upper Silesian Industrial Region, which developed at its most rapid rate from 1960 to 1990. The results obtained demonstrate that reductions of tree-ring widths in the silver firs studied are related to industrial air pollution in the 20th century. As industrial production declined and environmentally friendly technologies were introduced in the early 1990s, air pollution levels decreased and an increase in tree-ring widths followed in the silver firs studied. Further reductions of tree-ring widths have been observed in recent years (since 2009), which may be caused by air pollution due to low-stack emissions from domestic boilers. The analysis conducted demonstrates that a reduction in tree-ring widths in silver fir is a sensitive bioindicator of air pollution

    Triggering factors and temporal variability of colluvium movements within a landslide slope – dendrochronological analysis at the example of Skalka landslide (Moravskoslezské Beskydy)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the temporal variability o landsliding and differences in the activity of individual part of a small land-slide. Dendrochronological methods have been applied: tree-ring eccentricity was analysed for 60 Norway spruce trees. The most dynamic landsliding occurred in: 1975, 1993, 1985, 1968–1969 and 1995. The number of wood-growth disturbances recording landsliding in particular years matches well with precipitation totals for summer half-years (e.g. landsliding and precipitation in: 1968, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1985, 2010) and to the smaller degree with totals for winter half-years (e.g. 1961). Results indicate uneven activity of particular landslide sections. The movement in particular parts of the landslide is triggered during various precipitation events or due to other factors (e.g. 1992–1993 earthquakes with epicentres in Beskid Sądecki Mts)

    Dendrochronology as a source of data for landslide activity maps - an example from Beskid Żywiecki Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland)

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    We applied dendrochronological methods for dating landslide activity in the study area (3.75 km2), on the slopes of Sucha Mountain (1040 m a.s.l.), in the Beskid Żywiecki Mountains, in the Western Carpathians. 46 sampling sites were distributed throughout the study area. At each site we sampled 1-3 coniferous trees: Norway spruces (Picea abies Karst.) and/or silver firs (Abies alba Mill.). From each tree 2 cores were sampled: one from the upslope and the other from the downslope side of the stem. Based on tree-ring widths measured for opposite sides of stems we have calculated eccentricity index values and dated past landslide events. Mean frequency of landslides was obtained for each sampling site. Finally, the data was interpolated into a map of landslide activity. Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation has been applied. For most of the study area we found medium (19 sites) and low (23 sites) levels of landslide activity. The highest level of activity was recorded for the largest landslide slope and for the one small landslide. The study conducted on Sucha Mountain has shown that dendrochronology can be an effective method for analysing landslide activity and may be useful in further studies, including those for landslide hazard and risk assessments

    Niszczenie naturalnych odcinków koryt rzecznych na skutek niewłaściwej zabudowy – przykład dolin Czadeczki i Krężelki (Beskid Śląski)

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    Channels of Czadeczka and Krężelka rivers (Beskidzie Śląski Mts) are at present subjected to regulation because of which these rivers have lost their natural character, partially still preserved. The reasons for the river regulation have been analysed. Using archival maps, the buildings erection time has been analysed on valley floors, in the immediate vicinity of river channels for the period 1790–2012. Next, the distribution of existing buildings has been compared with hydraulic structures in the channels developed in order to regulate the Czadeczka and the Krężelka reaches, such as: concrete and stone embankments reinforcing the channel banks, check dams on channel bottoms. Results indicate a strong correlation between the number of buildings on valley floors in the 20th century and channel regulation. The mechanism of destroying rare, preserved natural river reaches is based on irrational permission allowing construction of buildings in areas threatened by floods and lateral erosion of rivers. Consequently, the inhabitants, in fear of floods and erosion of land or house foundations, seek river regulation that gives them a false sense of security. Natural river reaches are destroyed though efficient protection against floods and lateral erosion is still not provided and the range of possible losses increases even more due to continued building erection

    Dendrochronological dating as the basis for developing a landslide hazard map – An example from the Western Carpathians, Poland

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    Most landslide hazard maps are developed on the basis of an area’s susceptibility to a land-slide occurrence, but dendrochronological techniques allows one to develop maps based on past land-slide activity. The aim of the study was to use dendrochronological techniques to develop a landslide hazard map for a large area, covering 3.75 km2. We collected cores from 131 trees growing on 46 sampling sites, measured tree-ring width, and dated growth eccentricity events (which occur when tree rings of different widths are formed on opposite sides of a trunk), recording the landslide events which had occurred over the previous several dozen years. Then, the number of landslide events per decade was calculated at every sampling site. We interpolated the values obtained, added layers with houses and roads, and developed a landslide hazard map. The map highlights areas which are poten-tially safe for existing buildings, roads and future development. The main advantage of a landslide hazard map developed on the basis of dendrochronological data is the possibility of acquiring long se-ries of data on landslide activity over large areas at a relatively low cost. The main disadvantage is that the results obtained relate to the measurement of anatomical changes and the macroscopic charac-teristics of the ring structure occurring in the wood of tilted trees, and these factors merely provide in-direct information about the time of the landslide event occurrence

    Assessment of landslide hazard from tree-ring eccentricity and from compression wood - a comparison

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    We have compared maps of landslide activity and hazard, developed with the use of two different dendrochronological indicators: tree-ring eccentricity and reaction (compression) wood. The maps were prepared based on 125 Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) trees growing at 44 sampling points, distributed over an area of 3.75 km2. In general, the two maps show similar patterns of landslide activity. However, tree-ring eccentricity yielded a greater number of dated events (246) compared to compression wood (129). Besides the differences in the absolute values of dating results, the general landslide activity and hazard zonation based on both disturbances are similar. Both growth disturbances develop as a result of stem tilting. Eccentricity develops after slight tilting, while compression wood is developed when tilting is more significant. Because of the differences in the strength of disturbing factors, which cause the development of compression wood and growth eccentricity, the best approach would be to combine the results of dating obtained from the two methods. The dendrochronological analysis of tree growth disturbances (eccentric growth and compression wood) is a promising approach for determining landslide hazards in forested mountain areas and can be applied in spatial management

    Flammulina ononidis – first record in Poland

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    The authors present a first record of Flammulina ononidis in Poland. This species was characterized in respect of macro- and micromorphological features, which were illustrated with the original figures and photographs. The habitat conditions of the recorded site were also described. A short discussion concerning the similar species and the ecology and threats of presented fungus species is provided

    Testing the Toxicity of Stachybotrys chartarum in Indoor Environments—A Case Study

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    Infestation of interior walls of buildings with fungal mould is a reason for health concern which is exacerbated in energy-efficient buildings that limit air circulation. Both mycological and mycotoxicological studies are needed to determine the potential health hazards to residents. In this paper, a rare case of the occurrence of Stachybotrys chartarum in an apartment building in the Lubuskie Province in Poland has been described. Isolated as the major constituent of a mixed mycobiota, its specific health relevance still needs to be carefully analyzed as its biochemical aptitude for the synthesis of mycotoxins may be expressed at different levels. Therefore, ecotoxicological tests were performed using two bioindicators: Dugesia tigrina Girard and Daphnia magna Straus. D. tigrina was used for the first time to examine the toxicity of S. chartarum. The ecotoxicological tests showed that the analyzed strain belonged to the third and fourth toxicity classes according to Liebmann’s classification. The strain of S. chartarum was moderately toxic on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) as a culture medium (toxicity class III), and slightly toxic on Malt Extract Agar (MEA) (toxicity class IV). Toxicity was additionally tested by instrumental analytical methods (LC-MS/MS). This method allowed for the identification of 13 metabolites (five metabolites reported for Stachybotrys and eight for unspecific metabolites). Spirocyclic drimanes were detected in considerable quantities (ng/g); a higher concentration was observed for stachybotryamide (109,000 on PDA and 62,500 on MEA) and lower for stachybotrylactam (27,100 on PDA and 46,300 on MEA). Both may explain the result observed through the bioindicators. Highly toxic compounds such as satratoxins were not found in the sample. This confirms the applicability of the two bioindicators, which also show mutual compatibility, as suitable tools to assess the toxicity of moulds

    Technological Moisture as a Cause of Moulds on Building Partitions

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    The intense pace of construction work means that technical materials contain so-called technological moisture, which enables the development of biodeteriogenic organisms on building partitions. This article presents the mycological analysis of two buildings in Zielona Góra, whose building partitions were affected by colour deposits. In the first building (a block of flats in the shell and core condition) 7 species of moulds were determined, of which the dominant one was Cladosporium herbarum. In the second building (public utilities building) changes on the walls appeared just after refurbishment and were caused by a species of mould called Strachybotrys chartarum which is hazardous to human and animal life

    Occurrence of the Toxin-Producing Aspergillus versicolor Tiraboschi in Residential Buildings

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    In an area representative of a moderate climate zone (Lubuskie Province in Poland), mycological tests in over 270 flats demonstrated the occurrence of 82 species of moulds. Aspergillus versicolor Tiraboschi was often encountered on building partitions (frequency 4: frequently). The ability to synthesize the carcinogenic sterigmatocystin (ST) means that it poses a risk to humans and animals. Biotoxicological tests of biomasses of A. versicolor were conducted in the Microbiological and Toxicological Laboratory, using the planarians Dugesia tigrina (Girard). The obtained results of the tests covered a broad range of toxicity levels of isolated strains: from weakly toxic (100–1000 mg·L−3) to potently toxic (1–10 mg·L−3). The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) physicochemical method confirmed the ability of A. versicolor strains to synthesize sterigmatocystin. All of the samples of the air-dry biomasses of the fungi contained ST in the range between 0.03 and 534.38 mg·kg−1. In the bio-safety level (BSL) classification A. versicolor belongs to category 1. Additionally, A. versicolor is an allergenic mould