7 research outputs found

    Neurofeedback training for peak performance

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    Aim. One of the applications of the Neurofeedback methodology is peak performance in sport. The protocols of the neurofeedback are usually based on an assessment of the spectral parameters of spontaneous EEG in resting state conditions. The aim of the paper was to study whether the intensive neurofeedback training of a well-functioning Olympic athlete who has lost his performance confidence after injury in sport, could change the brain functioning reflected in changes in spontaneous EEG and event related potentials (ERPs). Case study. The case is presented of an Olympic athlete who has lost his performance confidence after injury in sport. He wanted to resume his activities by means of neurofeedback training. His QEEG/ERP parameters were assessed before and after 4 intensive sessions of neurotherapy. Dramatic and statistically significant changes that could not be explained by error measurement were observed in the patient. Conclusion. Neurofeedback training in the subject under study increased the amplitude of the monitoring component of ERPs generated in the anterior cingulate cortex, accompanied by an increase in beta activity over the medial prefrontal cortex. Taking these changes together, it can be concluded that that even a few sessions of neurofeedback in a high performance brain can significantly activate the prefrontal cortical areas associated with increasing confidence in sport performance

    Otępienie czołowo-skroniowe : ujęcie interdyscyplinarne

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationZe wstępu: Oddajemy do rąk Czytelników monografię Otępienie czołowo-skroniowe: ujęcie interdyscyplinarne, która stanowi oryginalny zbiór odpowiednio dobranych rozdziałów, opracowanych przez autorów z różnych specjalności medycznych i paramedycznych zajmujących się diagnozą i rehabilitacją osób z otępieniem. Otępienie czołowo-skroniowe stanowi nadzwyczaj ważki i trudny temat dla współczesnej neuronauki. Temat jest ważki przede wszystkim dlatego, że problemy związane z otępieniem w starszych latach dotyczą wciąż wzrastającej liczby osób, co stanowi nieunikniony, choć dość paradoksalny skutek przedłużenia się życia przeciętnego człowieka, bez proporcjonalnej poprawy jego kondycji fizycznej i psychicznej. Oznacza to m.in., że najprawdopodobniej mało kto z nas (tj. sami autorzy wraz z Czytelnikami) uniknie tego problemu w przyszłości, a ten dość przykry fakt czasami utrudnia proces utrzymywania należytego dystansu naukowego do tematu. Wiele rozdziałów publikowanych w tej książce jest owocem 13. Międzynarodowego Kongresu Polskiego Towarzystwa Neuropsychologicznego, zorganizowanego przez Krakowską Akademię im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w dniach 22 do 24 lutego 2010 roku. Uczestnicy kongresu podjęli panelową dyskusję, mającą na celu syntezę przyczyn i objawów otępienia czołowo-skroniowego. Główne tezy z tej dyskusji wykorzystano również w przygotowywaniu rozdziałów tej monografii

    Zmiany stereotypu chodu u pacjentów z bocznym skrzywieniem kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. Scoliosis is the most common orthopaedic disorder among children and adolescents thus constituting a serious social problem. 3D deformation of the spine changes the mechanics of the whole body. The aim of this work was to assesschanges in gait pattern in patients with scoliosis.Material and methods. Patients: 25 girls aged 12-16 years with idiopathic scoliosis greater than 20 degrees, not treated earlier. Method: objective gait analysis using the system VICON 460 synchronized with dynamic electromyography system and dynamographic platform. Measured parameters: spatio-temporal, kinematic, surface EMG of selected limb and trunk muscles. Calculations were performed with Polygon software.Results. Decreased pelvic tilt was found in 90 % of patients, together with an increased pelvic tilt range. In 2/3 of patients, the pelvis was obliqued in the frontal plane, and in the majority, the pelvis was rotated in the transverse plane with respect to the line of progression. The orientation of the hip joints in the frontal and transverse planes was incorrect in half of the patients, and the knees were slightly flexed at initial contact. In some patients, there was a diminished range of motion of the hip joints in the saggital plane, accompanied by an increased internal pelvic rotation at the initial contact. In all patients, the feet were dorsiflexed in the ankle joints in the swing phase, and in the transverse plane, there was an internal rotation of the feet with respect to the shank. In all patients, there was also an abnormal, asymmetrical activity of the trunk muscles, and of the greatest gluteal muscles.Conclusions. Scoliosis changes body mechanics and the orientation of the pelvis at least in one plane (in most cases – in all three planes). Compensatory mechanisms occur that may lead to further pathologies. The increased dorsiflexion of the feet in the swing phase was a surprising finding. As the maximum flexion of the knees in this phase is correct, the increased dorsiflexion could not have served as a compensatory mechanism helping in foot clearance.Wstęp. Boczne skrzywienie kręgosłupa to najczęściej występujące wśród dzieci i młodzieŜy schorzenie ortopedyczne, stanowiące poważny problem społeczny. Wielopłaszczyznowa deformacja kręgosłupa zaburza mechanikę ciała. Celem pracy była ocena zmian stereotypu chodu u pacjentów z bocznym skrzywieniem kręgosłupa. Materiał i metody. 25 dziewcząt w wieku 12-16 lat z bocznym idiopatycznym skrzywieniem kręgosłupa powyżej 20 stopni, nie leczonych wcześniej. Metody: analiza chodu za pomocą systemu VICON 460 z systemem do elektromiografii dynamicznej oraz z platformą dynamograficzną. Mierzono parametry czasowo-przestrzenne, kinematyczne oraz EMG wybranych mięśni kończyn dolnych i tułowia. Obliczenia wykonano za pomocą programu Polygon. Wyniki. U 90% pacjentek stwierdzono zmniejszone przodopochylenie miednicy, zwiększony zakres ruchu miednicy w pł. strzałkowej. U 2/3 miednica była ustawiona skośnie w pł. czołowej, a u większości takŜe skręcona względem linii kierunkowej chodu w pł. poprzecznej. U połowy ustawienie stawów biodrowych w pł. czołowej i poprzecznej było nieprawidłowe, a kontakt z podłożem odbywał się przy lekko zgiętych kolanach. U części pacjentek stwierdzono zmniejszenie zakresu ruchu w stawach biodrowych w pł. strzałkowej, ze zwiększoną rotacją wewnętrzną miednicy w chwili kontaktu z podłożem. U wszystkich stwierdzono zgięcie grzbietowe stóp w fazie wymachu oraz wewnętrzną rotację stóp względem goleni, a takŜe nieprawidłowy, asymetryczny zapis EMG mm. pośladkowych wielkich oraz wzdłuż kręgosłupa. Wnioski. Boczne skrzywienie kręgosłupa zaburza mechanikę ciała, zmienia orientację miednicy podczas chodu przynajmniej w jednej płaszczyźnie, w większości przypadków we wszystkich trzech. Pojawiają się mechanizmy kompensacyjne, które mogą stać się źródłem kolejnych nieprawidłowości. Zaskakującym zjawiskiem jest zgięcie grzbietowe stóp w fazie wymachu. PoniewaŜ u wszystkich pacjentek zgięcie kolan w fazie wymachu jest prawidłowe nie może to być mechanizm ułatwiający przenoszenie kkd nad podłoŜem

    Stevia Rebaudiana Bert. Leaf Extracts as a Multifunctional Source of Natural Antioxidants

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    The aim of the presented study was to characterize the content and biological activity of extracts prepared from dried Stevia rebaudiana leaves with potential application in the food or cosmetic industry. Aqueous (A), ethanolic (E) and glycol-aqueous (GA) extracts were analyzed for the content of polyphenols and proteins, showing that the highest amount of phenols (15.50 mg/g) and flavonoids (3.85 mg/g) contained GA. All extracts contained significant amount of protein (69.40–374.67 mg/g). Between analyzed stevia extracts (HPLC) GA contained the highest amount of polyphenols, especially ferulic (5.50 mg/g) and rozmaric (4.95 mg/g) acids derivates. The highest antiradical activity against DPPH• and ABTS•+ was noted for GA and E (IC50 = 0.38 and 0.71 µg flavonoids/mL). The highest ability to chelate Fe2+ was observed for E (IC50 = 2.08 µg flavonoids/mL). Stevia extracts were also analyzed for their cytotoxicity and fibroblast irritation potential in vitro. E and GA were the most cytotoxic and irritating, probably due to the high content of biologically active phytochemicals. On the other hand, a extract was the most tolerable by the cells. To summarize, the presented study evaluated the potential application of A, E and GA stevia extracts as natural source of antioxidants in the food and cosmetic industry

    Evaluation of a neurotherapy program for a child with ADHD with Benign Partial Epilepsy with Rolandic Spikes (BPERS) using event-related potentials

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    BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that there would be a good response to relative beta training, applied to regulate the dynamics of brain function in a patient with benign partial epilepsy with Rolandic Spikes (BPERS), associated with neuropsychiatric deficits resembling the symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). CASE REPORT: The patient, E.Z., age 9.3, was suffering from neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognitive dysfunction, especially attention deficits, and behavioral changes, rendering him unable to function independently in school and in many situations of everyday life. He was treated for epilepsy, but only slight progress was made. The patient took part in 20 sessions of relative beta training combined with behavioral training. We used standardized neuropsychological testing, as well as ERPs before the experiment and after the completion of the neurotherapy program. Neuropsychological testing at baseline showed multiple cognitive deficits. Over the course of neurotherapy, E.Z.’s verbal and non-verbal IQ increased significantly. His cognitive functions also improved, including immediate and delayed logical and visual recall on the WMS-III, maintaining attention on the WMS-III, and executive functions, but remained below norms. Physiologically, the patient showed substantial changes after neurotherapy, including fewer spikes and an increased P300 NOGO component. CONCLUSIONS: The cognitive deficits characteristic for ADHD in a child with BPERS may be unresponsive to antiepileptic treatment, but are reversible after a carefully selected neurotherapy program, combined with antiepileptic treatment. Event Related Potentials (ERPs) in the GO/NOGO task can be used to assess functional brain changes induced by neurotherapeutical programs

    The effect of programed physical activity measured with levels of body balance maintenance

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the research was an evaluation of 2 training programs covering the same standard physical activity in the initial stage (warm-up) and the main (motor exercises) as well as a separate end part in Program A of stretching and in Programme B of vibration training designed to improve the level of body balance. MATERIAL/METHODS: We tested 40 randomly chosen students of the Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, subsequently divided into two 20-person groups: C (average age 21.3±1.2), and E (average age 21.8±1.1). The training of body balance was conducted for 8 weeks: we used in Group C Program A and in group E Program B. The evaluation of body balance was done 3 times: at the beginning, at midway point, and at the end of the experiment. The stabilographic tests with posture-graphical method and the task of 1-leg balance standing with eyes closed was used. RESULTS: It was found that in the first examination both groups did not significantly differ in terms of the tested parameters of balance. During the training process we obtained increased time of maintaining balance on 1 leg. This difference was significant between tests 1 and 2 both for Group C (p=0.0002) and for E (p=0.0034), while between the tests 2 and 3 in Group E (p=0.0213) only. CONCLUSIONS: The training Program B is more effective to maintain balance on 1 leg when compared to Program A