107 research outputs found

    Storytelling i social selling jako metody grywalizacji andragogicznej podnoszącej wartość zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    Rentowna przedsiębiorczość, andragogiczna edukacja i pomysłowa grywalizacja wychowawcza to wartości, którym systemowo podporządkowano wskaźniki egzemplifikujące etyczne uzasadnienie zastosowania zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekście społecznym lokalu gastronomicznego. Z jednej strony artykuł przedstawia korpus metody grywalizacyjnej oparty na storytellingu i towarzyszącym mu odgrywaniu ról: killera, socializera, achivera i explorera w świecie rzeczywistym, z drugiej strony przenosi kontekst oddziaływania marketingowego w rzeczywistość social sellingu (FB). W opracowaniu objaśnia się andragogiczną wartość grywalizacji w codziennej funkcjonalności restauracji ujmowanej jako drobne przedsiębiorstwo rodzinne. Tekst uzasadnia znaczenie synergii systemów zrównoważonego rozwoju w podnoszeniu rangi wartości: lojalnej postawy pracownika, efektywności współpracownika i lojalności klienta. Ta ostatnia wartość, kluczowa wśród wszystkich pozostałych, decyduje o rezyliencji społecznej i ekonomicznej podmiotu gospodarczego w lokalnym ekosystemie społecznym

    Koncepcja usieciowienia jako etyczny klucz interpretacyjny zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie wypracowanej na gruncie chrześcijańskiej etyki społecznej koncepcji usieciowienia (Retinität), która stała się kluczem interpretacyjnym zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju. Artykuł prezentuje usieciowienie w ujęciu monachijskiego etyka społecznego Markusa Vogta uznającego tę koncepcję w chrześcijańskiej etyce społecznej za fundamentalną strategię działania na rzecz ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego. Koncepcja Retinität stała się jednym z uwarunkowań zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju wyłonionej na gruncie katolickiej nauki społecznej w wyniku analizy systemu zasad etyczno-społecznych sformułowanego przez przedstawiciela Lubelskiej Szkoły Katolickiej Nauki Społecznej Władysława Piwowarskiego

    The use of 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging for therapeutic decisions in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices and significant neurological, neurosurgical and neuro-oncology diagnostic indications

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    Between September 2009 and May 2014 the classification of 36 patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) in terms of the feasibility of MRI scanning due to strong clinical indications was carried out. Finally MRI examinations were performed in 20 patients, of whom 27 studies were conducted and a total number of 35 anatomical regions were scanned. Neurological, neurosurgical and neuro-oncology indications for MRI were reported in 19 patients (95%) in whom 26 MRI studies (96.3%) were performed, and 34 anatomical regions (97.1%) were scanned. One patient had indications for MRI in the field of cardiology. Medical information obtained from 27 MRI studies allowed decisions to be made regarding the treatment in all patients. After 8 studies (29.6%), patients were classified into 9 different neurosurgical procedures. In the case of the remaining 19 studies (70.4%), there were no indications for surgical treatment and the decisions to implement conservative treatment were made. There were no complications related to the implanted CIEDs observed: neither immediate nor in the follow-up. Conclusions (1)Magnetic resonance imaging studies in patients with non-MRI-conditional CIEDs in the vast majority are performed because of significant neurological, neurosurgical and neuro-oncology clinical indications.(2)Careful determination of the indications for MRI in each case allows the data necessary to be obtained to make definitive treatment decisions.(3)The adherence to examination protocol and device controlling procedures after MRI allows a very high safety profile of the method to be achieved

    Glove failure in elective thyroid surgery: A prospective randomized study

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    Objectives: To analyze perforation rate in sterile gloves used by surgeons in the operating theatre of the Department of Endocrinological and General Surgery of Medical University of Lodz. Material and Methods: Randomized and controlled trial. This study analyses the incidents of tears in sterile surgical gloves used by surgeons during operations on 3 types of thyroid diseases according to the 10th revision of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) codes. Nine hundred seventy-two pairs (sets) of gloves were collected from 321 surgical procedures. All gloves were tested immediately following surgery using the water leak test (EN455-1) to detect leakage. Results: Glove perforation was detected in 89 of 972 glove sets (9.2%). Statistically relevant more often glove tears occurred in operator than the 1st assistant (p < 0.001). The sites of perforation were localized mostly on the middle finger of the non-dominant hand (22.5%), and the non-dominant ring finger (17.9%). Conclusions: This study has proved that the role performed by the surgeon during the procedure (operator, 1st assistant) has significant influence on the risk of glove perforations. Nearly 90% of glove perforations are unnoticed during surgery

    Harmonization of exosome isolation from culture supernatants for optimized proteomics analysis

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    <div><p>Exosomes, the smallest subset of extracellular vesicles (EVs), have recently attracted much attention in the scientific community. Their involvement in intercellular communication and molecular reprogramming of different cell types created a demand for a stringent characterization of the proteome which exosomes carry and deliver to recipient cells. Mass spectrometry (MS) has been extensively used for exosome protein profiling. Unfortunately, no standards have been established for exosome isolation and their preparation for MS, leading to accumulation of artefactual data. These include the presence of high-abundance exosome-contaminating serum proteins in culture media which mask low-abundance exosome-specific components, isolation methods that fail to yield “pure” vesicles or variability in protein solubilization protocols. There is an unmet need for the development of standards for exosome generation, harvesting, and isolation from cellular supernatants and for optimization of protein extraction methods before proteomics analysis by MS. In this communication, we illustrate the existing problems in this field and provide a set of recommendations that are expected to harmonize exosome processing for MS and provide the faithful picture of the proteomes carried by exosomes. The recommended workflow for effective and specific identification of proteins in exosomes released by the low number of cells involves culturing cells in medium with a reduced concentration of exosome-depleted serum, purification of exosomes by size-exclusion chromatography, a combination of different protein extraction method and removal of serum-derived proteins from the final dataset using an appropriate sample of cell-unexposed medium as a control. Application of this method allowed detection of >250 vesicle-specific proteins in exosomes from 10 mL of culture medium.</p></div

    Cross-talk interactions of exogenous nitric oxide and sucrose modulates phenylpropanoid metabolism in yellow lupine embryo axes infected with Fusarium oxysporum

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    AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine cross-talk of exogenous nitric oxide (NO) and sucrose in the mechanisms of synthesis and accumulation of isoflavonoids in embryo axes of Lupinus luteus L. cv. Juno. It was verified whether the interaction of these molecules can modulate the defense response of axes to infection and development of the pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lupini. Sucrose alone strongly stimulated a high level of genistein glucoside in axes pretreated with exogenous nitric oxide (SNP or GSNO) and non-pretreated axes. As a result of amplification of the signal coming from sucrose and GSNO, high isoflavonoids accumulation was observed (+Sn+GSNO). It needs to be stressed that infection in tissues pretreated with SNP/GSNO and cultured on the medium with sucrose (+Si+SNP/+Si+GSNO) very strongly enhances the accumulation of free isoflavone aglycones. In +Si+SNP axes phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity was high up to 72h. As early as at 12h in +Si+SNP axes an increase was recorded in gene expression level of the specific isoflavonoid synthesis pathway. At 24h in +Si+SNP axes a very high total antioxidant capacity dependent on the pool of fast antioxidants was noted. Post-infection generation of semiquinone radicals was lower in axes with a high level of sucrose than with a deficit

    The impact of pulmonary regurgitation on right ventricular size and function in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot and additional haemodynamic abnormalities

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    Purpose: Right ventricular (RV) outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO) was demonstrated to be protective against RV dilatation in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot and chronic pulmonary regurgitation (PR). We hypothesised that the presence of additional haemodynamic abnormalities (more than mild tricuspid regurgitation, residual ventricular septal defect) reduces this protective association. Accordingly, we aimed to assess the impact of PR on RV size and function in this population. Material and methods: Consecutive patients with additional haemodynamic abnormalities after tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) repair, who had undergone cardiovascular magnetic resonance, were included. Results: Out of 90 patients studied, 18 individuals (mean age 32.5 ± 10.7 years, 72.2% males) met the inclusion criteria. There were no differences in RV volumes and ejection fraction between patients with and without RVOTO. Neither PR fraction (PRF) nor PR volume (PRV) correlated with RV end-diastolic volume (r = 0.36; p = 0.15 and r = 0.37; p = 0.14, respectively, for PRF and PRV) or RV end-systolic volume (r = 0.2; p = 0.42 and r = 0.19; p = 0.45, respectively, for PRF and PRV). Similarly, no significant correlations were observed between PRF or PRV and RV ejection fraction (r = –0.04; p = 0.87 and r = –0.03; p = 0.9, respectively). Conclusions: Additional haemodynamic abnormalities are associated with the abolition of the protective effect of RVOTO on RV size. There was no significant relationship between measures of PR and RV volumes in patients after TOF repair with concomitant haemodynamic abnormalities. These abnormalities acted as confounding factors in the assessment of the impact of pulmonary regurgitation on RV size and function

    QuantiFERON-TB-GOLD In-Tube in patients with sarcoidosis

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    Introduction: Sarcoidosis and tuberculosis (TB) are the diseases that share many similarities. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) culture results are the gold standard for the diagnosis of TB, but false positive results are not rare. The aim was to evaluate the utility of QFT in detecting latent TB infection in a group of sarcoidosis patients with negative history of TB and negative culture/BACTEC results, and checking sarcoidosis activity influence on the QFT results. Additionally, we assessed if QFT negative result may strengthen the suspicion that positive culture/BACTEC results are false positive. Material and methods: 37 culture-negative and 6 culture-positive sarcoidosis patients were enrolled. On the basis of clinical and radiological data TB was considered unlikely (false-positive results). A control group consisted of age-matched subjects with excluded TB (n = 37). QuantiFERON-TB GOLD In-Tube (QIAGEN, USA) was used according to the manual. Test validity was checked basing on the results obtained from a low-risk (n = 21) and active TB group (n = 23). Results: The frequency of positive results tended to be higher in MTB(–) sarcoidosis (24.3% vs. 13.5% for the control group, p = 0.37), but was similar to the general population. None of culture-positive sarcoidosis patients was QFT-positive. The positive results were equally distributed among patients with active and inactive sarcoidosis. Conclusions: QFT has been found to be the useful test for the detection of latent TB infection in sarcoidosis patients. In addition, we confirm that sarcoidosis activity does not negatively influence the result of QFT. Moreover, QFT would be proposed as a cost-saving diagnostic test providing additional diagnostic information when false positive MTB culture result in the sarcoidosis patient is highly suspected. However, in each case clinical, radiological and epidemiological data should be considered before taking the therapeutic decision