30 research outputs found

    MicroRNA expression profiles in liver and colon of sexually immature gilts after exposure to Fusarium mycotoxins

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    To improve our knowledge of the role of microRNAs (miRs) in responses of the porcine digestive system to two Fusarium mycotoxins, zearalenone (ZEN) and deoxynivalenol (DON), we examined the expression of 7 miRs (miR-9, miR-15a, miR-21, miR-34a, miR-122, miR-125b, and miR-192), previously found to be deregulated in diseased liver and colon cells. In this study, immature gilts were exposed to NOEL doses of ZEN (40 μg/kg/d), DON (12 μg/kg/d), ZEN+DON (40+12 μg/kg/d), and placebo (negative control group) for 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days. Before the treatment, expression levels of the selected miRs were measured in the liver, the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ascending and the descending colon of the gilts. Hierarchical clustering of the tissues by their miR expression profiles was consistent with what would be expected based on the anatomical locations and the physiological functions of the organs, suggesting that functions of the miRs are related to the specificities of the tissues in which they are expressed. A subset of 2 pairs of miRs (miR-21+miR-192 and miR-15a+miR-34a), which were assigned to two distinct clusters based on their tissue abundance, was then evaluated in the liver and the ascending and the descending colon during the treatment. The most meaningful results were obtained from the ascending colon, where a significant effect of the treatment was observed, suggesting that during the exposure to mycotoxins, the pathways involved in cell proliferation and survival were disordered. Changes in miR expression in the liver and the descending colon of the treated gilts were smaller, and were associated more with treatment duration than the exposure to ZEN, DON, or ZEN+DON. Further research should focus on identification of genes whose expression is regulated by these aberrantly expressed miRs. This should facilitate understanding of the miRNA-regulated biological effects of mycotoxins

    Palaeobiology, ecology, and distribution of stromatoporoid faunas in biostromes of the mid-Ludlow of Gotland

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    Six well exposed mid−Ludlow stromatoporoid−dominated reef biostromes in four localities from the Hemse Group in southeastern Gotland, Sweden comprise a stromatoporoid assemblage dominated by four species; Clathrodictyon mohicanum, “Stromatopora” bekkeri, Plectostroma scaniense, and Lophiostroma schmidtii. All biostromes investigated in this area (of approximately 30 km2) are interpreted to belong to a single faunal assemblage forming a dense accumulation of fossils that is probably the best exposed stromatoporoid−rich deposit of the Silurian. The results from this comprehensive study strengthen earlier interpretations of a combination of genetic and environmental control on growth−forms of the stromatoporoids. Growth styles are similar for stromatoporoids in all six biostromes. Differences in biostrome fabric are due to variations in the degree of disturbance by storms. The uniformity of facies and the widespread low−diversity fauna support the view that palaeoenvironmental conditions were similar across the area where these biostromes crop out, and promoted the extraordinary growth of stromatoporoids in this shallow shelf area

    Nowa kronika wałbrzyska, t. 3

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    Wałbrzych i jego słynny „złoty pociąg”, od pierwszej wzmianki na jego temat, zajmuje obecnie szczególne miejsce w wielu informacjach publicystycznych i naukowych. Na nowo rozbudzona ciekawość historyczna naszym miastem i regionem zbiegła się z siedemdziesiątą rocznicą przejęcia miasta przez władze polskie. Każdy niemalże mieszkaniec Wałbrzycha odczuwa ten pozytywny wzrost zainteresowania. Przygraniczne położenie, wielonarodowe wpływy w rozwoju politycznym, gospodarczym i kulturalnym odcisnęły swoje piętno na dziejach miasta, widzianych przez nas jako ciągłość od czasów najdawniejszych po czasy współczesne. I właśnie ta różnorodność stała się nagle niezwykle atrakcyjnym elementem dla przybywających tu turystów zaintrygowanych tajemniczymi historiami. Kolejny, trzeci tom Nowej kroniki wałbrzyskiej stara się jak zwykle uwzględnić wyniki najnowszych prac naukowych lokalnych badaczy, jak i wykorzystać te ustalenia, które posiadają istotną wartość poznawczą. Jak pisze Andrzej Garlicki „Najtrudniejsze w historii jest zrozumienie. Czyli odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego wydarzenia potoczyły się tak, a nie inaczej”, dlatego też staramy się zapewnić Czytelnikom szerokie spectrum poruszanych problemów oraz różne wątki wałbrzyskiej historii, podzielone na cztery części.Elżbieta Kwiatkowska-Wyrwis

    Genotoxicity of cyclopentha[c]phenanthrene and its two derivatives based on an in vitro micronucleus test

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    Environmental pollution causes a variety of health problems, including cancer. Many known pollutants have carcinogenic properties and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) belong to this group. In this study, an in vitro culture of V79 cells of the Chinese hamster was subjected to three tested PAHs: 5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1H-cyclopenta-[c]phenanthrene (ACP[c]Ph), 5-amino-9-methoxy-2,3-dihydro-1H-cyclopenta[c]phenanthrene (AMCP[c]Ph) and cyclopenta[c]phenanthrene (CP[c]Ph). The in vitro micronucleus (MN) assay was applied in order to evaluate the genotoxic properties of the studied compounds. The highest genotoxic effect was observed for AMCP[c]Ph in a concentration of 0.02μg·ml-1. The genotoxic effect of the other two compounds was slightly lower

    Adsorption properties of selected derivatives of lysosomotropic substances

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    W pracy zbadano właściwości adsorpcyjne pochodnych substancji lizo-somotropowych. Statyczne i dynamiczne napięcia powierzchniowego zmierzono metodą pierścienia du Noi'iy'a oraz metodą maksymalnego ciśnienia pęcherzyka powietrza. Na podstawie oszacowanych wartości parametrów adsorpcji analizowano korelację pomiędzy strukturą cząsteczek a właściwościami powierzchniowymi badanych pochodnych.Adsorption properties of derivatives of lysosomotropic substances were studied. Static and dynamic surface tension at air/water solution of surfactant were measured by two techniques: du Noiiy ring method and maximum bubble pressure method. On basis of estimated values of adsorption parameters the correlation between chemical structure of derivatives considered and their adsorption properties was analyzed

    Application of by-products and waste in the synthesis of nanosilver particles

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    Extracts from strawberry and raspberry leaves, carrot pomace, and spent grains, were tested as bioreducing agents for the synthesis of nanosilver particles (AgNP). Based on UV vis spectra, the leaf extracts produced the most AgNP, carrot pomace was less effective, and spent grains did not produce AgNP. The dynamic light scattering method revealed that AgNP ranged from 1 to 92nm in size, and that over 80% of the particles were about 10nm. Energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy showed that elements that typically stabilize nanoparticles were present. The well diffusion method (nutrient agar medium) indicated that AgNP synthesized with raspberry leaf extract exerted strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity against Gram negative bacteria and weaker activity against Gram positive bacteria. Although further analysis is needed to determine the mechanism of their synthesis, the results of this study show that plant extract based synthesis can produce nanoparticles with controlled size and morphology

    CYP1A gene expression in adipose fin of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) exposed to benzo[a]pyrene

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    Proximate to the environment, adipose fin of fish may be considered as a lipid storing tissue, and thus can be a target for either waterborne or dietary polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs). We determined the effects of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), a model PAC member, on CYP1A gene expression in adipose fin and compared that with the effects in gill of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) using the quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR). The results of the study demonstrated that constitutive CYP1A mRNA was present in adipose fin of rainbow trout, but the transcripts were far less abundant than those in gill tissue. We confirmed high CYP1A gene induction potential of the gills in rainbow trout injected with benzo[a]pyrene, but also showed moderately and transiently induced CYP1A mRNA in adipose fin. The modest and transitory gene expression may preclude rainbow trout adipose fin CYP1A mRNA levels from using it as an indicator of sustained exposure of fish to the polycyclic aromatic compounds

    Application of by-products and waste in the synthesis of nanosilver particles

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    Extracts from strawberry and raspberry leaves, carrot pomace, and spent grains, were tested as bioreducing agents for the synthesis of nanosilver particles (AgNP). Based on UV vis spectra, the leaf extracts produced the most AgNP, carrot pomace was less effective, and spent grains did not produce AgNP. The dynamic light scattering method revealed that AgNP ranged from 1 to 92nm in size, and that over 80% of the particles were about 10nm. Energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy showed that elements that typically stabilize nanoparticles were present. The well diffusion method (nutrient agar medium) indicated that AgNP synthesized with raspberry leaf extract exerted strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity against Gram negative bacteria and weaker activity against Gram positive bacteria. Although further analysis is needed to determine the mechanism of their synthesis, the results of this study show that plant extract based synthesis can produce nanoparticles with controlled size and morphology

    Preliminary evaluation of ER- and AhR-mediated gene expression patterns in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver after short-term exposure to zearalenone in binary mixtures

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    While estrogenic properties of mycotoxin zearalenone (ZEA) has been an extensively studied issue, little is known about molecular background of its biological responses that cannot be simply explained by the estrogenic potential. The present study describes effects of ZEA (10mg*kg-1 body weight) in binary mixtures either with benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), or with 17β-estradiol (E2) on ER- and AhR-dependent gene expression in juvenile rainbow trout liver, evaluated using Real-Time qPCR. The study revealed dual nature of ZEA, as the treatment with this compound alone increased mRNA levels of both ER- and AhR-mediated gene expression. However, our results did not show any synergistic or additive effect of ZEA in binary mixures with E2 or B[a]P on studied gene expression levels. Whether the intriguing potential of ZEA to elicit distinct signals was a result of binding affinity to AhR or/and ER and AhR mutual receptor interactions, should be investigated in further experiments

    MicroRNA expression in liver of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) exposed to microcystin-LR

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, highly conserved, non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression of target mRNAs through cleavage or translational inhibition. In the field of toxicology, the relationship between toxicity and microRNA expression is poorly understood. In the present study we analyzed the abundance of 9 selected miRNAs (omy-miR-21, omy-miR-21t, omy-miR-122, omy-miR-125a, omy-miR-125b, omy-miR-125t, omy-miR-199-5a, omy-miR-295, omy-let-7a) and mRNA of 3 genes (histone H2A, ribosome protein rpl19, and Dicer which is a miRNA processing enzyme) in liver samples of whitefish exposed to Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) at a dose of 100µg*kg-1body weight for 24 or 48h. In the examined liver tissue, omymiR-122 showed the highest relative constitutive level, what is consistent with data obtained from fish and mammals. Unexpectedly, the reference H2A mRNA level was consistently up-regulated (over 20-fold; P<0.05) in fish liver after both 24 and 48h of exposure to MC-LR. The result may suggest that MC-LR acts as an initiator of specific cell-physiologic signals triggering DNA replication in fish liver cells. MC-LR treatment had no effect on the examined miRNAs levels, except for omy-miR-125a and omy-let-7a. Whereas omy-miR-125a was up-regulated (ER=2.68; S.E. 1.61-6.78; P<0.05), omy-let-7a was down-regulated (ER=0.55; S.E. 0.32-0.79; P<0.05) in whitefish liver after 48h of the treatment with MC-LR, when compared to controls. More work with the fish is essential for understanding the crosstalk of the regulatory network controlled by the two miRNAs in the context of MC-LR toxicity