35 research outputs found

    Polimorfizam gena OLR1 i funkcionalna svojstva mliječnih krava

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    The study analyzed the polymorphism of single nucleotide substitution A8232C, located in the 3’UTR region of the receptor of the oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OLR1) gene. The study was conducted in a herd of Polish Holstein-Friesian (Red-and-White strain) dairy cattle. Identification of genotypes of individuals was performed using PCR-RFLP. The study stated the following frequency of A8232C polymorphism alleles: A - 0.30 and C - 0.70. Statistical analysis showed that the AC genotype cows were characterized by higher milk yield, protein and fat and for fat yield, the difference was confirmed statistically (P≤0.05). The cows with genotype AA were characterized by the latest occurrence of first calving and the longest intercalving interval, but the results were not confirmed statistically.Analiziran je polimorfizam pojedinačnog nukleotida na poziciji A8232C, smještenog u regiji 3’UTR, gena za receptor oksidiranog lipoproteina male gustoće (OLR1). U stadu poljskih holštajnsko-frizijskih (crveni i bijeli soj) krava za mlijeko genotipovi jedinki identificirani su PCR-RFLP metodom. Ustanovljena je sljedeća učestalost A8232 polimorfnih alela: A - 0,30 i C - 0,70. Statistička je analiza pokazala da su krave s genotipom AC imale veću proizvodnju mlijeka, bjelančevina i masti, pri čemu je razlika za mast potvrđena kao signifikantna (P≤0,05). Krave s genotipom AA imale su kasno prvo teljenje i dugo međutelidbeno razdoblje, no ti rezultati nisu potvrđeni kao statistički signifikantni

    Disturbances of serum glucose level regulation in patients with advanced neoplastic disease

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    Zaburzenia gospodarki węglowodanowej oraz częste wahania glikemii u osób z zaawansowaną chorobą nowotworową stanowią istotny problem kliniczny. Chorych objętych opieką długoterminową, u których stwierdza się zaburzenia regulacji glikemii, można podzielić na dwie grupy: pierwszą stanowią pacjenci z jawną cukrzycą, drugą pacjenci z okresowymi zaburzeniami przemiany węglowodanowej niezwiązanymi z cukrzycą. Czynnikami determinującymi zaburzenia gospodarki węglowodanowej u osób z zaawansowaną chorobą nowotworową są: przewlekła hiperkortyzolemia, przewlekła hiperkatecholaminemia oraz względna przewaga glukagonu nad insuliną, efektem czego jest przyspieszenie lipolizy i glikogenolizy. Wszystkie powyższe mechanizmy prowadzą także niezależnie do znacznego przyspieszenia glukoneogenezy w wątrobie, z towarzyszącą insulinoopornością oraz zaburzeniami sekrecji insuliny. Do innych czynników zaburzających prawidłową regulację glikemii zalicza się wydzielane w zwiększonych ilościach cytokiny: TNF-a, IL-1 oraz interferony. Znajomość podstawowych zasad rozpoznawania i leczenia zaburzeń regulacji glikemii, oparta na zrozumieniu prowadzących do nich mechanizmów, powinna przyczynić się do lepszej opieki nad tą grupą chorych, a tym samym poprawić komfort ich życia.Disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism and frequent variations of serum glucose level in patients with advanced neoplastic disease are the critical clinical problem. Patients, admitted to the long term medical care units, who have glucose metabolism abnormalities can be divided into two groups: first — are the patients with symptomatic diabetes mellitus, and second — are the patients with periodic carbohydrate metabolism abnormalities without clinical manifestation of diabetes mellitus. These glucose metabolism abnormalities in patients with malignancy can be determined by such factors as: chronic excess of cortisol and katecholamines, and relative predominance of glucagons over insulin, that causes acceleration of lypolysis and glycogenolysis. Mechanism mentioned above lead independently also to marked increase in liver guconeogenesis in association with insulin resistance and disturbances in insuline secretion. Other factors, that may affect serum glucose level regulation, are the cytokines released in excess like TNF-a, IL-1 and interferon. Knowledge about diagnosis and treatment principles of glucose metabolism derangements based on understanding of mechanism that can lead to these disorders, should contribute to better care of this group of patients, thereby improve quality of their life

    Ocena stężenia adiponektyny u pacjentów z otyłością prostą

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    Introduction. Obesity has become the epidemic of the XXI century. According to the World Health Organization over one billion adults suffer from excessive body mass and about 300 million is obese. According to the research conducted in Poland between 2003–2005, about 40.4% of men and about 27.9% of women is overweight, while 21.2% of men and 22.4% of women is obese. Obesity is the result of positive energy balance caused by the excessive consumption of food in comparison to energy demand of an organism. Fatty tissue found in excessive amount in the bodies of obese people is metabolically and endocrinologically very active. It produces many cytokines e.g. TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor alfa), leptin, perlipin, interleukin 6, rezistin, angiotesynogen, PAI-1 (Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1), visfatin and omentin. One of the recently discovered adipocytokines is adiponectin. Material and methods. The following work is based on the research of 15 obese and 15 healthy people. All of them underwent anthropometric measurements, laboratory test of fat balance, glucose and adiponectin with Adiponectin (human) ELISA (EIA-4177) test by DRG International Inc. Results. The results showed that in case of the obese patients the level of adiponectin was significantly lower than in case of the control group. Its concentration reduction was accompanied by the increase of triglycerides concentration and the decrease of HDL cholesterol concentration. The concentration of adiponectin showed the negative correlation with the systolic pressure and waistline and the positive correlation with HDL cholesterol. Conclusions. The conducted research and data found in medical literature both show that in case of obesity, the decrease of adiponectin concentration is inversely proportional to the waistline of the patients. The preservation of the correct body mass and its reduction in obese people is connected with the high level of adiponectin. It is also positive because of the protective effect of adiponectin on cardiovascular system.Wstęp. Otyłość stała się epidemią XXI wieku. Według szacunków Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia ponad miliard osób dorosłych ma nadmierną masę ciała, z czego u co najmniej 300 mln występuje otyłość. W Polsce według wyników badań przeprowadzonych w latach 2003– 2005 nadwaga występuje u 40,4% mężczyzn i 27,9% kobiet, a otyłość u 21,2% mężczyzn i 22,4% kobiet. Otyłość jest chorobą ogólnoustrojową. Rozwija się wskutek dodatniego bilansu energetycznego, spowodowanego nadmiernym spożyciem pokarmów w stosunku do zapotrzebowania energetycznego organizmu. Tkanka tłuszczowa występująca u osób otyłych ponad przyjętą normę jest bardzo aktywna metabolicznie i endokrynnie. Produkuje ona wiele cytokin, na przykład TNF-a (czynnik martwicy nowotworu alfa), leptynę, perylipinę, interleukinę 6, rezystynę, angiotensynogen, PAI-1 (inhibitor aktywatora plazminogenu typu 1), wisfatynę, omentynę. Jedną z niedawno odkrytych adipocytokin jest adiponektyna. Materiał i metody. W niniejszej pracy do badań włączono 15 otyłych pacjentów i 15 zdrowych ochotników. U wszystkich analizowanych osób wykonano pomiary antropometryczne oraz badania laboratoryjne parametrów gospodarki lipidowej, glukozy na czczo oraz adiponektyny metodą ELISA za pomocą zestawu Adiponectin (human) ELISA (EIA-4177) firmy DRG International Inc. Wyniki. Wyniki badania wykazały, że w grupie badanej stężenie adiponektyny było znamiennie niższe niż w grupie kontrolnej. Spadkowi towarzyszył wzrost stężenia triglicerydów i spadek stężenia cholesterolu frakcji HDL. Stężenia adiponektyny wykazywały ujemną korelację z wartościami ciśnienia skurczowego i obwodem talii pacjentów oraz dodatnią korelację ze stężeniem cholesterolu frakcji HDL. Wnioski. Przeprowadzone badania oraz dane z literatury wskazują, że otyłości towarzyszy odwrotnie proporcjonalny do obwodu talii spadek stężenia adiponektyny. Utrzymanie prawidłowej masy ciała oraz jej redukcja u osób otyłych wiąże się z wysokim stężeniem adiponektyny, który jest korzystny ze względu na ochronne działanie tego białka na układ sercowo- -naczyniowy

    Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators - A Review of Potential Uses, Benefits, Side effects and Limitations

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    Introduction: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are a group of chemical compounds capable of selectively activating androgen receptors (ARs) in the body. These substances can play a significant role in a new therapeutic approach in various fields of medicine, limiting the side effects associated with traditional anabolic steroids. In this article, we will focus on an overview of the current scientific knowledge on SARMs, their mechanisms of action, potential therapeutic applications, risks and challenges related to their use.  Aim of the study: The primary aim of this study was to to present potential use of selective androgen receptor modulators in sport and treatment focusing on its benefits and limitations as well as side effects aspects.  State of Knowledge:  SARMs in research show therapeutic benefits in the treatment of diseases such as osteoporosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, muscle diseases and some types of cancer. Some studies suggest that few SARMs may be hepatotoxic. Most research on SARMs has been short-term, so the long-term effects of their use remain poorly understood.  Conclusion: The popularity of SARMs is constantly growing, and research on their use in medicine and sports provides more and more new ways to use them. Despite promising results, these compounds still pose many scientific challenges and raise legitimate concerns about their long-term effects on human health.

    Venous malformations in children - a literature review

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    Introduction: Venous malformations are congenital, the most occurring subtype of vascular malformations. They are characterized by slow flow, tortuosity and lack of macular layer within the vessel. Venous malformations can be highly problematic to diagnose and treat, thus differentiation the venous malformations with other diseases in pediatric population is important.   Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to summarize the available knowledge about venous malformation in pediatric population. The options in diagnosis, treatment and potential new methods were summarized and described. Materials and methods The literature available in the PubMed database was reviewed using the following keywords: “Vascular malformations”, “Venous Malformations”, “Venous malformations treatment, “Children”. Conclusions: Venous malformations are an important problem in pediatric population, as a seldom affliction they can be easily misdiagnosed as other diseases and treated inadequately. Widening of awareness of venous malformations and possible methods of diagnosing and treating them is very important to raise quality of health care in children

    Allergic march: a comprehensive approach to diagnosing, treating and preventing atopic diseases

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    The article discusses the phenomenon of allergic march, which is a progressive process of atopic disease development in allergic patients. The inflammatory process changes localization, causing various symptoms such as atopic dermatitis, food allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis and eosinophilic esophagitis. Allergic march has a major impact on the development of asthma and allergic rhinitis. The diversity of allergic march trajectories is due to the interaction of genetic, environmental and psychosocial factors. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial to prevent effectively the progression of allergic diseases. The article also discusses the advantages of sublingual immunotherapy (SILT) in the treatment of allergic diseases. SILT shows safety profile and may be more acceptable treatment option for the patients comparing to the traditional subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT). There are evidence of the beneficial effects of SILT in reducing allergy symptoms and improving quality of life in allergic patients

    IQOS - new heat-not-burn tobacco products and its impact on health

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    Introduction: Iqos and other heat-not-burn products according to tobacco companies are a safer alternative to cigarettes. The aim of this article is to objectively review the potential impact of iQOS® on human health by searching for and integrating published research findings. This article provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the scientific research conducted on the effects of Iqos use on human health, distinguishing between specific medical fields. Materials and methods: This study is based on medical articles collected from the PubMed database spanning the years 2016-2023. The research was conducted through the analysis of keywords such as "Iqos", "Heat not burn", and "Iqos health impact".  Results: Tobacco heaters are seen as potentially less harmful. However, emerging research on their harmfulness clearly shows that despite reduced concentrations of compounds hazardous to health, the aerosol produced by heaters still contains the same harmful substances. Further studies show that the toxic impact of the aerosol is at a similar level to that of smoke from traditional cigarettes

    Do emotions organize or disorganize action?

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    INTRODUCTION  Emotions companions us in our everyday life and are still difficult to define. Among many functions, such as inducing physiological changes, availability to specific behaviors, the organizing or disorganizing influence of emotions is also distinguished.  OBJECTIVE  The aim of the article is to show the theory of emotions and answer the question whether they organize our actions or, on the contrary, promote disorganization.  STATE OF THE ART. DESCRIPTION  Among the many functions attributed to emotions are that they can direct our actions towards a given goal and sustain it, or vice versa. Emotion is, among other things, an expression of the action of instincts, it mobilizes the body, organizes action and performs an energizing function. Nowadays, attention is paid to the mobilizing aspects of emotions - weak or moderate emotions organize our functioning. Only a strong emotional state ceases to motivate, makes our actions disoriented. On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish between emotional states and motivation. Watson shows emotions as a disorder of homeostasis along with numerous disorders of mental regulation. Clore, Clark, and Watson argue that dysfunctional are persistent, troublesome states that may be manifestations of affective or temperamental disorders rather than transient emotions. Speaking of emotion and its impact on action, it is worth mentioning and stopping at the issue of inhibition and expressing emotional states.    CONCLUSION  It is not possible to unequivocally determine that emotions either organize or disorganize our behavior, because a lot depends on the intensity of the experienced emotion and its directio

    Creatine and the plurality of its uses, with emphasis on its supplementation in sports

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    Introduction: Creatine is a non-protein amino acid that is synthesized endogenously mainly in the liver, kidney or pancreas, and also supplied exogenously with food, especially meat. The use of dietary supplements containing creatine is becoming increasingly popular, as evidenced by sales of $400 million per year.Aim of the study: The aim of our study was to evaluate the potential applications of exogenous creatine with a particular focus on its use in sport. State of Knowledge: Regular use of creatine contributes to water retention in the body as well as muscle hypertrophy. This leads to improved athletic performance, faster recovery as well as a shorter recovery period after injury. The potential use of creatine as an aid in the treatment of depression seems extremely interesting, but these reports require further research. Conclusion: Creatine is currently one of the most popular dietary supplements. Not only is it widely used in sport, where it shows a number of benefits, but research is also underway into its use in medicine