2 research outputs found

    Dynamic Model of the Chloroplast Biogenesis

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    Video (MOV) File Presenting the Dynamic Model of the Chloroplast Biogenesis Based on the Electron Tomography Reconstructions of Seven Subsequent Developmental Stages and on 2D Theoretical Model

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Overlapping toxic effect of long term thallium exposure on white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) photosynthetic activity

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    Morphology of white mustard plants grown in the control conditions (A) and in the presence of thallium in concentration 100 Όg L−1 (B), 500 Όg L−1 (C) and 1,000 Όg L−1 (D). Bar = 2.5 cm. Figure S2. Changes of leaf blade architecture of white mustard plants grown in the presence of thallium revealed by bright field microscopy. Pictures show leaf blade cross-sections from control (A) and Tl-treated plants (B-G): 100 Όg L−1 (H100) (B); 500 Όg L−1 healthy green leaves, which showed no changes in morphology comparing to the control cultivation (H500) (C), green (G500) (D) and yellow (Y500) (E) parts of the affected leaves; 1,000 Όg L−1 green (G1000) (F) and yellow (Y1000) (G) parts of the affected leaves. Figure S3. Analysis of non-photochemical quenching parameter (NPQ) in the dark adapted white mustard leaves from control and Tl-treated plants presented on Fig. 3. (A) an exemplary fluorescence traces for control, 500 Όg L−1 of Tl and 1,000 Όg L−1 of Tl leaves recorded during exposition of dark-adapted leaves to actinic light illumination. (B) Changes of NPQ parameter calculated for the entire leaf area on the basis of recorded fluorescence traces during actinic light illumination. (C) Visualization of the induction and relaxation of NPQ throughout the leaf. The images are representative for at least ten leaves from each treatment. Description of samples abbreviation as given in the legend to Fig. 3. (PDF 629 kb