37 research outputs found

    Locality of Dianthus campestris (Caryophyllaceae) in Ma艂opolska Upland (S Poland)

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    Locality of Dianthus campestris (Caryophyllaceae) in Ma艂opolska Upland (S Poland). In August 2013 the locality for Dianthus campestris have been found on sandy grassland (near the railway line) in S艂owik-Markowizna village in vicinity of Kielce (Ma艂opolska Upland, S Poland - noBiset al. 2015). It is the first locality of this speciesrecorded in south Poland. Specimens (about 110 flowering shoots) grow on sandy grassland (near the roadside and the railway line). D. campestris is probably natu-ralized species on this area but it needs long-term observation

    Scandix pecten-veneris L. (Apiaceae) in the Ma艂opolska Upland (S Poland) : regional changes in the distribution and population resources of declining weed species

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    The paper presents results of the inventory of localities of Scandix pecten-veneris L. in the Ma艂opolska Upland conducted after 2000. The existing population resources were estimated and current distribution of the species in the Ma艂opolska Upland and Poland was showed. Some threats to this species as well as conservation prospects were discussed

    Lathyrus pisiformis in the Ma艂opolska Upland (S Poland) : occurrence and threats

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    The article contains results of floristic research conducted since 2010 in the southwestern part of the 艢wi臋tokrzyskie Mountains. The paper presents current distribution of threatened species - Lathyrus pisiformis in the Ma艂opolska Upland. 26 localities of Lathyrus pisiformis have been found, 6 of them were not previously reported. Species has not been confirmed at 4 localities (known from literature sources). Information on abundance, the habitat preferences at the localities and the main threats to this rare species in Poland is given. As well as an update map of distribution in the Ma艂opolska Upland is presented

    An updated distribution of Solidago 脳niederederi (Asteraceae) in Poland

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    In this paper, an updated map of the distribution of Solidago 脳niederederi, a natural hybrid between S. canadensis and S. virgaurea, in Poland is presented using the ATPOL cartogram method. A compiled list of 55 localities of the hybrid within 40 cartogram units (10-km squares) is provided and its negative impact on S. virgaurea is highlighted

    PySDM v1 : particle-based cloud modeling package for warm-rain microphysics and aqueous chemistry

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    PySDM is an open-source Python package for simulating the dynamics of particles undergoing condensational and collisional growth, interacting with a fluid flow and subject to chemical composition changes. It is intended to serve as a building block for process-level as well as computational-fluid-dynamics simulation systems involving representation of a continuous phase (air) and a dispersed phase (aerosol), with PySDM being responsible for representation of the dispersed phase. The PySDM package core is a Pythonic high-performance implementation of the Super-Droplet Method (SDM) Monte-Carlo algorithm for representing collisional growth, hence the name. PySDM has two alternative parallel number-crunching backends available: multi-threaded CPU backend based on Numba and GPU-resident backend built on top of ThrustRTC. The usage examples are built on top of four simple atmospheric cloud modelling frameworks: box, adiabatic parcel, single-column and 2D prescribed flow kinematic models. In addition, the package ships with tutorial code depicting how PySDM can be used from Julia and Matlab

    New Localities of Vascular Plants Occurring in Poland, 3

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    W pracy przedstawiono nowe stanowiska 18 rzadkich (lub regionalnie rzadkich) ro艣lin naczyniowych w Polsce (rodzimych i obcych), tj. Allium victorialis, Asclepias syriaca, Carex brizoides, Cephalanthera rubra, Cypripedium calceolus, Eragrostis albensis, Erysimum pieninicum, Gentiana cruciata, Lepidium coronopus, L. latifolium, Limosella aquatica, Lycopodiella inundata, Orobanche centaurina, O.聽lutea, Silaum silaus, Taraxacum paucilobum, Tragus racemosus oraz Trapa natans.This work presents a list of new localities in Poland for the following 18 rare (including regional rare) vascular plants (native and alien species): Allium victorialis, Asclepias syriaca, Carex brizoides, Cephalanthera rubra, Cypripedium calceolus, Eragrostis albensis, Erysimum pieninicum, Gentiana cruciata, Lepidium coronopus, L. latifolium, Limosella aquatica, Lycopodiella inundata, Orobanche centaurina, O. lutea, Silaum silaus, Taraxacum paucilobum, Tragus racemosus, and聽Trapa natans.The research was self-financed by the authors