24 research outputs found

    Schottky barrier lowering with the formation of crystalline Er silicide on n-Si upon thermal annealing

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    The evolution of the Schottky barrier height (SBH) of Er silicide contacts to n-Si is investigated as a function of the annealing temperature. The SBH is found to drop substantially from 0.43 eV for the as-deposited sample to reach 0.28 eV, its lowest value, at 450 C. By x-ray diffraction, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the decrease in the SBH is shown to be associated with the progressive formation of crystalline ErSi2-x

    Wpływ nawożenia siarką i potasem na plonowanie i zawartość różnych form azotu w rzepaku jarym

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    This study analyzed the effect of sulphur and potassium fertilization on yield and on total N, protein N, N-NO3~ and N-NH3 content in spring rape harvested during the bloom period and at full maturity. The study was based on plant material obtained from a pot experiment. The results obtained indicate that fertilization with sulphur and potassium significantly increased the yield of rape harvested during the bloom period and at full maturity. Only the effect of potassium on seed yield was not found to be significant. The highest yields were noted in the objects fertilized with the higher doses of sulphur and potassium. The effectiveness of potassium fertilization depended on the plants' supply of sulphur. Potassium influenced the effectiveness of sulphur fertilization, but to a lesser degree. Supplying the test plant with sulphur and potassium had a beneficial effect on nitrogen metabolism. This was manifested as an increased proportion of protein nitrogen in the total nitrogen and a decrease in mineral forms of this nutrient in the plants fertilized with sulphur and potassium.W pracy przeanalizowano wpływ nawożenia siarką i potasem na plonowanie i zawartość N og., N białk., N-NO3- i N-NH4+ w rzepaku jarym zbieranym w okresie kwitnienia i pełnej dojrzałości. Podstawę badań stanowił materiał roślinny uzyskany z doświadczenia wazonowego. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że nawożenie siarką i potasem istotnie zwiększyło plony rzepaku zbieranego w okresie kwitnienia i pełnej dojrzałości. Brak istotności wystąpił tylko w oddziaływaniu potasu na plon nasion. Najwyższe plony roślin odnotowano w obiektach nawożonych większymi dawkami siarki i potasu. Efektywność nawożenia potasem zależała od zaopatrzenia roślin w siarkę. Potas na efektywność nawożenia siarką wpływał, ale w mniejszym stopniu. Zaopatrzenie rośliny testowej w siarkę i potas korzystnie wpłynęło na przemiany metaboliczne azotu. Ten korzystny wpływ wyraził się zwiększeniem udziału azotu białkowego w azocie ogólnym i zmniejszeniem mineralnych form tego składnika w roślinach nawożonych siarką i potasem

    Fabrication of electrochemical nanoelectrode for sensor application Rusing focused ion beam technology

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    The capabilities and applications of the focused ion beam (FIB) technology for detection of an electrochemical signal in nanoscale area are shown. The FIB system, enabling continuous micro- and nanofabrication within only one equipment unit, was used to produce a prototype of electrochemical nanometer-sized electrode for sensor application. Voltammetric study of electrochemically active compound (ferrocenemethanol) revealed the diffusion limiting current (12 pA), corresponding to a disc (planar) nanoelectrode with about 70 nm diameter of contact area. This size is in a good accordance with the designed contact-area (50 nm × 100 nm for width × thickness) of the FIB-produced nanoelectrode. It confi rms that produced nanoelectrode is working properly in liquid solution and may enable correct measurements in nanometer-sized regions

    TEM study of PtSi contact layers for accumulated low Schottky barrier MOSFET

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    Transmission electron microscopy of In(Ga)As quantum dot structure

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    The application of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to the investigation of In(Ga)As quantum dot (QD) structures grown on GaAs substrates is reviewed. Using various examples of the QD structures the advantages of using TEM for the analysis of QDs are presented. From plan-view TEM images the areal density of dots can be determined in real structures where QDs are embedded in the structure. Cross-sectional TEM images inform us about the real geometry of the structure, the shape, width and height as well as the distribution of QDs. It is especially useful for the investigations of multilayer QD structures