21 research outputs found

    Eliksir życia. Właściwości farmakologiczne Elixir Vitae Matthioli

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    Elixir of life. Pharmacological properties of Elixir Vitae Matthioli. The history of science, especially of pharmacy and medicine, is connected with occult subjects such as religion, magic and alchemy. The last one we owe a lot of chemistry, physics and medicinal wisdom for example. Pharmacological properties of various plants, mineral salts and other substances, and methods of laboratory work. Nowadays scientists estimate the limit of human lifespan to 125 years. Does old recipes from XVI and XVII century pharmacopoeias and dispensatories have solution to prolong our live? I am not convinced but the old recipes could be great inspiration for planning new drugs research. In my work I analyse 4 recipes for Elixir Vitae Matthioli- very popular in XVII and XVIII century type of theriac. The recipe for this elixir contains from 33 up to 38 ingredients, which we could divide into several groups: herbs from Lamiaceae family, spicy seasonings, field plants and smell amplifiers. In my article I tried to predict the pharmacological properties of this mixture, considering the method of manufacturing (maceration the ingredients in spiritus vini (ethanolum), then filtration and distillation). Does old recipes could be an inspiration for us? Certainly. In 2015 Tu Youyou, Chinease scientist was awarded Nobel Prize for discovering the artemisinin- main anti-malarial drug nowadays. Other example is work of microbiologists from the University of Nottingham. In 2015 they found, that the medicine from XI century medicinal book made from garlic, onion, cow bile and white wine have unsuspected strong antimicrobial properties (it killed 90% of MRSA strains)

    Paul Gulden (1588–1658): royal servitor, creator of the first Polish-language professional dictionary, and promoter of the Torun theriac

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    In 1633, Władysław IV signed an important resolution of the Coronation Sejm. It updated the Titulo Aromata law of 1523. It established that pharmacists should be examined annually at the Akademia Krakowska (Cracow Academy). From now on, the pharmacy receives state regulation. Paweł Guldeniusz, the city, and royal apothecary was a witness to these developments. Because of the new challenges, he decided to compile a pharmaceutical dictionary, which he published in 1640. This work is the first Polish-language professional dictionary. Its publication made it possible to professionalize the profession and codify Polish-language terminology. The idea to write this dictionary likely originated when he was preparing his son for his pharmacy examinations. Today, we could call this work a didactic textbook or a script for young people wishing to acquire the profession of pharmacist. He included twenty-four questions and the answers to them to make it easier for pharmacist students to learn. In his life, he worked as both an ordinary apothecary and a royal apothecary. As such, he was directly accountable to the king and the court marshal. His tasks included supplying medicines and overseas foodstuffs to the court and attending to the king on his travels. In 1623. Guldenius arrived in Toruń, where, during the following two years, a plague epidemic claimed some five thousand citizens, including the then mayor Mark Mochinger, also a pharmacist. A few years before the Swedish Deluge and the siege of Toruń (1658), this city was attacked by the Swedes, resulting in another epidemic (1629). Consequently, Guldenius decided to develop a recipe for theriac (a universal remedy) to be administered to the inhabitants of the republic of Toruń. This recipe was printed in pamphlet form by Franz Schnellboltz. Teriak consisted of 65 ingredients, divided into seven classes of ingredients. These can be divided into the following categories: finished medicines and plant preparations, zoonotic raw materials, resins, spices, mushrooms, mineral substances, and other plant raw materials. The purpose of this article is to introduce the figure of Pavel Guldenius – pharmacist, creator of a professional dictionary, and promoter of the Torun theriac

    The statistical impact of experimental result scatter of asphalt mixtures on their numerical modelling

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    The paper presents selected test results of asphalt mixture conducted in low temperatures. The obtained parameters are highly diverse. It concerns ultimate breaking loads, stiffness parameters related to Young's modulus but also the fracture course. Statistical analysis upon the results makes it possible to relevantly estimate the material-defining parameter values. Such a random approach leads to the mean values of breaking and fracture-triggering loads, dealing with their dispersion too. The estimated parameters allow to form appropriate numerical models of asphalt mixture specimens. This type of analysis supports the laboratory tests. The paper presents the authors' simplified model considering non-uniform material features. The results reflect the scatter of real laboratory test outcomes. In order to do so an algorithm to calibrate the numerical model parameters was created

    Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors

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    The paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary FEM model was carried out. The main distinguishing feature of the model is the assignment of material parameters of coarse aggregate and bituminous mortar to randomly selected finite elements. The parameters of the mortar are selected by trial and error to match the numerical results to the experimental ones. The stiffness modulus of the bituminous mortar is, therefore, a substitute parameter, taking into account the influence of many factors, including material degradation resulting from the aging and changing environmental conditions, the influence of voids, and contact between the aggregate and the bituminous mortar. The use of the Monte Carlo method allows to reflect the scattering of the results obtained based on laboratory tests. The computational algorithm created in the ABAQUS was limited only to the analysis of the global mechanical bending response of the SCB sample, without mapping the failure process in detail. The combination of the results of laboratory tests usually carried out on a limited number of samples and numerical simulations provide a sufficiently large population of data to carry out a reliable statistical analysis, and to estimate the reliability of the material designed

    The Usage of Ergot (Claviceps purpurea (fr.) Tul.) in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Historical Perspective

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    In the past centuries consumption of bread made of ergot-infected flour resulted in mass poisonings and miscarriages. The reason was the sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.—a source of noxious ergot alkaloids (ergotamine and ergovaline). The authors have searched the 19th century medical literature in order to find information on the following topics: dosage forms of drugs based on ergot and their application in official gynecology and obstetrics. The authors also briefly address the relevant data from the previous periods as well as the 20th century research on ergot. The research resulted in a conclusion that applications of ergot in gynecology and obstetrics in the 19th century were limited to controlling excessive uterine bleeding and irregular spasms, treatment of fibrous tumors of the uterus, and prevention of miscarriage, abortion, and amenorrhoea. The most common dosage forms mentioned in the works included in our review were the following: tinctures, water extracts (Wernich’s and Squibb’s watery extract of ergot), pills, and powders. The information documented in this paper will be helpful for further research and helpful in broadening the understanding of the historical application of the described controversial crude drugs. Ergot alkaloids were widely used in obstetrics, but in modern times they are not used in developed countries anymore. They may, however, play a significant role in developing countries where, in some cases, they can be used as an anti-hemorrhage agent during labor

    The impact of innovation on local development

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    Innowacje są ważnym elementem rozwoju lokalnego każdej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. Celem głównym pracy jest zbadanie wpływu wybranej innowacje na poszczególne aspekty, które determinują rozwój lokalny w Gminie Orzysz. Praca została opracowana na podstawie literatury przedmiotu oraz badań empirycznych ilościowych. Ma charakter badawczy. W pracy wyjaśniono pojęcie i istotę innowacji, rozwoju lokalnego oraz opisano specyfikę badanej gminy. Zawarto opis wyników badań przeprowadzonej ankiety oraz wyciągnięte wnioski. Wykazano wpływ innowacji na poszczególne płaszczyzny rozwoju lokalnego. Autor przeanalizował mocne i słabe strony oraz szanse i zagrożenia badanej gminy oraz przygotował propozycje kierunków rozwoju. Praca ma wykazać, że występowanie innowacji wpływ na rozwój lokalny danegoobszaru. W pracy wykorzystano literaturę związaną z innowacjami, sektorem publicznym oraz rozwojem lokalnym.Innovations are an important element of the local development of each localgovernment unit. The main aim of the work is to investigate the impact of a selected innovation on individual aspects that determine local development in the Orzysz Commune. The work was prepared on the basis of the literature on the subject and empirical quantitative research. The thesis character is research. The paper explains the concept and the essence of innovation, local development and describes the specificity of the studied commune. It includes a description of the results of the survey conducted and the conclusions drawn. The impact of innovation on individual levels of local development was demonstrated. The author analyzed the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats of the examined commune and prepared proposals of development directions. The work is to demonstrate that the occurrence of innovation influences the local development of a given area. Extensive literature on the innovation, public sector and local development has been used in this bachelor’s thesis

    Beautification Is a Target Domain: The Analysis of Conceptual Metaphores in Cosmetic Advertising

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    Praca oparta jest na lingwistyce kognitywnej i stanowi przegląd literatury na temat metafory konceptualnej, podkreśla jej znaczenie w procesie poznawczym i objaśnia terminologię stosowaną w tej dziedzinie. Ponadto przybliża główne cechy języka reklamy i tłumaczy jakie zastosowanie w marketingu mają metafory konceptualne. W pracy szczególną uwagę poświęcono domenom źródłowym wojny i technologii oraz przeanalizowano ich zastosowanie na konkretnych przykładach reklam wybranych ze stron internetowych poszczególnych marek kosmetycznych.The thesis is based on cognitive linguistics and provides a literature review on the topic of conceptual metaphor, emphasizes its importance in the cognitive process and explains the terminology used in this field. In addition, it presents the main characteristics of the advertising language and depicts how conceptual metaphors are implemented in this type of discourse. The text focuses on the source domains of war and technology and analyses their use on specific examples of metaphorical expressions in advertisements selected from the websites of different cosmetic brands.La tesis está basada en la lingüística cognitiva y presenta una revisión de la teoría sobre el tema de la metáfora conceptual, enfatiza su importancia en el proceso cognitivo y aclara la terminología utilizada en este campo. Además, describe las principales características del lenguaje publicitario y explica cómo se implementan las metáforas conceptuales en este tipo de discurso. El texto se concentra en dominios fuente de la guerra y la tecnología y analiza su empleo en ejemplos de unas expresiones metafóricas en los anuncios seleccionados de las páginas web de marcas cosméticas diferentes

    Strength testing of new composite panels in residential construction

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki niektórych badań wytrzymałościowych nowych na polskim rynku budowlanym paneli kompozytowych, które mogą być stosowane jako elementy ścienne, stropowe i dachowe. Panele składają się z 2 sztywnych okładzin cementowo-magnezjowych zbrojonych włóknem szklanym połączonych klejem z miękkim rdzeniem ze styropianu. Panele charakteryzują się m.in. niskim ciężarem, szybkim i łatwym montażem, wysoką wytrzymałością, ognioodpornością i izolacyjnością cieplną.This paper presents the results of strength tests carried out on composite panels, newly introduced to the Polish market, which might be used as elements of walls, ceilings and roofs. The panels consist of two rigid outer layers of magnesia cement reinforced with glass fibre, glued to a soft core of expanded polystyrene. The features offered by the panels include low weight, fast and easy assembly, high strength, fire resistance and thermal insulation properties


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    Organizacje publiczne dążą do skutecznego zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Pracownicy oraz ich umiejętności są najważniejszym zasobem tych instytucji. Sposób traktowania pracowników ma istotny wpływ na sprawność realizacji zadań. Zaangażowanie, wiedza i umiejętności pracowników są niezbędne do osiągnięcia celów i misji organizacji. Duże znaczenie ma odpowiedni sposób motywowania pracowników, który powinien być dostosowany indywidualnie do każdego podwładnego. Osoby zmotywowane dążą do wykonywania obowiązków jak najlepiej i stale rozwijają swoje kompetencje, co ma bezpośredni wpływ na osiągane przez instytucje wyniki. Motywowanie jest istotnym elementem w zarządzaniu organizacjami publicznymi. Wpływa ono na sprawne działanie i funkcjonowanie instytucji oraz jest ściśle związane z kulturą organizacyjną. Wszystkie te argumenty stanowiły inspirację do opracowania niniejszej pracy, która skupia się na istocie motywowania i jego wpływie na kulturę organizacyjną. Celem pracy jest wykazanie zależności pomiędzy istniejącym systemem motywacji w badanej instytucji, a panującą w niej kulturą organizacyjną. Praca składa się z następujących elementów: wstępu, czterech rozdziałów z podrozdziałami oraz zakończenia. W początkowym rozdziale zostały omówione teoretyczne aspekty skupiające się a motywowaniu pracowników. Skupiono się na specyfice funkcjonowania organizacji publicznych oraz ogólnej istocie motywowania pracowników w organizacjach. Autor pracy zakłada, że motywowanie stanowi integralną część efektywnej kultury organizacyjnej panującej w instytucji.W drugim rozdziale przedstawiono specyfikę motywacji pracowników instytucji publicznych oraz skupiono się na sposobach i barierach motywowania pracowników tych instytucji. Wykazano również, że motywowanie jest nierozerwalnym elementem sprawnego funkcjonowania instytucji publicznych. Trzeci rozdział zawiera cel i przedmiot badań, przedstawia główne i poboczne pytania badawcze oraz opisuje metody i techniki badawcze. W tym rozdziale opisano również obszar badań i scharakteryzowano badaną instytucję. Ostatni rozdział zawiera analizę motywowania pracowników badanej organizacji. W pracy przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę organizacji oraz opracowany system motywowania pracowników. Przeprowadzono ocenę wpływu motywacji kadry pracowniczej na kształtowanie kultury organizacyjnej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ilościowych w postaci ankiet, które dotyczyły sposobów motywowania pracowników w badanej organizacji opracowano wnioski. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono badanie jakościowe, które obejmowało wywiad z dyrektorem tej organizacji. Zakończeniem rozdziału są rekomendacje dla przełożonych pracujących w Miejskim Ośrodku Sportu i Rekreacji w Orzyszu.Public organizations strive for effective human resource management. Employees and their skills are the most important resource of these institutions. The way employees are treated has a significant impact on the efficiency of task performance. Commitment, knowledge and skills of employees are necessary to achieve the goals and mission of the organization. The right way of motivating employees is of great importance, which should be adapted individually to each subordinate. Motivated people strive to perform their duties as well as possible and constantly develop their competences, which has a direct impact on the results achieved by institutions. Motivating is an important element in managing public organizations. It affects the efficient operation and functioning of institutions and is closely related to organizational culture. All these arguments inspired the development of this paper, which focuses on the essence of motivation and its impact on organizational culture. The aim of the work is to show the relationship between the existing motivation system in the examined institution and the organizational culture prevailing in it. The work consists of the following elements: introduction, four chapters with subchapters and conclusion. In the initial chapter, theoretical aspects focusing on motivating employees were discussed. The focus was on the specificity of functioning of public organizations and the general essence of motivating employees in organizations. The author of the work assumes that motivating is an integral part of an effective organizational culture prevailing in an institution. The second chapter presents the specificity of motivating employees of public institutions and focuses on the ways and barriers to motivating employees of these institutions. It has also been shown that motivating is an inseparable element of the efficient functioning of public institutions. The third chapter contains the purpose and subject of the research, presents the main and secondary research questions and describes the research methods and techniques. This chapter also describes the area of research and characterizes the researched institution. The last chapter contains an analysis of motivating employees of the examined organization. The paper presents the general characteristics of the organization and the developed system of employee motivation. An assessment of the impact of employee motivation on shaping organizational culture was carried out. On the basis of the conducted quantitative research in the form of surveys, which concerned the ways of motivating employees in the examined organization, conclusions were drawn up. In addition, a qualitative study was conducted, which included an interview with the director of this organization. The chapter ends with recommendations for superiors working at the Miejski Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji in Orzysz