51 research outputs found

    Survey Assessment of Community Knowledge and Prevention of Chagas Disease and Its Vector in Hidalgo and Cameron Counties

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    Chagas disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, kills thousands of people annually and is the dominant cause of infectious myocarditis worldwide. Kissing bugs are vectors that carry T. cruzi . and are found in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV). There is no vaccination nor cure for Chagas. The best mechanism of prevention is to control vector infestations. Little research is available regarding the level of understanding local communities have about Chagas. Our goal was to test the knowledge of several communities in the LRGV on Chagas disease. Our hypothesis states that local communities do not have sufficient knowledge and resources concerning Chagas. Surveys were administered throughout the LRGV from January to June and were analyzed. Results confirmed 85% of participants had no knowledge of the disease; moreover, participants that had knowledge were college educated. Educational programs regarding prevention are key to reducing the transmission and spread of Chagas

    High-Resolution Grain-Size Distributions: Insight into Tephra Dispersal and Sedimentation during Plinian Eruptions

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    Detailed field studies of past eruptions contribute to constraining the input parameters used to forecast tephra dispersion and mitigate potentially fatal volcanic hazards. It is thus of the utmost importance to understand the relationships between the characteristics of tephra deposits and these input Eruption Source Parameters (ESPs). In this dissertation, I determine the ESPs for the ~7.7 ka Cleetwood eruption of Mount Mazama (Crater Lake/giiwas, Oregon, USA). This eruption is an important historic eruption because it immediately preceded the climactic caldera-forming eruption, at the same location, and is similar to the only observed silicic volcanic eruptions that have transitioned from explosive to effusive activity (2008 Chaitén and 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle, [Chile]). The Cleetwood eruptive sequence consisted of two consecutive VEI 4 eruptions: the main lower Cleetwood unit and smaller upper Cleetwood units, in order from oldest to youngest. The lower Cleetwood phase alone, produced a ~14.4 km plume and emplaced ~0.85 km3 of tephra. Altogether, the explosive phase of the Cleetwood eruption deposited ~1.1 km3 (non-DRE) of material and transitioned to an effusive stage that emplaced a ~0.6 km3 rhyodacitic lava flow. Furthermore, I develop a novel approach which combines laser diffraction and dynamic image analysis to produce a continuous set of high-resolution grain-size distributions (HR-GSDs) for samples spanning a range of sizes of ejected tephra from less than a micron to a few centimeters. Through this approach, I show the ability for these HR-GSDs to provide insights into magma fragmentation and tephra transport. Next, through detailed wind analysis and the use of these ESPs as the inputs for Tephra2, a volcanic ash transport and dispersal model, I estimate the geometry and dimensions of the volcanic plume that emplaced the lower Cleetwood unit. Here, I show the standard version of Tephra2, which uses a vertical line source, does well to reproduce mass loads and grain-size distributions separately but fails to fit both simultaneously with a single set of empirical inputs. To overcome this, I adapt Tephra2 outputs to simulate deposition via an umbrella cloud. Applying this adaptation and a grid search approach over reasonable plume heights and umbrella cloud geometries gives the best results for a plume with a 4x40 km2 elliptical geometry. This approach improves overall GSDs without degrading mass loads. Lastly, I combine detailed componentry and HR-GSDs on samples I collected from the products of hybrid phase of the 2011-2012 eruption at Cordón Caulle. This analysis suggests that ash sintering after fragmentation produced a dense plug that obstructed the shallow conduit. This caused the system to re-pressurize and subsequently shatter pieces of the plug during the next explosive event. This pattern continued until permeable outgassing dominated over re-pressurization, facilitating the transition to a solely effusive stage

    Using Eruption Source Parameters and High-Resolution Grain-Size Distributions of the 7.7 ka Cleetwood Eruption of Mount Mazama (Oregon, United States) to Reveal Primary and Secondary Eruptive Processes

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    Numerical simulations of real-time volcanic ash dispersal forecasts and ensuing tephra hazard assessments rely on field-derived Eruption Source Parameters (ESPs) such as plume height, erupted volume, mass eruption rate and the Total Grain-Size Distribution (TGSD) of particles ejected from a volcano into the atmosphere. Here we calculate ESPs for the ∼7.7 ka Cleetwood eruption of Mount Mazama (Crater Lake/giiwas, Oregon, United States) that immediately preceded the caldera-forming eruption. We also introduce a novel approach to produce high-resolution grain-size distributions (GSDs) of individual samples over a wide range of particle sizes (0.00035–35 mm) by combining laser diffraction with dynamic image analysis. Detailed field analysis allows us to divide the Cleetwood eruptive sequence into a series of two distinct and consecutive VEI 4 eruptions: the lower (~0.98 km3) and upper (∼0.20 km3) Cleetwood units. The lower Cleetwood was the most intense with a plume height of ∼19 km and an average mass discharge rate of ∼3.1 × 107 kg s−1. Its TGSD yields a fractal dimension D∼3.1, like other similar eruptions. All twelve high-resolution GSDs produced in this study exhibit two systematic breaks in slope from a power-law relationship at ∼0.125 and ∼0.510 mm. These breaks in slope create three segments: S1 (<0.125 mm), S2 (0.125–0.510 mm), and S3 (>0.510 mm) that can be fit by power-law relationships with fractal dimensions of D1 = 2.5 ± 0.2, D2 = 0.5 ± 0.1, and D3 = 3.6 ± 1.1, respectively. Together with ESPs and detailed componentry, D values at various locations give insight into magma fragmentation and tephra transport. We find that D1 values are positively correlated with the median grain-size and are similar to values found in rapid decompression magma fragmentation experiments. We infer that D1 values reflect the size distribution of the primary products of magma fragmentation and could thus be used to infer the potential energy at fragmentation. We interpret the relatively low values of D2 to an increase in dense components due to particle rafting. Our work shows that comparing high-resolution GSDs at several locations on the dispersal axis can further constrain primary and secondary eruptive processes, which prove crucial to improving tephra hazard assessments and dispersal forecasting

    Heavy metals in bottom sediments in ponds in the High Tatras

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    Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie zawartości ośmiu metali: Mn, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd i Cr w badanym materiale, jakim był osad dennych Jamskiego Stawu zlokalizowanego na terenie TANAPu. Próbkę pobrano wykorzystując czerpak osadów dennych firmy Limnos wzbogacony w system cięcia na warstwy.Przed oznaczeniem zawartości metali próbki osadu zmineralizowano korzystając z mineralizatora firmy Anton Paar: Multiwave 3000 z rotorem XF100 4 wykorzystującego energię mikrofalową. Do oznaczenia stężeń metali zastosowano metodę ASA. Posłużono się zarówno technikę płomieniową (dla Mn, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe) jak i elektrotermiczną (dla Pb, Cd, Cr). Oznaczenia wykonano za pomocą spektrometru firmy Perkin Elmer 3110.Stężenia większość analizowanych metali przekraczają granice tła geochemicznego dla osadów dennych (wyjątek stanowi chrom). W porównaniu ze stężeniami zawartymi w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Środowiska w sprawie rodzajów oraz stężeń substancji, które powodują, że urobek jest zanieczyszczony nie odnotowano przekroczeń. Osad nie stanowi zagrożenia.Zgodnie z geochemicznym kryterium oceny zanieczyszczeń osadów dennych analizowany osad ze względu na podwyższone stężenia kadmu i ołowiu zakwalifikowano do klasy II (osad miernie zanieczyszczony). Zawartości pozostałych oznaczanych pierwiastków pozwoliłyby na zaklasyfikowanie go do klasy I (osad niezanieczyszczony). Biorąc pod uwagę wartości PEL dla badanych metali, wyznaczone stężenia nie przekroczyły normy, co oznacza, że żaden z nich nie wpływa szkodliwie na organizmy wodne.Jamski Staw w porównaniu ze Stawem Smreczyńskim jest mniej zanieczyszczony. Związane jest to z jego lokalizacją w Tatrach Wysokich, które zbudowane są z trudno przepuszczalnego i odpornego na erozję granitu.The aim of the present study was to determine the level of concentration of bottom sediment of selected heavy metals (Mn, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr) in Jamski Pond. Jamski Pond is located in the High Tatras (in TANAP area). Samples of the bottom deposit cores were collected by Limnos Sediment Sampler equipped with a unique slicing system. Before determination of metals concentration, the samples of the bottom sediment were digested using microwave Anton Paar system Multiwave 3000 with the rotor XF100 4. Quantitative analysis of the chosen metals in the sediment samples was made by AAS method (F-AAS for Mn, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe and ET-AAS for Pb, Cd, Cr). The examination of the metals was performed using Perkin Elmer Spectrometer 3110. The results showed that the average concentration of most of the analyzed metals exceeded geochemical background values for bottom sediments (with the exception of Cr). Compared to the concentrations described in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment on the types and concentrations of the substances causing the contamination, the levels were not exceeded. Bottom sediment is not a threat. According to the geochemical criterion of the evaluation of contamination, the bottom sediments were classified into class II (moderately polluted sediment) due to the concentration of cadmium and lead. If it was not for the aforementioned metals the sediment would have been classified as class I (uncontaminated sediment). As far as the PEL value is concerned the concentration did not exceed the standard. It means that the metals do not affect the aquatic organisms. Jamski Pond is less contaminated than Smreczyński Pond. This is due to its location in the High Tatras which are made of hardly permeable and resistant to erosion granite

    Changes in the cultural landscape of the Ropa river valley after construction of the Klimkówka water reservoir

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    Budowa zbiorników retencyjnych na rzekach jest przyczyną transformacji krajobrazu kulturowego dolin, w obrębie których funkcjonują. Dobrym przykładem może być zbiornik wodny Klimkówka na rzece Ropie w Beskidzie Niskim (polskie Karpaty), którego powstanie zmieniło krajobraz kulturowy doliny Ropy. Zaistniałe zmiany należy traktować zarówno jako pozytywne jak i negatywne. Przedstawione w niniejszym opracowaniu kwestie związane z transformacją krajobrazu kulturowego doliny Ropy w wyniku budowy zbiornika „Klimkówka” mogą być pomocne w przewidywaniu potencjalnych zmian krajobrazowych w przypadku budowy innych zbiorników retencyjnych (szczególnie na obszarach górzystych) oraz w eliminowaniu ujemnych skutków takich inwestycji.The construction of reservoirs on the rivers is the reason for the transformation of the cultural landscape of valleys, within which they are functioning. A good example to show this problem is the Klimkówka water reservoir on the Ropa river in the Beskid Niski (Polish Carpathians), whose emergence has changed the cultural landscape of the Ropa river valley. The observed changes are positive and negative. Presented in this paper issues related to the transformation of the cultural landscape of the Ropa river valley as a result of the construction of the Klimkówka water reservoir may be helpful in predicting potential changes in the landscape cause of construction of other reservoirs (particularly in mountainous areas) and the elimination of negative effects of such investments

    Influence of storage reservoir on the relations between the temperature of water in the river and the air temperature

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    Stages of feminisation in the teaching profession: examples from selected countries

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    Feminizacja zawodu nauczycielskiego jest procesem postępującym na całym świecie. Przybiera on różne tempo i charakter, ujawniając tym samym swoiste oblicza, pozwalające na wydzielenie w nim konkretnych etapów. Artykuł zawiera propozycję rozpatrywania feminizacji jako procesu fazowego. Bazuje ona na wartościach bezwzględnych liczby nauczycieli obu płci i wartościach względnych, tj. odsetkach kobiet i mężczyzn w populacji nauczycielskiej oraz na relacjach między nimi, zachodzących w ujęciach dynamicznych. W toku badań stwierdzono przydatność zaproponowanego ujęcia fazowego do analiz tempa i charakteru typizacji zawodowej nauczycieli. Analiza zgromadzonych danych pozwala stwierdzić, że proces feminizacji zawodu nauczyciela w krajach europejskich w latach 2005–2017 przebiegał zarówno w sposób bardziej dynamiczny, przechodząc dwie lub trzy fazy w tym dwunastoletnim okresie. Jego charakter był mniej zróżnicowany i obejmował jedną fazę typizacji tego zawodu.Feminisation of the teaching profession is a global and ongoing process. This phenomenon progresses at different speeds and takes on various forms and, thus, can be divided into specific stages. The paper focuses on examining feminisation as a phased process. Its foundation are absolute numbers of teachers of both genders and relative values, i.e. the share of men and women in the teaching population and relationships between them, analysed over time. During the course of the investigation it turned out that a phased approach proved useful in analysing the speed and nature of professional typification of teachers. The analysis of the collected data led to a conclusion that the feminisation of the teaching profession in Europe in the years 2005-2017 was in some cases very dynamic and comprised of two or three stages within the twelve-year period and, on the other hand, in some countries the process was less varied and presented a single stage of the profession’s typification

    Separatism in Ambasonia

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    Celem opracowania jest wyjaśnienie genezy oraz przedstawienie przebiegu konfliktu o podłożu językowym w zachodniej części Kamerunu. Podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia wpływu kolonializmu, a zwłaszcza polityki prowadzonej przez kolonizatorów na obszarze Ambazonii. Jej konsekwencją są m.in. niestabilna sytuacja kraju spowodowana m.in. współczesnymi ruchami separatystycznymi, które w artykule zostały ukazane. Sytuacja ta ma dalsze konsekwencje, wpływając negatywnie na stosunki narodowościowe i sytuację międzynarodową. W opracowaniu przedstawiono także trudności z jakimi musi mierzyć się kameruński rząd oraz zaprezentowano możliwe sposoby rozwiązania konfliktu w przyszłości.The aim of the study is to explain the origins and present the course of the linguistic conflict in the Ambasonia. An attempt was made to explain the influence of colonialism, especially the policies pursued by the colonizers in this area. The consequence of this policy is the unstable situation of the country related to, inter alia, contemporary separatist movements presented in the article. They have a negative impact on interethnic relations and the international situation. The study also presents the difficulties faced by the Cameroonian government and presents possible ways to resolve the conflict in the future