37 research outputs found

    Analiza uchwałodawstwa rad gmin wprowadzającego strefy wolne od dymu tytoniowego, pary z papierosów elektronicznych i substancji uwalnianych za pomocą nowatorskich wyrobów tytoniowych

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    W pracy dokonano analizy uchwałodawstwa rad gmin dotyczącego wprowadzania stref wolnych od dymu tytoniowego, pary z papierosów elektronicznych i substancji uwalnianych za pomocą nowatorskich wyrobów tytoniowych, w okresie od września 2016 r. do sierpnia 2018 r. Wykazano zdecydowanie niską aktywność rad gmin w tworzeniu lokalnej legislacji antytytoniowej, pomimo że uchwała rady gminy wydana na podstawie art. 5 ust. 4 ustawy o ochronie zdrowia przed następstwami używania tytoniu i wyrobów tytoniowych jest aktem o dużym znaczeniu dla ochrony zdrowia. Wskazano równocześnie, że analizowane uchwały rad gmin w większości nie realizują w pełni kompetencji przyznanej w art. 5 ust. 4 ustawy bądź są nieprecyzyjne w swej treści. Stwierdzono także, że akty te niejednokrotnie powielają zakazy obowiązujące ex lege. Z uwagi na istotność działań prozdrowotnych, zdecydowanie postuluje się większą aktywność rad gmin w badanym obszarze.The study analyzes the resolutions of communal councils regarding the introduction of zones free from tobacco smoke, electronic cigarettes vapor and substances released by means of an innovative tobacco product use, enacted between September 2016 and August 2018. Th e activity of commune councils in creating local anti-tobacco legislation has been very low, despite the resolution of the municipal council issued on the basis of art. 5 par. 4 of the Act on Health Protection Against the Consequences of Using Tobacco and Tobacco Products is an act of high importance to health. At the same time, it was pointed out that the analyzed resolutions of municipal councils do not fully fulfill the competences granted in art. 5 par. 4 acts or are imprecise in their content. It was also found that these acts repeatedly banned ex lege bans. Due to the importance of pro-health action, the activity of municipal councils in the studied area is strongly advocated

    Badania epidemiologiczne i działania interwencyjne dotyczące palenia tytoniu w Polskim Projekcie 400 Miast

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    Epidemiological survey and antitobacco intervention in Polish 400 Cities ProjecCardiovascular diseases (CVD) represent the principal cause of death in Poland. The main reasons are high prevalence and low detectability of main risk factors: arterial hypertension, diabetes and hyprelipidaemia. Also smoking is one of the main CVD risk factor. Polish 400 Cities Project consists of the following modules: 1. social marketing preceding screening tests and education,2. medical intervention – screening tests,3. education for local leaders regarding health promotion and CVD prevention,4. antitobacco intervention,5. educational intervention for children: training program for teachershealth promotion among pupils,6. training programs for doctors and nurses,7. education for patients with newly-detected diseases.Antitobacco module contains the following interventions:1) social marketing via mass media,2) education among children in schools,3) education for smoking patients with newly-detected diseases,4) training program for doctors: treatment of nicotinism,5) training program for local representatives: elaboration of local antitobacco program,6) in 2006 new module – antitobacco intervention for pregnant women.In years 2003–2006 screening tests were performer among 92378 adults. Tobacco smoking was reported by 12.3% of woman and 21.9% of men, mainly in the age group 25–45 (W 21.1%; M 28.5%). Data from intervention among children show that among 24,005 ten years old boys and girls, 5.7% girls and 12.8% boys say “yes” for the question “have you ever smoke” in the questionnaire interview. In years 2006–2008 the main antitobacco module was antitobacco intervention for pregnant women. The purpose of the research was to measure phenomenon of active and passive smoking among pregnant women in the smallest cities with surrounding villages. The aim was also to trace social features associated with smoking and develop the strategy for future antitabacco interventions. The research was conducted along with intervention based on American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 5 A’s model tailored for pregnant women adjusted to Polish organizational limitations. The model include 1) asking about tobacco smoking during every contact with pregnant women, 2) advising not to smoke or avoid passive exposure, 3) assessing the determination to make a quit attempt, 4) assist with the trial, 5) arrange next meeting with the focus on the problem. During the research 919 pregnant women were questioned and examined with micro Co device. Among that number were 22% of active smokers and 31% exposed on passive smoking in their home or work. The prevalence of smoking were higher among lower educated – 46% of women with only primary school compared with 7% of women with university diploma. Smoking was more frequent among women with lower per capita personal income. 80% of smoking pregnant women were motivated to make a quit attempt.

    Świadomość nadciśnienia tętniczego a palenie papierosów wśród dorosłych Polaków

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    Background Arterial hypertension (HT) is one the most frequent cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. When the doctor recognizes hypertension he should search for and treat not only HT but also the other risk factors, especially cigarette smoking. Material and methods In 2002 year, we conducted national, cross sectional epidemiological survey NATPOL PLUS aimed to assess prevalence and control of main risk factors in Poland. In the representative sample of 3051 adults (age 18-94, 1664 F, 1387 M) we performed questionnaires, blood pressure and antropometric measurements, as well as laboratory tests. Results Analyses were done in a group of 809 patients with HT. HT diagnosis was based on three separate series of measurements. Correlation between HT awareness and cigarette smoking was found. In smokers (n = 218) only 53.5% of subjects were aware of HT. In nonsmokers (n = 422) this proportion was equal to 65.0%. Among patients aware of HT (n = 495, 61.2% of all subjects with HT) there were 23.6% of smokers, 55.4% of nonsmokers, and 21.0% of ex-smokers. Among patients unaware of HT (n = 314) corresponding figures were: 32.3%, 47.1%, 20.6% (p < 0.05). We also asked all patients with HT the question about their knowledge on methods to prevent CVD. Smoking cessation was mentioned by 45.8% of smokers and 32.2% of ex-smokers (p < 0.001). Only 12.1% of smokers and 18.8% of ex-smokers with HT declared giving up smoking as a method they used to prevent heart disease (p = 0.086). Seventy seven percent of patients (n = 515) with diagnosed HT admitted that they obtained antitobacco counseling from their doctors. Conclusion Prevalence of cigarette smoking in patients with HT that are aware of the disease was only slightly smaller in comparison with subjects unaware of HT. In process of medical treatment of HT the doctors should pay much more attention to diagnose and treat other CVD risk factors, especially cigarette smoking. Arterial Hypertension 2010, vol. 14, no 3, pages 196-200Wstęp Nadciśnienie tętnicze jest jednym z najbardziej rozpowszechnionych czynników ryzyka chorób serca i naczyń. Równolegle z terapią NT powinno się rozpoznawać i leczyć inne czynniki ryzyka, w szczególności palenie papierosów. Materiał i metody W 2002 roku, w ramach programu NATPOL PLUS, reprezentatywna próba 3051 Polaków (zakres wieku 18-94 lata; 1664 K, 1387 M) wypełniła kwestionariusz, a następnie przeprowadzono pomiary ciśnienia i antropometryczne oraz badania laboratoryjne na czczo. Wyniki Wykonane analizy u 809 chorych z NT wykazały związek między świadomością posiadanego nadciśnienia tętniczego a częstością palenia papierosów. Wśród palących (n = 218) jedynie 53,5% było świadomych NT, a wśród niepalących (n = 422) ten odsetek stanowił 65%. Wśród osób świadomych NT (n = 495, 61,2% chorych) palący stanowili 23,6%, niepalący 55,4%, a ci, którzy rzucili 21,0%. Wśród nieświadomych NT (n = 314) odpowiednie odsetki wynosiły: 32,3%, 47,1%, 20,6% (p < 0,05). Na otwarte pytanie o znajomość metod zapobiegania chorobom serca innych niż przyjmowanie leków, wśród osób z NT ograniczenie palenia papierosów wskazywało 45,8% palących oraz 32,2% osób, które rzuciły palenie (p < 0,001). Wśród chorych na NT, których pytano o świadome stosowanie metod zapobiegania chorobom serca na ograniczenie palenia wskazywało 12,1% palących oraz 18,8% osób, które rzuciły palenie (p = 0,086). Wśród osób, u których lekarz zdiagnozował wcześniej NT (n = 515), lekarze zalecali ograniczenie palenia tytoniu u 77,3% palących (p < 0,001). Wnioski Odsetek osób palących papierosy jest wśród chorych świadomych i leczonych z powodu NT tylko w niewielkim stopniu niższy w porównaniu z osobami nieświadomymi NT. W postępowaniu lekarskim u chorych z NT należy intensywniej niż dotąd dążyć do redukcji innych czynników ryzyka, w szczególności palenia tytoniu. Nadciśnienie Tętnicze 2010, tom 14, nr 3, strony 196-20

    Expert consensus statement on tobacco control sustainability in Poland

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    Introduction. Tobacco use poses a significant public health threat in Poland, with high rates of consumption and detrimental effects on individuals. Tobacco is responsible for one-third of all cancer deaths in Poland. This study aimed to develop an expert consensus statement on tobacco control sustainability in Poland. Material and methods. An expert consensus hybrid meeting was conducted, gathering national tobacco control experts from various fields. The meeting utilized the Index of Tobacco Control Sustainability (ITCS) to identify critical indicators for a sustainable national tobacco control program. Results. Key recommendations include developing a comprehensive tobacco control strategy and program, establishing inter-governmental coordination, strengthening civil society involvement, creating a dedicated Tobacco Control Unit, allocating government annual funding for tobacco control operations, and strengthening organizational resistance to tobacco industry interference. Conclusions. Poland needs to build the institutional capacity and address sustainable financial resources on an annual basis to effectively organize sustainable tobacco control

    Ocena narażenia na dym tytoniowy ciężarnych z małych miast i wsi

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    Heated tobacco products and cigarette marketing in nightclubs in Gdansk, Poland: A mixed-methods analysis

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    Introduction Although advertising and promotion of tobacco products in Poland are prohibited, tobacco companies exploit legal loopholes and insufficient enforcement of the laws to conduct their marketing. To reach young adults, advertisements are placed in entertainment and social venues. This aspect of tobacco product marketing in Poland remains under-researched. The main aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and characteristics of advertising and promotion of tobacco products in nightclubs in Gdansk, a large city in northern Poland. Methods We conducted a single-center observational study of nightclubs in Gdansk, between July and October 2022. Two independent observers visited 30 nightclubs and collected information using pre-prepared research form. The occurrences of tobacco branded bar accessories, logo signs, package displays and other forms of advertising and promotion were recorded. Where possible, photographs of visible marketing displays were taken. Results Advertising of tobacco products was present in 2/3 of the nightclubs observed. The most commonly advertised product category were heated tobacco products. Tobacco brand representatives promoted and offered consumers free tobacco product samples. Multi-level marketing activities were observed, including tobacco branded bar accessories, prominent sale points and tobacco brand logo signs. Conclusions The majority of nightclubs observed in Gdansk advertise and promote tobacco products. The ban on tobacco advertising and promotion is being violated in nightclubs, where the most commonly advertised products are heated tobacco products. The authorities should take steps to extend the bans to cover private promotion and enforce the law to protect high-risk individuals from smoking initiation and relapse