67 research outputs found

    Microscopic fungi on Schoenoplectus lacustris in Płociczno and Płociowe lakes in Drawa National Park (northwest Poland)

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    In the period 2009–2011, the micromycetes causing symptoms on the leaves of Schoenoplectus lacustris (SL) from Płociczno and Płociowe lakes in Drawa National Park (DNP) were investigated. A total of 39 taxa of microscopic fungi and chromistan fungi were found. The taxonomic structure of the mycobiota was dominated by anamorphs of Ascomycota. In each year of the study, the SL fungal species richness was higher in Płociowe Lake than in Płociczno Lake. In all the years of study in both lakes, the fungal community on SL was composed of the following six dominant species: Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium incarnatum, F. sacchari, Gibberella avenacea, and Pleospora scirpicola. The species occurring exclusively in Płociczno Lake were Papulaspora immersa, Puccinia scirpi, and Trichothecium roseum, and those found only in Płociowe Lake were Acremoniella atra, Alternaria atra, Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor, Fusarium oxysporum, Gonatobotrys simplex, Massariosphaeria scirpina, Microascus brevicaulis, Penicillium chrysogenum, and Stagonospora aquatica. Only one confirmation of the occurrence of Puccinia scirpi and the lack of other specialized obligate parasites indicate the good health of SL in DNP. The facultative parasites, inter alia, Boeremia exigua, Chaetomium globosum, Fusarium culmorum, F. incarnatum, F. sacchari, Gibberella avenacea, and Stagonospora aquatica that are present on plants as part of the natural process of apoptosis may influence the health of SL

    The influence of tin ions on growth and enzymatic activity of entomopathogenic fungi

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    In this in vitro study, the influence of tin ions at concentrations of 1–1,000 ppm on the development and enzymatic activity of four entomopathogenic fungi (Beauveria bassiana, B. brongniartii, Isaria fumosorosea, and Metarhizium robertsii), that are commonly used in biological plant protection, are examined. Each of the fungal species tested reacted differently to contact with the Sn2+ ions at the tested concentrations. Exposure to Sn2+ ions affected the rate of development, morphology, and enzymatic activity of fungi. Of the four fungal species studied, M. robertsii was the most resistant and showed complete growth inhibition at the highest Sn2+ concentration tested (1,000 ppm). For the other entomopathogenic fungi, the fungicidal effect of Sn2+ ions was noted at the concentration of 750 ppm. Exposure to Sn2+ ions (up to 500 ppm) resulted in enhanced biochemical activity; and all entomopathogens that were tested showed increased production of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (NAG) as well as several proteases. Moreover, B. brongniartii and M. roberstii showed increased lipases synthesis. These changes may increase the pathogenicity of the fungi, thereby making them more effective in limiting the population of pest insects. The exposure of the entomopathogenic fungi to a medium containing Sn2+ ions, at concentrations that were appropriate for each species, induced hyperproduction of hydrolases, which might be involved in aiding the survival of entomopathogenic fungi in the presence of heavy metals. This study shows that the fungistatic effect of Sn2+ on entomopathogenic fungi did not restrict their pathogenicity, as evidenced by the stimulation of the production of enzymes that are involved in the infection of insects

    Impact of marathon performance on muscles stiffness in runners over 50 years old

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    IntroductionThe research examines the relationship between marathon performance and muscle stiffness changes from pre to marathon in recreational runners aged 50+ years.MethodsThirty-one male long-distance runners aged 50–73 years participated in the experiment. The muscle stiffness of quadriceps and calves was measured in two independent sessions: the day before the marathon and 30 min after the completed marathon run using a Myoton device.Results and DiscussionThe 42.195-km run was completed in 4.30,05 h ± 35.12 min, which indicates an intensity of 79.3% ± 7.1% of HRmax. The long-term, low-intensity running exercise (marathon) in older recreational runners and the low level of HRmax and VO2max showed no statistically significant changes in muscle stiffness (quadriceps and calves). There was reduced muscle stiffness (p = 0.016), but only in the triceps of the calf in the dominant (left) leg. Moreover, to optimally evaluate the marathon and adequately prepare for the performance training program, we need to consider the direct and indirect analyses of the running economy, running technique, and HRmax and VO2max variables. These variables significantly affect marathon exercise

    Production and Characterization of Yogurt-Like Fermented Beverage Based on Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) Seed Press Cake

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    Plant-based fermented beverages are growing in popularity due to the rise in vegetarianism, health trends and ethical concerns. In this study, camelina (Camelina sativa L.) seed press cake (CPC, 15% and 20% w/w) was fermented using yogurt starter culture. The physicochemical properties of the samples, including pH, total acidity, color, viscosity, texture and rheological properties were investigated. Moreover, the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) viability, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity were determined. During fermentation and 28-day refrigerated storage, the samples achieved a mean viable bacterial count of at least 1010 CFU/g, which is higher than the recommended bacteria level for traditional dairy yogurt (106 CFU/g). A significant acidification, consumption of reducing sugars, increase in free amino acids and polyphenolics was observed. In addition, CPC-based fermented samples showed good antioxidant potential. Textural and rheological characteristics were similar to dairy yogurt. Moreover, fermentation improved the sensory attributes of CPC, meeting consumers’ acceptance criteria. Thus, the study indicated that fermentation had a marked effect on the physicochemical, microbiological and functional properties of CPC. Therefore, the fermented CPC-based beverage has the potential to be a valid, value-added and novel alternative to dairy-based yogurt

    Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm, and Antioxidant Activity of Functional Poly(Butylene Succinate) Films Modified with Curcumin and Carvacrol

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    The use of food industry waste as bioactive compounds in the modification of biodegradable films as food packaging remains a major challenge. This study describes the preparation and bioactivity characterization of poly(butylene succinate) (PBS)-based films with the addition of the bioactive compounds curcumin (CUR) and carvacrol (CAR). Films based on PBS modified with curcumin and carvacrol at different concentration variations (0%/0.1%/1%) were prepared by solvent casting method. The antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antibiofilm properties were investigated against bacteria (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus) and fungi (Candida albicans). As a result of the modification, the films exhibited free radicals scavenging (DPPH up to 91.47% and ABTS up to 99.21%), as well as antimicrobial (6 log, 4 log, and 2 log reductions for E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans, respectively, for samples modified with 1% CUR and 1% CAR) activity. Moreover, antibiofilm activity of modified materials was observed (8.22–87.91% reduction of biofilm, depending on bioactive compounds concentration). PBS films modified with curcumin and carvacrol with observed bifunctional properties have many potential applications as active packaging

    "Black gold" - melanins in human life

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    Melaniny to ogólna nazwa grupy wielkocząsteczkowych barwników odpowiedzialnych za ciemną pigmentację organizmów. Powstają w wyniku oksydacyjnej polimeryzacji związków fenolowych i indolowych. Są to jedne z najbardziej powszechnych, heterogenicznych i odpornych na działanie różnych czynników pigmentów obecnych w przyrodzie. U człowieka powstają w melanosomach będących specyficznymi organellami melanocytów, komórek wyspecjalizowanych w przeprowadzaniu złożonego procesu melanogenezy. Ich rola w życiu człowieka jest wieloaspektowa. Chronią przed szkodliwym skutkiem nadmiernej ekspozycji na promieniowanie UV i powstającymi pod jego wpływem reaktywnymi formami tlenu. Są odpowiedzialne za pigmentację skóry, włosów, tęczówki. Biorą udział w prawidłowym przebiegu procesów widzenia i słyszenia oraz ochronie mózgu przed procesami neurodegeneracyjnymi. Są jednym z czynników wirulencji mikroorganizmów patogennych dla człowieka. Są obecne w niektórych produktach spożywczych, pozytywnie wpływając na ich działanie prozdrowotne. Znalazły również zastosowanie w nowoczesnej medycynie i technologii.Melanin is a general name of macromolecular dyes responsible for the dark pigmentation of organisms. They are products of oxidative polymerization of phenolic and indolic compounds, the most common, heterogenous and resistant to various factors pigments found in the nature. In man they are synthetized in melanosomes that are specific organelles of melanocytes, cells specialized in carrying out the complex process of melanogenesis. The role of melanin in human life is multiplex. Melanins protect against the harmful effects of excessive exposure to UV radiation and reactive oxygen species. They are responsible for skin, hair and iris pigmentation. They take part in the normal processes of vision and hearing and protect the brain against neurodegenerative processes. Melanins are one of the virulence factors of some pathogenic microorganisms. They are present in certain food products, thus improving their health-promoting effect. Melanins are also used in modern medicine and technology

    The Effect of Fermentation with Kefir Grains on the Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Beverages from Blue Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) Seeds

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    Plant derived fermented beverages have recently gained consumers’ interest, particularly due to their intrinsic functional properties and presence of beneficial microorganisms. Three variants containing 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/w) of sweet blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. “Boregine”) seeds were inoculated with kefir grains and incubated at 25 °C for 24 h. After processing, beverages were stored in refrigerated conditions (6 °C) for 21 days. Changes in microbial population, pH, bioactive compounds (polyphenolics, flavonoids, ascorbic acid), reducing sugars, and free amino acids were estimated. Additionally, viscosity, firmness, color, and free radicals scavenging properties were determined. Results showed that lactic acid bacteria as well as yeast were capable of growing well in the lupin matrix without any supplementation. During the process of refrigeration, the viability of the microorganisms was over the recommended minimum level for kefir products. Hydrolysis of polysaccharides as well as increase of free amino acids was observed. As a result of fermentation, the beverages showed excellent DPPH, ABTS+·, ·OH, and O2− radicals scavenging activities with a potential when considering diseases associated with oxidative stress. This beverages could be used as a new, non-dairy vehicle for beneficial microflora consumption, especially by vegans and lactose-intolerant consumers