35 research outputs found
Synthesis of novel acetylcholinesterase reactivators bearing various linkers between two pyridinium rings.
Souhrn Bylo připraveno šest nových biskvarterních reaktivátorů acetylcholinesterasy s alifatickým spojovacím řetězcem a devět nových reaktivátorů s xylenovým spojovacím řetězcem mezi pyridiniovými jádry. Jejich účinnost reaktivovat AChE inhibovanou nervově paralytickou látkou tabunem a insekticidem paraoxonem byla měřena in vitro. Jako referenční sloučeniny byly zvoleny pralidoxim, HI-6 a obidoxim. Z výsledků vyplynulo, že celkem šest sloučenin je schopno reaktivovat paraoxonem inhibovanou AChE při obou zvolených koncentracích. Dále bylo prokázáno, že reaktivační účinek vykazují i sloučeniny s jednou hydroxyiminomethylovou skupinou v sérii s xylenovým řetězcem při srovnání s bisoximovými sloučeninami. U sloučenin s alifatickým řetězcem klesá účinnost s rostoucí délkou spojovacího řetězce. Žádná z testovaných sloučenin neprokázala reaktivační schopnost pro tabunem inhibované AChE.Synthesis of novel acetylcholinesterase reactivators bearing various linkers between two pyridinium rings Summary Six novel bispyridinium AChE reactivators with aliphatic linker and nine novel reactivators with xylene linker were synthesized. Their ability to reactivate AChE inhibited by nerve agent tabun and insecticide paraoxon was tested in vitro. pralidoxime, HI-6 a obidoxime were chosen as reference compounds. Regarding the obtained results, six compounds seem to be potent reactivators of paraoxon-inhibited AChE for both chosen concentration. Furthermore, there is evidence that compounds with only one hydroxyiminomethyl group with xylene linker have also reactivation ability compared to bisoxime compounds. Reactivation potency is decreasing with increasing length of the aliphatic linker. None of the tested compounds was able to reactivate tabun-inhibited AChE.Katedra farmaceutické chemie a kontroly léčivDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug ControlFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov
Legality of the intervention during Yemeni Civil War
LEGALITY OF THE INTERVENTION DURING YEMENI CIVIL WAR Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to answer the questuion, if the Saudi Arabian-led intervention code-named operation Decisive Storm in Yemen during Yemeni civil war in 2015 was in accordance with the international law, precisely in accordance with the ius ad bellum. To achieve this purpose, the paper is divided into three parts. The first one, represented by chapters 1-6, describes self-defence, armed actions of the Security Council under the chap. VII of the UN Charter, intervention by invitation, concept of the humanitarian intervention and R2P concept. The role of regional arrangements in peacekeeping is also mentioned. The second part, represented by chap. 7, contains a case study whose object is the beginning of the Yemeni civil war at the turn of the year 2014and 2015 between president Hadi forces supported by the Saudi Arabian-led coalition and the Houthi rebels. The chapter 7 contains a detailed summary of various political decisions, UN Security Council resolutions, battles and campaigns, including the operation Decisive Storm. The third part, chap. 8, is pointed on the question of legality of the intervention. Albeit the invitation by president Hadi, the legality of the intervention was questioned. This chapter contains an analysis of...Shrnutí Cílem této práce bylo odpovědět na otázku, byl-li vojenský zásah koalice vedené Saúdskou Arábií, provedený v rámci operace Decisive Storm v průběhu občanské války v Jemenu v roce 2015 v souladu s mezinárodním právem či nikoli. Za tímto účelem je práce rozdělena do tří částí. První část práce, tvořená kapitolami 1 - 6, je zaměřena na rozbor případů legálního použití síly v mezinárodních vztazích, tedy případů sebeobrany, akcí Rady bezpečnosti podle kapitoly VII Charty OSN, intervence na pozvání vlády, koncept humanitární intervence a koncept R2P a roli oblastních dohod a organizací kolektivní bezpečnosti při udržování mezinárodního míru a bezpečnosti. Druhá část, tvořená kapitolou 7, obsahuje případovou studii, jejímž předmětem je počátek občanské války v Jemenské republice na přelomu let 2014 a 2015. Tato kapitola se zabývá příčinami a průběhem politické krize, která přerostla v občanskou válku mezi hútijskými milicemi a vládními ozbrojenými silami a vyvrcholila svržením prezidenta Hádího a následnou intervencí vojenských sil koalice arabských států vedené Saúdskou Arábií, na podporu jemenské vlády. Účelem této kapitoly je poskytnout ucelený a podrobný přehled aktivit jednotlivých aktérů konfliktu, zejména politických rozhodnutí prezidenta Hádího, okolností jejich přijetí, rozbor příslušných...Katedra mezinárodního právaDepartment of Public International LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult
T Tauri stars in the SuperWASP and NSVS surveys
We present a study of the long-term optical variability of young T Tauri stars using previously unpublished data from the Super-Wide Angle Search for Planets (SuperWASP) project. Other publicly available photometry from the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) K2 mission were used to check and supplement our results. Our sample includes 20 weak-lined T Tauri stars in the Taurus–Auriga star-forming region. We have performed a period search on the long time-series photometry and derived the mean periods of stars in our sample. We have found new periods for the stars V1334 Tau (HD 283782) and V1349 Tau (HD 31281), which are without any period estimation in the literature. The rotation period was found for the primary star in the binary V773 Tau (HD 283447). Several earlier results were updated. For the star V410 Tau (HD 283518), we have compared the light-curve changes found in previous studies with the new measurements and attributed the evolution of spots to a ∼15-year cycle similar to the solar 11-year cycle. We have also derived luminosities and effective temperatures for our targets, in order to locate them in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram and calibrate the masses and ages of the target stars
Photometric Analysis of Recently Discovered Eclipsing Binary GSC 00008-00901
Photometric analysis of light curves of newly discovered eclipsing
binary GSC 0008-00901 is presented. The orbital period is improved to
0.28948(11) days. Photometric parameters are determined, as well. The analysis
yielded to conclusion that system is an over-contact binary of W UMa type with
components not in thermal contact. The light curves from 2005 show the presence
of a spot on the surface of one of the components, while light curves from 2006
are not affected by maculation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc
HD 183986: a high-contrast SB2 system with a pulsating component
There is a small group of peculiar early-type stars on the main sequence that
show different rotation velocities from different spectral lines. This
inconsistency might be due to the binary nature of these objects. We aim to
verify this hypothesis by a more detailed spectroscopic and photometric
investigation of one such object: HD 183986. We obtained 151 high and medium
resolution spectra that covered an anticipated long orbital period. There is
clear evidence of theorbital motion of the primary component. We uncovered a
very faint and broad spectrum of the secondary component. The corresponding SB2
orbital parameters, and the component spectra, were obtained by Fourier
disentangling using the KOREL code. The component spectra were further modeled
by iSpec code to arrive at the atmospheric quantities and the projected
rotational velocities. We have proven that this object is a binary star with
the period = 1268.2(11) d, eccentricity = 0.5728(20), and mass ratio
= 0.655. The primary component is a slowly rotating star (
km.s) while the cooler and less massive secondary rotates much faster
( km.s). Photometric observations obtained by the
TESS satellite were also investigated to shed more light on this object. A
multi-period photometric variability was detected in the TESS data ranging from
hours (the Sct-type variability) to a few days (spots/rotational
variability). The physical parameters of the components and the origin of the
photometric variability are discussed in more detail.Comment: Accepted to AJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1307.2553
by other authors. text overlap with arXiv:1307.2553 by other author