12 research outputs found

    İzmir, Bergama, Ödemiş ve Tire Müzelerindeki Bizans Dönemi pişmiş toprak kandilleri

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    Hazırlamış olduğumuz yüksek lisans tezini başlıca iki bölüme ayırmak mümkündür. İlk bölümde, kandil ve meşale, mum, candelabrum, lykhnoukhoi ve laterna gibi kandil dışındaki aydınlatma araçlarının, ne zamandan itibaren , nasıl ve ne şekilde kullanıldıkları konuları ile başlamaktadır. Kandil ise yapım teknikleri, tipoloji gelişimi , bölümleri ve süslemeleri ile en geniş yeri tutmaktadır. Aydınlatma araçları dışında, bu araçların gündelik yaşamda ve Bizans dönemi kiliselerinde ne şekilde kullanıldığı konusuna da değinilmiştir. Bu bölümdeki bir diğer konu ise 5. ve 6. yüzyıllarda kandil ticaretidir. Özellikle bu yüzyıllarda kandillerin hangi bölgelere dağıldığını ve yerel üretimleri etkileyip etkilemediğini açıklamak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Bu bölümde ayrıca kandilin bir motif olarak , Bizans dönemi eserlerindeki süslemelerde kullanıldığı örneklerden bazıları belirtilmiştir. Tezin ikinci bölümünü ise katalog oluşturmaktadır. Kataloğumuzda İzmir Müzesinden 33 adet kandil, Tire Müzesinden 11 adet kandil, Bergama Müzesinden 11 adet kandil, Ödemiş Müzesinden 6 adet kandil ve İzmir-Agora Kazısından 29 adet kandil parçası bulunmaktadır. Kataloğumuzda her kandilin hamur rengi, form ve süsleme özelliği ile benzer örneği belirtilmiştir.Bu kandiller Küçük Asya kandilleri (Broneer Tip XXIX- 3. ve 4.grup), Kuzey Afrika kandilleri, Sivri burunlu Oval Kandiller , haç kulplu kandil ve diskusu haç motifli kandil parçaları adları altında beş gruba ayırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Kataloğumuzda yer alan kandiller 6. yüzyıl başından 8. yüzyıl başına kadar tarihlendirilebilmektedir. Tezimizin son bölümünde ise geniş bir kaynakça, tablolar, çizimler ve fotoğraflar bulunmaktadır

    Effect of semen extender supplementation with cysteine on postthaw sperm quality DNA damage and fertilizing ability in the common carp Cyprinus carpio

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    Amino acids have an important biological role for prevention of cell damage during cryopreservation. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of cysteine on postthaw sperm motility, duration of sperm motility, DNA damage, and fertility in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Sperm collected from 10 individuals was cryopreserved in extenders containing different cysteine concentrations (2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mM). Semen samples diluted at the ratio of 1:9 by the extenders were subjected to cryopreservation. After dilution, the semen was aspirated into 0.25-mL straws; the straws were placed on the tray, frozen in nitrogen vapor, and plunged into liquid nitrogen. DNA damage was evaluated by comet assay after cryopreservation. Our results indicated that an increase in the concentration of cysteine caused a significant increase in the motility rate and duration of sperm in the common carp (C carpio; P < 0.05). Comparing all concentrations of cysteine, the best concentration of cysteine was 20 mM. Higher postthaw motility (76.00 ± 1.00%) and fertilization (97.00 ± 1.73%) rates were obtained with the extender at the concentration of 20 mM. Supplementation of the extender with cysteine was increased the fertilization and hatching rate and decreased DNA damage. Consequently, cysteine affected the motility, fertilization, and DNA damage positively, and extenders could be supplemented with cysteine

    Effects of semen extender supplemented with L methionine and packaging methods straws and pellets on post thaw goldfish Carassius auratus sperm quality and DNA damage

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    BACKGROUND: Amino acids protect spermatozoa against cell damage during cryopreservation due to have antioxidant property and found in seminal plasma at high concentration. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present work was to analyse the effect of extender supplementation with L-methionine on post-thawed sperm motility, duration and DNA damage and also it was tested the feasibility of using straws and pellets method for the cryopreservation of goldfish (Carassius auratus) sperm. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Extenders were supplemented with different L-methionine concentrations of 1 mM; 1.5 mM; 3 mM; 6 mM. Semen samples diluted at the ratio of 1 to 9 by the extenders were subjected to cryopreservation. After dilution the semen was aspirated into 0.25 ml straws and 0.1 ml pellets, the straws and pellets were placed on the tray, frozen in nitrogen vapor and plunged into liquid nitrogen. DNA damage was determined with comet assay after cryopreservation. RESULTS: Our results indicated that an increase in the concentration of L-methionine caused a significant increase in the motility rate and duration of sperm in goldfish (C. auratus) (p<0.05). In addition, duration and percentage of motility in pellets were higher than in straws. Comparing all concentrations of L-methionine, the best concentration of L-methionine was 1.5 mM. Highest post-thaw motility (45.00 +/- 7.07%) and duration of motility (17.00 +/- 0.71s) were obtained with the extender at concentration 1.5 mM in pellets. Addition of the extender with L-methionine was reduced DNA damage compared to control group. CONCLUSION: Consequently, pellets could be used for goldfish sperm cryopreservation and the tested amino acid affected the motility parameters, and semen extenders could be supplement with L-methionine

    Cryopreservation of goldfish Carassius auratus spermatozoa effects of extender supplemented with taurine on sperm motility and DNA damage

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    BACKGROUND: Amino acids, present in seminal plasma at high concentration, protect spermatozoa against cell damage during cryopreservation. OBJECTIVE: Experiments were designed to analyze the effect of semen extender supplemented with taurine on post-thawed sperm motility and duration, as well as DNA damage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Extenders were supplemented with 1, 2 or 4 mM taurine. Semen samples were diluted at the ratio of 1:9 with the extenders. Diluted samples were aspirated into 0.25 ml French straws and 0.1 ml pellets. DNA damage was assessed with the comet assay after cryopreservation. RESULTS: The percentage and duration of sperm motility were significantly increased by taurine. Additionally, sperm motility and the motility period in pellets were higher than in straws. The best concentration of taurine was 4 mM, and the highest post-thaw motility rate (72.50 ± 3.54 %) and duration (17.50 ± 0.71 s) were obtained from the extender with 4 mM in pellets. DNA damage was decreased after taurine supplementation. CONCLUSION: Pellets could be used for goldfish sperm cryopreservation. The addition of 4 mM taurine increases the post-thaw motility and decreases DNA damage on goldfish semen

    Efficacy of Clove Oil Benzocaine Eugenol 2 Phenoxyethanol as anaesthetics on Shabbout Fish Barbus grypus Heckel 1843.

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    To our knowledge, no previous anaesthetic experiments are conducted on shabbout fish. The results from the present study indicated that the induction times decreased significantly as the doses increased in all the anaesthetics (p<0.05). Induction and recovery times were significantly affected by the interaction between concentration and anaesthetic (p<0.05). The effective doses were: 25 and 50 µL L -1 at 24°C clove oil and for eugenol, 50 mg L-1 for benzocaine and 500 µL L -1 for 2-phenoxyethanol. In conclusion, the four anaesthetic agents could be used as sedatives in culture of shabbout fish

    Combined effects of physicochemical variables pH and salinity on sperm motility characterization of sperm motility in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax.

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    Gamete activation in fish is an important step in terms of artificial fertilization of oocytes, cryopreservation studies and other experimental manipulations. Salinity and pH differences in activation media affect to sperm motility and fertilizing ability. These experiments were therefore designed to investigate the combined effects of pH (range 5.0–9.0) and salinity (20, 30, 37, and 45‰) of activation media on sperm motility of European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. The best results were obtained at salinity 37‰ and a pH of 9.0. Our results also demonstrated that non-progressive motility at salinity 45‰ was observed in the range of 5.0–9.0 pH. In conclusion, spermatozoa can be motile at a wide range of pH and salinity values although the percent of motile spermatozoa and motility duration are negatively affected by low pH values