86 research outputs found

    Investigation of Toll-like Receptor-2, -3 and -4 Gene Expressions in Larynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Objective:Despite all the recent advancements, larynx cancer has shown no improvement in survival rates. The aim of this study was to investigate the expressions of toll-like receptor (TLR)-2, -3, and -4 genes, and determine any relationships with the histopathologic characteristics of the disease.Methods:This retrospective study included 50 subjects who underwent total or partial laryngectomy with an open surgical method for larynx squamous cell carcinoma. Measurements of TLRs-2, -3, and -4 expression values were taken with quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction in normal tissue and tumor tissue samples of the patients.Results:Evaluations were made of TLR-2, -3, and -4 mRNA expressions according to 2-ΔΔCT calculations in 50 subjects with larynx cancer. When the tumor tissue was compared with the healthy tissue from the same subjects, reductions were determined in TLR expression in 86%, 84%, and 82%, respectively. This reduction in each gene expression was statistically significant (p<0.001). No statistically significant correlation was determined between the change in TLR-2, -3, and -4 expression and the histopathologic characteristics of the disease.Conclusion:The data obtained in this study demonstrated that TLR-2, -3, and -4 expressions were reduced in larynx squamous cell cancer. The results of further studies targeting these genes would be useful in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease

    Malaria: An evaluation of 40 cases

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    Bu çalışmada, Şubat 1996- Ekim 2009 yılları arasında kliniğimizde izlenen 40 erişkin malaryalı olgu, retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Tanı, tüm olgularda Giemsa ile boyanan kalın ve ince yayma preparatlarda parazitin gösterilmesi ile konulmuştur. Otuz dört olgu erkek, 6 olgu kadın olup; ortalama yaş 31.1 olarak belirlenmiştir. Tüm olgularda endemik bölgelere (24 olguda Afrika, Afganistan, Azerbaycan ve Arap Yarımadası'na, 16 olguda Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi'ne) seyahat öyküsü vardı ve hiçbirine kemoproflaksi uygulanmamıştı. Olguların 20'sinde Plasmodium vivax, 18'inde P. falciparum, ikisinde P. vivax ve P. falciparum saptanmıştır. Hastalarda ateş (%100), splenomegali (%72,5), hepatomegali (%45,0), anemi (%67,5), lökopeni (%32,5), trombositopeni (%75,0), sedimantasyon yüksekliği (%65,0), karaciğer fonksiyon testlerinde anormallikler (%62,5), serum kreatininde artış (%27,5) belirlendi. P. vivax sıtması olgularına klorokin ve primakin, P. falciparum olgularına meflokin veya kinin sülfat ile doksisiklin, mikst olgulara kinin sülfat ile doksisiklin, sonrasında primakin tedavisi uygulandı. İki olguda akut böbrek yetmezliği, iki olguda serebral tutulum; bir olguda akut böbrek yetmezliği, serebral tutulum, yaygın damar içi koagülasyon ve erişkin solunum yetmezliği sendromu gelişti. P. falciparum sıtmalı iki olgu kliniğimize yatırıldıkları gün kaybedildi, hastalık diğer olgularda şifa ile sonlandı. Sonuç olarak, endemik bölgelere seyahat öyküsü olan her ateşli olguda sıtma ayırıcı tanıda mutlaka yer almalıdır. Bu bölgelere seyahat edecek bireylere kemoproflaksi uygulanması ve kişisel korunma önlemlerinin sağlanması çok önemlidir.In this study, the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and therapeutic features of forty adult malaria patients referred our clinic between February 1996-September 2009, were assessed retrospectively. Diagnosis was established by Giemsa-stained thick and/or thin blood smears in all cases. Thirty-four patients were male and 6 patients were female and mean age was 31.1 years. All patients had a history of travel to endemic areas (24 cases to Africa, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Arabian Peninsula, 16 cases to Southestern Anatolia Region), and none of them had chemoprophylaxis. Plasmodium vivax was detected in 20 patients, and P.falciparum in 18 and mixed (P. vivax and P. falciparum) in two. Parasitemia ranged from 0.5%- 25%. Fever (100%), periodic fever (62.5%), splenomegaly (72.5%), hepatomegaly (45.0%), anemia (67.5%), leukopenia (32.5%), thrombocytopenia (75.0%), a rise in erytrocyte sedimentation rate (65.0%), abnormalities in hepatic enzymes (62.5%), hyponatremia (32.5%), hypoglisemia (25%) and an elevated serum creatinine level (27.5%) were determined in the patients. Two patients with P. falciparum developed acute renal failure and cerebral involvement died soon after admission. Acute renal failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, cerebral involvement and dissemine intravasculer coagulation were observed in one patient with falciparum malaria who recovered completely. In conclusion, every febril patients with a history of travel to the endemic regions should raise the suspicion of malaria. Effective pre-exposure chemoprophylaxis and personal protection measures should be provided to travellers visiting endemic regions

    Neurobrucellosis with transient ischemic attack, vasculopathic changes, intracerebral granulomas and basal ganglia infarction: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Central nervous system involvement is a rare but serious manifestation of brucellosis. We present an unusual case of neurobrucellosis with transient ischemic attack, intracerebral vasculopathy granulomas, seizures, and paralysis of sixth and seventh cranial nerves.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 17-year-old Caucasian man presented with nausea and vomiting, headache, double vision and he gave a history of weakness in the left arm, speech disturbance and imbalance. Physical examination revealed fever, doubtful neck stiffness and left abducens nerve paralysis. An analysis of his cerebrospinal fluid showed a pleocytosis (lymphocytes, 90%), high protein and low glucose levels. He developed generalized tonic-clonic seizures, facial paralysis and left hemiparesis. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated intracerebral vasculitis, basal ganglia infarction and granulomas, mimicking the central nervous system involvement of tuberculosis. On the 31st day of his admission, neurobrucellosis was diagnosed with immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G positivity by standard tube agglutination test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in both serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples (the tests had been negative until that day). He was treated successfully with trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, doxycyline and rifampicin for six months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our patient illustrates the importance of suspecting brucellosis as a cause of meningoencephalitis, even if cultures and serological tests are negative at the beginning of the disease. As a result, in patients who have a history of residence or travel to endemic areas, neurobrucellosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any neurologic symptoms. If initial tests fail, repetition of these tests at appropriate intervals along with complementary investigations are indicated.</p

    The interrelations of radiologic findings and mechanical ventilation in community acquired pneumonia patients admitted to the intensive care unit: a multicentre retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated patients admitted to the intensive care units with the diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) regarding initial radiographic findings. METHODS: A multicenter retrospective study was held. Chest x ray (CXR) and computerized tomography (CT) findings and also their associations with the need of ventilator support were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 388 patients were enrolled. Consolidation was the main finding on CXR (89%) and CT (80%) examinations. Of all, 45% had multi-lobar involvement. Bilateral involvement was found in 40% and 44% on CXR and CT respectively. Abscesses and cavitations were rarely found. The highest correlation between CT and CXR findings was observed for interstitial involvement. More than 80% of patients needed ventilator support. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) requirement was seen to be more common in those with multi-lobar involvement on CXR as 2.4-fold and consolidation on CT as 47-fold compared with those who do not have these findings. Invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) need increased 8-fold in patients with multi-lobar involvement on CT. CONCLUSION: CXR and CT findings correlate up to a limit in terms of interstitial involvement but not in high percentages in other findings. CAP patients who are admitted to the ICU are severe cases frequently requiring ventilator support. Initial CT and CXR findings may indicate the need for ventilator support, but the assumed ongoing real practice is important and the value of radiologic evaluation beyond clinical findings to predict the mechanical ventilation need is subject for further evaluation with large patient series

    In silico analysis of the food allergy-related pathways and the potential role of dietary mirnas

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    Food allergy is developed as a reaction of the immune system to certain allergens affecting ~5% of adults and ~8% of children, and the severity of the immune response ranges from mild (i.e. brief itching) to life-threatening (i.e. anaphylaxis). Food allergens that are reported to cause major burden in allergic individuals can be consumed in a regular diet such as peanut, egg, milk, soy, wheat and fish. Such an easy access to common food allergens signifies the importance of understanding patient’s food allergy profile. Despite the research efforts worldwide, the World Allergy Organization (WAO) announced that, as of 2019, there is no active treatment against food allergy. Therefore, the patients are utterly encouraged to avoid any possible exposure to the allergen(s). In addition, it has been shown that food allergy is becoming more prevalent in the Western and developing populations for the last ~20 years, which shows a need for better diagnosis and prevention. In our study, we investigated the possible role of dietary miRNAs in food allergy in multiple ways by performing protein activity enrichment analysis and miRNAtarget prediction. Initially, we obtained mixed or contradictory pathway enrichment results via traditional Gene Ontology and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis. By employing VIPER statistical method, we were able to account for individual contribution of genes on the development of food allergy. Candidate genes obtained in our in-silico analysis, can be potentially used for biomedical purposes after experimental validation