93 research outputs found

    Geographical patterns of genetic and morphological variability of the taxa belonging to Silene saxifraga group (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Uzimajući u obzir prethodne klasifikacije i nejasne odnose između taksona u okviru ili dovođenih u vezu sa grupom Silene saxifraga, koriŔćene su nuklearne sekvence ITS, hloroplastne sekvence rps16 i polimorfizmi dužine umnoženih fragmenata (AFLP-ovi), za utvrđivanje filogenetičkih odnosa između ispitivanih taksona. Filogenetička analiza uzoraka 112 populacija, iz čitavog areala grupe, koji predstavljaju 33 taksona, je pokazala da su S. cephallenia, S. congesta, S. linoides, S. multicaulis, S. schwarzenbergeri i S. waldsteinii jasno izdiferencirane od ostalih analiziranih taksona, koji su formirali redefinisanu grupu S. saxifraga. Filogenetički odnosi u okviru ove grupe su slabo razjaÅ”njeni i nisu u potpunosti u skladu sa aktuelnom taksonomijom. Na filogenetičkom stablu se uglavnom grupiÅ”u geografski bliske populacije, a ne one koje pripadaju istom taksonu, verovatno zato Å”to je grupa nastala u skorije vreme, u pleistocenu, nakon čega je doÅ”lo do brze radijacije i ekspanzije areala. Redefinisanje taksona u okviru grupe S. saxifraga izvrÅ”eno je na osnovu multivarijantne analize morfometrijskih podataka i razlika u kvalitativnim karakterima. Analizirani su uzorci 122 populacije koje predstavljaju 22 taksona, uključujući S. linoides, S. multicaulis i S. waldsteinii. Izdvojeno je deset taksona u rangu vrste i osam podvrsta u okviru vrste S. saxifraga. Opisana je jedna nova vrsta (S. ancrae) i jedna nova podvrsta (S. saxifraga subsp. lurensis). Å est taksona je uÅ”lo u novu kombinaciju, a od njih je pet dobilo i novi status. Ključ za identifikaciju taksona u okviru revidirane grupe S. saxifraga prate dopune originalnih opisa, kao i horoloÅ”ki podaci i karakteristike staniÅ”ta. Centar genetičkog i taksonomskog diverziteta grupe se nalazi u južnim delovima Balkanskog poluostrva.Considering previous classifications and unresolved relationships among taxa belonging to or hypothesized to be closely related to Silene saxifraga group, we used sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS), the plastid rps16 intron and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to elucidate phylogenetic relationships, covering the sectionā€™s entire geographical range. Phylogenetic analyses of 112 populations belonging to 33 taxa showed that S. cephallenia, S. congesta, S. linoides, S. multicaulis, S. schwarzenbergeri and S. waldsteinii are clearly differentiated from all other taxa, which are included in the newly circumscribed S. saxifraga group. Unresolved phylogenetic relationships governed by geographic proximity rather than by taxonomic identity within S. saxifraga group are probably the result of recent rapid radiation and range expansion and/or local adaptation to divergent environments. Delimitation among taxa belonging to S. saxifraga group is discussed on the basis of multivariate analysis of morphometric data and differences in qualitative characters. Samples from 122 populations belonging to 22 taxa, including S. linoides, S. multicaulis and S. waldsteinii were analysed. Ten taxa are treated as species, with eight subspecies within S. saxifraga. One new species (S. ancrae) and one new subspecies (S. saxifraga subsp. lurensis) are desribed, whereas six taxa are given as new combination and five out of them as new status. Diagnostic key followed by addition to the original description of taxa belonging to revised S. saxifraga group is given, together with chorological data and habitat features. The southern part of the Balkan Peninsula is the centre of genetic and taxonomic diversity of the group

    Impact of Game Elements on Tennis Match Outcome in Wimbledon and Roland Garros 2009

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    The aim of the study was to assess the correlation among particular tennis game elements and match outcomes specifically at Wimbledon and Roland Garros tournaments 2009. Study results showed the winners to differ statistically significantly from the losers in total sample including players from both tournaments in all variables except for those describing service speed. Like the sample in total, the winners atWimbledon were superior in all variables, which was most pronounced in the percentage of points won to the opponentā€™s service, percentage of points won by first and second service, percentage of break points, percentage of net points, and number of aces and winners. The winners at Roland Garros may be efficient due to the high quality of play to their own and the opponentā€™s service. In conclusion, Wimbledon winners are characterized by the variables related to service which the players rely on, while Roland Garros winners are characterized by baseline play predominated by basic strokes

    Waste-wood derived biochar as a support for horseradish peroxidase immobilization

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    In this paper, the suitability of waste-wood derived biochar particles as a support for the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) immobilization by adsorption method was investigated. The change in enzymatic activity of the immobilized enzyme at different values of pH and temperature, as well as stability over time, was measured. The results showed that HRP can efficiently bind to biochar particles by adsorption. The immobilized enzyme shows high activity (>80%) at a wide range of pH (7-9) and temperature (20-50Ā°C). The immobilized enzyme retains 22% and 40% of its activity during storage at temperatures of 25 and 10Ā°C after a period of 30 days, respectively

    Antifungalna aktivnost hitosana prema Alternaria alternata i Colletotrichum gloeosporoides

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    Chitosan and its derivatives have been reported as a promising alternative for control of postharvest fungal pathogens. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in situ antifungal activity of chitosan against Alternaria alternata and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolated from decayed apple fruits. The fungi were tested in vitro using PDA medium with three concentrations of chitosan (1, 2 and 3 mg/ml). Fungal growth of the test pathogens was significantly affected by all chitosan doses (P lt 0.05) after 7 days of incubation at 25Ā°C. Water solution of 3 mg/ml of chitosan inhibited completely the conidial germination of A. alternata and C. gloeosporioides after 18 h incubation at 25Ā°C. The results obtained from biocontrol assay indicate that the inhibition of postharvest decay of A. alternata and C. gloeosporioides was significantly influenced by chitosan concentrations. Disease incidence in chitosan-treated fruit after 7 days incubation at 25Ā°C was significantly lower than in the positive control for both fungi tested (P lt 0.05). A. alternata and C. gloeosporioides used in this study were progressively inhibited in vitro and in situ with increasing concentrations of chitosan from 1 to 3 mg/ml.Istraživanja pokazuju da su hitosan i njegovi derivati dobra alternativa u kontroli skladiÅ”nih fitopatogenih gljiva. Cilj ovog rada bio je da ispita antifungalnu aktivnost hitosana prema Alternaria alternata i Colletotrichum gloeosporoides, izolovanih sa inficiranih plodova jabuke, u in vitro i in situ uslovima. Rast gljiva je testiran in vitro koristeći PDA podlogu sa različitim koncentracijama hitosana (1, 2 i 3 mg/ml). Porast oba patogena je bio značajno smanjen (P lt 0.05) u svim koncentracijama hitosana nakon 7 dana inkubacije na 25Ā°C. Vodeni rastvor hitosana koncentracije 3 mg/ml je u potpunosti inhibirao klijanje konidija A. alternata i C. gloeosporoides nakon inkubacije od 18 sati na temperaturi od 25Ā°C. Rezultati ogleda in situ ukazuju da inhibicija propadanja plodova inficiranih sa A. alternata i C. gloeosporoides zavisi od koncentracije rastvora hitosana. Pojava bolesti na plodovima jabuka tretiranih rastvorom hitosana nakon 7 dana inkubacije na 25Ā°C bila je značajno smanjena za obe vrste gljiva (P lt 0.05) u odnosu na pozitivnu kontrolu. Rast A. alternata i C. gloeosporoides je bio progresivno inhibiran in vitro i in situ sa povećanjem koncentracije rastvora hitosana, od 1 do 3 mg/ml

    Odgovor korovskih populacija i gajenih useva na prisustvo glifosata

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    Measuring amount of shikimate and chlorophyll content of hybrids of maize, line of soybean, C. canadensis and L. rigidum populations were examined after application of 1 kg a.e. ha-1 of the herbicide product TOUCHDOWNĀ® [active ingredient: glyphosate trimesium salt (syn. sulfosate), 500 g L-1]. Samples collected 2, 4 and 6 day after treatment. Changes in amount of shikimate in treated plants vs control were significant for S plants and nosignificant for R plants. Content of chlorophyll in tretaed plants were statisticaly lower vs nontreated plant in every tested poulations/lines/hybrids, except in hybrids of maize (differences were not significant).Merenje sadržaja Å”ikiminske kiseline i hlorofila kod hibrida kukuruza, linija soje, populacija C. canadensis and L. rigidum je obavljeno nakon primene 2 kg a.m. ha-1 herbicida TOUĀ­CHDOWNĀ® [aktivna materija: glifosat trimezijum so (sin. sulfosat), 500 g L-1]. Uzorkovanje je urađeno 2, 4 i 6 dana posle primene. Promene sadržaja Å”ikiminske kiseline kod tretiranih biljaka u odnosu na ne tretirane su bile značajne kod svih S biljaka i nisu imale značaja kod R biljaka. Sadržaj hlorofila kod tretiranih biljaka je statistički bio niži u odnosu na sadržaj kod ne teretiranih biljaka kod svih testiranih populacija/linija osim kod hibrida kukuruza (razlike nisu bile statistički značajne)

    Brasinosteroidi kao regulatori rasta biljaka i modulatori uticaja pesticida i đubriva

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    The mode of action of agrochemicals on plants implies the totality of their effect on plant metabolism, growth and development. The effects of different doses of 24-epibrassinolide (24-EBL) as a class of brassinosteroid phytohormones on growth and other physiological processes in maize plants during different development stages are reviewed in order to assess the influence of these agrochemicals on various factors determining the yield of maize as an important agricultural crop. In addition, several examples are given of the effects of these phytohormones on other crops, fruits and vegetables, in terms of their effect on yield, yield quality, and increase in crop resistance to some types of stress. Own results are discussed in the context of other literature data. Abbreviations: 24-EBL: 24-epibrassinolide; BRs: brassinosteroids; PCZ: propiconazole; Chl a: chlorophyl a; RFW (g g-1): relative fresh weight of different organs (R: radicle; P: plumule; RoS: rest of seed); TDW, TFW (g): total dry and fresh weight of plants; V root (ml): root volume; LMR, RMR, SMR (g g-1): relative dry weight of plant parts (leaves, roots, stem); dH (J mol-1 K-1): differential enthalpy of different parts (R: radicle; P: plumule; RoS: rest of seed) of 25 maize seedlings exposed to T(reatments) of different molar concentrations of 24-EBL; Ī”G105 (J mol-1 K-1) differential Gibbs free energy of total maize plant and their parts (R: roots; L: leaves; S: stem) assesed at 105 0C; ZP434, ZP704, ZP505: maize hybrids; Fv/Fm, Fv/F0, FRS2, qP, NPQ, RFD730 (all in relative units), ETR (Ī¼mol electrons m-2 s-1): different Chl a fluorescence parameters; Pphy, Pi: phosphorus bond to phytic acid and free phosphorus available to many cellular biochemical reactions; GSH: reduced form of gluthathyone; K, Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn, Si: different chemical elements.Način delovanja agrohemikalija na biljke podrazumeva ukupan uticaj na metabolizam, rast i razvoj biljaka. U tom smislu u ovom radu je prikazan efekat 24-epibrasinolida (24-EBL), kao klase fitohormona brasinosteroida, na rast i druge fizioloÅ”ke procese u biljkama kukuruza u različitim dozama i u različitim razvojnim fazama, kako bi se procenio uticaj na razne faktore koji određuju prinos ovog važnog poljoprivrednog useva. Pored toga, dato je nekoliko primera efekata ovih fitohormona na druge useve, voće i povrće, u smislu njihovog uticaja na prinos, kvalitet prinosa i povećanje otpornosti useva na neke vrste stresa. Rezultati su diskutovani u odnosu na druge podatke iz literature

    Examples of phytoremediation and biofortification as two sides of the same coin

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    The work presents findings from our and other researcher investigations, carried out on different cultivars using some non-standard fertilizers (preferentially based on plant phytohormones, amino acids ant plant and other extracts). The work demonstrates that these non-standard fertilizers is highly effective in biofortification (increasing the nutritional value of food of plant origin) in different crops. Also, natural origin of these non-standard fertilizers makes it suitable for use in organic agriculture. Furthermore, it also contributes to improving yield and different plant physiological and growth parameters. Additionally, that non-standard fertilizers induce excellent resistance crops to abiotic stresses connected with heavy metals and other toxic elements, which makes them suitable for the program of phytoremediation of polluted soil.The Second International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Technologies ā€œCreating Sustainable CommUNiTyā€, September 23-24 2022, Belgrade, Serbi

    Uticaj temperature i svetlosti (par) na indukciju fluorescencije CHL a in situ - ekofizioloŔki pregled

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    The effects of PAR and temperature on induction of Chl a fluorescence were observed on leaves of 20 plant species in their natural environments. Light affects the acceptor side of PS2. Temperature regulation of PS2 activity proceeds by affecting the RC and acceptor side of PS2. The impact of higher temperature can be attributed to greater fluidity of the thylakoid membranes. Photosynthetically active radiation and temperature under the given conditions are in highly significant positive correlation, so it is not clear whether this impact is due to individual or complementary mechanisms of PAR and/or temperature affecting photosynthetic processes in the thylakoid membranes. Also, it is not clear whether species specificity has any significance in the plant photosynthetic response to changes of PAR and temperature. Changes of PAR and temperature during induction of Chl a fluorescence do not affect Pindex, as a parameter of total photosynthesis.Praćen je uticaj PAR i temperature na indukciju fluorescencije Chl a na listovima 20 biljnih vrsta u njihovom prirodnom okruženju. Svetlost deluje na akceptorsku stranu PS2. Regulacija aktivnosti PS2 temperaturom odvija se uticajem na RC i akceptorsku stranu PS2. Uticaj poviÅ”ene temperature moguće je objasniti i povećanom fluidnoŔću tilakoidnih membrana. PAR i temperatura u datim uslovima nalaze se u visokoznačajnoj pozitivnoj korelaciji, tako da nije jasno da li se radi o posebnim ili komplementarnim mehanizmima dejstva PAR i/ili temperature na fotosintetske procese u tilakoidnim membranama. Takođe nije jasno da li specijska specifičnost ima neki značaj u fotosintetskoj reakciji biljaka na promene PAR i temperature. U ovim procesima promene PAR i temperature ne utiču na Pindex, kao pokazatelj ukupne fotosinteze

    Uticaj drugih đubriva i specijalnih proizvoda na hortikulturne biljke 2. - prinos, pomoloÅ”ke i biohemijske karakteristike plodova jabuka

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    One way of fast and effective impact on yield, pomological and biochemical properties of apple fruits is foliar fertilization. Thus, the fruit efficiently recharge poorly mobile secondary and micronutrients, and so the plant protects against environmental stress in sensitive developmental stages. The last hypothesis we checked during the second part of the growing seasons of 2014, which were characteristic of abundant precipitation during the first part of the season. The experiment was set in 19th May 2014, in the 18 years old apple (Malus domestica L. cv. 'Idared') orchard by a block system (10-12 trees per treatment), at a density of 1300 trees per ha. Treatments (19th May and 3rd Jun of 2014) per blocks were: control, 'Eco-Fus' (45 ml; based on algae extract), 'Vegard' (48 ml), 'Calbit-C' (20 ml), 'Zircon' (2,4 ml), 'Cropmax' (40 ml), (all based on plant extracts), 'Chitosan' (8 ml; based on shellfish extract), all dissolved in 8 l of water. The samples for biochemical analysis (determination the pH value and coefficient of refraction of the fruit extracts) were taken on 19th May, 3rd June, 2nd July, and on 9th September, when estimated yield. The yield was estimated by counting fruits on the tree in each block-treatment, followed by sampling a large number of fruits (20 and over), measuring their weight and multiplication, in order to estimate the yield per tree and per ha. All of the tested fertilizers in the given conditions are significantly higher estimated yield than in the control plants. Estimated yield of treated plants increased from +28.93% ('Calbit-C' fertilizer) to +253.26% ('Chitosan' fertilizer) per tree, ie. from +26.52% ('Calbit-C' fertilizer) to +253.27% ('Chitosan' fertilizer) per hectare, all relative to control. The average fruit weight was not significantly varied between treatments (200-230 g), but the number of fruits per tree is very influenced by the type of fertilizer, particularly in the case of 'Chitosan' fertilizer. It should be noted that the type of fertilizer affects the coefficient of refraction of the fruit extracts, particularly in the case of 'Eco-Fus' fertilizer.Ogled je zasnovan 19.05.2014. u voćnjaku sa 18 godina starim stablima jabuke (Malus doĀ­mestica L.; cv. 'Idared'), po blok sistemu i pri gustini od 1300 stabala/ha. Tretmani po blokovima su bili: Kontrola (bez tretmana), 'Eco-Fus' (đubrivo na bazi ekstrakta algi), 'VeĀ­gard', 'Calbit-C', 'Zircon', 'Cropmax', (sva đubriva na bazi biljnih ekstrakata), 'Chitosan' (homeopatski proizvod na bazi ekstrakta morskih Å”koljki), pri čemu su đubriva rastvarana u vodi. Uzorci za biohemijsku analizu (određivanje pH vrednosti i koeficijenta refrakcije ekstrakta pulpe ploda jabuke) uzimani su četiri puta, sve do procene prinosa. Prinos je procenjivan brojanjem plodova na stablima u svakom blok-tretmanu, posle čega je sledilo uzorkovanje većeg broja plodova po blok-tretmanu, merenje težina plodova i multiplikacija težine sa brojem plodova po stablu, radi procene prinosa po stablu i po standardnoj povrÅ”ini (ha). Sva testirana đubriva u datim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima značajno su uvećala prinos jabuka odnosno kontrole (od +28.93% ('Calbit-C'), do +253.26% ('Chitosan') po stablu, tj. (od +26.52% ('Calbit-C'), do +253.27% ('Chitosan') po standardnoj povrÅ”ini (ha). Srednja masa plodova nije značajnije varirala između tretmana, ali broj plodova po stablu jeste, zavisno od tretmana, posebno u slučaju đubriva 'Chitosan'. Vidno je da tip đubriva utiče na koeficijent refrakcije ekstrakta pulpe plodova, posebno u slučaju đubriva 'Eco-Fus'

    Efekti regulatora rasta na duvan, uljanu repicu i pŔenicu

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    During the 80s it was considered that a new era in agriculture has begun with the manipulation of plant growth through the use of synthetic regulators. Growth regulators (GR) have found their application in different crops (cereals, tobacco, potato, bananas, coffee, cotton, oilseed rape) and plantations (fruit and citrus orchards and vineyards). In order to examine the influence of GR on the growth of plants, i.e. their lateral branches, the trials were conducted in tobacco, winter wheat and oilseed rape fields, with the aim to evaluate the effects of growth regulators. Maleic hydrazide potassium and different concentrationsof butralin were applied in tobacco, while tebuconazole was applied in oilseed rape and ethephon in wheat. Analysis of the results has shown that the application of GR has had an effect on the growth of lateral tobacco shoots and oilseed rape and wheat plants. Statistically signifficant differences between the control and treated plants have been determined for all of the assessed rates of growth regulators. The effects were more pronounced on the length of lateral shoots in the upper nodes of tobacco, while in oilseed rape a higher efficiency was registered following fall treatments.Osamdesetih godina proÅ”log veka smatralo se da manipulacija rastom biljaka zasnovana na koriŔćenju sintetičkih regulatora, predstavlja početak nove ere u poljoprivrednoj praksi. Regulatori rasta (RR) su naÅ”li primenu u različitim usevima (strna žita, duvan, krompir, banana, kafa, pamuk, uljana repica) i zasadima (voće, vinova loza, citrusi). U cilju ispitivanja uticaja RR na porast biljaka, odnosno bočnih izdanaka postavljeni su ogledi u usevima duvana, ozime pÅ”enice i uljane repice. Malein-hidrazid kalijum i različite koncentracije RR butralin su primenjeni u duvanu, tebukonazol je primenjen u uljanoj repici, a etefon u pÅ”enici. Analizom rezultata konstatovano je da je primena RR uticala na rast bočnih izdanaka listova duvana, kao i na porast biljaka uljane repice i pÅ”enice. Utvrđene su statistički jasne razlike između kontrole i tretmana kod svih ispitivanih količina RR. U usevu duvana efekat RR je bio izraženiji na dužinu bočnih izdanaka viÅ”ih spratova, a kod biljaka uljane repice bolji efekat je uočen nakon primene jesenjih tretmana
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