92 research outputs found

    The A-test: Reliability of functional recovery assessment during early rehabilitation of patients in an orthopedic ward

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    Background/Aim. There are few tests for evaluation of functional abilities of patients surgically treated for hip fractures or osteoarthritis during early rehabilition period. The aim of this study was to investigate reliability (interobserver reproducibility and internal consistency) of the A-test, an original test for functional recovery evaluation during early rehabilitation of patients in an orthopedic ward. Methods. The investigation included 105 patients (55 patients with hip osteoarthritis that underwent arthroplasty and 50 surgically treated patients with hip fracture). It was conducted in an orthopedic ward during early inpatient rehabilitation (from 1st to 5th day). For their functional recovery evaluation during early rehabilitation we used the A-test, a performance-based test with 10 items for assessing basic activities by six level ordinal scale (0-5). For internal consistency of the test the Cronbach coefficient alpha was calculated for the A-test results collected during early rehabilitation for all patients (105 patients x 5 days = 525 measures) and separately for the results of patients with hip osteoarthritis (275 measures) and hip fracture (250 measures). Values of this coefficient > 0.7 imply good internal consistency of the test. Interobserver reproducibility was estimated as follows: two physiotherapists together conducted physical therapy with the patients, and then, separately, rated the performance of each activity from the test (78 measures). The agreement between their estimations was expressed by the linear weighted kappa coefficient (for very good agreement values of kappa coefficient have to be in the range 0.81-1). Results. The Cronbach coefficient alpha was 0.98 (the results of all the patients and the results of the patients with hip osteoarthritis) and 0.97 (the results of the patients with hip fracture). The values of kappa coefficient were in the range 0.81-0.92 for all items. Conclusion. The A-test is a reliable instrument for everyday evaluation of functional recovery during early rehabilitation of patients surgically treated in an orthopedic ward

    Susceptibility of New Sweet Cherry Cultivars to Rain Induced Fruit Cracking

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    Kod 15 novijih sorti trešnje kalemljenih na podlozi Gizela 5 proučavana je osetljivost na pucanje ploda. Ona je određivana na osnovu indeksa pucanja ploda, kao i na osnovu pucanja plodova u voćnjaku. Između ispitivanih sorti utvrđene su značajne razlike u pogledu mase ploda, sadržaja rastvorljive suve materije, indeksa pucanja ploda i broja ispucalih plodova u voćnjaku. Razlike su takođe utvrđene i između godina ispitivanja. Najveću osetljivost na pucanje ploda pokazale su sorte Samersan, Skina i Kristalina, dok su najmanje osetljive bile sorte Čelan i Regina.Susceptibility of 15 sweet cherry cultivars to rain induced fruit cracking was studied in the region of Mačva (western Serbia, along the Sava river) during a three-year period (2008-2010). Testing of fruit cracking was done using cracking index by Christensen and also by counting natural cracked fruits in orchard. In the cultivars tested significant differences in cracking index, natural cracking, fruit weight and soluble solids content were found. The three-year average fruit cracking index had the lowest value in the cultivar ‘Chelan’ (15.3) and the highest one in cultivar ‘Summer Sun’ (63.9). Natural fruit cracking varied from 9.1% (‘Chelan’) to 81.0% (‘Skeena’). Based on the cracking index, cherry cultivars were classified into three groups: moderately susceptible (4 cultivars), susceptible (8 cultivars) and highly susceptible (3 cultivars). The highest susceptibility to rain induced fruit cracking showed cultivars ‘Summersun’, ‘Skeena’, and ‘Cristalina’, while the least sensitive cultivars were ‘Chelan’ and ‘Regina’

    Phenological characteristics, yield and fruit quality of introduced apricot cultivars in the region of Belgrade (Serbia)

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    The evaluation of ten introduced apricot cultivars originated from Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary was carried out in the region of Belgrade over a period of six years (2009–2014). Control cultivar for comparison was ‘Hungarian Best’. Flowering of introduced cultivars was from two days before to two days after the control, while harvest was from 6 days before (‘Neptun’) to 13 days after (‘Litoral’). The average yield per tree ranged from 5.7 kg in ‘Kasna Drjanovska’ to 12.2 kg in ‘Mari de Cenad’ and ‘Roksana’, while the average fruit weight ranged from 45.1 g in ‘Umberto’ to 82.0 g in ‘Neptun’. Compared with the control cultivar, significantly higher yield was achieved in seven cultivars, while significantly higher fruit weight was found in six cultivars. The content of soluble solids varied from 14.2% in ‘Cegledi arany’ to 19.5% in ‘Kasna Drjanovska’. Cultivars ‘Roksana’, ‘Mari de Cenad’, ‘Gergana’ and ‘Neptun’ stand out for fruit appearance, and ‘Silistrenska kompotna’, ‘Kasna Dryanovska’ and ‘Mari de Cenad’ for fruit quality. Among studied cultivars, for growing in this region ‘Dacia’, ‘Gergana’, ‘Mari de Cenad’, ‘Neptun’ and ‘Roksana’ can be recommended, predominantly for fresh fruit consumption. In addition, cultivars ‘Silistrenska kompotna’ and ‘Kasna Drjanovska’ can also be recommended, mostly for fruit processing

    Pomological properties of newly apple cultivars

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    U periodu od tri godine (2006. – 2008.) na području centralne Šumadije proučavano je osam novijih sorti jabuke: Galaxy, Regal Prince (Gala Must®), Tenroy (Royal Gala®), Daliest (Elista™), Golden Reinders®, Florina, Imperatore Dallago i Cripps Pink (Pink Lady®), uporedo sa sortom Idared, koja je uzeta kao standard. Proučavane su sledeće osobine: vreme zrenja, rodnost, kao i važnije fizičke, hemijske i organoleptičke osobine ploda. Od jesenjih sorti jabuke najbolje osobine pokazale su sorte Galaxy i Gala Must, a od zimskih sorti Golden Reinders.Eight relatively new apple cultivars were studied during three-year period (2006 - 2008) in the region of Central Serbia. They were as follows: Galaxy, Regal Prince (Gala Must®), Tenroy (Royal Gala®), Daliest (Elista™), Golden Reinders®, Florina, Imperatore Dallago i Cripps Pink (Pink Lady®). Cultivar ’Idared’ was the standard as the most grown apple cultivar in Serbia. Average time of maturation of studied cultivars was from 20 August (’Galaxy’ and ’Gala Must’) to 25 October (’Pink Lady’). Two cultivars – ’Imperatore Dallago’ and ’Florina’ had significantly lower yield compared to standard. Three cultivars (’Imperatore Dallago’, ’Florina’ and ’Golden Reinders’) had large fruit as well as standard. All other cultivars had medium large friut and fruit weight was significantly lower than in standard (’Idared’). New cultivars had higher contents of soluble solids and sugars than ’Idared’ and mostly they had lower titratable acidity (with the exception of ’Pink Lady and ’Elista’). The highest organoleptic scores got cultivars ’Golden Reinders’ and ’Galaxy’. Overall, the best properties were shown by cultivars ’Golden Reinders’, ’Galaxy’ and ’Gala Must’, so thay can be recommended for commercial growing in the region of Central Serbia

    Pulse low-intensity electromagnetic field as prophylaxis of heterotopic ossification in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury

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    Background/Aim. Heterotopic ossification (HO) is an important complication of head and spinal cord injuries (SCI). Pulse low-intensity electromagnetic field (PLIMF) therapy increases blood flow to an area of pain or inflammation, bringing more oxygen to that area and helps to remove toxic substances. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of PLIMF as prophylaxis of HO in patients with SCI. Methods. This prospective random control clinical study included 29 patients with traumatic SCI. The patients were randomly divided into experimental (n = 14) and control group (n = 15). The patients in the experimental group, besides exercise and range of motion therapy, were treated by PLIMF of the following characteristics: induction of 10 mT, frequency of 25 Hz and duration of 30 min. Pulse low-intensity electromagnetic field therapy started in the 7th week after the injury and lasted 4 weeks. The presence or absence of HO around the patients hips we checked by a plane radiography and Brookers classification. Functional capabilities and motor impairment were checked by Functional Independent Measure (FIM), Barthel index and American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) impairment class. Statistic analysis included Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Shapiro-Wilk test, Mann Whitney Exact test, Exact Wilcoxon signed rank test and Fischer Exact test. Statistical significance was set up to p < 0.05. Results. At the end of the treatment no patient from the experimental group had HO. In the control group, five patients (33.3%) had HO. At the end of the treatment the majority of the patients from the experimental group (57.14%) moved from ASIA-A to ASIA-B class. Conclusion. Pulse low-intensity electromagnetic field therapy could help as prophylaxis of HO in patients with traumatic SCI

    Biological properties of quince cultivars in Belgrade area

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    U periodu od dve godine (2003-2004) na području beogradskog Podunavlja proučavano je devet sorti dunje: Morava, Rea’s Mammoth, Asenica, Hemus, Vranjska, Bereczki, Portugalska, Trijumf, uporedo sa sortom Leskovačka, koja je uzeta kao standard. Proučavane su sledeće osobine: vreme zrenja, rodnost, kao i važnije fizičke i hemijske osobine ploda. Najbolje osobine pokazala je sorta Trijumf i ona se može preporučiti za komercijalno gajenje u beogradskom Podunavlju.Nine quince cultivars were studied during two-year period (2003 - 2004). The aim of the study was to choose the best cultivars for growing in Belgrade area. Investigations included the time of maturation, productivity, as well as more important physical and chemical fruit properties. Cultivar ’Leskovačka’ was the standard as the most grown quince cultivar in Serbia. Average time of maturation of studied cultivars was from 5 October (’Morava’) to 17 October (Trijumf’). Three cultivars – ’Trijumf’, ’Portugalska’ and ’Vranjska’ had higher yield compared to standard. All cultivars, except ’Brzecki’ had larger fruit than standard. Overall, the best properties were shown by cultivars ’Trijumf’ and it can be recommended for commercial growing in the Belgrade region

    Susceptibility of Apricot Cultivars to Winter and Late Spring Frosts

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    U radu je ispitivan je uticaj zimskog i poznog prolećnog mraza na izmrzavanje generativnih organa kod 33 sorte kajsije na području beogradskog Podunavlja u toku 2012. godine. Apsolutna minimalna temperatura od -20,7°C zabeležena je 9. februara, dok je 10. aprila došlo do pojave poznog prolećnog mraza intenziteta -3,0°C. Prosečno izmrzavanje cvetnih pupoljaka od zimskog mraza iznosilo je 32,8%, sa variranjem od 12,1% kod sorte NS-6 do 98,8% kod sorte Mary Lady. Pozni prolećni mraz, koji se javio nakon završetka cvetanja, doveo je do prosečnog izmrzavanja od 61,4% plodića, sa variranjem od 18,1% kod sorte Bergarouge do 93,0% kod sorte Silvercot. Iako su zimski i pozni prolećni mraz uticali na značajno smanjenje roda, 11 sorti je i pored toga dalo zadovoljavajući prinos (više od 10 kg po stablu). Najviši prinos su dale sorte Harcot, Litoral i Re Umberto.The influence of winter and spring frost on the injury of flower buds and flowers was studied in 33 apricot cultivars during 2012 year. The experimental orchard was planted in 2007 at the Experimental farm “Radmilovac” of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade. The rootstock is Myrabolan (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) seedling, and the tree spacing is 4 x 1.5 m. Winter frost intensity of -20.7°C, which occurred on 9th February, caused the average injury of 32.8% of flower buds for all studied apricot cultivars. Frost damage was highest in cultivar ‘Mary Lady’ (98.8%), and lowest in cultivar ‘NS-6’ (12%). Spring frost intensity of -3.0°C occurred on 10th April, after apricot cultivars finished flowering. It caused the average injury of 61.4% of fruitlets. The damage was lowest in cultivar ‘Bergarouge’ (18.1%), and the highest in cultivar ‘Silvercot’ (93.0%). Due to the occurrence of winter and late spring frosts, there was a signifiucant reduction in yield of apricot. The average yield for all cultivars was 7.2 kg per tree. Four cultivars practically had no yield (‘Mary Lady’, ‘Palstein’, ‘Aurora’, and ‘Silvercot’). The highest yield was found in cultivars ‘Harcot’, ‘Litoral’, and ‘Re Umberto’

    Evaluation of new apricot cultivars from Slovak Republic in the region of Belgrade

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    The evaluation of seven introduced apricot cultivars originated from Slovak Republic was carried out in the region of Belgrade over a period of five years (2009–2013). Control cultivar for comparison was ‘Hungarian Best’. Among studied cultivars small differences in flowering time were found (1–5 days). Average maturing time of introduced cultivars was from June, 18 (‘Velita’ and ‘Veselka’) to July, 15 (‘Veharda’), or from 14 days before to 13 days after the ‘Hungarian Best’. The average yield per tree ranged from 4.1 kg in ‘Veharda’ to 9.4 kg in ‘Vestar’. Compared with the control cultivar, significantly higher yield was achieved in two cultivars: ‘Vestar’, and ‘Veselka’. The average fruit weight ranged from 40.6 g in ‘Veharda to 55.6 g in ‘Veselka’. Significantly higher fruit weight had only cultivar ‘Veselka’, while smaller fruit weight had two cultivars: ‘Veharda’ and ‘Velita’. The content of soluble solids varied from 12.0% in ‘Vesna’ to 17.1% in ‘VS-22/32’. Cultivars ‘VS-22/32’ and ‘Veselka’ stands out for fruit appearance, and ‘Veselka’ also for fruit quality. Among studied cultivars, the best results were shown by ‘Veselka’ which can be recommended for growing in this region, predominantly for fresh consumption. In addition, cultivars ‘Vestar’ and ‘Vesprima’ can also be recommended, mostly for processing

    Traditional dentistry knowledge among Serbs in several Balkan countries

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    Background/Aim: There are still unrevealed treasures of traditional dental medicine, that is, the reason to investigate and present various ways in treatment of oral and orofacial tissues, as well as magic and religious elements involved in representative areas among Serbs. Materials and Methods: Information was collected from the elderly non-professional folk dentists and herbalists with the additional help of local physicians and dentists that was done through questionnaire and personal interviews. Results: Classified and prepared material consists of total 1038 inquiry sheets. The 41 data were averagely obtained by inquiry form, i.e. 41,984 information for the whole research. The most voluminous was the group of 64 recipes, including 39 for gums diseases and 25 for toothache, while only seven ones were mentioned for magic way of treatment. Among them, 18 prescriptions were of nonherbal origin. The study revealed 84 herbal original prescriptions, including 67 plant species (29 families) including local name, synonyms, and preparation mode. Traditional healers used predominantly herbal recipes to treat painful tooth, gum disease, blisters - herpetic ulcers/lips and mouth/, stomatitis/painful mouth, ptyalismus/, maxillary sinusitis, bad breath, teeth cleaning and bleaching. Very few methods of treatment appeared as inadequate (magical practice), whereas majority were noted as beneficial ones (herbal medicine). Still many people in distant nonurban areas use various plant recipes, especially as the first aid in oral disease healing. Conclusions: The significance of plants obtained from unpolluted areas, whose active ingredients have not yet been used in dental pharmaceutics, should be further investigated in the future

    Productivity of early and medium early apricot cultivars in the Belgrade area

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    Characteristics of productivity and growth (yield per tree, trunk cross-sectional area, yield efficiency and fruit weight) were studied in 40 apricot cultivars of early and medium early maturity in the Belgrade area during the six-year period (2009 – 2014). The cultivar ‘Hungarian Best’ was used as a control for comparison. The period of study was divided to initial bearing (age of trees three and four years) and full bearing (age of trees from five to eight years). Significant differences in yield between cultivars and years were found. Average yield in the period of initial bearing ranged from 0.3 to 11.3 kg per tree, and in the period of full bearing from 5.6 to 24.8 kg per tree. Compared with the control cultivar, significantly higher yield was obtained in 17 cultivars. Adverse weather conditions resulted in significant reduction of yield in two out of six years of study. Cumulative yield efficiency varied from 0.17 to 0.87 kg/cm2 and in 19 cultivars it was significantly higher compared with the control cultivar. Fruit weight ranged from 27.7 to 80.1 g. Compared with control, fruit weight was significantly higher in nine cultivars, and significantly lower in 11 cultivars