102 research outputs found

    Dijagnostičke mogućnosti indeksa za procenu kognitivnog funkcionisanja na Rorschach testu

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    The study presents theoretical and empirical comparison of the three indexes in Rorschach Comprehensive System that were developed for psychotic functioning assessment: the Schizophrenia Index (SCZI), the Ego Impairment Index (EII) and the Perceptual Thinking Index (PTI). In spite of the conceptual and nominal differences, these indexes significantly overlap and includes common indicators. The study compared a discrimination value of these three indexes, as well as and theirs indicators and based on the obtained results, tried to formulate a new index as a composite of the best predictors.Istraživanje predstavlja teorijsku i empirijsku komparaciju tri indeksa za procenu psihotičnog funkcionisanja sa Rorschach testa. To su Indeks shizofrenije (SCZI), Indeks Ego oÅ”tećenja (EII) i novi Indeks percepcije i miÅ”ljenja (PTI). Uprkos razlikama u nazivu, kao i razlikama u konceptualnim polaziÅ”tima, ovi indeksi se značajno preklapaju jer uključuju slične indikatore. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da ispita diskriminativnu vrednost ovih indeksa i njihovih pojedinačnih indikatora, kao i da na osnovu dobijenih rezultata formira novi indeks koji uključuje indikatore sa najboljom diskriminativnom vrednoŔću

    Ekspresija komponenti renin-angiotenzin sistema u humanom karotidnom plaku

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    Background/Aim. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is linked to the development of atherosclerosis (As), including its initiation and progression. Besides the well-known angio-tensin-converting enzyme (ACE), two newer RAS family members are related to vascular remodeling - ACE2 as a homolog of ACE and collectrin [transmembrane protein 27 (TMEM27)] as a homolog of ACE2. Up to now, a limited number of studies have examined the expression of these RAS components in advanced carotid plaque (CP) tissue based on the sex of the patients and plaque phenotypes (PPs). There are two ultrasonographically defined PPs - the hypoechogenic plaque (HoP) and the hyperechogenic plaque (HerP) phenotype. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there was a correlation between the expression of RAS components in the CP and the sex and PPs of patients. Methods. We examined 74 patients with advanced CP who underwent carotid endarterectomy. The intraplaque expression of RAS components was determined with the real-time polymerase chain reaction, using the TaqManĀ® gene expression assays and Western blot. A two-way ANOVA followed by a post-hoc Tukey test was performed for the statistical analysis of results. Results. No interaction was recorded between the sex of the patients and PPs in influencing the relative expression of ACE and TMEM27 messenger RNA (mRNA) (p > 0.05). In 56.06% of plaque samples, no expression of ACE2 mRNA was detected. Among the plaques where ACE2 mRNA expression was detected, its expression level was higher in females with the HoP phenotype compared to females with the HerP phenotype (p < 0.001). In patients with the HoP phenotype, females had higher expression of ACE2 mRNA than males (p < 0.05). In the male study group, ACE protein levels were significantly lower in the HoP phenotype compared to the HerP phenotype (p < 0.001). Fe-males with the HoP phenotype had significantly higher ACE protein levels than males with the HoP phenotype (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. Our results revealed alterations in the expression levels of ACE and ACE2, at the mRNA and protein levels, in advanced carotid As. These alterations are impacted by sex and PP and may indicate a switch from the balanced RAS/ACE/ACE2 axis in the healthy blood vessel to the unbalanced axis in vascular remodeling due to As.Renin-angiotenzin sistem (RAS) povezan je sa razvojem ateroskleroze (As), uključujući njen nastanak i progresiju. Pored dobro poznatog angiotenzinkonvertujućeg enzima (angiotensin-converting enzyme ā€“ ACE), dva nova člana RAS familije povezana su sa remodelovanjem zidova krvnih sudova ā€“ ACE2 kao homolog ACE i kolektrin [transmembrane protein 27 (TMEM27)] kao homolog ACE2. Do sada je mali broj studija ispitivao ekspresiju komponenti RAS sistema u tkivu uznapredovalog karotidnog plaka (KP) u odnosu na pol bolesnika i fenotip plaka (FP). Postoje dva tipa KP definisana primenom ultrazvuka ā€“ fenotip hipoehogenog plaka (HoP) i fenotip hiperehogenog plaka (HerP). Cilj rada bio je da se ispita da li postoji korelacija između ekspresije komponenti RAS u KP i pola i FP bolesnika. Metode. Ispitano je 74 bolesnika sa uznapredovalim KP koji su bili podvrgnuti operativnoj proceduri karotidne endarterektomije. Ekspresija komponenti RAS sistema u tkivu plaka utvrđena je lančanom reakcijom polimeraze u realnom vremenu (real-time polymerase chain reaction)primenom eseja TaqManĀ® tehnologije i metode Western blota. Dvosmerna analiza varijanse i Tukey post-hoc test koriŔćen su za statističku obradu rezultata. Rezultati. Nije utvrđena interakcija FP i pola bolesnika u uticaju na relativnu ekspresiju informacione RNK (iRNK) za ACE i TMEM27 (p > 0,05). U 56,06% uzoraka plaka nije detektovana ekspresija iRNK za ACE2. U plakovima u kojima je detektovana ekspresija iRNK za ACE2, njen nivo bio je viÅ”i kod žena sa HoP u poređenju sa ženama sa HerP (p < 0,001). U grupi bolesnika sa fenotipom HoP, žene su imale viÅ”i nivo iRNK za ACE2 nego muÅ”karci (p < 0,05). U grupi muÅ”karaca, nivoi ekspresije ACE proteina bili suznačajno niži u fenotipu HoP u poređenju sa HerP (p < 0,001). Žene sa fenotipom HoP imale su značajno viÅ”i nivo ACE proteina u poređenju sa muÅ”karcima sa HoP (p < 0,0001). Zaključak. NaÅ”i rezultati pokazali su da postoje promene nivoa ekspresije ACE i ACE2, na nivou proteina i iRNK u uznapredovaloj karotidnoj As. Te promene zavise od pola i FP i mogu ukazivati na to da balans ose RAS/ACE/ACE2 koji postoji u zdravom krvnom sudu postaje poremećen tokom remodelovanja zida krvnog suda usled As

    The case of hip dysplasia of an adult from the Roman Period site of Velebit (Serbia)

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    Objective: This study is designed to reveal the diagnosis of a rare hip condition with an estimation of the possible cause of death. Materials: Archaeological site of Velebit dated between the 3rd and 4th century AD is located in northern Serbia. Grave No 24 differs from others in the unusual position of the skeletal remains in situ. Methods: The bioanthropological analyses included an estimation of skeletal preservation, cranial and postcranial skeletal measurements, estimation of sex and age at the moment of death, dental analysis and a paleopathological examination. This skeleton was analysed for signs of bone disease, using diagnostic paleopathological procedures comprising gross examination and CT scanning. Results: The results revealed that the analysed male individual was 40 to 55 years of age. The bioanthropological analyses showed two deformities of the pelvic bones, each on the outer surface, located posteriorly and superiorly of the acetabular area. The observed lesions were characterised as type 4 of developmental dysplasia of the hip. In addition, a sharp lesion was observed in the right posterior region of squama of the occipital bone. Conclusions: Our results clearly suggest that this individual had been suffering from hip dysplasia. The possible cause of death could be the observed head lesion. In addition, there is no skeletal conformation of unfavourable living conditions related to physiological stress and diet

    Ispitivanje karakteristika i mogućnosti kliničke primene indeksa ego-oÅ”tećenja

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    This study examines diagnostic potential of Ego Impairment Index (EII) for the assessment of schizophrenic patients. The study represent replication of the validation research based on previous theoretical and empirical studies of disturbance of ego functions and theirs assessments with Rorschach Inkblot Test. The research sets the following goals: 1. Analysis of EII factor structure 2. Correlations analysis of EII and its component variables with diagnosis of schizophrenia based on DSM criteria 3. Analysis of discriminative potential of EII to differentiate between schizophrenic and non-psychotic patients 4. Comparison of discriminative validity and correlations between Schizophrenic Index (SCZI) and EII The study included patients hospitalized at the Institute for Psychiatry in Belgrade. The total of 58 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 44 non-psychotic patients matched by sex and age (range 18-45) were included in the study. Statistical analysis was based on canonical correlation, discriminative analysis and factor analysis.Rad se bavi empirijskom proverom validnosti i diskriminativne vrednosti Indeksa Ego-oÅ”tećenja (Ego Impairment Index, EII) u proceni psihotičnih poremećaja. Oslanjajući se na ranije radove Perija i Viglionea (Perry & Viglione, 1991) i teorijske osnove u radovima Vejnera (Wainer, 1966) i Blata (Blatt et al., 1976) o poremećajima Ego-funkcija kod shizofrenija i njihovoj proceni na RorÅ”ah-testu, u istraživanju je postavljeno nekoliko ciljeva: 1. Analiza faktorske strukture EII indeksa. 2. Provera povezanosti EII indeksa i pojedinačnih indikatora sa dijagnozom shizofrenije. 3. Provera diskriminativne vrednosti EII indeksa i doprinosa pojedinih indikatora u diferenciranju psihotičnih i nepsihotičnih pacijenata. 4. Komparacija diskriminativne vrednosti i korelacija Indeksa shizofrenije (SCZI) i EII indeksa. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 58 psihotičnih i 44 nepsihotična pacijenta oba pola uzrasta od 18 do 40 godina hospitalizovanih na Institutu za psihijatriju KCS u Beogradu. Statistička obrada podataka vrÅ”ena je pomoću kanoničke korelacione, diskriminativne i faktorske analize u SPSS statističkom programu

    Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years

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    Background: Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction is recognized as a cardinal prognostic marker in heart failure (HF) patients. Myocardial infarction (MI) is often followed by unrecognized RV dysfunction, which can be associated with worse outcome. It is recently shown that the ratio between TAPSE and PASP (RV/PA) may depict cardiopulmonary hemodynamics better than the two parameters alone. Aim: To evaluate the interactions between left ventricular (LV) and RV function in early phase of MI and to assess the prognostic significance of RV/PA coupling in patients with first MI during 5 years follow up. Methods: The prospective study included 144 patients with the first MI treated with the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p PCI) who underwent Doppler echocardiography within 2Ā±1 days of MI. LV function analysis included: LV ejection fraction (EF), ratio between early diastolic velocity and tissue annular velocity (E/e) and global longitudinal strain (GLS). RV function and RV-PA interaction was expressed as ratio between TAPSE and PASP. During the five-year follow-up, major cardiovascular events and especially hospitalization for HF were analyzed. Results: Progressive RV/PA uncoupling was associated with higher degree of LV impairment and dysfunction (EF p<0.001, E/e p=0.002, GLS p<0.001) and severity of mitral regurgitation (p=0.013). Lower baseline RV/PA coupling significantly reflects the frequency of hospitalizations for HF in the population of patients with first MI during five-year follow-up (0.62 v.s.0.51, p=0.021). After multivariate adjustment RV/PA remained an independent predictor of all major cardiac events (MACE) after five years (OR 14.0 [1.5ā€“130.8], p=0.019). Conclusion: A lower baseline RV-PA coupling, reflecting a higher degree of LV-induced pulmonary hypertension and secondary RV-dysfunction, is associated with decline of LV function in early phase of MI, and is independently associated with worse prognosis after five years. The value of RV-PA ratio as an prognstic marker warrants further investigation.ESC Congress 2023 25ā€“28 August 2023 Amsterdam, Netherland

    Terapijska procena ličnosti - kolaborativni pristup

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    Studies in the field of psychodiagnostis usually apply to presentation of some techniques and innovations in order to improve the quality and reliability of the obtained data. However, it remains to be answered how are all these data and their interpretation and integration used, and what their purpose is. Therapeutic evaluation has been developed as a new and logical answer to the old question. The paper presents the basic principles of this approach to personality evaluation.Radovi iz oblasti psihodijagnostike uglavnom se odnose na prikaz pojedinačnih tehnika i novina u cilju poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta i pouzdanosti dobijenih podataka. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje kako se svi ti podaci i njihova interpretacija i integracija koriste, čemu ili kome zapravo oni služe? Terapijska procena nastala je kao nov i logičan odgovor na ovo staro pitanje. U ovom radu predstavljene su osnovne postavke ovog pristupa proceni ličnosti

    Apolipoprotein B gene polymorphisms in patients from Serbia with ischemic cerebrovascular disease

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    The plasma concentration of apoB has recently been reported to be the best lipid predictor of coronary heart disease. The possible associations of genetic markers in the apolipoprotein B gene (XbaI, EcoRI, MspI, Ins/Del, and 4311 A/G polymorphisms) were evaluated in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD) and controls of equivalent BMI. The odds ratio for ICVD in the X+X+ genotype was 2.22, 95% CI 1.24-3.96 (P&lt;0.05), while that for ICVD in the Ins/Ins genotype was 2.82, 95% CI 1.57-5.06 (P&lt;0.05). The patients had significantly higher frequency of the 4311A allele compared to the controls (P&lt;0.01). Our results support the assumption that apoB gene polymorphisms may contribute to the extent of cerebrovascular disease risk

    Opsežna mukocela čeonog sinusa - prikaz slučaja

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    Mukocele su dobroćudne cistične tvorbe obložene epitelom,ispunjene tekućim sadržajem i smjeÅ”tene u paranazalnim sinusima. One svojim rastom mogu ispuniti cijeli sinus i obzirom na daljni rast mogu koÅ”tanom pregradnjom dovesti do razaranja koÅ”tanoga zida sinusa, a time i orbite. U literaturi se navode raznoliki čimbenici nastanka i rasta cisti (alergije, kronična upala sluznice sinusa, anatomske abnormalnosti, prethodne ozljede kostiju lica i prethodni kirurÅ”ki zahvati na sinusima). U većini slučajeva uzrok pojave mukocele je nepoznat, ali u ovom prikazu slučaja radi se o postraumatskoj i postoperativnoj mukoceli čeonog sinusa. U ovom prikazu riječ je o 51-godiÅ”njem muÅ”karcu koji je hospitaliziran nakon pregleda u hitnoj ambulanti zbog izrazite protpoze desne očne jabučice. Bolesnik je primijetio izbočenje desnoga oka, popraćeno crvenilom i bolovima deset dana prije odlaska liječniku. Prije 22 godine imao je prometnu nezgodu kojom prilikom je zadobio viÅ”estruke prijelome lubanje i gornje i donje čeljusti, zbog čega je kirurÅ”ki liječen. Učinjena kompjuterizirana tomografija pokazuje proptozu desnog bulbusa, te oba čeona sinusa ispunjena masama koje destruiraju krov obje orbite i protrudiraju intraorbitalno, uz desnostrani značajniji kompresivni učinak na bulbus koji je potisnut prema dolje i van. Koronarnim pristupom prikaže se obostrani koÅ”tani defekt krova orbita, te se pristupi frontalnim sinusu koji je ispunjen tekućim gustim sadržajem koji izlazi pod tlakom. Odstrani se nekrotična kost i patoloÅ”ka sluznica sinusa. Periumbilikalnim masnim tkivom se u potpunosti obliterira frontalni sinus, te se postavi titanska mrežasta pločica. U postoperativnom praćenju bolesnik je bez subjektivnih tegoba. Iako se danas obliteracija frontalnog sinusa masnim tkivom rijetko koristi, u rijetkim slučajevima ima važnu ulogu za liječenje

    Opsežna mukocela čeonog sinusa - prikaz slučaja

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    Mukocele su dobroćudne cistične tvorbe obložene epitelom,ispunjene tekućim sadržajem i smjeÅ”tene u paranazalnim sinusima. One svojim rastom mogu ispuniti cijeli sinus i obzirom na daljni rast mogu koÅ”tanom pregradnjom dovesti do razaranja koÅ”tanoga zida sinusa, a time i orbite. U literaturi se navode raznoliki čimbenici nastanka i rasta cisti (alergije, kronična upala sluznice sinusa, anatomske abnormalnosti, prethodne ozljede kostiju lica i prethodni kirurÅ”ki zahvati na sinusima). U većini slučajeva uzrok pojave mukocele je nepoznat, ali u ovom prikazu slučaja radi se o postraumatskoj i postoperativnoj mukoceli čeonog sinusa. U ovom prikazu riječ je o 51-godiÅ”njem muÅ”karcu koji je hospitaliziran nakon pregleda u hitnoj ambulanti zbog izrazite protpoze desne očne jabučice. Bolesnik je primijetio izbočenje desnoga oka, popraćeno crvenilom i bolovima deset dana prije odlaska liječniku. Prije 22 godine imao je prometnu nezgodu kojom prilikom je zadobio viÅ”estruke prijelome lubanje i gornje i donje čeljusti, zbog čega je kirurÅ”ki liječen. Učinjena kompjuterizirana tomografija pokazuje proptozu desnog bulbusa, te oba čeona sinusa ispunjena masama koje destruiraju krov obje orbite i protrudiraju intraorbitalno, uz desnostrani značajniji kompresivni učinak na bulbus koji je potisnut prema dolje i van. Koronarnim pristupom prikaže se obostrani koÅ”tani defekt krova orbita, te se pristupi frontalnim sinusu koji je ispunjen tekućim gustim sadržajem koji izlazi pod tlakom. Odstrani se nekrotična kost i patoloÅ”ka sluznica sinusa. Periumbilikalnim masnim tkivom se u potpunosti obliterira frontalni sinus, te se postavi titanska mrežasta pločica. U postoperativnom praćenju bolesnik je bez subjektivnih tegoba. Iako se danas obliteracija frontalnog sinusa masnim tkivom rijetko koristi, u rijetkim slučajevima ima važnu ulogu za liječenje

    Correlations of CDKN1A and ADAM17 expression with a change of left ventricular remodeling echocardiographic parameters in PBMC of patients six months after the first myocardial infarction

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    Introduction: Myocardial infarction (MI) and consequential ischemia with cardiomyocyte loss are followed by left ventricular (LV) remodeling. LV remodeling is crucial process for cardiac function preservation, although when prolonged it can become maladaptive and lead to impaired systolic function and further cardiovascular complications. Echocardiographic parameters are used as a measure of LV structure and function. ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain) and CDKN1A (cyclindependent kinase inhibitor 1A) have shown regulating role in DNA repair, inflammation, remodeling and fibrosis. The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate the potential effect of CDKN1 and ADAM17 mRNA in post MI heart remodeling. Methods: Sixty four patients with the first MI were prospectively followed-up 6 months after MI. Change (Ī”) of echocardiographic parameters within 6 months was calculated as a difference between the value at 6-month follow-up and value at admission. Relative gene expression was detected using the TaqManĀ® technology. Statistical analyses were done by Statistica 8 software. Results: We have observed correlation between CDKN1A mRNA expression and change of LV enddiastolic diameter (Ī”LVEDD, R=0.3, p=0.01) and LV end-systolic diameter (Ī”LVESD, R=0.3, p=0.02), but not with LV ejection fraction and stroke volume. ADAM17 expression was not in correlation with analyzed parameters of LV remodeling. However, CDKN1A and ADAM17 mRNA expression in PBMC six months after MI were positively correlated (R=0.6, p<0.001). Conclusion: Preliminary resultssuggest that CDKN1 has a role in post MI LV remodeling, correlating with changes in echocardiographic parameters of LV structure. The validation on a larger sample size is required.The Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia; October 6-8, Belgrade, 2023
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