57 research outputs found

    DruŔtvene mreže i nauka: trenutno stanje i perspektive

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    DruÅ”tvene mreže su sredstva komunikacije i interakcije među korisnicima gde se stvaraju, dele i razmenjuju informacije i ideje. DruÅ”tvene mreže se posmatraju kao veb lokacije koje povezuju pojedince i/ili različite grupe ljudi i koje uključuju različite sadržaje koje kreiraju korisnici. Posebna grupa korisnika druÅ”tvenih mreža koju autori u ovom radu posmatraju jesu članovi istraživačkog sektora. Prvi deo rada prikazuje opÅ”te trendove i statistiku koriŔćenja interneta i druÅ”tvenih mreža u Å”irem kontekstu, dok se u drugom delu rada daje prikaz najznačajnijij druÅ”tvenih mreža kreiranih za potrebe istraživačkog sektora


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    DanaÅ”nji svijet u cjelini je u previranju. ViÅ”estruki izazovi potresaju njegove dosadaÅ”nje strukture, koje se intenzivno mijenjaju i nasilno se prilagođavaju novitetima. Mnogi od ovih potresa utječu na stanje i izglede globalnog gospodarstva i politike.Danas sve prognoze globalne gospodarske aktivnosti za tekuću i iduću godinu moraju računati na posljedice i neizvjesnosti najnovije pandemije i novog vala migracija. Svijet nije uspio odgovoriti na izazove rastućih rizika od klimatskih promjena, umjetne inteligencije ili nepovoljnih demografskih trendova. To je razumljivo jer se takvi odgovori traže dugoročno. Međutim, povećana neizvjesnost povećava rizike svih vrsta. Mnoge regionalne zajednice naroda, kao i svjetska zajednica u cjelini, morat će u idućim desetljećima posvetiti mnogo viÅ”e pažnje sustavnom upravljanju rizicima. Osnovna hipoteza ovog rada je da je prihvaćanje promjena i uspjeÅ”no prilagođavanje globalnim trendovima adekvatniji strateÅ”ki dogovor druÅ”tva od strateÅ”kog suprotstavljanja. To se uvelike odnosi na klimatske promjene, izazove nejednakosti, demografske fluktuacije... No, čovječanstvo u mnogim situacijama mora reagirati pametno, odmjereno, jedinstveno i kontrolirano. Na to najviÅ”e upućuju iskustva s pandemijama, neuspjesi klimatskih akcija i neuspjele migrantske "strategije". U ovom radu, na temelju analize sadržaja dokumenata i niza statističkih podataka, tražit ćemo mogućnosti i prilike za održivo, druÅ”tveno i ekoloÅ”ki učinkovito upravljanje globalnim resursima kako bi se kontrolirali negativni ishodi, prvenstveno u gospodarskom smislu.Todayā€™s world as a whole is in turmoil. Multiple challenges shake its current structures, which are changing intensively and forcibly adapting to novelties. Many of these earthquakes affect the state and outlook of the global economy and politics. Today, all forecasts of global economic activity for the current and next year must count on the consequences and uncertainties of the latest pandemic and new wave of migration. The world has failed to respond to the challenges of growing risks from climate change, artificial intelligence or adverse demographic trends. This is understandable because such answers are sought in the long run. However, increased uncertainty increases risks of all kinds. Many regional communities of nations, as well as the world community as a whole, will need to pay much more attention to systematic risk management in the coming decades. The basic hypothesis of this paper is that accepting change and successfully adapting to global trends is a more adequate strategic agreement of society than strategic confrontation. This is largely related to climate change, the challenges of inequality, demographic fluctuations ...But humanity in many situations must react smartly, measured, unique and controlled. Experiences with pandemics, failures of climate actions and failed migrant "strategies" point to this the most. In this paper, based on the analysis of document content and a range of statistics, we will look for opportunities and opportunities for sustainable, socially and environmentally efficient management of global resources to control negative outcomes, primarily in economic terms


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    DanaÅ”nji svijet u cjelini je u previranju. ViÅ”estruki izazovi potresaju njegove dosadaÅ”nje strukture, koje se intenzivno mijenjaju i nasilno se prilagođavaju novitetima. Mnogi od ovih potresa utječu na stanje i izglede globalnog gospodarstva i politike.Danas sve prognoze globalne gospodarske aktivnosti za tekuću i iduću godinu moraju računati na posljedice i neizvjesnosti najnovije pandemije i novog vala migracija. Svijet nije uspio odgovoriti na izazove rastućih rizika od klimatskih promjena, umjetne inteligencije ili nepovoljnih demografskih trendova. To je razumljivo jer se takvi odgovori traže dugoročno. Međutim, povećana neizvjesnost povećava rizike svih vrsta. Mnoge regionalne zajednice naroda, kao i svjetska zajednica u cjelini, morat će u idućim desetljećima posvetiti mnogo viÅ”e pažnje sustavnom upravljanju rizicima. Osnovna hipoteza ovog rada je da je prihvaćanje promjena i uspjeÅ”no prilagođavanje globalnim trendovima adekvatniji strateÅ”ki dogovor druÅ”tva od strateÅ”kog suprotstavljanja. To se uvelike odnosi na klimatske promjene, izazove nejednakosti, demografske fluktuacije... No, čovječanstvo u mnogim situacijama mora reagirati pametno, odmjereno, jedinstveno i kontrolirano. Na to najviÅ”e upućuju iskustva s pandemijama, neuspjesi klimatskih akcija i neuspjele migrantske "strategije". U ovom radu, na temelju analize sadržaja dokumenata i niza statističkih podataka, tražit ćemo mogućnosti i prilike za održivo, druÅ”tveno i ekoloÅ”ki učinkovito upravljanje globalnim resursima kako bi se kontrolirali negativni ishodi, prvenstveno u gospodarskom smislu.Todayā€™s world as a whole is in turmoil. Multiple challenges shake its current structures, which are changing intensively and forcibly adapting to novelties. Many of these earthquakes affect the state and outlook of the global economy and politics. Today, all forecasts of global economic activity for the current and next year must count on the consequences and uncertainties of the latest pandemic and new wave of migration. The world has failed to respond to the challenges of growing risks from climate change, artificial intelligence or adverse demographic trends. This is understandable because such answers are sought in the long run. However, increased uncertainty increases risks of all kinds. Many regional communities of nations, as well as the world community as a whole, will need to pay much more attention to systematic risk management in the coming decades. The basic hypothesis of this paper is that accepting change and successfully adapting to global trends is a more adequate strategic agreement of society than strategic confrontation. This is largely related to climate change, the challenges of inequality, demographic fluctuations ...But humanity in many situations must react smartly, measured, unique and controlled. Experiences with pandemics, failures of climate actions and failed migrant "strategies" point to this the most. In this paper, based on the analysis of document content and a range of statistics, we will look for opportunities and opportunities for sustainable, socially and environmentally efficient management of global resources to control negative outcomes, primarily in economic terms

    The mitigation of the economic impacts from the fuel price shocks: Serbian case

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    The exposure to the risks of the crude oil price volatility for an net-importer country such as Serbia are neglected in its energy policy which has to be first and most important level of structural response to this inherent feature. The shocks in the past, and the current challenges, are not intended to be solved in long-term and sustainable way. The energy transition in Serbia have to be based on locally available and climate friendly energy sources, energy efficiency measures, new technologies, but not only in the area of fiscal policy and taxation of fuels. Having in mind the importance of fuels on the expense/revenue sides of the national budget, this paper will analyze two energy policy scenarios in two fuel price outlooks regarding impacts to the national budget, and further economic development. The economic impacts of the fuel prices volatility will be quantified: by sector of the transport for agriculture, commercial and household sectors, to determine their vulnerability to the shocks. The elasticity of the sectors to respond to these impacts will be qualified. Then, the possible pathways of an economically, and socio-environmental effective distribution of the impacts within these sectors will be suggested to the decision makers. Finally, the potential of long term mitigation of these impacts by the terms of an energy climate policy and energy transition scenarios will be discussed

    Implementacija inicijative za otvoreni pristup naučnim podacima i publikacijama u Srbiji : izazovi i perspektive

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    Otvoreni pristup podrazumeva mogućnost pristupa naučnim publikacijama i podacima u bilo koje vreme, sa bilo kog mesta, bez ikakvih novčanih nadoknada. Jedini uslov predstavlja mogućnost pristupa Internetu. Inicijativa za omogućavanje Otvorenog pristupa nastaje kao odgovor na činjenicu da radovi i podaci nastali u istraživanjima koja su finansirana od strane akademskih ili državnih institucija ne mogu biti dostupni dok se institucija ne pretplati na odgovarajući časopis. Ovo se smatra kontroverznim i donekle ā€žapsurdnimā€œ, jer limitira Å”irenje naučnih saznanja i otežava dalja istraživanja. U Srbiji je Inicijativa o Otvorenom pristupu na snazi skoro dve decenije, i intenzivno se sprovodi kroz brojne radionice i edukacije naučnih radnika i istraživača, gde se preporučuje da se, kada god je to moguće, obezbedi otvoren pristup radovima i podacima. Procenjuje se da je danas oko 15% časopisa u Otvorenom pristupu, a da 90% izdavača odobrava autorima da preprint verzije radova (prihvaćene za objavljivanje) postave na neku digitalnu platformu, najčeŔće u institucionalne digitalne repozitorijume, vidljive u potpunosti. Međutim, i pored toga, jako veliki broj naučnih rezultata nije dostupan javnosti, Å”to smanjuje vidljivost rada istraživača i njihovu citiranost. Stoga, Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnoloÅ”kog razvoja Republike Srbije, na leto\ud 2018. godine, predlaže i usvaja dokument pod nazivom Platforma o otvorenoj nauci, gde se jasno ističu obaveze svih istraživača o pohranjivanju njihovih naučnih radova i podataka u neki od digitalnih repozitorijuma. Ovaj rad se bavi problemima implementacije Otvorenog pristupa u Srbiji i načinima na koje ti problemi mogu da se prevaziđu, a u cilju povećanja kvaliteta naučnih istraživanja

    Parametri klijanja i rani porast ponika kukuruza u različitim nivoima sonog stresa

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    Increased salt concentration has a negative effect on germination parameters and early seedling growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate germination parameters and early seedlings growth of maize under different salinity conditions (0, -0.3, -0.6, -0.9 and -1.2 MPa). Germination was tested in double rolled filter paper, moistened with different NaCl solution, in the dark at 25Ā°C. Osmotic stress had significant effects on all examined characteristics, except on final germination. Under the highest osmotic stress, mean germination time and time to 50% germination were 14 h and 30 h longer than at control. Root and shoot length under those conditions (-1.2 MPa) were 76% and 87% shorter compared to control, while root and shoot weight were reduced (81% and 87%). Minor reduction in germination energy was recorded under stress. These results showed different responses of germination parameters and early seedling growth in the observed genotype under different salinity conditions.Povećane koncentracije soli imaju negativan efekat na parametar klijanja i rani porast klijanaca. Cilj istraživanja bio je ocena parametara klijanja i ranog porasta klijanaca kukuruza u uslovima različite zaslanjenosti (0, -0,3, -0,6, -0,9 i -1,2 MPa). Klijanje je testirano na filter papiru, nakvaÅ”enom rastvorom NaCl različitog osmotskog potencijala, u mraku na 25Ā°C. Osmotski stres je imao značajan uticaj na sve ispitivane parametre, osim na klijavost. U uslovima najviÅ”eg osmotskog stresa, srednje vreme klijanja i vreme dostizanja 50% klijavosti, bili su 14 h i 30 h duži u odnosu na kontrolu. Dužina korenka i izdanka u navedenim uslovima (-1,2 MPa) je bila za 76% i 87% kraća spram kontrole, dok je masa korena i stabla bila manja za 81% i 87%. Energija klijanja je smanjena u manjoj meri u uslovima stresa. Rezultati pokazuju razliku u reakciji parametara klijanja i ranog porasta ponika posmatranog genotipa u uslovima različitog nivoa osmotskog stresa

    The case of hip dysplasia of an adult from the Roman Period site of Velebit (Serbia)

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    Objective: This study is designed to reveal the diagnosis of a rare hip condition with an estimation of the possible cause of death. Materials: Archaeological site of Velebit dated between the 3rd and 4th century AD is located in northern Serbia. Grave No 24 differs from others in the unusual position of the skeletal remains in situ. Methods: The bioanthropological analyses included an estimation of skeletal preservation, cranial and postcranial skeletal measurements, estimation of sex and age at the moment of death, dental analysis and a paleopathological examination. This skeleton was analysed for signs of bone disease, using diagnostic paleopathological procedures comprising gross examination and CT scanning. Results: The results revealed that the analysed male individual was 40 to 55 years of age. The bioanthropological analyses showed two deformities of the pelvic bones, each on the outer surface, located posteriorly and superiorly of the acetabular area. The observed lesions were characterised as type 4 of developmental dysplasia of the hip. In addition, a sharp lesion was observed in the right posterior region of squama of the occipital bone. Conclusions: Our results clearly suggest that this individual had been suffering from hip dysplasia. The possible cause of death could be the observed head lesion. In addition, there is no skeletal conformation of unfavourable living conditions related to physiological stress and diet

    Effects of foliar application of solutions of ascorbic acid, glycine betaine, salicylic acid on the yield and seed germination of soybean in South Eastern Europe conditions

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    The aim of the research was to test the effect of foliar-applied solutions of ascorbic acid (AsA), glycine betaine (GB), salicylic acid (SA) and water as a second control on the yield and seed germination of the soybean (Glycine hispida (Moench) Maxim.) cultivar 'Sava' as well as their influence on the content of N, P, K and Ca in soybean seeds, and to estimate the intensity of lipid peroxidation and free proline content in soybean seedlings. The plants were treated with the solutions twice. The 1st spray treatment was done at growth stage 6: flowering (main shoot), when first flowers opened (sporadically in population), and the 2nd spray treatment was done at growth stage 7: development of fruits and seeds, when the first pod had reached final length of 15-20 mm. Foliar application of the solutions had a significant impact on seed yield and seed germination in both years of the experiment. In a favourable year 2016, treatments with ascorbic acid, glycine betaine and salicylic acid solution significantly increased seed yield by 6.21-9.67%. However, in an unfavourable year 2017, the effect was significantly greater with the application of water (yield increase 6.48%), while the application of glycine betaine solution even reduced the seed yield. In a favourable year 2016, treatments with ascorbic acid and salicylic acid solution significantly increased seed germination by 7% and 8%, respectively. In an unfavourable year 2017, also only ascorbic acid and salicylic acid significantly increased seed germination by 11% and 9%, respectively. However, when using cold test, when the seed was exposed to a low temperature of 10 degrees C for 7 days and then placed under optimal seed germination conditions for 4 days, ascorbic acid and glycine betaine solution reduced seed germination in both experimental years. Therefore, further research is needed on the methods designed to increase seed germination of soybean, both in favourable and adverse conditions in Serbia

    Priming seed mitigates the effects of saline stress in soybean seedlings

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    Seed germination and seedling growth are the most sensitive plant stages towards salinity. Various techniques can improve emergence and stand formation under salt conditions. Seeds priming is one of the most frequently used technique. Seed priming could develop different defence mechanisms of seeds against salinity stress. This experiment aims to examine the seed priming into potassium nitrate - KNO3 (1%), ascorbic acid - ASA (100mgl(-1)) and potassium chloride - KCl (1%) solutions, that may reduce harmful effects of salinity stress. Salinity was imposed by treatment of seeds with different concentrations of NaCl [0 (control), 50, 100, 200m MNaCl]. All data were analysed statistically by three-way ANOVA. Individual testing of probability was carried out using Tukey's method p lt = 0.05 and p lt = 0.01. Correlation dependence was determined using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Test results demonstrated positive effect of seed priming. This was showed by improved soybean seed quality and increased seed germination rate. The intensity of lipid peroxidation, free proline concentration and Na+ was decreased, while K+ in seedlings increased due to priming treatment. Priming of seeds into ASA solution resulted in increased vitamin C concentration, while priming into KNO3 and KCl solutions reduced the content of vitamin C in soybean seedlings
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