61 research outputs found

    Istraživanje polimorfizma gena za κ-kazein i beta-laktoglobulin u buše i holštajnfrizijske pasmine mliječnih krava u Srbiji

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    The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of κ-casein (κ-CN) and β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) genotypes in the autochtonous (Busha) and dairy (Holstein-Friesian, HF) cattle breeds with PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism). For the amplification of κ-CN and β-Lg gene fragments specific primers were used. After digestion with specific endonucleases genotypes were determined for both genes in 18 Busha and 19 HF cows. The results showed that κ-CN gene was represented with the AA genotype in 31.58 % HF cows, AB in 52.63 % cows, whilst the genotype BB was found in 15.79 % cows only. Among the examined Busha cattle 44.44 % cows had AA genotype and 55.56 % genotype AB for κ CN. As for β-Lg gene in HF breed, AA genotype was found in 26.31 % cows, AB in 63.16 % and BB in 10.53 % cows. In Busha cows the following genotypes were established for β-Lg gene: AA in 44.44 % cows and AB in 55.56 %, whilst BB genotype was not found. These results indicate that Busha cows had a higher presence of A allelic forms of both genes (k-CN and β-lactoglobulin) than HF cows.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi raspodjelu genotipova kapa-kazeina (κ-CN) i beta-laktoglobulina (β-Lg) u autohtonih (buša) i mliječnih (holstein, HF) pasmina goveda primjenom PCR-RFLP. Za amplifikaciju κ-CN i β-Lg fragmenata gena korištene su specifične oligonukleotidne početnice. Nakon digestije posebnim endonukleazama (Hinf I i Hae III) genotipovi su određeni za oba gena u 18 buša i 19 HF krava. Rezultati su pokazali da je κ-CN gen utvrđen genotipom AA u 31,58 % HF krava, AB u 52,63 % krava, dok je genotip BB utvrđen u samo 15,79 % krava. Od krava pasmine buša 44,44 % je imalo AA genotip i 55,56 % genotip AB za κ-CN. Što se tiče β-Lg gena u HF pasmine, AA genotip pronađen je u 26,31 % krava, AB u 63,16 % i BB u 10,53 % krava. U krava pasmine buša sljedeći genotipovi su utvrđeni za β-Lg gen: AA u 44,44 % i AB u 55,56 % krava, dok BB genotip nije utvrđen. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da je u krava pasmine buša veća prisutnost A alelne forme za oba ispitivana gena (za k-CN i β-laktoglobulin) nego kod HF krava

    Emergence of VIM-2 metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in a paediatric hospital in Serbia

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    Molecular detection and surveillance of the resistance genes harboured by Pseudomonas aeruginosa are becoming increasingly important in assessing and controlling spread and colonization in hospitals, and in guiding the antibiotic treatment of infections. Metallo-blactamase (MBL)-producing P. aeruginosa strains are slowly but steadily increasing within hospitals, causing outbreaks and/or hyperendemic situations in some centres, mostly in the Far East and the south of Europe (Queenan & Bush, 2007). The global dissemination of MBL-producing P. aeruginosa strains has also reached the Balkan region (Lepsanovic et al., 2008; Sardelic et al., 2003). The objective of our study was to detect and characterize P. aeruginosa isolates producing MBLs from the 400-bed paediatric tertiary care hospital Mother and Child Health Institute of Serbia ‘Dr Vukan Cupic

    Parametri klijanja i rani porast ponika kukuruza u različitim nivoima sonog stresa

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    Increased salt concentration has a negative effect on germination parameters and early seedling growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate germination parameters and early seedlings growth of maize under different salinity conditions (0, -0.3, -0.6, -0.9 and -1.2 MPa). Germination was tested in double rolled filter paper, moistened with different NaCl solution, in the dark at 25°C. Osmotic stress had significant effects on all examined characteristics, except on final germination. Under the highest osmotic stress, mean germination time and time to 50% germination were 14 h and 30 h longer than at control. Root and shoot length under those conditions (-1.2 MPa) were 76% and 87% shorter compared to control, while root and shoot weight were reduced (81% and 87%). Minor reduction in germination energy was recorded under stress. These results showed different responses of germination parameters and early seedling growth in the observed genotype under different salinity conditions.Povećane koncentracije soli imaju negativan efekat na parametar klijanja i rani porast klijanaca. Cilj istraživanja bio je ocena parametara klijanja i ranog porasta klijanaca kukuruza u uslovima različite zaslanjenosti (0, -0,3, -0,6, -0,9 i -1,2 MPa). Klijanje je testirano na filter papiru, nakvašenom rastvorom NaCl različitog osmotskog potencijala, u mraku na 25°C. Osmotski stres je imao značajan uticaj na sve ispitivane parametre, osim na klijavost. U uslovima najvišeg osmotskog stresa, srednje vreme klijanja i vreme dostizanja 50% klijavosti, bili su 14 h i 30 h duži u odnosu na kontrolu. Dužina korenka i izdanka u navedenim uslovima (-1,2 MPa) je bila za 76% i 87% kraća spram kontrole, dok je masa korena i stabla bila manja za 81% i 87%. Energija klijanja je smanjena u manjoj meri u uslovima stresa. Rezultati pokazuju razliku u reakciji parametara klijanja i ranog porasta ponika posmatranog genotipa u uslovima različitog nivoa osmotskog stresa


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    Background: Delirium is an urgent condition in psychiatry and it occurs after long-lasting alcohol abuse, in surgical procedures and other organic mental syndromes with deprivation of interpersonal and social stimulations. The aim was to evaluate of sociodemographical and psychopathological differences in delirium patients with alcoholand surgical genesis, studied in period from January 1st 2003 to December 31st 2012 in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Subjects and methods: Subjects were divided into two groups: alcoholics (N=75) and surgical patients (N=75) and multicentric, prospective study was performed in B&H. The following instruments have been used: list of general data (according to MCD-10 criteria), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Becks test of anxiety (BAI), Hamilton Depressive Rating Scale (HDRS) and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Descriptive and analytical statistical processing of patients has been performed (alpha level: 0.001). Results: Patients from alcohol group showed, with statistical significance p=0.001, the following: unemployment (OR=0.657, CI 0.540-670), ruined marriage (OR=0.570, CI 0.650-710), alcohol abuse (OR=0.179, CI 0.860-0.990), on represented expressed psychoticism, (OR=0.635, CI 0.550-0.715) in EPQ test, HDRS total was more frequent (OR=0.925, CI 0.870-1.120) and on MMSE test, total score was more frequent (OR=0.560, CI 0.570-810). Postoperative patients were older p=0.001 (OR= 1.120, CI 1.082- 1.159) with acutestress: (OR=0.735, CI 0.650-0.910) and showed neuroticism (OR=-0.660, CI 0.575-0.715). Discriminative function confirms the differences between alcohol and surgical groups of delirium patients: Canonical Fcn: r=0.771; Wilkin’s lambda

    Transcatheter stenting of arterial duct in duct-dependent congenital heart disease

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    Introduction. Critical congenital heart diseases (CHD) are mostly duct-dependent and require stable systemic-pulmonary communication. In order to maintain patency of the ductus arteriosus (DA), the first line treatment is Prostaglandin E1 and the second step is the surgical creation of aortic-pulmonary shunt. To reduce surgical risk in neonates with the critical CHD, transcatheter stenting of DA can be performed in selected cases. Case Outline. A four-month old infant was diagnosed with the pulmonary artery atresia with ventricular septal defect (PAA/VSD). The left pulmonary artery was perfused from DA, and the right lung through three major aortopulmonary collaterals (MAPCAs). A coronary stent was placed in the long and critically stenotic DA, with final arterial duct diameter of 3.5 mm, and significantly increased blood supply to the left lung. After the procedure, the infant’s status was improved with regard to arterial oxygen saturation, feeding and weight gain. During the follow-up, one year later, aortography revealed in-stent stenosis. The left pulmonary artery, as well as the branches, was well-developed and the decision was made to proceed with further surgical correction. Conclusion. Stenting of DA can be an effective alternative to primary surgical correction in selected patients with duct-dependent CHD

    Problematika određivanja količine istaloženih azotnih jedinjenja na slatinska staništa nacionalne ekološke mreže

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    The exceedance in the critical load of nitrogen compounds is used by the European Environment Agency as an indicator of the biodiversity loss risk. This paper provides a general overview of continental saline habitats vulnerability (Slatine - in Serbian) located in central Banat within the National Ecological Network, caused by the deposition of nitrogen compounds. These compounds originate from manure of selected category of animals raised in settlements located in the vicinity of protected areas. The data on short-range deposition of nitrogen compounds within two zones were used for determining the areas of impact: the zone of probable impact (0-500 m) and the zone of potential impact (500-2000 m). According to the calculation results, the most vulnerable locations which, for the most part, belong to 'Rusanda' protected area, are the pastures directly surrounding village Kumane, pastures bordering Rusanda salty lake, including the lake itself.Prekoračenja kritičnih opterećenja azotnim jedinjenjima se koriste kao indikatori rizika gubitka biodiverziteta od strane Evropske agencije za životnu sredinu. U radu je dat okvirni prikaz ugroženosti slatinskih staništa nacionalne ekološke mreže koja je uzrokovana taloženjem azotnih jedinjenja iz stajnjaka izabranih životinja, poreklom iz naselja koja se nalaze u okruženju zaštićenih područja srednjeg dela Banata. Za određivanje oblasti uticaja korišćeni su podaci o kratkom dometu taloženja azotnih jedinjenja, unutar dva pojasa: pojas verovatnog uticaja (od granice zaštićenog područja do 500 m) i pojas mogućeg uticaja (500-2000 m). Na osnovu rezultata proračuna, kao posebno ugroženi lokaliteti izdvajaju se pašnjačke površine u neposrednom okruženju naselja Kumane koje najvećim delom pripadaju zaštićenom području 'Rusanda', pašnjaci uz Rusandu, kao i samo jezero

    Multiple Major and Minor Anomalies Associated With Klippel-Feil Syndrome: A Case Report

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    Klippel-Feil syndrome is defined as congenital fusion of two or more cervical vertebrae. In this article, we report a 55-year-old male patient with one-year history of neck pain, headaches, and one episode of syncope after a severe trauma. X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spine revealed fused vertebral bodies of C2-C5. The major anomalies associated with Klippel-Feil syndrome (small stature, thoracic kyphoscoliosis, lumbar scoliosis, restricted opening mouth, and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss) as well as multiple minor anomalies (mild face asymmetry, high arched palate, rhinoscoliosis, high nasal bridge, inclined septi nasi, and thin upper lip) were detected. This is a rare case describing the anomalies of the nose in Klippel-Feil syndrome patients. Our patient had no central cord impairment following a severe trauma

    Licheniocin 50.2 and Bacteriocins from Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis biovar. diacetylactis BGBU1-4 Inhibit Biofilms of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci and Listeria monocytogenes Clinical Isolates

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    Background Coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) and Listeria monocytogenes have important roles in pathogenesis of various genital tract infections and fatal foetomaternal infections, respectively. The aim of our study was to investigate the inhibitory effects of two novel bacteriocins on biofilms of CoNS and L. monocytogenes genital isolates. Methods The effects of licheniocin 50.2 from Bacillus licheniformis VPS50.2 and crude extract of bacteriocins produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis BGBU1-4 (BGBU1-4 crude extract) were evaluated on biofilm formation and formed biofilms of eight CoNS (four S. epidermidis, two S. hominis, one S. lugdunensis and one S. haemolyticus) and 12 L. monocytogenes genital isolates. Results Licheniocin 50.2 and BGBU1-4 crude extract inhibited the growth of both CoNS and L. monocytogenes isolates, with MIC values in the range between 200-400 AU/ml for licheniocin 50.2 and 400-3200 AU/ml for BGBU1-4 crude extract. Subinhibitory concentrations (1/2 x and 1/4 x MIC) of licheniocin 50.2 inhibited biofilm formation by all CoNS isolates (p lt 0.05, respectively), while BGBU1-4 crude extract inhibited biofilm formation by all L. monocytogenes isolates (p lt 0.01 and p lt 0.05, respectively). Both bacteriocins in concentrations of 100 AU/mL and 200 AU/mL reduced the amount of 24 h old CoNS and L. monocytogenes biofilms (p lt 0.05, p lt 0.01, p lt 0.001). Conclusions This study suggests that novel bacteriocins have potential to be used for genital application, to prevent biofilm formation and/or to eradicate formed biofilms, and consequently reduce genital and neonatal infections by CoNS and L. monocytogenes