7 research outputs found

    Vehicle emission survey and modeling in the context of street network traffic flow modeling

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    Upotreba transportnih modela za procene emisija predstavlјa važan deo procesa održivog planiranja saobraćaja većih urbanih područja . Procena uticaja saobraćajnih rešenja na životnu sredinu je jedna od tri osnovne komponente održivosti. Prethodna praksa u proceni emisija saobraćajnog toka u Srbiji podrazumevala je upotrebu emisionih modela razvijenih za druga područja (gradove ili države) što omogućava samo relativno poređenje varijanti rešenja. Razvijeni metodološki pristup prikuplјanja i modeliranja je dobra osnova za formiranje modela specifičnog za lokalne uslove koji bi omogućio i apsolutnu kvantifikaciju emisije. Formiranjem konceptualnog modela odnosno metodologije formiranja modela, koji kao ulaz koristi samo podatke o načinu vožnje u svakoj sekundi, za konkretan slučaj matematički je opisana veza emisionog sa mikrosimulacionim transportnim modelom. Za primenu u makro i mezoskopskim modelima potrebno je generisati emisione faktore na nivou prosečnih brzina. Baza podataka na nivou svake sekunde je dobra osnova za generisanje emisionih faktora jer omogućava simuliranje bilo kog ciklusa vožnje. A generisanje emisionih faktora je zasnovano na ciklusima vožnje koji predstavlјaju karakteristično ponašanje vozača u određenim saobraćajnim okolnostima. Upotreba podataka o emisijama vozila na nivou sekunde je bila ograničena na istraživačku zajednicu zbog visoke cene uređaja za merenje. Formiranjem merne instalacije u ovoj disertaciji potvrđena je mogućnost formiranja ekonomične merne metodologije koja će omogućiti formiranje baze podataka o emisijama vozila u realnim uslovima u saobraćajnom toku kao osnova za precizno određivanje emisija vozila u saobraćajnom toku u urbanim područjima. Na taj način se omogućava pristup podacima širem krugu zainteresovanih strana i brži napredak u oblasti istraživanja. Pri formiranju merne instalacije, osnovni problem je bio rešavanje problema kvantifikovanja ukupne količine zagađujućih materija. Problem se svodi na mogućnost transformisanja jedinica u kojima se uobičajeno meri emisija (ppm ili mg / m 3) u apsolutnu količinu emitovanog gasa ( mg / s ). Problem je uspešno rešen upotrebom Pitove cevi za merenje brzine gasa koja predstavlјa sastavni deo merne instalacije. Rad je u osnovi multidisciplinaran. Ističe se ideja upotrebe teorije kontrole sistema u obradi baze podataka o emisijama. Na taj način se daje značajan prilog širenju mogućnosti u obradi prikuplјenih podataka za formiranje modela i mogućnostima budućih istraživanja koja se tiču varijabilnosti i pouzdanosti podataka.The u se of transport models in traffic flow emission estimation is an important part of sustainable transport planning in major urban areas. Impact assessment of the traffic solutions to the environment is one of the three basic components of sustainability. Previous experience in the emission estimations in Serbia show the use of emission models developed for other areas (cities or countries) which allow only relative comparison of variant solutions. Methodological approach of data collection and modelling developed in this Dissertation is a good basis for development of locally specific model that would allow the absolute quantification of emissions. The development of the conceptual model and the modelling methodology, which uses second - by - second driving pattern data as an only input, is mathematically described in conn ection with micro - simulation transport model. Emission factors based on average speed need to be generated for the use in macro and mesoscopic models. Database on a second - by - second basis enables estimation of emission factors for any driving cycle. Drivin g cycles represent typical human behaviour in certain traffic conditions. The use of second - by - second vehicle emission data was limited to the research community because of the high cost of measuring equipment. Measuring installations built in this thesis confirmed the possibility of creating cost - effective measurement methodology. Methodology will allow the establishment of a vehicle emissions database for real traffic conditions as a basis for accurate vehicle emission estimation in the traffic flows in u rban areas. It provides data for a wider range of stakeholders and the advance in this field of research. The main problem was establishing the total amount of emissions. The problem boils down to the possibility of unit’s conversion: turning ppm or mg/m3, usually used in emissions measurements, to absolute amount of gas emitted (mg/s). The problem has been successfully resolved using Pitot's tube to measure gas velocity, which is an integral part of the measuring installation. The work is essentially multi - disciplinary. The idea of using the system control theory in the processing of the emission data is emphasized. The approach contributes to expanding possibilities in emission data processing for modelling purposes. The possibilities for future resea rch related to the variability and reliability of the data are also expande

    Vehicle emission survey and modeling in the context of street network traffic flow modeling

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    Upotreba transportnih modela za procene emisija predstavlјa važan deo procesa održivog planiranja saobraćaja većih urbanih područja . Procena uticaja saobraćajnih rešenja na životnu sredinu je jedna od tri osnovne komponente održivosti. Prethodna praksa u proceni emisija saobraćajnog toka u Srbiji podrazumevala je upotrebu emisionih modela razvijenih za druga područja (gradove ili države) što omogućava samo relativno poređenje varijanti rešenja. Razvijeni metodološki pristup prikuplјanja i modeliranja je dobra osnova za formiranje modela specifičnog za lokalne uslove koji bi omogućio i apsolutnu kvantifikaciju emisije. Formiranjem konceptualnog modela odnosno metodologije formiranja modela, koji kao ulaz koristi samo podatke o načinu vožnje u svakoj sekundi, za konkretan slučaj matematički je opisana veza emisionog sa mikrosimulacionim transportnim modelom. Za primenu u makro i mezoskopskim modelima potrebno je generisati emisione faktore na nivou prosečnih brzina. Baza podataka na nivou svake sekunde je dobra osnova za generisanje emisionih faktora jer omogućava simuliranje bilo kog ciklusa vožnje. A generisanje emisionih faktora je zasnovano na ciklusima vožnje koji predstavlјaju karakteristično ponašanje vozača u određenim saobraćajnim okolnostima. Upotreba podataka o emisijama vozila na nivou sekunde je bila ograničena na istraživačku zajednicu zbog visoke cene uređaja za merenje. Formiranjem merne instalacije u ovoj disertaciji potvrđena je mogućnost formiranja ekonomične merne metodologije koja će omogućiti formiranje baze podataka o emisijama vozila u realnim uslovima u saobraćajnom toku kao osnova za precizno određivanje emisija vozila u saobraćajnom toku u urbanim područjima. Na taj način se omogućava pristup podacima širem krugu zainteresovanih strana i brži napredak u oblasti istraživanja. Pri formiranju merne instalacije, osnovni problem je bio rešavanje problema kvantifikovanja ukupne količine zagađujućih materija. Problem se svodi na mogućnost transformisanja jedinica u kojima se uobičajeno meri emisija (ppm ili mg / m 3) u apsolutnu količinu emitovanog gasa ( mg / s ). Problem je uspešno rešen upotrebom Pitove cevi za merenje brzine gasa koja predstavlјa sastavni deo merne instalacije. Rad je u osnovi multidisciplinaran. Ističe se ideja upotrebe teorije kontrole sistema u obradi baze podataka o emisijama. Na taj način se daje značajan prilog širenju mogućnosti u obradi prikuplјenih podataka za formiranje modela i mogućnostima budućih istraživanja koja se tiču varijabilnosti i pouzdanosti podataka.The u se of transport models in traffic flow emission estimation is an important part of sustainable transport planning in major urban areas. Impact assessment of the traffic solutions to the environment is one of the three basic components of sustainability. Previous experience in the emission estimations in Serbia show the use of emission models developed for other areas (cities or countries) which allow only relative comparison of variant solutions. Methodological approach of data collection and modelling developed in this Dissertation is a good basis for development of locally specific model that would allow the absolute quantification of emissions. The development of the conceptual model and the modelling methodology, which uses second - by - second driving pattern data as an only input, is mathematically described in conn ection with micro - simulation transport model. Emission factors based on average speed need to be generated for the use in macro and mesoscopic models. Database on a second - by - second basis enables estimation of emission factors for any driving cycle. Drivin g cycles represent typical human behaviour in certain traffic conditions. The use of second - by - second vehicle emission data was limited to the research community because of the high cost of measuring equipment. Measuring installations built in this thesis confirmed the possibility of creating cost - effective measurement methodology. Methodology will allow the establishment of a vehicle emissions database for real traffic conditions as a basis for accurate vehicle emission estimation in the traffic flows in u rban areas. It provides data for a wider range of stakeholders and the advance in this field of research. The main problem was establishing the total amount of emissions. The problem boils down to the possibility of unit’s conversion: turning ppm or mg/m3, usually used in emissions measurements, to absolute amount of gas emitted (mg/s). The problem has been successfully resolved using Pitot's tube to measure gas velocity, which is an integral part of the measuring installation. The work is essentially multi - disciplinary. The idea of using the system control theory in the processing of the emission data is emphasized. The approach contributes to expanding possibilities in emission data processing for modelling purposes. The possibilities for future resea rch related to the variability and reliability of the data are also expande

    Application of transport demand modeling in pollution estimation of a street network

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    The importance of transportation modeling, especially personal car flow modeling, is well recognized in transportation planning. Modern software tools give the possibility of generating many development scenarios of transport system, which can be tested quickly. Transportation models represent a good (and necessary) basis in the procedure of environmental traffic impacts and energy emission estimation. Research in this paper deals with the possibility of using transportation modeling as a tool for estimation of some air pollution and global warming indicators on street network, produced by personal cars with internal combustion engines. These indicators could be the basis for defining planning and management solutions for transport system with respect to their environmental impacts. All the analyses are based on several years of research experience in Belgrade. According to the emissions of gases from the model, the values of other green house gases can be estimated using the known relations between the pollutants. There is a possibility that all these data can be used to calculate the transportation systems impact on temperature increase in urban areas

    Analysis of sustainable urban mobility plans

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    Solving traffic problems, rather than in a conventional manner, i.e. through the construction of infrastructure and customization requirements, began to be implemented in a different way, by applying measures to motivate users to -use passenger car less, and that more of their daily activities are reached by nonmotorized modes of movement. Sustainable urban transport plans (SUP) were introduced in legislation of the EU, strategic documents that help create a better quality of life in cities. For the purposes of this study, a review of the literature related to existing plans of some major European cities was carried out, as well as small, focusing on cities of the surroundings. On this basis, the similarities and differences were ephasized in proposed measures to reach the goals of sustainable development of transportation systems. In conclusion recommendations are given on the possibility of use of experiences and applications in all the individual local communities

    Researching the weather impact on trip generation in European cities

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    Climate change and changes in weather conditions have the impact on the transport system. Changes in weather conditions cause changes in the transport supply, as well as in transport demand. The first researches about weather impact on transport demand in the cities were carried out at the end of the nineties and have been intensified in the last ten years. Most of the researches about weather impact on trip generation were carried out in the countries of Northern Europe. In recent years, researches are also conducted in European countries that have climate conditions and population habits significantly different from northern European countries. This paper presents an overview of the areas in which weather impact on the trip generation was investigated. The most important conclusions of the conducted research are presented and the weather components that have the greatest influence on the trip generation are indicated. Understanding the weather impact on the transport demand is necessary for the implementation of transportation planning procedures in the upcoming climate change conditions

    Adverse weather impact on infrastructural aspect of transportation system supply

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    Over time, the transportation planing process became more sophisticated and comprehensive considering the wider range of indicatores that could affect balance between transportation supply and transportation demand. Considering urbanization and motorized traffic increase, the necessary capacity provision became a particular challenge. Therefore, it became especially important to take into account all the potential impacts that could lead to the capacity reduction. Actualization of climate change phenomenon intensified the research of weather impact in all segments of society development, including transport. Climate changes contributed to the variability of weather conditions characteristics. When it comes to the urban street network, despite the fact that even without specific research can be concluded that adverse weather conditions reduce the transport system efficiency, significant progress in reducing or eliminating consequences of that impact is not made. In this paper, the focus will be on the results of significant studies that analysed adverse weather impact on infrastructural aspect of transportation system supply, i.e. street capacity

    Analysis of pollutant emissions of a lorry for different EURO standards and operating conditions

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    Environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly important problem that needs to be solved, and road vehicles contribution in that pollution is significant. In that sense, in this paper, a brief overview of models used to determine pollutant emissions is given, and then the environmental pollution of an actual lorry with a maximum permissible mass of up to 7.5 t is specifically considered. While determining pollutant emissions different Euro standards, average vehicle speeds, payload utilizations and longitudinal road slopes were taken into account. Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) were observed in detail in this paper