18 research outputs found


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    Increase in youth violence, discipline problems in schools, decrease of interest in physical activities and other negative trends, impose the need for reconceptualization of physical education. Among promising models, one stands out. It is the Hellison’s responsibility model or Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model-TPSR Model, based on intrinsic motivation and encouraging personal and social responsibility of students. Goal of the present study was to check the effectiveness of Hellison’s model in primary school physical education setting. Sample consisted of students of third grade of elementary school (N=100; 54 boys, 46 girls), appointed to experimental and control group. The effects of the experimental (TPSR) and standard program of physical education on responsibility in students, motivational orientations, self-evaluation, social support and motor learning were tested. The data was processed by methods of descriptive statistics, MANOVA analysis and Mann-Whitney test (p ≤ .05). After completing experimental program, statistically significant differences were detected in all dependent variables, consistently in favor of the experimental group. Hellison’s model produced the largest effects in the domain of motor learning, responsibility and self-determined motivation in students, which points to validity of its implementation in regular physical education teaching

    Nutritional and motor ability status of first- and second- grade students

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    Abstract Nutritional status is a relevant indicator of optimal growth and development, as well as the health status of children. Since nutritional status can influence the expression of children’s motor capacities, a study has been carried out in order to examine differences in motor abilities of children in relation to their nutritional status. The sample included 300 first- and second-grade students (132 boys, 168 girls). Students’ motor literacy and motor ability status was evaluated by reduced version of “EUROFIT” test battery, while nutritional status was evaluated based on the body mass index. IOTF criteria were used in order to assign participants into four distinctive groups – underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. Differences between groups in motor ability status were tested by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. No significant differences were found between groups of a different nutritional status in most of the motor abilities, suggesting that BMI does not represent a high-quality predictor of motor abilities of children of lower elementary school grades


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    The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics and motor skills on the volume and intensity of activities in physical education (PE) classes. A total of 208 (107 boys and 101 girls) primary school children aged 10±1.4 years old participated in this study. Physical activity was estimated by a pedometer and pulse meter. The physical fitness of the children was estimated by 7 motor skills tests and morphological characteristic by bioelectrical impedance and an anthropometer. A multiple regression analysis indicates that both predictor models had a significant influence on physical activity during classes (p<0.01). For the group of boys, physical fitness had a greater prediction value while in for the girls it was the morphological characteristics. At the level of individual morphological variables, body weight and muscle mass as components have the greatest predictive power in both sexes. Explosive strength of the lower extremities, flexibility and the speed had the greatest prediction in the boys, as well as flexibility in the girls. Findings from the present study indicate that PE teachers could provide more activities which will result in significant improvements of physical fitness components and a healthy lifestyle in children

    Age and gender effects on global self-worth and domain-specific self-perceptions in youth

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    Considering that self-perception of competence in the relevant domains is important for understanding of individual’s behavior and achievement, the study analyzed the effects of age and gender on global self-worth and domain-specific selfperceptions. The cross-sectional study included 1130 participants of age range 8-23 (520 males and 610 females). The participants were tested by the equivalent forms of six subscales from ‘Self-Perception Profile for Children’, ‘Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents’ and ‘Self-Perception Profile for College Students’. Subscales measured self-evaluations across domains of scholastic competence, social acceptance, athletic competence, physical appearance, behavioral conduct and global self-worth. Two separate MANOVAs revealed a significant main effect for age in male subsample (Wilks’ Lambda =.83, F (12, 1024)=8.35, p<.01) and in female subsample (Wilks’ Lambda =.80, F (12, 1204)=11.80, p< .01). An analysis of variance showed that the effect of age in males was significant in physical appearance, behavioral conduct and global self-worth, while in females significant differences were registered in scholastic competence, athletic competence, physical appearance and behavioral conduct. Pedagogical implications refer to enhancing self-concept in youth by appropriate teaching strategies and supportive learning environment. Learning experiences within physical education might be particularly beneficial for female adolescents

    Exercise effects on mental health of preschool children

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    El objetivo de esta investigación era identificar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico de una duración de 2 años y medio en la salud mental de los niños de edad preescolar, es decir, en la reducción de los síntomas de su comportamiento externalizado e internalizado. La muestra incluía 184 participantes de entre 5 y 7 años de edad, de ambos sexos y de los cuales 17 participaron en el programa de intervención del ejercicio físico, mientras que los otros 167, elegidos de manera aleatoria, fueron sometidos a pruebas en sus guarderías. Para examinar los síntomas del comportamiento externalizado e internalizado se utilizó El Cuestionario de Investigación del Comportamiento Aberrante (Hošek, Momirović y Bala, 2003). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que todos los indicadores del comportamiento externalizado se reducen en el grupo de intervención infantil y, asimismo, la regularidad detectada se observa desde la medición inicial hasta la final, pasando por la de control. Por otro lado, el programa de intervención tuvo un efecto mucho más reducido en los indicadores del comportamiento internalizado. Aunque solo fueron identificadas las tendencias de reducción del comportamiento problemático en los niños, el potencial preventivo de una actividad física continuada, planificada y sistemática en el ámbito de la salud mental no se debe soslayar

    Exercise effects on mental health of preschool children

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    Título: El efecto del ejercicio físico en la salud mental de los niños de edad preescholar. Resumen: El objetivo de esta investigación era identificar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico de una duración de 2 años y medio en la salud mental de los niños de edad preescolar, es decir, en la reducción de los síntomas de su comportamiento externalizado e internalizado. La muestra incluía 184 participantes de entre 5 y 7 años de edad, de ambos sexos y de los cuales 17 participaron en el programa de intervención del ejercicio físi-co, mientras que los otros 167, elegidos de manera aleatoria, fueron sometidos a pruebas en sus guarderías. Para examinar los síntomas del comportamiento externalizado e internalizado se utilizó El Cuestionario de Investigación del Comportamiento Aberrante (Hošek, Momirović y Bala, 2003). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que todos los indicadores del comportamiento externalizado se reducen en el grupo de intervención infantil y, asimismo, la regularidad detectada se observa desde la medición inicial hasta la final, pasando por la de control. Por otro lado, el programa de intervención tuvo un efecto mucho más reducido en los indicadores del comportamiento internalizado. Aunque solo fueron identificadas las tendencias de reducción del comportamiento problemático en los niños, el potencial preventivo de una actividad física continuada, planificada y sistemática en el ámbito de la salud mental no se debe soslayar. Palabras claves: Salud mental; comportamiento externalizado e internalizado; programa de ejercicio físico; niños de edad preescolar. Abstract: The study&apos;s purpose was to identify effects of 2.5-year movement program on mental health of preschool children, as measured by reduction in symptoms of externalizing and internalizing behavior. The sample consisted of 184 participants of both sexes, aged between 5 and 7 of which 17 were in the intervention movement program and the remaining 167 participants were chosen randomly and tested on one-time basis in their kindergartens as the comparison group. The Aberrant Behavior Questionnair

    Učitelji kao nosioci inkluzivnog fizičkog vaspitanja

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    Zakon o osnovama sistema obrazovanja i vaspitanja (2009), krovni obrazovni zakon u Republici Srbiji, sistemski podržava inkluziju kao društveni proces. U novonastalim okolnostima, učitelji i nastavnici fizičkog vaspitanja kao nosioci inkluzivnog fizičkog vaspitanja, suočavaju se sa brojnim izazovima. U okviru šireg istraživanja inkluzivnog fizičkog vaspitanja, sprovedeno je anketiranje učitelja (N=132) u vezi sa kompetencijama, iskustvom i stavovima prema inkluzivnom fizičkom vaspitanju. Inicijalni rezultati pokazuju da je većina učitelja imala priliku da bliže upozna osobe sa razvojnim smetnjama/invaliditetom (61.4%), međutim, do sada je takvoj deci predavalo 47.0% ispitanika. Većina učitelja (58.3%) nema poverenja u sebe kada je reč o podučavanju dece sa razvojnim smetnjama/invaliditetom, a samo 9.1% je pohađalo seminar iz inkluzivnog fizičkog vaspitanja. Svoje kompetencije pozitivnije opažaju učitelji koji imaju nastavnog iskustva sa takvom decom i koji su imali prilike da bliže upoznaju osobe sa razvojnim smetnjama/invaliditetom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na važnost negovanja inkluzivne kulture i osnaživanja stručnih kompetencija učitelja

    Fizička aktivnost učenika oslobođenih od nastave fizičkog vaspitanja // Physical Activity of Students Medically Exempted from Physical Education Classes

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    Problem oslobađanja učenika od nastave fizičkog vaspitanja i dalje predstavlja aktuelan problem svakodnevne prakse fizičkog vaspitanja u školama. Istraživanje na uzorku učenika osnovne i srednje škole (N=254), oslobođenih nastave fizičkog vaspitanja, pokazalo je da je fizička aktivnost veoma zastupljena u slobodnom vremenu ovih učenika. Oko 68% ispitanika se u slobodno vreme bavi nekom fizičkom aktivnošću, a najpopularnije aktivnosti su vožnja bicikla i rolera. Pored fizičke aktivnosti umerenog intenziteta, kod većine ispitanika je zastupljena i fizička aktivnost visokog intenziteta. Oko 24% ispitanika se bavi organizovano rekreacijom u klubu, a najzastupljenije rekreativne aktivnosti su ples (devojčice) i vežbanje u teretani (dečaci). Više od 40% ispitanika volelo bi da se uključi u odgovarajuću sportsku sekciju u školi

    The Relationship between Physical, Motor, and Intellectual Development of Preschool Children

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    AbstractThe study examined the relationship of physical, motor, and intellectual development of preschool children. The sample included 72 children aged 5.60 (±0.32) years. Two anthropometric measures (body height, body weight), two motor skills tests (obstacle course, broad jump), and an intelligence test (Raven's CPM) were applied. Taxonomic analysis identified two distinctive developmental profiles in terms of physical growth and motor competence: 1) Shorter children of a lower body weight, less competent; 2) Taller, heavier and more competent children. Physical growth and motor development are positively correlated in children aged 5-6, with no such relation between these domains and intelligence