37 research outputs found

    Building the Green Infrastructure of Belgrade: The Importance of Community Greening

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    Due to its important role in increasing human well-being and providing space for ecosystem services, green infrastructure has gradually become an integral part of urban development strategies. Focusing on the activities of community greening, the article considers this approach toward the application of urban green infrastructure as a part of a broader strategy related to the resilience of cities. The neighborhood/district level will be emphasized and the analysis will be conducted in two areas of the Serbian capital Belgrade-Block 45 in New Belgrade and the Savamala neighborhood in the historical city core. Representing two different epochs of Belgrade's development, they are characterized by different typologies, while the characteristics of community greening also differ in several aspects, including purpose, model of organization, and involved stakeholders/participants. The green space of the identified typical morphological units has been cultivated and maintained in two different ways-institutional (provided by the public company) and non-institutional (community greening)-and their impact on the quality of the local GI will be compared. The analysis intends to provide data on the level of biodiversity, multi-functionality, and maintenance of green spaces which will show the effect of both applied approaches. Particular attention will be given to the tensions and challenges of the local context: the adoption of plans and regulations that are in accordance with contemporary trends, as well as the drawbacks in their implementation. Furthermore, the possibilities of community greening will be elaborated, as future steps for achieving the formal green infrastructure (hereinafter GI) standards at the neighborhood/district scale

    Subjective element of a criminal offence in English law

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    Докторска дисертација под насловом „Субјективни елемент кривичног дела у енглеском праву“ за предмет има анализу питања кривице и с њом повезаних института у енглеском (англосаксонском) кривичном праву. Основни циљ који је истраживањем постављен је утврђивање начина на који је обликован један од најважнијих кривичноправних појмова у англосаксонској доктрини и у којој мери се англосаксонско учење разликује од владајућег схватања у земљама које припадају грчко-романско-германској правној традицији. Кривично право у Енглеској је, као и правила из области других грана права, пре свега спонтано створено у дуготрајном поступку судског одлучивања и традиционално је више окренуто процесноправним него материјалноправним правилима и институтима. Начин вођења кривичног поступка, уз значајно учешће лаичког елемента и начелна оријентисаност ка практичним питањима у покушају да се спор праведно разреши без претераног позивања на сложене теоријске конструкције, разлог су што је англосаксонска наука кривичног права на нижем ступњу догматског развоја у поређењу са евроконтиненталном кривичноправном мисли. Англосаксонско учење о кривици је концепцијски поједностављено и уклопљено је у оквире традиционално субјективистичког и психолошког учења. Иако се кривица сматра конститутивним елементом општег појма кривичног дела, њена структура је упрошћена (сведена је само на облике или степене кривице) и за разлику од евроконтиненталног схватања не обухвата елементе нормативне садржине (свест о противправности).The subject matter of a doctoral thesis titled „Subjective Element of a Criminal Offence in English Law” is the analysis of guilt and guilt-related legal institutes in English (Anglo-Saxon) criminal law. The main purpose of this research is to establish the manner in which one of most important criminal and legal concepts of the Anglo-Saxon law was formed and to which extent the Anglo-Saxon body of law differs from prevailing concepts in the countries influenced by the Greco – Roman – Germanic legal tradition. Criminal Law in England, as well as the rules from other branches of law, evolved in the first place spontaneously from a long lasting process of judicial decision making, and is traditionally more inclined toward procedural rather than toward substantive law rules and institutes. The manner of conducting a criminal proceedings with significant presence of layman’s terms, and general orientation towards practical issues in an attempt to justly resolve a dispute without ample referral to complex theoretical constructs, stand behind the fact that the Anglo-Saxon system of criminal jurisprudence is at a lower level of dogmatic development than the European-Continental system of criminal jurisprudence. The Anglo-Saxon concept of guilt is conceptually simplified and fits into the framework of traditional subjective and psychological learning. Despite the fact that guilt is considered a constitutive element of a general term of criminal offence, its structure is simplified (it is reduced only to the forms and degrees of guilt) and unlike the European- Continental understanding, it does not include the normative content (awareness of unlawfulness of the act)

    Visinsko zoniranje voda u slivu Rasine

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    The Rasina River Basin is located on the territory of Central Serbia. The aim of this paper is to determine the amount and spatial distribution of water resources, that is, to establish the participation of altitudinal zones in the formation of the total runoff in the Rasina River Basin area upstream from the 'Ćelije' reservoir. In terms of methodology, determination of water volume is based on four separated petrological-hydrological complexes. Average weighted specific runoff in a given territory is 9 l/s/km2. Metamorphites and magmatites are in the first place per participation in the total water runoff of 42.8 %. The second place belongs to sedimentary rocks that make 39.6 % of the total runoff . Unbound sediments participate in the total runoff value with 10.5 % and limestone with 7.1%.Sliv reke Rasine nalazi na teritoriji centralne Srbije. Cilj ovog rada je da se na prostoru sliva Rasine uzvodno od akumulacije 'Ćelije' utvrdi količina i prostorna distribucija vodnih kapaciteta, odnosno da se ustanovi učešće visinskih zona u formiranju ukupnog oticaja. U metodološkom smislu utvrđivanje vodnosti bazirano je preko četiri izdvojena petrološko-hidrološka kompleksa. Prosečni ponderisani specifični oticaj na datoj teritoriji iznosi 9 l/s/km2. Na prvom mestu po učešću u ukupnom oticanju voda 42,8 %, imaju metamorfiti i magmatiti. Drugo mesto pripada sedimentnim stenama koje sa 39,6 % čine deo ukupnog oticaja. Nevezani sedimenti učestvuju u ukupnoj vrednosti oticaja sa 10,5 %, a krečnjaci sa 7,1%

    Spatial and time aspects of the analysis of pollutants in the river water and its sediments

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    The main objective of this study was to determine whether there are the spatial and temporal changes in physico-chemical properties of water and concentrations of heavy metals in water and sediment of the River Ibar upstream and downstream of Kosovska Mitrovica and Kraljevo. The following physico-chemical parameters were determined: pH, electrical conductivity, suspended matter content, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, contents of nitrates, ammonium ion, total phosphorous, sulphates. Concentrations of heavy metals in water and sediment samples were determined using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) using a SPECTRO AR COS instrument. The water of the Ibar River after flowing through Kraljevo shows a higher degree of pollution than in Kosovska Mitrovica. However, the water upstream and downstream of Kraljevo is of similar quality indicating that the pollution source is not located in Kraljevo, but along the river section between the two towns. This study has also proved that the water quality in Kraljevo did not significantly change during the period 2010-2016. The highest concentrations of nitrates, nitrites, ortophosphates and ammonium ion are found in colder months. During spring-summer change electrical conductivity, pH and concentration of sulphates has most prominent change in the analyzed Ibar River water in Kraljevo

    Application of drone in agriculture

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    The paper analyzes the possibility and necessity of applying special types of robots (mini unmanned aircraft with different constructions with the UAV tag) in agriculture (agrodrone). Year 2015 was declared (Fortune Magazine, 2016) as the year of increase and widespread application of drone aircraft in all areas of human activity, particularly in agriculture and forestry (75% usage). This is important for large areas of farms, whe re the mini aircraft have numerous useful functions and a very cost-effective application. Agro drone flight (flight time of 45 min, and the flight altitude of 1 m to 120 m) can be used to analyze more functional parameters on about 120 ha of crops, and all data can be sent to multiple locations (Audit Information Centre, mobile phones users and the like). Today some types of agro drones have a relative price of 2000 USD, if the users (farmers) assemble the drone themselves after purchasing it in parts. However the price of these mini aircraft can be up to 250,000 US$ for specific models used by the military, when equipped with special infrared cameras, sensors and HD video tech nology, which is controlled by an operator (pilot) from the surface. Usage of agro drones may be expensive at first, but research shows that many data collected (for example, identifying the species of insects and plant diseases, irrigation, yield asse ssment or monitoring the movement of animals on farms), help farmers to regain inve sted funds, sometimes for only one year. Farmers can use these aircraft in order to establish a rational and precise use of pesticides, herbicides, mineral fertilizers, all based on data obtained from the agro drone, used for precision agriculture systems. In this sense, the farmers have significant financial benefits, since one drone flight has an operational cost of a water bottle, and the data collected has great value. There are anecdotes about farmers in the US who first buy an agro drone and afterwards a hunting dog. The paper presents some structures of agro drones as well as ideas for their possi ble future application in agriculture of the R. of Serbia

    On voluntariness of the withdrawal from the commitment of the criminal offence

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    Serbian Criminal Code (CC) provides in art. 32 that offender who voluntary withdraws from an attempted offence can be released from punishment. CC distinguishes between two different types of attempt, unfinished and finished attempt. For both types CC prescribes that withdrawal must be voluntary. In earlier theory the distinction between voluntariness and involuntariness was made on the basis of the so-called Frank's Formula (the withdrawal is voluntary if the perpetrator says: I don't wish to complete the offence if I could, whereas it will be involuntary if he thinks: I cannot complete the offence if I wanted to). This theory has been abandoned in the modern criminal law doctrine. The requirement of voluntariness is usually interpreted according to psychological and normative approach. According to art. 32 (2) CC there is no voluntariness if it is impossible for the offender to commit the offence or if there are some obstacles which make significantly difficult the commitment of the criminal offence. Serbian jurisprudence holds a restrictive approach to the requirement of voluntariness despite the fact that CC unlike the law of some other countries doesn't prescribe that withdrawal leads to a full acquittal from the charge based on the attempted offence


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    Appearance of a number of management systems with various and sometimes divergent demands, demands for revise of optimal strategy on implementation of these standards in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the attempt on their integration into integrated management system are suggested even more. Firstly question on choice and reasons for implementation of standards is raised. Management and employees expect benefits on the implementation and they pass and minimize the implementation barriers. Basic concept on integrated management system (IMS) into SMEs and analyse on reasons and advantages at IMS implementation are presented in this paper

    Subjective element of a criminal offence in English law

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    Докторска дисертација под насловом „Субјективни елемент кривичног дела у енглеском праву“ за предмет има анализу питања кривице и с њом повезаних института у енглеском (англосаксонском) кривичном праву. Основни циљ који је истраживањем постављен је утврђивање начина на који је обликован један од најважнијих кривичноправних појмова у англосаксонској доктрини и у којој мери се англосаксонско учење разликује од владајућег схватања у земљама које припадају грчко-романско-германској правној традицији. Кривично право у Енглеској је, као и правила из области других грана права, пре свега спонтано створено у дуготрајном поступку судског одлучивања и традиционално је више окренуто процесноправним него материјалноправним правилима и институтима. Начин вођења кривичног поступка, уз значајно учешће лаичког елемента и начелна оријентисаност ка практичним питањима у покушају да се спор праведно разреши без претераног позивања на сложене теоријске конструкције, разлог су што је англосаксонска наука кривичног права на нижем ступњу догматског развоја у поређењу са евроконтиненталном кривичноправном мисли. Англосаксонско учење о кривици је концепцијски поједностављено и уклопљено је у оквире традиционално субјективистичког и психолошког учења. Иако се кривица сматра конститутивним елементом општег појма кривичног дела, њена структура је упрошћена (сведена је само на облике или степене кривице) и за разлику од евроконтиненталног схватања не обухвата елементе нормативне садржине (свест о противправности).The subject matter of a doctoral thesis titled „Subjective Element of a Criminal Offence in English Law” is the analysis of guilt and guilt-related legal institutes in English (Anglo-Saxon) criminal law. The main purpose of this research is to establish the manner in which one of most important criminal and legal concepts of the Anglo-Saxon law was formed and to which extent the Anglo-Saxon body of law differs from prevailing concepts in the countries influenced by the Greco – Roman – Germanic legal tradition. Criminal Law in England, as well as the rules from other branches of law, evolved in the first place spontaneously from a long lasting process of judicial decision making, and is traditionally more inclined toward procedural rather than toward substantive law rules and institutes. The manner of conducting a criminal proceedings with significant presence of layman’s terms, and general orientation towards practical issues in an attempt to justly resolve a dispute without ample referral to complex theoretical constructs, stand behind the fact that the Anglo-Saxon system of criminal jurisprudence is at a lower level of dogmatic development than the European-Continental system of criminal jurisprudence. The Anglo-Saxon concept of guilt is conceptually simplified and fits into the framework of traditional subjective and psychological learning. Despite the fact that guilt is considered a constitutive element of a general term of criminal offence, its structure is simplified (it is reduced only to the forms and degrees of guilt) and unlike the European- Continental understanding, it does not include the normative content (awareness of unlawfulness of the act)

    Subjective element of a criminal offence in English law

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    Докторска дисертација под насловом „Субјективни елемент кривичног дела у енглеском праву“ за предмет има анализу питања кривице и с њом повезаних института у енглеском (англосаксонском) кривичном праву. Основни циљ који је истраживањем постављен је утврђивање начина на који је обликован један од најважнијих кривичноправних појмова у англосаксонској доктрини и у којој мери се англосаксонско учење разликује од владајућег схватања у земљама које припадају грчко-романско-германској правној традицији. Кривично право у Енглеској је, као и правила из области других грана права, пре свега спонтано створено у дуготрајном поступку судског одлучивања и традиционално је више окренуто процесноправним него материјалноправним правилима и институтима. Начин вођења кривичног поступка, уз значајно учешће лаичког елемента и начелна оријентисаност ка практичним питањима у покушају да се спор праведно разреши без претераног позивања на сложене теоријске конструкције, разлог су што је англосаксонска наука кривичног права на нижем ступњу догматског развоја у поређењу са евроконтиненталном кривичноправном мисли. Англосаксонско учење о кривици је концепцијски поједностављено и уклопљено је у оквире традиционално субјективистичког и психолошког учења. Иако се кривица сматра конститутивним елементом општег појма кривичног дела, њена структура је упрошћена (сведена је само на облике или степене кривице) и за разлику од евроконтиненталног схватања не обухвата елементе нормативне садржине (свест о противправности).The subject matter of a doctoral thesis titled „Subjective Element of a Criminal Offence in English Law” is the analysis of guilt and guilt-related legal institutes in English (Anglo-Saxon) criminal law. The main purpose of this research is to establish the manner in which one of most important criminal and legal concepts of the Anglo-Saxon law was formed and to which extent the Anglo-Saxon body of law differs from prevailing concepts in the countries influenced by the Greco – Roman – Germanic legal tradition. Criminal Law in England, as well as the rules from other branches of law, evolved in the first place spontaneously from a long lasting process of judicial decision making, and is traditionally more inclined toward procedural rather than toward substantive law rules and institutes. The manner of conducting a criminal proceedings with significant presence of layman’s terms, and general orientation towards practical issues in an attempt to justly resolve a dispute without ample referral to complex theoretical constructs, stand behind the fact that the Anglo-Saxon system of criminal jurisprudence is at a lower level of dogmatic development than the European-Continental system of criminal jurisprudence. The Anglo-Saxon concept of guilt is conceptually simplified and fits into the framework of traditional subjective and psychological learning. Despite the fact that guilt is considered a constitutive element of a general term of criminal offence, its structure is simplified (it is reduced only to the forms and degrees of guilt) and unlike the European- Continental understanding, it does not include the normative content (awareness of unlawfulness of the act)


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    The World Class Manufacturing (WCM) is a contemporary concept that is applied by the world leaders in the business. In this concept, one of the nine pillars is directly related to the quality and the other eight are related to it indirectly. That is why is very important to investigate relations between this concept and concept of model of quality. In the end of this paper are appointed the examples of best practice