30 research outputs found

    Elementi na putu od zemljiŔta do biljaka

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    Elements, as inorganic components in plants, with only 3% of total plant mass, are very important and, mostly essential for numerous metabolic functions. Plant uptake of the elements occurs mainly from the soil by root system, less with upper plant parts (flowers, leaves, steams...) and from that reason there is a very significant relation between those compartments, soil and plants. All the processes between, such as chemical, physical as well as biological too, are influenced by various factors and have to be (and definitely are) in a positive or negative correlations, all in order of accomplishing the plant living cycle

    Neorganska analiza biljnih droga. II deo - analiza biljaka i zemljiŔta - različita bioraspoloživost i unos esencijalnih i toksičnih elemenata

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    Eleven elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, K, Ca, Mg, Ni, Cd, Pb and Cr) in seven herbal drugs (Salviae folium, Menthae piperitae folium, Melissae folium, Lavandulae flos, Basilici herba, Marubii herba and Origani herba) and in rhizosphere soil samples were determined. A microwave digestion procedure preceded the measurements by the flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy techniques (FAAS, ETAAS). For potentially hazardous elements and their bioavailability, BCF values were also calculated and discussed in order to identify possible sources of specific elements.Određen je sadržaj 11 elemenata (Cu, Zn,Mn, Fe, K, Ca, Mg, Ni, Cd, Pb i Cr) u sedam biljnih droga Salviae folium, Menthae piperitae folium, Melissae folium, Lavandulae flos, Basilici herba, Marubiti herba i Origani herba) kao i u uzorcima zemljiÅ”ta (rizosfere). Mikrotalasna digestija uzoraka je prethodila određivanju koncentracije elemenata primenom metoda plamene i elektrotermalne atomske apsorpcione spektroskopije. Izračunati su i biokoncentracioni faktori za potencijalno toksične elemente u cilju razmatranja potencijalne bioraspoloživosti, kao i identifikacije mogućih izvora zagađenja

    Trace and minor elements determination in some herbal drugs by faas

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    In this paper trace (Cu and Zn) and minor (Mn and Fe) elements in some herbal drugs originating from the plants of the family Asteracae were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Chamomillae flos, Milefolii herba and Absinthii herba were analyzed taking into account their importance in phytotherapy in different diseases and disorders and the essentiality of mentioned elementsfor plantslife cycle. Validation of proposed method was performed by using CRM, NIST 1573a.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Analiza biodostupnosti Cr(III) i Cr(VI) zasnovana na određivanju hroma u biljci Mentha piperita metodom atomske apsorpcione spektrometrije sa grafitnom kivetom

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    Mentha piperita L. (Lamiaceae) was cultivated under the controlled laboratory conditions in the presence of varying levels of trivalent and hexavalent chromium in order to determine its capacity to control chromium uptake and its tolerance limit. The plants were grown in pots at 25Ā°C with controlled soil moisture (about 80 % of the water retention capacity). The soil was treated with increasing concentrations of Cr(NO3)3 (40, 80, 120, and 200 mg kg-1) and K2Cr2O7 (2.5, 5, 10, and 15 mg kg-1). A control group of plants was grown without the addition of chromium to the soil. For each concentration, three acidity levels were tested: natural, one pH unit below and one above the natural acidity of the soil (pH2 6, pH1 5 and pH3 7). The plant samples were digested according to the standard procedure and chromium content was determined by GFAAS. For all plants, the transportation index was calculated and the results (expressed in mg kg-1) at pH1, pH2 and pH3, respectively, were: 0.21-0.80, 0.06-1.06 and 0.04-0.52. The recoveries were good (72.73-115.3 %) as evidenced by the analysis of certified reference materials (NIST SRM 8433 - Corn Bran and NIST SRM 1547 - Peach Leaves). The mobility of chromium through the plants tissues is discussed in regard to its competition with iron and manganese for transport binding sites; hence Mn and Fe were also determined.Cilj ovog rada je bio analiza limita tolerancije za usvajanje Cr(III) i Cr(VI) iz zagađenog zemljiÅ”ta i određivanje kapaciteta medicinske biljke Mentha piperita (L. Lamiaceae) radi kontrole unosa ovog metala. Biljke su uzgajane u plastičnim posudama, pri sobnoj temperaturi od 25 Ā°C i održavanoj vlažnosti zemljiÅ”ta na oko 80% retencionog vodenog kapaciteta. ZemljiÅ”te na kome su biljke uzgajane kontaminirano je rastvorom Cr(III)-nitrata (40, 80, 120, i 200 mg kg-1) i K2Cr2O7 (2,5; 5; 10; i 15 mg kg-1). Kontrolna grupa biljaka je rasla pod istim uslovima bez dodavanja hroma. Za svaku koncentraciju hroma u zemljiÅ”tu pripremane su serije uzoraka na tri nivoa kiselosti: prirodni i za po jednu jedinicu kiseliji i bazniji (pH2 6, pH1 5 and pH3 7). Uzorci biljaka su pripremani za analizu prema standardnoj proceduri i hrom je određivan metodom atomske apsorpcione spektrometrije sa grafitnom kivetom, GFAAS. Za uzorke na sva tri nivoa kiselosti izračunat je transportacioni indeks i dobijene vrednosti su u sledećim intervalima: 0,21-0,80; 0,06-1,06; 0,04-0,52. Tačnost metode (72,73-115,3 %) je potvrđena analizom hroma u uzorcima standardnih referentnih materijala (NIST SRM 8433 - Corn Bran and NIST SRM 1547 - Peach Leaves). Mobilnost hroma iz korenovog sistema u nadzemni deo biljke je diskutovana i sa aspekta kompeticije sa gvožđem i manganom za ista transportna mesta, pa su u tom smislu u uzorcima određene i koncentracije ovih metala

    Trace elements in aerial parts and rhizosphere of Thymus pannonicus All.

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    This paper brings out the results of the study on the levels of selected trace elements (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cr) in aerial parts of Thymus pannonicus All. (Lamiaceae) and rhizosphere soil from twelve locations in Serbia. Prior to assays by flame and flameless atomic absorption spectrometry, samples were subjected to microwave-assisted acid digestion. Real and potential acidity of soil samples were also measured. Obtained results for soil samples, although slightly higher for some elements (Cu: 12.38-45.18 mg/kg; Fe: 22102-46193 mg/kg; Mn: 776.95-4901.27 mg/kg; Zn: 62.27-214.02 mg/kg; Cr: 48.86-69.13 mg/kg), were found to fit into biogeochemical background. Element contents in plant samples differed depending on collecting site (Cu: 5.26-14.07 mg/kg; Fe: 25.92-1454.07 mg/kg; Mn: 89.29-278.25 mg/kg; Zn: 1.81-10.64 mg/kg; Cr: 1.11-3.51 mg/kg), which can be partly explainable by different nutrient availability influenced by soil acidity. Zinc levels in T. pannonicus were below expected and seem to be strongly influenced by plant physiological properties

    Određivanje hemijskih pokazatelja kvaliteta povrÅ”inskih voda u uzorcima Save, Dunava i Topčiderske reke

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    Water quality is defined by numerous physical, chemical and biological parameters, the content of organic and inorganic substances, and its monitoring has become a global health, economic and legal interest in recent decades. In this paper, some of the most important indicators of chemical surface water quality were determined in samples from the river Sava (Ada i UŔće), Danube (PristaniÅ”te i Kej) and Topčiderka (Rakovica). Water samples from selected locations were collected in November 2014 and chemical parameters were determined using standard analytical procedures. The results were obtained in the following range: pH (5.71-6.40), content of dissolved oxygen (11.04-11.99 mg/dm3), chloride (20.89-32.82 mg/dm3), alkalinity (207.9-300.9 mg CaCO3/dm3), acidity (31.79-54.90 mg CaCO3/dm3), calcium (37.23-54.90 mg/dm3), magnesium (6.90-23.65 mg/dm3), total water hardness (137.6-235.8 mg CaCO3/dm3), chemical oxygen demand - COD (4.08-9.12 mg O2 /dm3). Tested parameters indicate no significant pollution of the surface water, but in order to perform the correct categorization of water in these rivers, it would be necessary to do further testing of physical, chemical and biological indicators of the water quality.Kvalitet vode je definisan velikim brojem fizičkih, hemijskih i bioloÅ”kih parametara, kao i sadržajem organskih i neorganskih materija, a njegovo ispitivanje poslednjih decenija ima globalni zdravstveni, ekonomski i pravni interes. U ovom radu su određivani neki od najvažnijih pokazatelja hemijskog kvaliteta povrÅ”inskih voda u uzorcima iz reke Save (Ada i UŔće), Dunava (PristaniÅ”te i Kej) i Topčiderke (Rakovica). Uzorci vode su skupljani u novembru 2014. god. i svi hemijski parametri su određivani standardnim analitičkim metodama. Dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: pH (5,71-6,40), sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika (11,04-11,99 mg/dm3), hloridi (20,89-32,82 mg/dm3), alkalitet (207,9-300,9 mg CaCO3/ dm3), aciditet (31,79-54,90 mg CaCO3/dm3), kalcijum (37,23-54,90 mg/dm3), magnezijum (6,90-23,65 mg/dm3), ukupna tvrdoća vode (137,6-235,8 mg CaCO3/dm3), hemijska potroÅ”nja kiseonika - HPK (4,08-9,12 mg O2/dm3). Ispitivani parametri ne ukazuju na značajno zagađenje povrÅ”inskih voda. Da bi se izvrÅ”ila ispravna kategorizacija vode u ovim rekama, potrebno bi bilo uraditi dodatna ispitivanja pokazatelja vezanih za fizički, hemijski i bioloÅ”ki kvalitet

    Determination of fluoride in infant juices using fluoride ion-selective electrode

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    Infant juices (concentrated liquids) and baby food in the form of porridge are the main sources of fluoride intake during infancy, alongside breast milk. In addition, fruits and vegetables used to make infant juices play an important role in the fluoride content of infant formula supplements. Monitoring the fluoride content in such formulations is crucial to ensure the safety, quality, and optimal health of the youngest consumers. An unbalanced intake of this ion can lead to diseases such as dental fluorosis and skeletal bone disease, and high fluoride concentrations can have a negative impact on brain development and cognitive abilities in newborns. The aim of this study was to determine fluoride in 17 samples of selected infant juices available on the Serbian market from four different manufacturers using fluoride ion-selective electrodes, as a rapid, reliable, robust, economical, and environmentally friendly method. The method was applied without significant prior sample preparation, using the standard addition method, and the fluoride concentrations ranged from 0.0845 to 0.2810 mg/L. The results obtained were below the values recommended by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) for fluoride ion concentrations. Considering that children, especially infants, are the most vulnerable to the harmful effects of fluoride, more attention must be paid to the consumption and contribution of this element from other food sources. From this point of view, health authorities should emphasize fluoride as an additional toxic element and carry out more controls on infant feeding

    Analiza Å”ećera u voćnim sokovima primenom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije

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    Determination of sugars, especially in fruit juices, is very significant bearing in mind their nutritive importance and the increased demands in food control, especially for fractions of carbohydrates in fresh products. Home-made juices as 'functional food' are in the focus of scientific attention because of the expansion of industrial manufacturing of fruit juices and importance of monoand disaccharides stability for the products quality. In this work determination of content of basic sugars in fruit juices, by applying a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), was performed. Content of glucose, fructose and saccharose was analysed in currant, cherry, peach, apricot and strawberry juices as well as in home-made cherry and apricot syrups. Quantification was based on comparison of chromatograms of standard solutions of saccharose, glucose and fructose with our samples. With isocratic elution applied temperature was 90ĖšC, water as a mobile phase and column Nucleogel Sugar Ca, refractometric detection was applied. The obtained results showed that concentrations of gucose, fructose and saccharose vary in the range 3,149-38,405 g/100 mL, 1,931-30,851 g/100 mL and 0,670-6,072 g/100 mL, respectively. Concerntrations of glucose and fructose do not exhibit significant variations in juices however, they are ten times higher in syrups. In all samples, juices and syrups, concentrations of saccharose do not differ significantly, except for one syrup sample where much lower content could be explained with possible enzymatic decomposition.Određivanje Å”ećera u voćnim sokovima je veoma važno, imajući u vidu njihov nutritivni značaj, ali i povećane zahteve u kontroli hrane kada su u pitanju pojedine frakcije ugljenih hidrata u sveže pripremljenim proizvodima. S obzirom na to da postoji porast industrijske proizvodnje voćnih sokova i značaj stabilnosti monoi disaharida za kvalitet proizvoda, domaći sokovi, kao funkcionalna hrana, postaju sve značajniji. U ovom radu je analiziran sadržaj osnovnih Å”ećera u voćnim sokovima i sirupima kućne izrade primenom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije (HPLC). Analiziran je sadržaj glukoze, fruktoze i saharoze u sokovima od ribizle, viÅ”nje, breskve, kajsije i jagode, kao i u sirupima od viÅ”nje i kajsije. Određivanje se zasnivalo na poređenju hromatograma rastvora standarda Å”ećera i naÅ”ih uzoraka. Uz izokratsko eluiranje analiza je izvođena pri temperaturi od 90 ĖšC. Sa vodom kao mobilnom fazom i kolonom Nucleogel Sugar Ca, primenjena je refraktometrijska detekcija. Analizom je pokazano da sadržaj glukoze, fruktoze i saharoze varira u rasponu 3,149-38,405 g/100 ml, 1,931-30,851 g/100 ml i 0,670-6,072 g/100 ml, respektivno. Sadržaj glukoze i fruktoze se ne razlikuje značajno između sokova, a u sirupima je za deset puta veći. Sadržaj saharoze takođe se ne razlikuje značajno među ispitivanim uzorcima, osim u jednom sirupu zbog najverovatnije enzimske razgradnje ovog Å”ećera

    Spektrofotometrijsko određivanje sadržaja kofeina u energetskim pićima i čajevima

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    Uvod: Kofein je prirodni alkaloid, izolovan iz viÅ”e od 60 biljnih vrsta. Preko 80 % svetske populacije svakodnevno unosi kofein u organizam kroz konzumaciju kafe, čajeva, čokolade i, u poslednje vreme, energetskih pića. Ne treba zanemariti činjenicu da kofein, kao farmakoloÅ”ki aktivna supstanca, ulazi u sastav mnogih lekova koji se na tržiÅ”tu Republike Srbije izdaju bez lekarskog recepta. Sem toga, kofein je psihoaktivni stimulans, blag je diuretik i pokazuje interakciju sa nekim lekovima usled indukcije CYP1 i CYP2 izoenzima, zbog čega je potrebno voditi računa o količini koja se unese u organizam. U skladu s tim, važno je i da sadržaj kofeina u energetskim pićima odgovara podacima koje proizvođači navode na deklaraciji. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada bio je spektrofotometrijsko određivanje sadržaja kofeina u uzorcima energetskih pića i čajeva proizvođača dostupnih na tržiÅ”tu R. Srbije. Materijal i metode: Kofein je određivan metodom ultraljubičaste i vidljive (UV/VIS) spektrofotometrije u devet vrsta energetskih pića i po četiri uzorka crnog i zelenog čaja. Rezultati: U uzorcima energetskih pića određeni sadržaj kofeina je u opsegu od 26,81 do 35,44 mg/100 mL i u skladu je s deklarisanim sadržajem. Sadržaj kofeina u uzorcima čajeva varira u odnosu na vrstu (11,27-22,61 mg/100 mL zeleni i 13,85-22,73 mg/100 mL crni), ali je vezan i za poreklo, uslove gajenja i proces prerade čajeva. Zaključak: Ultraljubičasta i vidljiva spektrofotometrija se pokazala kao brza, precizna i jednostavna metoda za određivanje kofeina u energetskim pićima i čajevima. Imajući u vidu dobijene rezultate, važno je istaći da unos kofeina kroz uobičajenu dnevnu konzumaciju čajeva i energetskih pića ne bi trebalo da utiče negativno na zdravlje ljudi. Svakako treba imati u vidu da se ovaj alkaloid dodatno može uneti i putem drugih izvora, Å”to je posebno važno za određene grupe pacijenata.Introduction: Caffeine is a natural alkaloid, isolated from more than 60 plant species. Over 80% of the worldā€™s population consumes caffeine on daily basis through the consumption of coffee, tea, chocolates and, more recently, energy drinks. As a pharmacologically potent substance caffeine is an ingredient of many medicaments available on the pharmaceutical market of Republic of Serbia without a doctorā€™s prescription. Besides that, caffeine acts as a psychoactive stimulant, mild diuretic, and displays an interaction with some medicaments due to the induction of CYP1 and CYP2 isoenzymes. Keeping in mind all of the above, it is necessary to take into account the daily caffeine intake, as well as to control its content in energy drinks.Aim: The aim of this study was spectrophotometric determination of caffeine content in energy drinks and tea, available in markets of the Republic of Serbia. Material and Methods: Caffeine was determinated by UV/VIS spectrophotometry in nine types of energy drinks and eight samples of black and green tea. Results: The results showed that caffeine content in energy drink samples ranged from 26.81 to 35.44 mg/100mL and corresponds to declaration. The caffeine content in tea samples varies with the species (11.27-22.61 mg/100mL for green and 13.85-22.73 mg/100mL for black tea), but also with origin, growth conditions and tea processing.Conclusion: The obtained data suggest that UV/VIS spectrophotometry can be used for ro-utine determination and control of caffeine content in energy drinks and tea. It is important to note that caffeine intake through the usual daily consumption of tea and energy drinks should not have a negative impact on human health, but this alkaloid could be additionally consumed through other sources, which is especially important for certain groups of patients