23 research outputs found

    New record of Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) (Gobiidae) in the Danube River Basin (Serbia)

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    Recently, the growing colonization of allochthonous organisms in the Serbian section of the Danube River and interconnected ecosystems was observed. Hydro-morphological changes, such as regulations of the watercourse, have made this sector suitable for bio-invasions. Two specimens of Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) (Piscea: Gobidae) were collected on 10 August 2012 from the Zapadna Morava River, below the first dam on the river course. This is the first record of the sand goby in the watercourse in the central part of Serbia, as a tributary of the Danube River. Our findings show that the sand goby has thus far reached not only the main course of the Danube River but its tributary as well. This freshwater fish was observed for the first time in the Serbian part of the Danube River in 1986 in Begej locality (1.276 km). There are five Ponto-Caspian goby species in the waters of Serbia.Projekat ministarstva br. 173045, br. 37009 i br. 3101

    Freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880 (Hydrozoa, Olindiidae): 50 years' observations in Serbia

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    Detailed and relevant limnological investigations of Serbian waters were initiated in 1958 and have continued to the present. During the period 1971-2008 we monitored biological elements as a part of working studies/projects, including the distribution of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880. We observed over 500 sampling sites in running and standing waters. Specimens of this hydro-medusa were found in five of them. Throughout the period of investigation, only the medusae stages were observed. Our purpose in this paper was to provide data of the records and distribution of this limnomedusa during the period 1958-2008 in inland waters of Serbia. These observations should contribute to knowledge on the limnofauna not only of the Balkan Peninsula but Europe as a whole.Opsežna i značajna limnoloÅ”ka istraživanja voda u Srbiji otpočela su 1958. godine i nastavljena do danas. Tokom celog istraživačkog perioda nađena je slatkovodna meduza Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880 na pet lokaliteta (bara na Velikoj Moravi kod Ćuprije, Savsko jezero kod Beograda, jezero Velika PeŔčara kod Zrenjanina, jezero MiloÅ”evo kod Jagodine i jezero Å umarice kod Kragujevca). Predstavljeni rezultati su doprinos dosadaÅ”njih saznanja o nalazima i distribuciji ove vrste u Srbiji, kao i poznavanju limnofaune Balkanskog poluostrva i Evrope.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302

    Freshwater jellyfish craspedacusta sowerbyi lankester, 1880 (hydrozoa, olindiidae)-50 years' observations in Serbia

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    Detailed and relevant limnological investigations of Serbian waters were initiated in 1958 and have continued to the present. During the period 1971-2008 we monitored biological elements as a part of working studies/projects, including the distribution of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880. We observed over 500 sampling sites in running and standing waters. Specimens of this hydro-medusa were found in five of them. Throughout the period of investigation, only the medusae stages were observed. Our purpose in this paper was to provide data of the records and distribution of this limnomedusa during the period 1958-2008 in inland waters of Serbia. These observations should contribute to knowledge on the limnofauna not only of the Balkan Peninsula but Europe as a whole

    A new record of Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann, 1821) (Oligochaeta, annelida) in the benthocenoses of a potamon-type river (Sava river, Serbian sector)

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    The species Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann, 1821), from the family Haplotaxidae (Oligochaeta), was found for the first time in a lowland, potamon-type river (Sava River, Serbian sector) in 2002. This new record adds to our knowledge of the range and spreading of the given species.Cilj rada je prikaz novog nalaza vrste Haplotaxis gordioides (Hartmann, 1821), iz familije Haplotaxidae (Oligochaeta), koja je prvi put nađena 2002. u potamonu nizijske reke (reka Sava, sektor kroz Srbiju). Ovaj novi nalaz je posebno važan za razumevanje područja rasprostranjenja i Å”irenja ove oligohetne vrste.nul

    Metagonimus yokogawai: A new parasitic trematoda species in ichtyoparasitofauna of the Serbia

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    During the study of fish parasites in the Serbian section of the Danube River in 2003, a new Trematoda species for ichthyofauna of Serbia has been detected. It is, at the same time, the first finding of larvae of Metagonimus yokogawai in Serbia, as adult forms have been observed from mallard Anas platyrhynchus (L.), previously. Metacercariae of M. yokogawai have been identified on the scales of chub Leuciscus cephalus (L.), barbel Barbus barbus (L.), bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.), pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.) and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.) in the Serbian part of Danube River. The particular risk, beside the possible negative influence of spreading on fish and other host populations (some aquatic snails, fish-eating birds and some mammals), is the potential spreading of the parasitic disease in humans - Metagonimosis.Tokom istraživanja parazita riba srpskog dela Dunava (2003) nađena je nova vrsta Trematoda za ihtioparazitofaunu Srbije. Ovaj nalaz je istovremeno i prvi nalaz larvi (metacerkarija) metilja Metagonimus yokogawai (Katsurada, 1912) s obzirom da su odrasle jedinke ovog parazita nađene prethodno kod divljih pataka Anas platyrhynchus (L). Metacerkarije M. yokogawai pronađene su na krljuÅ”tima klena Leuciscus cephalus (L.), mrene Barbus barbus (L.) uklije Alburnus alburnus (L.), smuđa Sander lucioperca (L.) i crvenoperke Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L). Posebna opasnost, pored Å”irenja infekcije metiljem M. yokogawai i negativnog uticaja na populaciju riba i ostalih prelaznih domaćina (neki vodeni puževi, ribojedne vrste ptica i neki sisari), jeste i pojava metagonimioze kod ribojednih sisara, među kojima je i čovek.nul

    Qualitative composition of communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates along the course of the Golijska Moravica River (West-Central Serbia)

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    As the largest and most significant river of the Moravica region, the Golijska Moravica River arises below the highest peaks of the Golija Mountains. Faunistic-ecological research on aquatic macroinvertebrates was carried out during 2003 and 2004. Macrozoobenthos communities of the Golijska Moravica had not previously been the subject of any hydrobiological studies, and this was the main reason why we conducted their systematic and complex investigation. A list of taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates is presented and their qualitative composition analyzed. During the period of investigation, a total of 13 groups and 147 taxa were found.Reka Golijska Moravica je najveća i najznačajnija reka Moravičkog kraja, koja izvire ispod najviÅ”ih vrhova Golije. Tokom 2003. i 2004. godine na ovoj brdsko-planinskoj tekućici sprovedena je faunističko-ekoloÅ”ka studija organizama faune dna - akvatičnih makro beskičmenjaka. Zajednica makrozoobentosa reke Moravice, do sada, nije bila predmet hidrobioloÅ”kih istraživanja i to je osnovni razlog zaÅ”to je urađeno njeno sistematsko i faunističko proučavanje.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302

    Typology and monitoring of ecological status of moving waters of Serbia

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    The paper presents work carried out with the objective of the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive. The data on communities of water organisms, together with the abiotic parameters, are used to define the typology, the type of specifically reference conditions and the ecological status index, which present a basis for establishing a system of monitoring the ecological status/potential of the waters in Serbia. The results of the obtained investigations are used also in the continuation of this work in making a database on the biodiversity of landlocked bodies of water in the territory of Serbia. The investigations include phytoplankton, phytobenthos, aquatic macroinvertebrate, and ichthyofauna, as well as the biological elements used in the process of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. Furthermore, fish parasites are a subject of investigations for the reason that the level of parasite presence could have a significant effect on the structure of the community, and can consequently be used as a biological parameter for the ecological status/potential. The study covers all types of moving water. Field research is conducted with the aim of compiling complete data on certain biological components of moving waters. .U radu se prikazuju istraživanja koja se sprovode u cilju primene Okvirne direktive o vodama Evropske Unije (EU). Podaci o zajednicama vodenih organizama, uz abiotičke parametre, koriste se za definisanje tipologije, tip specifično referentnih uslova i indeksa ekoloÅ”kog statusa, Å”to predstavlja osnovu za ustanovljavanje sistema monitoringa ekoloÅ”kog statusa/potencijala voda u Srbiji. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja koriste se i u nastavku rada na izradi baze podataka o biodiverzitetu kopnenih voda na području Srbije. Istraživanja obuhvataju fitoplankton, fitobentos, vodene makrobeskičmenjake i ihtiofaunu, kao bioloÅ”ke elemente koriŔćene u procesu primene Okvirne direktive o vodama EU. Pored toga, paraziti riba su predmet istraživanja iz razloga Å”to nivo parazitiranosti može značajno da utiče na strukturu zajednice, te se može koristiti kao bioloÅ”ki parametar ekoloÅ”kog statusa/potencijala. Studija obuhvata sve tipove tekućih voda. Terenska istraživanja se obavljaju sa ciljem upotpunjavanja i kompletiranja podataka o pojedinim bioloÅ”kim komponentama tekućih voda. .nul

    Typology and monitoring of ecological status of moving waters of Serbia

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    The paper presents work carried out with the objective of the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive. The data on communities of water organisms, together with the abiotic parameters, are used to define the typology, the type of specifically reference conditions and the ecological status index, which present a basis for establishing a system of monitoring the ecological status/potential of the waters in Serbia. The results of the obtained investigations are used also in the continuation of this work in making a database on the biodiversity of landlocked bodies of water in the territory of Serbia. The investigations include phytoplankton, phytobenthos, aquatic macroinvertebrate, and ichthyofauna, as well as the biological elements used in the process of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. Furthermore, fish parasites are a subject of investigations for the reason that the level of parasite presence could have a significant effect on the structure of the community, and can consequently be used as a biological parameter for the ecological status/potential. The study covers all types of moving water. Field research is conducted with the aim of compiling complete data on certain biological components of moving waters. .U radu se prikazuju istraživanja koja se sprovode u cilju primene Okvirne direktive o vodama Evropske Unije (EU). Podaci o zajednicama vodenih organizama, uz abiotičke parametre, koriste se za definisanje tipologije, tip specifično referentnih uslova i indeksa ekoloÅ”kog statusa, Å”to predstavlja osnovu za ustanovljavanje sistema monitoringa ekoloÅ”kog statusa/potencijala voda u Srbiji. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja koriste se i u nastavku rada na izradi baze podataka o biodiverzitetu kopnenih voda na području Srbije. Istraživanja obuhvataju fitoplankton, fitobentos, vodene makrobeskičmenjake i ihtiofaunu, kao bioloÅ”ke elemente koriŔćene u procesu primene Okvirne direktive o vodama EU. Pored toga, paraziti riba su predmet istraživanja iz razloga Å”to nivo parazitiranosti može značajno da utiče na strukturu zajednice, te se može koristiti kao bioloÅ”ki parametar ekoloÅ”kog statusa/potencijala. Studija obuhvata sve tipove tekućih voda. Terenska istraživanja se obavljaju sa ciljem upotpunjavanja i kompletiranja podataka o pojedinim bioloÅ”kim komponentama tekućih voda. .nul