10 research outputs found

    Research of the potential tourists’ behavior while choosing tourist destination with the example of Bačka

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    Основни циљ маркетинг активности туристичких предузећа јесте, задовољавање потреба и жеља потенцијалних туриста на начин који обезбеђује повећање продаје  и профита на дужи рок. Пословни резултати туристичког предузећа непосредно зависе од степена сатисфакције  потрошача.  Поновна  куповина  код  истог  туристичког  предузећа  и стварање лојалности код туриста значе да је предузеће успело на туристичком тржишту. Успешне маркетинг стратегије засноване на познавању потреба и жеља потенцијалних туриста, у ствари, опредељују продају и профит туристичког предузећа. Вредност и очекивана  продаја  и  профит  непосредно  су  креирани  и  повезани  са  степеном задовољства  (сатисфакција)  потрошача,  односно  туриста,  који  имају  поверење  у производе и услуге одређеног туристичког предузећа. Потенцијални туриста је комплексно биће, чије је понашање стимулисано и мотивисано бројним  географским,  демографским,  економским,  социолошким,  психолошким  и другим факторима. Поред  разматрања  теоријских  поставки  о  свим  процесима  понашања  потенцијалних туриста, у раду је анализиран и сам процес одлучивања и фазе кроз које они пролазе, извршено је груписање фактора који утичу на тај процес, истражене су снага утицаја и моменат деловања фактора у процесу одлучивања о избору туртистичке дестинације.Osnovni cilj marketing aktivnosti turističkih preduzeća jeste, zadovoljavanje potreba i želja potencijalnih turista na način koji obezbeđuje povećanje prodaje  i profita na duži rok. Poslovni rezultati turističkog preduzeća neposredno zavise od stepena satisfakcije  potrošača.  Ponovna  kupovina  kod  istog  turističkog  preduzeća  i stvaranje lojalnosti kod turista znače da je preduzeće uspelo na turističkom tržištu. Uspešne marketing strategije zasnovane na poznavanju potreba i želja potencijalnih turista, u stvari, opredeljuju prodaju i profit turističkog preduzeća. Vrednost i očekivana  prodaja  i  profit  neposredno  su  kreirani  i  povezani  sa  stepenom zadovoljstva  (satisfakcija)  potrošača,  odnosno  turista,  koji  imaju  poverenje  u proizvode i usluge određenog turističkog preduzeća. Potencijalni turista je kompleksno biće, čije je ponašanje stimulisano i motivisano brojnim  geografskim,  demografskim,  ekonomskim,  sociološkim,  psihološkim  i drugim faktorima. Pored  razmatranja  teorijskih  postavki  o  svim  procesima  ponašanja  potencijalnih turista, u radu je analiziran i sam proces odlučivanja i faze kroz koje oni prolaze, izvršeno je grupisanje faktora koji utiču na taj proces, istražene su snaga uticaja i momenat delovanja faktora u procesu odlučivanja o izboru turtističke destinacije.The main goal of the marketing activities of the tourist agencies is to satisfy needs and desires of potential tourists in a way that provides the increasement of long-term sales and profits. Business results of tourist agencies directly depend upon the level of consumers’ satisfaction. Repeated purchase at the same tourist agencyand the creation of consumer’s loyalty means that the agency is successful in the tourist market. Successful marketing strategies based on the recognition of the needs and desires of potential tourists are what the sales and profits depend on. The value and expected sales and profits are directly created and related to the level of satisfaction of a consumer, i.e. a tourist, who trusts the products and services of a particular tourist agency. A potential tourist is a complex being, whose behavior is stimulated and motivated by numerous geographic, demographic, economic, social, psychological and other factors. Besides considering theoretical assumptions about the processes of potential tourists’ behavior, the paper analyses the process of decision-making and phases, which the potential tourists go through. It groups the factors which influence that process, investigates the power of influence and the moment when a certain factor becomes crucial in the process of choosing a tourist destination

    Destination competitivenes

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    The degree to which a country can benefit from its tourism industry depends largely on this competitive position on the international tourist market. Therefore, it is very important for one destination to realise its real competitive position on the tourism market as well as to address its weaknesses comparing them to its major competitors. There are different models for measuring the competitiveness. Among all, we follow the framework of authors Dwyer, Livaic and Mellor (2003), so called Integrated model of destination competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to present the model of destination competitiveness and results of the survey, based on indicators associated with the model. The results showed that Serbia is more competitive in its natural, cultural and created resources than in destination management while, according to the Integrated model, Serbia is less competitive in demand conditions, which refer to the image and awareness of the destination itself

    The effect of the structure of management and employees on guest's satisfaction of restaurant products and services

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    The purpose of this research is to define the effects of the structure of management and employees to the guest's satisfaction in terms of quality of restaurant products and services. The methodology used for this research has been the polling of 600 guests in 30 restaurants in Belgrade during 2015. The process of measuring satisfaction was performed by monitoring the attitudes and perceptions of users in terms of quality of products and services, which marks food quality, service quality, and ambience quality and price/quality ratio. The research of educational and age structure, as well as the number of supporting staff and other workers, has been conducted. Correlation and regression analysis were performed with the aim of defining the effect of the educational structure of employees to guest's satisfaction. The results show that restaurant managers should pay special attention to educational levels of employees through regular and permanent education, as they influence the guest's satisfaction

    Research of the potential tourists’ behavior while choosing tourist destination with the example of Bačka

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    Основни циљ маркетинг активности туристичких предузећа јесте, задовољавање потреба и жеља потенцијалних туриста на начин који обезбеђује повећање продаје  и профита на дужи рок. Пословни резултати туристичког предузећа непосредно зависе од степена сатисфакције  потрошача.  Поновна  куповина  код  истог  туристичког  предузећа  и стварање лојалности код туриста значе да је предузеће успело на туристичком тржишту. Успешне маркетинг стратегије засноване на познавању потреба и жеља потенцијалних туриста, у ствари, опредељују продају и профит туристичког предузећа. Вредност и очекивана  продаја  и  профит  непосредно  су  креирани  и  повезани  са  степеном задовољства  (сатисфакција)  потрошача,  односно  туриста,  који  имају  поверење  у производе и услуге одређеног туристичког предузећа. Потенцијални туриста је комплексно биће, чије је понашање стимулисано и мотивисано бројним  географским,  демографским,  економским,  социолошким,  психолошким  и другим факторима. Поред  разматрања  теоријских  поставки  о  свим  процесима  понашања  потенцијалних туриста, у раду је анализиран и сам процес одлучивања и фазе кроз које они пролазе, извршено је груписање фактора који утичу на тај процес, истражене су снага утицаја и моменат деловања фактора у процесу одлучивања о избору туртистичке дестинације.Osnovni cilj marketing aktivnosti turističkih preduzeća jeste, zadovoljavanje potreba i želja potencijalnih turista na način koji obezbeđuje povećanje prodaje  i profita na duži rok. Poslovni rezultati turističkog preduzeća neposredno zavise od stepena satisfakcije  potrošača.  Ponovna  kupovina  kod  istog  turističkog  preduzeća  i stvaranje lojalnosti kod turista znače da je preduzeće uspelo na turističkom tržištu. Uspešne marketing strategije zasnovane na poznavanju potreba i želja potencijalnih turista, u stvari, opredeljuju prodaju i profit turističkog preduzeća. Vrednost i očekivana  prodaja  i  profit  neposredno  su  kreirani  i  povezani  sa  stepenom zadovoljstva  (satisfakcija)  potrošača,  odnosno  turista,  koji  imaju  poverenje  u proizvode i usluge određenog turističkog preduzeća. Potencijalni turista je kompleksno biće, čije je ponašanje stimulisano i motivisano brojnim  geografskim,  demografskim,  ekonomskim,  sociološkim,  psihološkim  i drugim faktorima. Pored  razmatranja  teorijskih  postavki  o  svim  procesima  ponašanja  potencijalnih turista, u radu je analiziran i sam proces odlučivanja i faze kroz koje oni prolaze, izvršeno je grupisanje faktora koji utiču na taj proces, istražene su snaga uticaja i momenat delovanja faktora u procesu odlučivanja o izboru turtističke destinacije.The main goal of the marketing activities of the tourist agencies is to satisfy needs and desires of potential tourists in a way that provides the increasement of long-term sales and profits. Business results of tourist agencies directly depend upon the level of consumers’ satisfaction. Repeated purchase at the same tourist agencyand the creation of consumer’s loyalty means that the agency is successful in the tourist market. Successful marketing strategies based on the recognition of the needs and desires of potential tourists are what the sales and profits depend on. The value and expected sales and profits are directly created and related to the level of satisfaction of a consumer, i.e. a tourist, who trusts the products and services of a particular tourist agency. A potential tourist is a complex being, whose behavior is stimulated and motivated by numerous geographic, demographic, economic, social, psychological and other factors. Besides considering theoretical assumptions about the processes of potential tourists’ behavior, the paper analyses the process of decision-making and phases, which the potential tourists go through. It groups the factors which influence that process, investigates the power of influence and the moment when a certain factor becomes crucial in the process of choosing a tourist destination

    ITB Berlin: The world's leading tourism fair

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    MICE is a significant segment of tourism industry. It is of great interest for exhibitors and visitors, as well as for host cities and organizers. ITB Berlin represents the world's leading travel trade show. This paper analyses the key trends of this event in the last five year period (from 2004 until 2008). Analyzed data was annually gathered by Gelzus Messe-Marktforschung GmbH. This research focused on exhibitors', trade visitors and private visitors' origin, age distribution of private visitors, exhibiting companies, exhibiting branches, interest for travel according to type and overall impression and outlook that was gathered through surveys at ITB Berlin. Data was collected in the period 2004-2008 and placed together to make a five year overview. The goal is to present a development of above mentioned values and to discover potential patterns and predict future trends for this tourism fair.

    Analysis of gender differences in destination decision-making: The case study of Zakynthos Island

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    The process of tourist decision-making is heavily influenced by a number of external and internal factors, and can be interpreted only by using multidisciplinary theories and techniques in researches. The main goal of tourist s behavior analysis is to understand the motives and reasons of customer decisions during their choice of tourist destination. By getting to know the potential and existing customers, tourism companies can adjust the characteristics of their products. Higher customer satisfaction also means better the financial results. The research was conducted in the summer of 2013, through a structured questionnaire with 28 questions. The sample consists of 100 tourists, who visited the Greek island of Zakynthos as the customers of Rhapsody travel, tour operator from Belgrade, Serbia. The aim of this research is to determine the needs and motivation in the process of destination selection of tourists, who visited Zakynthos, and their comparison between genders. Data was processed with the IBM SPSS 19.0. software package for statistical research, through the Chi-Square statistical test. Results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences only at the question categories of destination decision-making and expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction

    The influence of education level on choosing coastal regions as tourist destinations

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    The main aim of the paper is to investigate the influence of formal education level on decision-making process when choosing a tourist destination based on multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The survey was conducted on the sample of 252 respondents from Bačka region (Vojvodina/Serbia). Also, this study strives to examine the influence of education level on decision-making process including all five phases of decision-making process: need awareness, information search, alternatives estimation, purchase and purchase evaluation, applied to the process of choosing coastal regions as tourist destinations. The study shows that education level is related to four out of five phases of decision-making process (only in case of need awareness there is no statistically significant difference). This is especially important for creation of a marketing platform with promotional activities adjusted to different market segments differentiated by education level. Moreover, the study discusses differences in behaviour of different educational groups while choosing travel destinations


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    The purpose of this research is to define the effects of the structure of management and employees to the guests satisfaction in terms of quality of restaurant products and services. The methodology used for this research has been the polling of 600 guests in 30 restaurants in Belgrade during 2015. The process of measuring satisfaction was performed by monitoring the attitudes and perceptions of users in terms of quality of products and services, which marks food quality, service quality, and ambience quality and price/quality ratio. The research of educational and age structure, as well as the number of supporting staff and other workers, has been conducted. Correlation and regression analysis were performed with the aim of defining the effect of the educational structure of employees to guests satisfaction. The results show that restaurant managers should pay special attention to educational levels of employees through regular and permanent education, as they influence the guests satisfaction

    Destination competitivenes: A challenging process for Serbia

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    The degree to which a country can benefit from its tourism industry depends largely on this competitive position on the international tourist market. Therefore, it is very important for one destination to realise its real competitive position on the tourism market as well as to address its weaknesses comparing them to its major competitors. There are different models for measuring the competitiveness. Among all, we follow the framework of authors Dwyer, Livaic and Mellor (2003), so called Integrated model of destination competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to present the model of destination competitiveness and results of the survey, based on indicators associated with the model. The results showed that Serbia is more competitive in its natural, cultural and created resources than in destination management while, according to the Integrated model, Serbia is less competitive in demand conditions, which refer to the image and awareness of the destination itself

    An importance-performance analysis of service quality in spa hotels

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    This paper identifies the results of a questionnaire designed to measure service quality in spa hotels in the Republic of Serbia. Service quality was measured with a model based on the original SERVQUAL model. Due to the fact that many previous research papers have shown that SERVQUAL is insufficient to identify and measure all determinants of service quality in hospitality, the original SERVQUAL model has been slightly changed. Namely, this modified version of SERVQUAL was adjusted to measure a large number of tangible and intangible elements of the service quality in spa hotels. Based on the research results, seven dimensions of the service quality were identified: assurance, food and benefits, empathy, entertainment, recreation facilities and wellness, responsiveness and reliability. After applying the modified SERVQUAL model, an Importance – Performance Analysis (IPA) was performed. By using an Importance – Performance Analysis (IPA), this paper examines the efficiency of hotel resources allocation and the possibility of designing management strategies to improve the quality of hotel service