1,317 research outputs found

    Ose biljarice (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) u biotopima Kopačkog rita

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    During 2003, entomological investigations were carried out into the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Kopački rit Nature Park, supported by the Ministry of Culture, project Insect Research, and by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports project Entomofauna of Kopački rit. At three groups of stations: inundated, forest and open ground (a total of 8 stations) a total of 220 individuals were sampled selectively with a net and with sticky tablets. From this material, 73 species of sawfly were determined. There is a clear differentiation of the inundated area at which the presence of only 15 species was recorded, but with great abundance, 7 species being recorded only in such kind of habitat (they were recorded only in the inundated area). This investigation also demonstrated that the borderline area between forest and meadow was the best habitat for the sawfly. At this kind of station in Tikveš, the presence of 35 species was recorded.Tijekom 2003. obavljena su entomološka istraživanja osa biljarica (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) na području Parka Prirode Kopački rit uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture (projekt Istraživanje kukaca) i Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa (projekt Entomofauna Kopačkog rita). Na tri skupine postaja: poplavnom, šumskom i otvorenom prostoru (ukupno 8 postaja) selektivno mrežicom i ljepljivim pločama uzorkovano je 220 jedinki. Iz tog materijala determinirane su 73 (taksona) vrste osa biljarica. Jasno se razlikuje poplavni prostor na kojemu je zabilježeno prisustvo samo 15 vrsta velike brojnosti, od kojih je 7 vrsta karakteristično za takvo stanište (zabilježene su samo na poplavnom prostoru). I ovim istraživanjem je dokazano da je granično područje šume i livade najbolje stanište za ose biljarice. Na takvoj postaji u Tikvešu zabilježeno je 35 vrsta

    The Complexity-based Explanatory Strategy, Biological Levels, and the Origin of Life

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    A long-standing debate on the causality of levels in biological explanations has divided philosophers into two camps. The reductionist camp insists on the causal primacy of lower, molecular levels, while the critics point out the inescapable shifting, reciprocity, and circularity of levels across biological explanations. We argue, however, that many explanations in biology do not exclusively draw their explanatory power from detailed insights into inter-level interactions; they predominantly require identifying the adequate levels of biological complexity to be explained. Moreover, the main explanatory strategies grounding both theoretical and experimental approaches to one of the central debates in contemporary biology, i.e., on the origin of life, are primarily and sometimes exclusively driven by issues concerning the levels of biochemical complexity, and these only subsequently frame more substantial and detailed accounts of inter-level biochemical interactions

    Struktura timova i projekata u velikim eksperimentima u oblasti fizike

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    Identifying optimal ways of organizing exploration in particle physics mega-labs is a challenging task that requires a combination of case-based and formal epistemic approaches. Data-driven studies suggest that projects pursued by smaller master-teams (fewer members, fewer sub-teams) are substantially more efficient than larger ones across sciences, including experimental particle physics. Smaller teams also seem to make better project choices than larger, centralized teams. Yet the epistemic requirement of small, decentralized, and diverse teams contradicts the often emphasized and allegedly inescapable logic of discovery that forces physicists pursuing the fundamental levels of the physical world to perform centralized experiments in mega-labs at high energies. We explain, however, that this epistemic requirement could be met, since the nature of theoretical and physical constraints in high energy physics and the technological obstacles stemming from them turn out to be surprisingly open-ended.Identifikovanje optimalnih načina organizovanja istraživanja u mega laboratorijama fizike če-stica je izazovan zadatak koji zahteva kombinaciju studija pojedinačnih slučajeva i pristupa formalne epistemičke analize. Studije zasnovane na podacima ukazuju na to da su projekti koje izvode manji master timovi (manji broj članova, manje pod-timova) znatno efikasniji od onih većih u različitim oblastima nauka, uključujući eksperimentalnu fiziku čestica. Manji ti-movi takođe prave bolje izbore projekata na kojima će raditi od većih, centralizovanih timova. Pa ipak, epistemički opravdani zahtev sa što manjim, decentralizovanim i raznolikim timova je u suprotnosti sa često naglašenom i navodno neizbežnom logikom otkrića koja prisiljava fizičare koji istražuju osnovne nivoe fizičkog sveta da izvode centralizovane eksperimente u mega-laboratorijama na veoma velikim energijama. Naš je argument, međutim, da bi taj epi-stemički zahtev mogao ipak biti ispunjen, jer su priroda teorijskih i fizičkih ograničenja u fizici visokih energija i tehnološke prepreke koje iz njih proizilaze iznenađujuće otvoreni

    Theory driven experimentation in particle physics

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    J. Woodward and S. Schindler agree that experimentation being motivated / driven by the theory it tests (Tt) is an epistemically benign form of theory-ladenness (TL). Despite their agreement, they describe two distinct forms of tested- theory drivenness (TD). I argue that TD Schindler describes is a particularly severe form of TL. I label it strong TD. It kicks in early in the measurement during the operation of the apparatus, preceding the stages at which inferences on the status of the observed phenomena are made. I briefly present a classical toy-case as an instance. The elimination of strong TD by calibrating the instrument based on a different operational theory is arguably accomplishable in the toy-case. Strong TD, however, is ubiquitous in particle physics where, contrary to what A. Franklin and Woodward argue, the experimental environment prevents calibration from eliminating it. Instead, a strategy of incrementally widening experimental loop confronts the problem, e.g. in the discovery of J/Ψ particle. I discuss why the context of the particle physics experiments is conducive to this strategy, whether it eliminates strong TD, and whether it remains a genuine epistemic problem within such a context. Weak TD as sketched by Woodward involves P being predicted by Tt or P being deemed an important physical value as the motivation for performing measurement of P. It is not a form of TL in a traditional sense, but in the context of experimentation in particle physics, I argue that it is an acute socio-epistemic problem, perhaps more acute than the possibility of TL

    The Collapse of Transitional Justice in Serbia

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    This paper shows the roots of the unsuccessful transitional justice in Serbia. From Milosevic to Kostunica, Djindjic and Tadic their approach to transitional justice was only to change the stylization of carefully selected political statements. The author gives a critical review of the role of “democratic” leaders during the 2000s and their often forgotten contribution to the “blurring of reality”. Despite the more or less harsh rhetoric transitional justice had the same path and follows the same pattern. Transitional justice processes were monitored by relation analysis of other powerful (non)- state actors such as the Universities, school textbooks in which the young generations are nurtured, catalytic role of the media and intellectual elites, and above all politicized Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, led by “father of the nation” - Dobrica Cosic. This paper shows that deeply established nationalism had the major role in the unsuccessful transitional justice in Serbia.Keywords: transitional justice, Serbia, elites, war

    Robert Rosen's Relationalist understanding of biological states and quantum mechanics

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    Intrigantne ideje Robertana Rozena o formalizovanom okviru za razumevanje bioloških sistema razmatrane su u biologiji i kognitivnim naukama. Ipak, njegovo kruto razumevanje fizičkih stanja, a posebno kvantnih stanja, suštinski je nespojivo sa njegovim objašnjenjem bioloških stanja, što ne dopušta da se njegovo stanovište shvati kao opštiji ontološki okvir. Međutim, jedno suptilnije razumevanje kvantne mehanike koje ćemo razviti ostavlja prostor za relacionističko razumevanje fizičkih stanja u saglasnosti sa Rozenovim shvatanjem bioloških stanja.Robert Rosen's intriguing ideas of a formalized framework to understand biological systems have been discussed across the life and cognitive sciences. Yet his crude account of physical states, quantum states in particular, seems to be irreconcilable with his account of biological states, thus preventing a pursuit of his framework as a general ontological account. A more subtle understanding of quantum states, however, leaves room for a relationalist understanding of physical states in general agreement with Rosen's framework of biological states

    Cointegration Approach to Analysing Inflation in Croatia

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the determinants of inflation in Croatia in the period 1994:6-2006:6. We use a cointegration approach and find that increases in wages positively influence inflation in the long-run. Furthermore, in the period from June 1994 onward, the depreciation of the currency also contributed to inflation. Money does not explain Croatian inflation. This irrelevance of the money supply is consistent with its endogeneity to exchange rate targeting, whereby the money supply is determined by developments in the foreign exchange market. The value of inflation in the previous period is also found to be significant, thus indicating some inflation inertia