17 research outputs found

    T2 mapiranje hrskavice acetabuluma kod bolesnika s primarnim osteoartritisom i sekundarnim osteoartritisom induciranim razvojnim poremećajem kuka analizirano na mikro-MR uređaju snage 7 Tesla

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    The aim of our study was to compare acetabular cartilage affected by primary and DDH-induced secondary osteoarthritis (OA) using T2 mapping, which gives us information about cartilage water and collagen content, and the orientation of collagen fibrils. Samples of the osteochondral unit were obtained intraoperatively during total hip arthroplasty from the acetabulum of 15 patients with primary OA (pOA-Ac) and 15 patients with DDH-induced secondary OA (sOA-Ac). The samples were then scanned on a 7 Tesla micro-magnetic resonance imaging (micro-MRI) machine and the T2 values of all samples were calculated. The results were compared using a t-test. The average T2 values for the sOAAc and pOA-Ac groups were 57.28Ā±31.87 ms and 37.54Ā±11.17 ms, respectively. The calculated p-value was 0.019, making results statistically significant at p<0.05. This is one of the first studies performed ex vivo on the acetabular cartilage of human dysplastic hips, using a 7 Tesla MRI machine. Our results show that acetabular cartilage in DDH-induced secondary OA is more damaged than in primary OA, and offer 7 Tesla T2 reference values of acetabular cartilage for both the primary and DDH-induced secondary OA.Svrha ovog rada bila je usporediti acetabularnu hrskavicu prikupljenu od pacijenata s primarnim i sekundaranim osteoartritisom (OA) uzrokovanim razvojnim poremećajem kuka koristeći T2 mapiranje, koje se koristi za analizu sadržaja vode i kolagena u hrskavici, i orijentacije kolagenih vlakana. Uzorci actabuluma prikupljeni su tijekom operacije ugradnje totalne endoproteze kuka od 15 pacijenata s primarnim OA (pOA-Ac) i 15 pacijenata sa sekundarnim OA uzrokovanim razvojnim poremećajem kuka (sOA-Ac), te su snimljeni mikro-magnetskom rezonancijom (mikro-MR) na uređaju jačine 7 Tesla. Izračunate su T2 mape svih uzoraka, a rezultati su uspoređeni pomoću t-testa. Srednje T2 vrijednosti za sOA-Ac i pOA-Ac iznosile su 57.28Ā±31.87 ms, odnosno 37.54Ā±11.17 ms. Izračunata p vrijednost iznosila je 0.019, Å”to znači da je razlika između skupina statistički značajna uz razinu značajnosti p<0.05. Ovo je jedna od prvih ex vivo studija acetabularne hrskavice pacijenata s razvojnim poremećajem kuka provedenih na mikro-MR uređaju jačine 7 Tesla. NaÅ”i rezultati upućuju na to da je acetabularna hrskavica pacijenata sa sekundarnim osteoartritisom uzrokovanim razvojnim poremećajem kuka viÅ”e oÅ”tećena od one pacijenata s primarnim OA. NaÅ”a studija pruža informacije o referentnim T2 vrijednostima acetabularne hrskavice zahvaćene primarnim i sekundarnim OA dobivenim na MR uređaju jačine 7 Tesla

    Knowledge and attitudes about undescended testicles ā€“ the need for an educational approach

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    Cilj: S obzirom na loÅ”e pokazatelje dobi orhidopeksije za kongenitalnu skupinu nespuÅ”tenih testisa, cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti znanja i stavove specijalizanata/mladih specijalista pedijatrije, obiteljske i Å”kolske medicine o navedenoj problematici jer upravo su oni, u većini slučajeva prvi kojima se roditelji obraćaju za pomoć i miÅ”ljenje. Metode: Znanje i stavovi specijalizanata i mladih specijalista ispitani su pomoću anonimnog online upitnika, temeljenog na najno- vijim spoznajama i smjernicama. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je putem besplatnog programa Google FormsĀ®. Kako bismo utvrdili odstupaju li dobiveni odgovori od odgovora koje bismo očekivali pod određenom hipotezom, odgovori su uspoređivani koriÅ”tenjem hi-kvadrat testa uz razinu statističke značajnosti od 5%. Rezultati: Upitnik je ispunilo 129 specijalizanata/mladih specijalista, od kojih većina smatra kako za vrijeme studiranja i specijalistič- kog usavrÅ”avanja nisu dovoljno čuli i naučili o nespuÅ”tenim testisima, kako svoje znanje o problematici nespuÅ”tenih testisa smatraju nezadovoljavajućim te kako se u dosadaÅ”njoj karijeri nisu susreli sa smjernicama koje govore o dijagnostici i liječenju nespuÅ”tenih testisa. Odgovori na većinu pitanja, koja su se temeljila na najnovijim smjernicama, bili su nezadovoljavajući. Gotovo 2/3 ispitanika smatra kako se o dječacima s nespuÅ”tenim testisima u Republici Hrvatskoj ne vodi pravodobna briga i liječenje, a 1/3 ispitanika ključni problem vidi u primarnim pedijatrima, obiteljskim liječnicima te u timovima Å”kolske medicine. Zaključci: S obzirom na dobro poznate posljedice nepravodobnog liječenja nespuÅ”tenih testisa u dječaka, rezultatima analize anke- te kojima ne možemo biti zadovoljni potrebno je ozbiljno pristupiti. Stoga potičemo buduće edukativne intervencije, utemeljene na dokazima, koje će za cilj imati bolju informiranost o problematici nespuÅ”tenih testisa i u konačnici vremenski pomak samih orhido- peksija k ranijoj dobi.Objective: Considering the poor indicators relating to the age group undergoing orchidopexy for the congenital group with undescended testicles, the objective of this article is to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of residents and young specialists in the fi eld of pediatrics, family, and school medicine concerning the above-mentioned issue, given that these specialists are, in most cases, the fi rst from whom parents contact seek help and opinion. Methods: The knowledge and attitudes of residents and young specialists were examined using an anonymous online questionnaire, based on the latest knowledge and guidelines. Data collection was carried out using the free Google FormsĀ® program. To determine whether the obtained answers deviate from the answers expected under a certain hypothesis, the answers were compared using the chi-square test with a statistical signifi cance level of 5%. Results: The questionnaire was fi lled out by 129 residents and young specialists, most of whom believe that, during their studies and specialist training, they had not heard and learned enough about undescended testicles, and they considered their knowledge about the problem of undescended testicles to be unsatisfactory, and they had not encountered guidelines in their career detailing the diagnosis and treatment of undescended testicles. The answers to most of the questions were unsatisfactory based on the latest guidelines. Almost two-thirds of the respondents believe that boys with undescended testicles in the Republic of Croatia are not cared for and treated on time, and one-third of the respondents see the key problem in primary pediatricians, family doctors, and school-age medical teams. Conclusions: Considering the well-known consequences of untimely treatment of undescended testicles in boys, the results of the survey analysis, which we cannot be satisfi ed with, must be approached seriously. Therefore, we encourage future evidence-based educational interventions to provide better information about the problem of undescended testicles and ultimately shift the timing of orchidopexies to an earlier age

    The Czech autochthonous minority in Croatia: determinants of contemporary identity on the example of the Czechs in the Daruvar region

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    Ovaj rad bavi se istraživanjem autohtone čeÅ”ke nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj, točnije u ā€œdaruvarskom krajuā€œ. Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje s 9 sudionika, plus jednim ekspertom, kako bi se moglo odgovoriti na zadani cilj istraživanja. Glavni cilj istraživanja je odrediti suvremene odrednice identiteta Čeha u daruvarskom kraju. Kroz provedene intervjue sa sudionicima kao glavne odrednice istaknule su se obitelj i okolina, jezik, obrazovanje, kultura i običaji te mediji. Osim toga sa sudionicima se proveo razgovor o pravima i političkim mogućnostima u Hrvatskoj, te se zaključilo kako su vrlo zadovoljni svim Å”to im je osigurano. U istraživanje je uključeno i pitanje o odnosima s ČeÅ”kom Republikom, gdje se zaključilo da sudionici ne osjećaju povezanost s ČeÅ”kom ali su zahvalni na potpori i mogućnostima koje im pruža. Na kraju je proveden razgovor o predrasudama s kojima se susreće ova manjina, te se miÅ”ljenje da su Česi Å”krti te naziv ā€œPemacā€œ istaknuo kao najveća predrasuda. Zaključili smo kako se zahvaljujući navedenim odrednicama identitet Čeha u daruvarskom kraju održava jako dobro, međutim sudionici su podijeljeni oko miÅ”ljenja o opstanku ove manjine u budućnosti. Kao najveći problem ističu manjak uključenosti mladih u aktivnosti koje organizira manjina.This paper explores the autochthonous Czech national minority in Croatia, more precisely in the "Daruvar region". A qualitative research was conducted with 9 participants, plus one expert, in order to be able to respond to the given research aim. The main aim of the research is to determine the contemporary determinants of Czech identity in the Daruvar region. Through the conducted interviews with the participants, the main determinants were the family and the environment, language, education, culture and customs, and the media. In addition, we talked about the rights and political opportunities in Croatia, and it was concluded that they are very satisfied with everything that has been provided to them. The research also included the question about relations with the Czech Republic, where it was concluded that the participants do not feel connected to the Czech Republic but they are grateful for the support and opportunities it provides them. In the end, there was a discussion about the prejudices faced by this minority, and the opinion that the Czechs are stingy and the name "Pemac" stood out as the biggest prejudice. We concluded that thanks to these determinants, the identity of the Czechs in the Daruvar region is maintained very well, but the participants are divided over the opinion about the survival of this minority in the future. The biggest problem is the lack of involvement of young people in activities organized by minorities

    The Czech autochthonous minority in Croatia: determinants of contemporary identity on the example of the Czechs in the Daruvar region

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    Ovaj rad bavi se istraživanjem autohtone čeÅ”ke nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj, točnije u ā€œdaruvarskom krajuā€œ. Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje s 9 sudionika, plus jednim ekspertom, kako bi se moglo odgovoriti na zadani cilj istraživanja. Glavni cilj istraživanja je odrediti suvremene odrednice identiteta Čeha u daruvarskom kraju. Kroz provedene intervjue sa sudionicima kao glavne odrednice istaknule su se obitelj i okolina, jezik, obrazovanje, kultura i običaji te mediji. Osim toga sa sudionicima se proveo razgovor o pravima i političkim mogućnostima u Hrvatskoj, te se zaključilo kako su vrlo zadovoljni svim Å”to im je osigurano. U istraživanje je uključeno i pitanje o odnosima s ČeÅ”kom Republikom, gdje se zaključilo da sudionici ne osjećaju povezanost s ČeÅ”kom ali su zahvalni na potpori i mogućnostima koje im pruža. Na kraju je proveden razgovor o predrasudama s kojima se susreće ova manjina, te se miÅ”ljenje da su Česi Å”krti te naziv ā€œPemacā€œ istaknuo kao najveća predrasuda. Zaključili smo kako se zahvaljujući navedenim odrednicama identitet Čeha u daruvarskom kraju održava jako dobro, međutim sudionici su podijeljeni oko miÅ”ljenja o opstanku ove manjine u budućnosti. Kao najveći problem ističu manjak uključenosti mladih u aktivnosti koje organizira manjina.This paper explores the autochthonous Czech national minority in Croatia, more precisely in the "Daruvar region". A qualitative research was conducted with 9 participants, plus one expert, in order to be able to respond to the given research aim. The main aim of the research is to determine the contemporary determinants of Czech identity in the Daruvar region. Through the conducted interviews with the participants, the main determinants were the family and the environment, language, education, culture and customs, and the media. In addition, we talked about the rights and political opportunities in Croatia, and it was concluded that they are very satisfied with everything that has been provided to them. The research also included the question about relations with the Czech Republic, where it was concluded that the participants do not feel connected to the Czech Republic but they are grateful for the support and opportunities it provides them. In the end, there was a discussion about the prejudices faced by this minority, and the opinion that the Czechs are stingy and the name "Pemac" stood out as the biggest prejudice. We concluded that thanks to these determinants, the identity of the Czechs in the Daruvar region is maintained very well, but the participants are divided over the opinion about the survival of this minority in the future. The biggest problem is the lack of involvement of young people in activities organized by minorities

    Reports on Conferences

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