21 research outputs found

    First record of Parochlus kiefferi (Garrett, 1925) in a sediment sequence from a Slovak mountain lake with notes on paleolimnological interpretation

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    Subfossil larval remains of a rare Podonominae, Parochlus kiefferi (Garrett, 1925), were identified in a sediment sequence from a mountain lake in the Low Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, and represent the first record of the species for Slovakia. The depth at which the P. kiefferi remains were found, along with the taxonomic composition of the corresponding chironomid assemblage dominated by cold-stenothermal taxa, indicate that the sample can be dated back to the Little Ice Age. Additionally, notes on the chironomid remains which appear in the sediment sample are provided here and can offer further insight into paleolimnological interpretation

    Der erste Befund von Fadenwürmern Contracaecum sp. in Giebeln (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) im Sakadaš See

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    Uzorkovanje babuške (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) provedeno je u Sakadaškom jezeru smještenom unutar Parka prirode Kopački rit. Od 111 ulovljenih babuški, kod devet je utvrđena prisutnost nametnika, trećeg ličinačkog stadija oblića Contracaecum sp. Prevalencija je iznosila 8 %. Ukupno je izolirano 3822 oblića, a intenzitet infekcije se kretao od 7 do 1078 oblića po ribi (u prosijeku 424,66 oblića po ribi). Brojnost i ukupna biomasa oblića pozitivno su korelirali s masom ribe (rs = 0,633333, p ˂ 0,05; rs = 0,666667, p ˂ 0,05). Fulton-ov faktor kondicije (CF) za babuške koje nisu imale nametnike iznosio je u prosjeku 2,275, dok je za babuške koje su bile inficirane oblićima iznosio 1,635. Iako je zabilježen niži kondicijski faktor kod inficiranih jedinki, nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na neinficirane babuške.A sampling of Prussian carps (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) was conducted in Lake Sakadaš located within the Nature Park Kopački rit. Of 111 captured Prussian carps, 9 revealed the presence of a parasite, 3rd larvae stadium of roundworm Contracaecum sp. The prevalence was 8 %. A total of 3822 roundworms were isolated while infection intensity ranged from 7 to 1078 roundworms per fish (average of 424.66 roundworms per fish). Roundworm abundance and total biomass positively correlated with fish mass (rs = 0.633333, p ˂ 0.05; rs = 0,666667, p ˂ 0.05). The Fulton\u27s condition factor (CF) for Prussian carps without parasites was on average 2.275, and for Prussian carps infected by roundworms 1.635. Although the recorded condition factor was lower for infected samples, no statistically significant difference was determined for uninfected Prussian carps.Die Probenahme von Giebeln (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) wurde im Naturpark Kopački rit am Sakadaš See durchgeführt. Von 111 gefangenen Giebeln wurde bei neun Giebeln die Anwesenheit von Nematoden, d.h. das dritte Larvenstadium des Fadenwurmes Contracaecum sp. festgestellt. Die Prävalenz betrug 8 %. Insgesamt wurden 3822 Fadenwürmer isoliert, und die Infektionsintensität war zwischen 7 und 1078 Fadenwürmer per Fisch (durchschnittlich 424,66 Fadenwürmer per Fisch). Die Anzahl und die gesamte Biomasse von Fadenwürmern korrelierten positiv mit der Fischmasse (rs = 0,633333, p ˂ 0,05; rs = 0,666667, p ˂ 0,05). Fulton\u27scher Konditionsfaktor (CF) für die mit Fadenwürmern nicht gefallenen Giebel betrug im Durchschnitt 2,275, und im Falle der mit Fadenwürmern befallenen Giebel war der CF 1,635. Obwohl der Konditionsfaktor bei den befallenen Fischen niedriger war, bestand kein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied im Verhältnis zu den nicht befallenen Giebeln


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    Aktivno učenje, razvoj istraživačkih vještina te generičkih kompetencija poput organiziranja, planiranja i suradnje, osnovne su odlike terenske nastave. U terenskoj nastavi učenici trebaju biti usmjereni ka učenju primjenom osnovnih znanstvenih metoda od postavljanja hipoteze, primjene metodologije istraživanja, obrade rezultata i izvođenja zaključaka na temelju rezultata. Uloga nastavnika je nadgledati, poticati i usmjeravati učenike na aktivno sudjelovanje u svim etapama učenja u prirodi koja ih okružuje. Obzirom da učenici aktivno sudjeluju u procesu učenja dolazi do većeg pobuđivanja interesa, razvoja istraživačkog mišljenja i logičkog zaključivanja. Također, učenici spoznaju kompleksnost i raznolikost živog svijeta na što ih se puno lakše može usmjeriti kada ih se iz učionice izvede u prirodu i ukaže na važnost promatranja i opažanja jer je to ključ za razumijevanje procesa koji se odvijaju u prirodi. Istraživanje pojedinih skupina organizama znanstvenim metodama najbolje je provoditi izvan učionice u sklopu terenske nastave. U ovom radu je predloženo istraživanje populacije običnog jelenka (Lucanus cervus) na šumskim staništima. Tijekom terenske nastave na primjeru jelenka učenici uče anatomiju i ekologiju vrste te istražuju i raspravljaju o razlozima ugroženost vrste. Učenici tijekom terenske nastave uče metode istraživanja, razvijaju istraživačke vještine i samostalnost što povoljno utječe na razvoj prirodoznanstvene pismenosti. Prikupljene podatke mogu proslijediti znanstvenicima i nadležnim ustanovama za zaštitu prirode i na taj način doprinijeti boljem poznavanju rasprostranjenosti i zaštiti ove vrste. Vrlo je važno što češće provoditi razne oblike izvanučioničke nastave s obzirom da pridonosi boljem razumijevanju prirodoslovnih koncepata, lakšem savladavanju primjene praktičnih metoda poput promatranja, mjerenja ili bilježenja rezultata na temelju kojih izvode zaključke, a integriranjem terenske nastave Prirode ili Biologije s drugim nastavnim predmetima uviđaju važnost interdisciplinarnog pristupa rješavanja proučavane problematike.Active learning along with development of research skills and generic competences such as organizing, planning and cooperation present the main characteristic of field education. During field classes, students are directed towards learning based on scientific approach, including creating hypothesis, learning proper research methodology, gathering and processing data and making conclusions, what allows them to become young researchers. The role of a teacher is to supervise, encourage and instruct students to actively observe and make notes of all the processes in their natural surroundings. Since the students are actively involved in the learning process, they increase their interest in what they need to learn, scientific way of thinking and logical deduction are developing as well. Students also develop the concept of the complexity and diversity of life and this is more easily accomplished when they are out in the nature. Applying scientific research methods to study particular taxonomic groups or species can be done conducting the out of classroom education, as the type of field education. In this paper we propose stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) in forest habitats as a research subject, to study its anatomy, ecology and the reasons of their endangerment. During field classes students become more independent and develop their research skills and scientific opinion. The collected data can be forwarded to scientists and institutions for nature conservation to improve the current information of the population distribution, thus contributing to the protection of this species. It is very important to include and implement project education as much as possible since it enhances students’ capabilities for better understanding concepts in nature, learning practical methods (e.g. observation, measurements, data logging, making conclusions) and by integrating with other class subjects enables them to comprehend importance of interdisciplinary in solving research problems


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    U prirodoslovnim nastavnim predmetima, istraživačko učenje osigurava učenicima razvoj vještina i kompetencija koje im omogućavaju lakše razumijevanje prirodnih promjena i procesa koji ih okružuju. Prirodoznanstveni pristup poučavanja prirodoslovlja potiče znatiželju i razvija istraživački duh kod učenika različitih uzrasta. Kroz nastavu predmeta Prirode i Biologije učenici se trebaju upoznati s anatomijom, ekologijom i razvojem pojedinih skupina kralježnjaka, a žabe mogu poslužiti kao modelni organizmi za proučavanje vodozemaca koji imaju specifičan životni ciklus (preobrazba) te posjeduju prilagodbe karakteristične za pojedine životne stadije i stanište u kojem žive. Istraživačkim učenjem se kod učenika razvija sposobnost razumijevanja složenih procesa preobrazbe, a koje se anatomske promjene događaju uočavaju i uče direktnim promatranjem u svojoj neposrednoj blizini. Također, učenici uče postavljati istraživačka pitanja povezana s opaženim pojavama i izmjerenim vrijednostima te prikazati rezultate i opažanja te donositi zaključke. Učenici razvijaju i sposobnost rasprave o dobivenim rezultatima i donesenim zaključcima. Istraživačko učenje može integrirati spoznaje različitih nastavnih predmeta i tako doprinijeti razvoju konceptualnog razmišljanja i razumijevanja kod učenika.In science subjects, inquiry learning insures the development of skills and competences which enable students to better understand natural occurrences and processes that surround them. Scientific approach in education encourages curiosity and develops inquisitive spirit in students of different age. During attendance of school biology subjects, students should learn about anatomy, ecology and development process of different vertebrates and frogs could be a model organism for studying amphibians which go through metamorphosis during their life cycle and have different adaptations characteristic for each life stage and living conditions. Inquiry learning facilitates understanding of complicated processes during metamorphoses and allows the students to see and study in person the anatomical changes that occur. This type of learning enables students to think in the “scientific way” and ask “scientific” questions related to observed phenomenon and recorded values, as well as how to present gathered data (e.g. charts), observations and conclusions. Students also develop the ability to create argument discussions about their results and conclusions. Inquiry learning can correlate and integrate cognition of different school subjects and thus contribute to the development of students’ conceptual way thinking and reasoning


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    Fitofilna zajednica na Myriophyllum spicatum proučavana je u malom umjetnom jezeru u gradu Osijeku (istočna Hrvatska) tijekom proljetne i ljetne sezone 2010. godine. U eutrofnim uvjetima makrofitni su bili dobro razvijeni, a na formiranom perifitonu zabilježeni su predstavnici slijedećih vrsta beskralješnjaka: Hidrozoa, Nematoda, Gastropoda, Cladocera, Copepoda, larve Insecta - uključujući i obitelji Chironomidae i Coleoptera. Pokazivali su razlike u vremenskim oblicima pojavljivanja. Zabilježili smo dvije zasebne faze u kolonizaciji makrofita s razlikama u sastavu i obilju beskralježnjaka. Larve insekata, osobito Chironomidae-a, bili su najrasprostranjeniji u prvoj fazi, tijekom proljetnog razdoblja, a Hydra oligactis (smeđa hidra) bila je u izobilju u drugoj fazi, tj. ljetnom razdoblju. Istodobno, obilje mikrorakušaca opadao je prema kraju ljeta. Rezultati analiza pokazali su da su temperatura vode i perifitonska biomasa bile varijable koje su imale glavni utjecaj na sastav beskralježnjaka, a zanimljivo je da su makrofitska veličina i biomasa negativno povezani s obiljem faune. S druge strane, smeđa hidra negativno je bila povezana sa svim ostalim beskralježnjačkim svojstvima, osim gastropoda. Veća površina uronjenih makrofita glavni je parametar koji pomaže povećanju obilja beskralješnjaka zbog osiguranja zaštite od grabežljivaca i rasta perifitona, važnog izvora hrane za ove fitofilne organizme. Duljina makrofita bila je pozitivno povezana s bogatstvom hidre, dok su Chironomidi bili više pod utjecajem perifitonske biomase. Ovi organizmi mogu ukazivati na kakvoću vode i potencijalno povećanje primarne i sekundarne proizvodnjePhytophilous community on Myriophyllum spicatum was studied in a small artificial urban lake in the city of Osijek (eastern Croatia), during the spring and summer season in 2010. In the eutrophic conditions, macrophyte stands were well developed and in the formed periphyton representatives of the following invertebrate taxa were found: Hydrozoa, Nematoda, Gastropoda, Cladocera, Copepoda, Insecta larvae - including families Chironomidae and Coleoptera. They displayed differences in temporal abundance patterns. Two separate phases in macrophyte colonization with differences in invertebrate composition and abundance were recorded. Insect larvae, particularly Chironomidae, were most abundant in the first phase, through the spring period, and Hydra oligactis (brown hydra) was most abundant in the second phase, i.e. summer period. Concurrently, microcrustacean abundance declined towards the end of the summer. Results of the analyses indicated that water temperature and perihyton biomass were the variables exerting the main influence on the invertebrate assemblage, while interestingly, macrophyte size and biomass were negatively correlated with most of the fauna abundance. On the other hand, brown hydra was negatively correlated with all other invertebrate taxa, except gastropods. Larger surface of submersed macrophytes is the main parameter supporting the increase of invertebrate abundance due to providing protection from predators and growth for periphyton, an important food source for these phytophilous organisms. Macrophyte length was positively correlated with Hydra abundance, while Chironomids were more influenced by periphyton biomass. These organisms can indicate water quality conditions and a potential increase in primary and secondary production

    Phylogeography of Simulium Subgenus Wilhelmia (Diptera: Simuliidae)-Insights From Balkan Populations.

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    Many morphologically similar species of the simuliid (Diptera: Simuliidae) subgenus Wilhelmia, Enderlein are difficult to distinguish. Thus, the revision of the subgenus using various morphological, cytogenetic, and genetic analyses has been attempted. Neglected until now, the Balkan Peninsula, a crossroad between Europe and Anatolia, provides insight which could resolve problematic interrelationships of the taxa within this subgenus. To uncover the status and relations within the subgenus Wilhelmia, mtDNA was extracted from 47 individuals of six morphospecies: Simulium balcanicum (Enderlein, 1924), Simulium turgaicum Rubtsov, 1940, Simulium lineatum (Meigen, 1804), Simulium pseudequinum Séguy, 1921, Simulium equinum (Linnaeus, 1758), and Simulium paraequinum Puri, 1933 from 21 sites throughout the Balkan Peninsula. Phylogenetic analysis of the Wilhelmia species using mitochondrial DNA barcoding (COI) gene showed two major branches, the lineatum branch, which includes the lineages sergenti, paraequinum, and lineatum, and the equinum branch. In the equinum branch, the mtDNA sequences formed six clades, with high genetic distances, suggesting the existence of different species. Historically, the clades of the equinum branch appeared at numerous islands, perhaps as a result of allopatric speciation. The paraequinum lineage (lineatum branch) is composed of two species. However, six clades of the lineatum lineage overlapped with intra- and interspecific genetic distances. Our results revealed that the species S. balcanicum, S. pseudequinum B, and S. equinum were omnipresent in the Balkans. The results point to not only the fair diversity of Wilhelmia species in the Balkans, but also indicate that most Wilhelmia species live in sympatry

    Community concordance in lotic ecosystems: How to establish unbiased congruence between macroinvertebrate and fish communities

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    Community concordance within aquatic biota could provide useful information for improving the methods used in bioassessment and biodiversity conservation management. The main goal of the study was to investigate the mechanism of community concordance between macroinvertebrates and fish in a single river basin (South Morava river Basin, Serbia). In order to achieve this, a Self organizing map (SOM) ordinated and classified sampling sites based on the community structures of five different taxa groups (macroinveretbrates (MIB), fish (FSH), Chironomidae (CHI), Macroinvertebrates without Chironomidae (MWC) and the Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichioptera group (EPT)). SOM also revealed 6 environmental gradients along the groups tested that significantly changed their community structures. Using the results of the SOM analysis as the input, the Mantel test quantified the highest community concordance between FSH and MIB (r = 0.42) followed by FSH and CHI (r = 0.29). The lowest concordance was recorded between FSH and EPT (r = 0.14). The indicator species analysis (IndVal) revealed 39 species to be responsible for the community patterns obtained. The Geo-SOM visualized the spatial distribution of the IndVal taxa, revealing the generators of community concordance. The strength of community concordance depends on the variability of the data on the aquatic biota. Thus, having an appropriate sampling and statistical design as well as high taxonomic resolution, as some of the factors which increase the variability in the data set, could present community concordance between fish and macroinvertebrates in an unbiased way.Ecological Indicators (2017), 83: 474-48

    Diversity of Periphytic Chironomidae on Different Substrate Types in a Floodplain Aquatic Ecosystem

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    Different types of water bodies in lowland river floodplains represent vital biodiversity havens and encompass diverse microhabitats, which are essential for structuring different macroinvertebrate communities. Chironomidae larvae (Diptera) are an inseparable part of these communities, with their high richness and abundance. In three water body types within the Danube floodplain Kopački Rit in Croatia, over the course of four sampling campaigns, we recorded 51 chironomid taxa in periphyton on macrophytes, twigs, and glass slides. The most diverse were chironomid communities on macrophytes, whilst month-old periphyton on twigs supported the least taxa. Cricotopus gr. sylvestris, Dicrotendipes lobiger, Dicrotendipes spp., Endochironomus albipennis, Glyptotendipes pallens agg., Polypedilum sordens and Polypedilum spp. were present in all studied microhabitats. The type of substrate is a very important factor influencing Chironomidae diversity and abundance, which was evident in the presence and dominance of Corynoneura gr. scutellata and Monopelopia tenuicalcar in the dense macrophyte canopy epiphyton. Finding pristine floodplains such as Kopački Rit can be very challenging, as such areas are increasingly altered by human activities. Studies of resident species and the extent to which changes in the parent river influence floodplain communities are important for the protection and restoration of the floodplains

    Colonisation of temporary macrophyte substratum by midges (Chironomidae: Diptera)

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    This study investigates a phytophylous community of Chironomidae larvae on the submerged plant species Myriophyllum spicatum L. in a eutrophic lake (Lake Sakadaš, Danube floodplain area in Croatia) during summer 2004. This macrophyte species appeared for the first time in the lake in 2004, lasted approximately three months and was considered as a temporary habitat. The chironomid community was very abundant in the stands of this macrophyte species, which developed at three sites. The recorded species belong to three subfamilies: Chironominae (Chironomini and Tanytarsini), Orthocladiinae and Tanypodinae. Species composition varied in time, though Orthocladiinae with their representative Cricotopus sylvestris gr. dominated throughout the entire sampling period, accounting for approx. 60% of the total community. However, the presence of this species group experienced a marked drop to only 10% in September when Chironomini larvulae and Paratanytarsus sp. prevailed. Furthermore, the share of Endochironomus albipennis (Meigen 1830) in relation to other species was also consistently higher. NMDS ordination and cluster analysis separated three main colonization periods based on larval abundance. RDA analysis indicated the influence of environmental variables, especially Secchi depth, macrophyte dry weight, depth and water temperature, on chironomid community structure