7 research outputs found

    An Approach to Modeling Information System Specifications based on Domain Specific Languages

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    A DSL for EER Data Model Specification

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    In this paper we present a domain specific language (DSL) for Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) data model approach, named EERDSL. EERDSL is a part of our Multi-Paradigm Information System Modeling Tool (MIST) that provides EER database schema specification at the conceptual level and its transformation into a relational data model, or a class model. EERDSL modeling concepts are specified by Ecore, one of the commonly used approaches to create meta-models. In the paper we present both textual and graphical notations of EERDSL. Since only few modeling constraints may be described at the level of abstract syntax, we use Object Constraint Language (OCL) to specify complex validation rules for EER models

    The activity concentrations 40-K, 137-Cs, 210-Pb and effective dose of ingestion of the radionuclides in selected medicinal herbs from the region of Majdanpek

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    Lekovite biljke imaju dugu istoriju upotrebe širom sveta u tradicionalnoj medicini. MeĎutim, njihova upotreba, kao i upotreba biljnih proizvoda mora se kontrolisati,kako bi se izbegla pojava neţeljenih efekata na zdravlje ljudi. Specifične aktivnosti radionuklida 40K, 137Cs i 210Pb u uzorcima lekovitih biljaka izmerenesu pomoću poluprovodničkog HPGe spektrometarskog sistema, na osnovu čega je odreĎena prosečna godišnja efektivna doza ingestije za odrasle koji piju dnevno 200 ml čaja pripremljenog od lekovitih biljaka. U radu je prikazana radiološka analiza 7 odabranih lekovitih biljaka sa područja Majdanpeka. Dobijene vrednosti za efektivnu dozu ingestije slične su vrednostima objavljenim u drugim studijama i manje su od 100 μSv, što upućuje na zaključak da svakodnevna upotreba čajeva od analiziranih lekovitih biljaka sa područja Majdanpeka ne predstavlja značajan radiološki rizik po zdravlje.Medicinal plants have a long history in traditional medicine worldwide. However, their use, as well as the use of plant products, must be controlled in order to avoid the occurrence of undesirable effects on human health. Specific activities of radionuclides 40K, 137Cs and 210Pb in samples of medicinal plants were measured using a semi-conductor HPGe spectrometer system. The average annual effective dose for adults due to daily ingestion of 200 ml herbal infusion prepared from medicinal plants is determined. In this paper a radiological analysis of 7 selected medicinal plants from the area of Majdanpekis presented. The values obtained for an effective dose of ingestion are similar to the values published in other studies and are less than 100 μSv, suggesting that the daily use of herbal infusions from analyzed medicinal plants from the Majdanpek area does not represent a significant radiological health riskProceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    The activity concentrations 40-K, 137-Cs, 210-Pb and effective dose of ingestion of the radionuclides in selected medicinal herbs from the region of Majdanpek

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    Lekovite biljke imaju dugu istoriju upotrebe širom sveta u tradicionalnoj medicini. MeĎutim, njihova upotreba, kao i upotreba biljnih proizvoda mora se kontrolisati,kako bi se izbegla pojava neţeljenih efekata na zdravlje ljudi. Specifične aktivnosti radionuklida 40K, 137Cs i 210Pb u uzorcima lekovitih biljaka izmerenesu pomoću poluprovodničkog HPGe spektrometarskog sistema, na osnovu čega je odreĎena prosečna godišnja efektivna doza ingestije za odrasle koji piju dnevno 200 ml čaja pripremljenog od lekovitih biljaka. U radu je prikazana radiološka analiza 7 odabranih lekovitih biljaka sa područja Majdanpeka. Dobijene vrednosti za efektivnu dozu ingestije slične su vrednostima objavljenim u drugim studijama i manje su od 100 μSv, što upućuje na zaključak da svakodnevna upotreba čajeva od analiziranih lekovitih biljaka sa područja Majdanpeka ne predstavlja značajan radiološki rizik po zdravlje.Medicinal plants have a long history in traditional medicine worldwide. However, their use, as well as the use of plant products, must be controlled in order to avoid the occurrence of undesirable effects on human health. Specific activities of radionuclides 40K, 137Cs and 210Pb in samples of medicinal plants were measured using a semi-conductor HPGe spectrometer system. The average annual effective dose for adults due to daily ingestion of 200 ml herbal infusion prepared from medicinal plants is determined. In this paper a radiological analysis of 7 selected medicinal plants from the area of Majdanpekis presented. The values obtained for an effective dose of ingestion are similar to the values published in other studies and are less than 100 μSv, suggesting that the daily use of herbal infusions from analyzed medicinal plants from the Majdanpek area does not represent a significant radiological health riskProceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Activity concentrations of 137Cs, 40K, and 210Pb radionuclides in selected medicinal herbs from Central Serbia and their effective dose due to ingestion

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    Specific activity of 137Cs, 40K, and 210Pb radionuclides in fifteen selected medicinal herbs from three locations in Central Serbia (two mountains, Kopaonik and Zlatar, and a valley, Sokobanja) was measured using two semiconductor HPGe spectrometer systems. The obtained values are in intervals (<0.3 ÷ 9.7) Bq/kg, (<0.2 ÷ 24.7) Bq/kg, and (<0.2 ÷ 5.7) Bq/kg for 137Cs; in intervals (125 ÷ 1100) Bq/kg, (104 ÷ 872) Bq/kg, and (103 ÷ 954) Bq/kg for 40K, and in intervals (3.6 ÷ 49.0) Bq/kg, (3.9 ÷ 57.9) Bq/kg, and (2.8 ÷ 103) Bq/kg for 210Pb, for herbs from Kopaonik, Sokobanja and Zlatar, respectively. The highest activity measured in individual herbs was: 24.7 Bq/kg for 137Cs (Sokobanja valley), 1100 Bq/kg for 40K (Mt. Kopaonik) and 103 Bq/kg for 210Pb (Mt. Zlatar). The corresponding individual annual effective doses due to ingestion calculated from the measured activity concentrations, of the radionuclides are: in intervals (<1.7 ÷ 82.9) nSv, (<1.4 ÷ 211) nSv, and (<1.1 ÷ 48.7) nSv for 137Cs; in intervals (0.76 ÷ 4.5) μSv, (0.64 ÷ 4.4) μSv, and (0.63 ÷ 4.9) μSv for 40K, and in intervals (1.1 ÷ 18.2) μSv, (1.3 ÷ 21.6) μSv, (0.9 ÷ 38.3) μSv for 210Pb, respectively. The specific activity concentration values of 137Cs and 40K obtained for the investigated herbs are similar to the literature data, while no information was found in literature about specific activity concentration of 210Pb. The all values obtained for individual annual effective dose due to ingestion are less than 100 μSv, which means that the daily use of 200 mL of herbal infusion during a year made from the investigated herbs does not represent a radiological risk for health. However, a high individual annual effective dose of ingestion of 210Pb obtained for some herbs indicate that their consumption in larger amounts 2–3 cups of infusion daily over a year could make the dose to exceed the recommended level, and points to necessity for extensive investigation of 210Pb activity concentration worldwide. © 2019 Elsevier B.V