14 research outputs found


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    Príspevok sa zaoberá porovnaním vybraných ukazovateľov prepravnej charakteristiky železničných nákladných vozňov, ktoré môže byť užitočné z pohľadu dopravcov ako aj prepravcov. Medzi vybrané ukazovatele sme zaradili vlastné ukazovatele a ukazovatele maximálneho zaťaženia. Výpočty vychádzajú z východiskových ukazovateľov ložnej kapacity a základných technických údajov o vozňoch.The paper deals with the comparison of selected parameters of freight wagons, which could be useful for carriers and shippers. The selected indicators include own indicators and maximum loading capacity. Calculations are based on primary parameters of loading capacity and basic technical data of wagons

    Methodology of Comparing the Carbon Footprint in Means of Rail Passenger Transport: Case Study in the Slovak Republic on the Žilina - Rajec Railway Line

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    Today, the transport of people and goods is an integral part of every country. For passengers and customers, the price and time of transport are dominant. Today, very few passengers and customers look at the ecological side of transport. The ecological side of transport is represented by various parameters and one of them, which is addressed in this article is the carbon footprint. The main task of the presented article is to create a methodology for comparing the carbon footprint on the Žilina - Rajec railway line. It is a non-electrified line of local significance. The comparison consists in the electrification of the line and the subsequent deployment of electrical units. The main task of the presented article is to create a methodology for comparing the carbon footprint on the Žilina - Rajec railway line. It is a non-electrified line of local significance. The comparison consists in the electrification of the line and the subsequent deployment of electrical units. The aim is to determine the advantage of electrification of this line from an ecological point of view based on this parameter. At the same time, it is possible to point out the beneficial effects of the use of rail transport in the long run for the environment


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    Operatívne riadenie vlakovej dopravy si vyžaduje kvalitnú informačnú podporu. Všetky operatívne kroky sú naviazané na informácie, ktoré majú všetky kompetentné osoby k dispozícii a môžu z nimi pracovať. Príspevok predstavuje novú aplikáciu v podmienkach manažéra infraštruktúry (ŽSR), ktorá je prioritne určená pre výpravcov. V súčasných podmienkach majú prehľad len o vlastnej stanici a priľahlých medzistaničných úsekoch. Pripravovaná aplikácia umožňuje získať prehľad nielen v najbližšom okolí vlastnej stanice, ale aj vo vybraných traťových úsekoch podľa voľby každého používateľa.Operational management of rail transport requires high-quality information support. All operational decisions are linked to information that is available to all competent persons and can work for them. The paper represents a new application in the conditions of the Infrastructure Manager (ŽSR), which is primarily intended for station dispatchers. Nowadays, they have overview only on their station and adjacent intersections. The prepared application allows you to get an overview not only in the vicinity of your own station but also in the selected route sections at the discretion of each user

    Bewertung der Eisenbahnstation für den systematischen Wagensatz auf dem Eisenbahnnetz

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    Paper submitted the evaluation of the railway stations by the multi criterions evaluation. The resulting indicator is characterized station as weight point in the valuation graph. The evaluation of stations is a very important element in determining investment in technical equipment stations using technology for time-discrete train formation on railway network.Príspevok poskytuje pohl'ad na hodnotenie železničných staníc multikriteriálnym prístupom. Výsledné ukazovatele charakterizujú vlakotvornú stanicu ako hodnotiacu váhu pre vlakotvornú stanicu. Hodnotenie staníc je vhodné využiť pri investovaní do technického vybavenia staníc pri vytváraní časovo diskrétnej vlakotvorby na železničnej sieti.Der Artikel legt die Bewertung der Eisenbahnstation mit der Benützung der multikriterialen Methode vor. Der resultierende Index charakterisiert die Station als den Punkt mit dem Gewicht an dem Wertgraph. Die Stationswertung ist sehr wichtiges Element für die Investitionsbestimmung in der technischen Ausstattung. Es benützt die Technologie für den zeitgeteilten Wagensatz auf dem Eisenbahnnetz


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    The market for rail services in EU countries has long been inaccessible to the private sector. Transport services were provided by national carriers, which led to the prevention of participation in fair and non-discriminatory competition in the provision of rail transport services. The main goal of customers of transport services in the public interest as well as providers of transport services is to provide transport services in the public interest and to increase the occupancy of individual connections as much as possible. The more passengers will travel on a given route, the higher the revenue the route will have and therefore it will not be necessary to require more funds from public budgets. It is necessary to analyze the overall development in the operation of rail passenger transport, including the entry of private carriers into the infrastructure of the Železnice Slovenskej republiky. Based on the knowledge of the current situation, it is necessary to take measures to achieve compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 1370/2007, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of Slovak Republic. The paper characterizes the current state of organizing public tenders in the Slovak Republic and their course and proposes the gradual steps of the public tender in the form of a schedule. An important point of the whole process of the organization of the public tender is the correct setting of competencies, determination of the subject of the public tender and, last but not least, to propose a uniform methodology of the public tender, which may, however, vary in individual states due to the conditions of national legislation. Part of the unified methodology is the determination of the phases of the public tender process, which are part of the schedule of the public tender. The schedule of the public tender shows the entire cycle, resp. the duration of each phase of the tender for each proposed group of measures taken.Trh služieb železničnej dopravy v krajinách EÚ bol dlhodobo neprístupný súkromnému sektoru. Dopravné služby boli poskytované národnými dopravcami, čo viedlo k zamedzeniu podieľania sa na spravodlivej a nediskriminačnej hospodárskej súťaži pri poskytovaní dopravných služieb železničnej dopravy. Hlavným cieľom objednávateľov dopravných služieb vo verejnom záujme ako aj poskytovateľov dopravných služieb je zaistiť dopravné služby vo verejnom záujme, a v čo najväčšej miere zvýšiť obsadenosť jednotlivých spojov. Čím viac cestujúcich bude na danom spoji cestovať, tým budú väčšie tržby na danom spoji a teda nebude potrebné vyžadovať viac financií z verejných rozpočtov. Preto je potrebné analyzovať celkový vývoj v oblasti prevádzkovania železničnej osobnej dopravy, vrátane vstupu súkromných dopravcov na infraštruktúru Železníc Slovenskej republiky. Na základe poznania súčasného stavu je potrebné prijať opatrenia na dosiahnutie naplnenia požiadaviek Nariadenia (ES) 1370/2007, ktoré koordinuje MDV SR. Príspevok charakterizuje aktuálny stav organizovania verejných súťaží v SR a ich priebeh, a navrhuje postupné kroky verejnej súťaže formou časového harmonogramu. Dôležitým bodom celého procesu organizácie verejnej súťaže je správne nastavenie kompetencií, určenie predmetu verejnej súťaže a v neposlednom rade navrhnúť jednotnú metodiku priebehu verejnej súťaže, ktorá sa však môže meniť v jednotlivých štátoch vzhľadom na podmienky národnej legislatívy. Súčasťou jednotnej metodiky je určenie fáz procesu verejnej súťaže, ktoré sú súčasťou časového harmonogramu verejnej súťaže. Časový harmonogram verejnej súťaže zobrazuje celý cyklus, resp. trvanie jednotlivých fáz verejnej súťaže pre každú navrhovanú skupinu prijatých opatrení


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    The article deals with the study, which is based on the expertise of the UIC work group GALILEO applications for rail. The power of using the satellite navigation technology in the railway system results from its combination with other technologies. The GALILEO technology provides an impressive potential for applications in the railway system

    Determining the dependence of supplementary charges in the ZSSK CARGO tariff in the context of the customer approach, competitiveness, and globalization

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    Research background: The article deals with the study of the dependencies of selected supplementary charges in rail freight transport. In the environment of a globalized society, it is very important that railway undertakings maintain their competitiveness in an open market. The article is part of a case study that deals with the development of pricing. The research was primarily focused on the structure and development of the price of supplementary charges in the years 2004 – 2020 at Železničná Spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, j. s. c. Purpose of the article: Based on two selected supplementary charges, and the hypothesis of whether or not the development of their price is dependent will be verified by means of regression analysis. The aim of the research is to point out of the disproportionate increase in the prices of supplementary charge, which form a significant part of the calculation of the price for transportation. And for most customers it is a priority for the price of transport. Methods: The article will use a simple regression analysis according to the relationships depending on the type of dependence used (linear, polynomial, ...) Findings & Value added: The results of the research can help to better set the structure of supplementary charges. The goal of the company should be a satisfied customer and a dominant market share

    Traffic Potential Evaluation of the Regions in the Context of Rail Passenger Transport – A Case for Slovak Republic

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    The contribution includes the necessity to analyse the potential of the regions in terms of rail passenger transport. The main research goal is to propose a new concept of determination and evaluation of the particu-lar factors, which evaluate the region potential. Several research methods are used in research, for example the brainstorming methods, methods of expert estimate, and especially point evaluation method. Firstly, the factors influencing the traffic potential are defined and exam-ined. Secondly, specific ways of monitoring and evaluat-ing particular factors are proposed. The research results form the basis of a new methodology for traffic potential determination in regions. Subsequently the mentioned methodology is applied in practice to the selected region-al railway line in Slovak Republic. The potential of this region is expressed by coefficient values of the chosen factors. For example, coefficient of the number of inhab-itants is 2.69 and the average value of the adjacent co-efficient of the railway stations and stops availability is 1.92. The details are explained in the fourth chapter. The proposals and outputs including practical application represent a new innovative way for region evaluation which has so far not been used anywhere. It can help plan and organise traffic service in the regions