23 research outputs found

    Teacher burnout syndrome

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    Kao produkt kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih istraživanja sindroma izgaranja koja su obavili Maslačova i saradnici, nastala je skala MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory), na koju se većina kasnijih istraživača oslanjala za potrebe svojih empirijskih istraživanja. Na osnovu svojih istraživanja, ona je definisala ovaj sindrom u tri osnovne dimenzije-iscrpljenost, depersonalizacija i smanjeno lično postignuće na poslu. Kad je reč o učiteljskom i nastavničkom poslu u školi, model izgaranja pre svega uključuje zahteve koji se odnose na uloge koje oni ostvaruju, kao i posledice koje se ispoljavaju u vidu simptoma mentalno-emocionalne iscrpljenosti. Pošto nastavnik u svom procesu rada, pored izvođenja nastave koja podrazumeva veliko intelektualno angažovanje, stalno uspostavlja odnose sa drugim osobama kojima treba da pruži pomoć i podršku (učenici, kolege, drugo školsko osoblje, roditelji učenika), on pri tome ispoljava različite uloge i angažuje različite aspekte svoje ličnosti, što ga vrlo često dovodi u konfliktne situacije, zahteva povećanu odgovornost, emocionalno naprezanje i stres, tako da to u dužem vremenskom periodu može dovesti do sindroma izgaranja. Pored toga, kao najvažniji izvori stresa i sindroma izgaranja na poslu kod učitelja i nastavnika, prema većini istraživanja, navode se i sledeći faktori: loše ponašanje učenika, prevelika količina posla, loše radno okruženje, nejednako radno opterećenje (u toku nedelje, meseca, školske godine), izvestan broj školskih aktivnosti koje se obavljaju kod kuće, rad u smenama, neophodna taktičnost i strpljenje u radu s učenicima i njihovim roditeljima.Based on Maslach-and-ass.s' qualitative and quantitative research the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was devised, on which later researchers relied in their empirical research. Maslach defined the syndrome across three dimensions - exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal professional attainment. When it comes to school teaching, the burnout model includes primarily the requirements related to the roles the teachers perform, as well as the consequences evident in the form of mental-emotional exhaustion. Since the teacher, along with performing teaching which requires considerable intellectual effort, has also to permanently keep establish­ing relationships with other persons to whom he/she is expected to provide assistance and support (students, colleagues, other school personnel, students' parents), takes different roles and engages different aspects of his/her personality, which frequently leads to conflict situations and which, in the long run, can lead to burnout syndrome. Along with the above, according to research, the most important sources of stress and burnout syndrome among teachers are the following factors: students' misbehaviour, too much work, inadequate work environment, unequally distributed workload (within a week, month, academic year), considerable amount of professional activities performed at home, work in shifts, and tact-fulness and patience that are required at all times when working with students or their parents

    Stress and psychological trauma in workplace and the right to compensation for non-material damage

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    Mnoge zemlje nastoje da putem zakona i drugih propisa povećaju bezbednost i zaštite zdravlje zaposlenih, ali u tome još uvek u potpunosti ne uspevaju, naročito kada je u pitanju mentalno zdravlje na radnom mestu. U ovom radu se analizira problem stresa i psihičke traume u radnom okruženju kod nas, pri čemu se posebna pažnja obraća na zakonsku regulativu i probleme nadoknade nematerijalne štete u sudskom postupku. Na osnovu praktičnog iskustva i analize zakonskih rešenja u našoj zemlji, postavljaju se pitanja da li se traumatska stresna reakcija, koja se dogodila na poslu, može tretirati kao povreda na radu i da li se posledice hroničnog stresa i psihičke traume, nastale na radnom mestu, mogu uklopiti u pojam bolesti u vezi sa radom. Shodno savremenim saznanjima o traumatskom stresu, ima osnova da se ekstremni stres i psihička trauma na radnom mestu posmatraju kao nematerijalna šteta, koju treba kompenzovati saglasno opštim pravilima odštetnog prava.Many countries today are making efforts through legal measures, security enhancements and health protection to improve living and working conditions and to neutralise especially growing risks of mental health impairment in the workplace. In this paper, we are focused on the problem of traumatic stress in the working environment, giving special attention to the legislation and problems of compensation of non-material damage in court. Based on practical experience and analysis of legal provisions in our country, the questions whether the traumatic stress reaction, which occurred at work can be treated as an injury in the workplace and whether the effects of chronic stress and psychological trauma in the workplace, can fit into the concept of 'work-related illnesses' are raised. According to recent findings about traumatic stress, there is a reasonable basis for the belief that extreme stress and psychological trauma in the workplace could be considered as non-material damage, which should be compensated in accordance with the basic regulations of the Law of Compensation


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    Plenty of space in psychological literature was dedicated to professional orientation of students, where the role of school, peers, parents, material and social factors was more studied while the role of personality traits, goals, expectations, personal and social values was studied less. This paper is focused on preference of personal and social values that we have defined as certain goals which are important within the context of choice of faculty, and thus, the future profession. We used two lists of goals - 18 personal and 18 social, which were applied to the sample of 497 high school graduates, where the sample consisted of 37,4% boys and 62,6%  girls. The study was conducted in the field, at the end of 2014/2015 school year, within standard school conditions. Preference and level of goal importance the respondents expressed by giving only one answer for each personal and social value at the 5-point Likert- type scale, which enabled application of descriptive statistics methods, correlation and discriminant analysis in statistical data processing. The study results show that there are significant differences in preference of certain goals, as well as relation between importance of goals with expectations for achieving them through choice of faculty and future profession. Also, there is relation between the level of desire for doing the preferred profession and level of expectations that one may achieve his/her goals through the profession.  In addition, it is shown that there are significant differences in the level of accepting certain goals as values, where more importance is given to personal than to social values, which is verified by validity of the author’s initial attitude that personal and social values should be separately studied, as they have different importance for professional orientation of young people.  Article visualizations

    The possibility of the cyberspace impact on career decision-making progress

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    Nedostatak spremnosti uključivanja u proces odlučivanja smatra se jednom od najznačajnijih poteškoća u donošenju odluka o karijeri. U ovom radu govori se o mogućnosti uticaja sajber prostora na donošenje odluka o karijernom napredovanju, jer je on postao deo svakodnevnog životnog okruženja. Cilj rada jeste da se, na osnovu rezultata istraživanja opisanih u literaturi, utvrdi mogućnost izvođenja prijateljskih operacija uticaja iz sajber prostora, zasnovanih na psihološkim teorijama, radi uticaja na donošenje odluka o karijernom napredovanju. U radu je utvrđeno postojanje teorijskih osnova i rezultata praktičnih istraživanja koji ukazuju na moguće načine izvođenja operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora na donošenje odluke o karijernom napredovanju. Na osnovu toga, predložena je definicija prijateljske operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora. Ukazano je na značaj pojma sajber ličnost u procesu izbora ciljne grupe operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora i na njegovu ulogu u stvaranju uslova za izvođenje operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora za potrebe hibridnog ratovanja.Human resources play an important role in the life cycle of any organization and in its interaction with the external environment. The disadvantages and advantages of the internal environment are mainly manifested through the part of human resources that directly affects the behavior of the organization. Proper staff selection and career management directly affect the organization, its internal environment and position in the external environment. Employee career management also means creating an environment in which individuals make decisions about career advancement. Lack of willingness to engage in the decision-making process is considered one of the most significant difficulties in making career decisions. In the last ten years, the modern environment for living and working has inevitably encountered cyberspace. The most significant and influential forms of cyberspace in real life are the Internet, social networks and mobile phones. Mobile phones provide Internet access to customers anywhere and anytime, while the Internet provides access to social networks. The average cyberspace user has access to a large amount of data and information that can disrupt or slow him down in decision-making, and even in the career decision process. Social network users have the opportunity to be informed in real time about important events in the environment, as well as about the activities and reactions of important people that can influence their behavior. The subject of this paper is the possibility of the cyberspace influence on career decision because cyberspace has become a part of everyday living space. The aim of this paper was, based on the results of research described in the literature, to determine the possibility of performing friendly influence operations from cyberspace, based on psychological theories, in order to influence decision-making on career advancement. The paper confirms that cyberspace can be used to influence the career decision by performing friendly influence operations based on psychological theories of decision - making and influence. Friendly influence operations in cyberspace are defined as activities of individuals or organizations in cyberspace consciously aimed at trying to change the attitudes and behavior of individuals, small or large groups of people in order to achieve their or their well-being work and / or living environment. The Theory of Planned Behavior has been proposed as a theoretical basis for achieving a friendly influence operation. As the most appropriate ways of approaching the target group of the influence operation on career decision in cyberspace, e-mail is proposed in the paper for submitting personalized affirmative material on career advancement in electronic form, and sending informative and so-called social messages via social networks. The importance of the term cyber personality in the process of selecting the target group of cyberspace impact operations and its role in creating conditions for performing cyberspace impact operations for the needs of hybrid warfare is pointed out

    Coach-athlete relationship as a predictor of team's collective efficacy

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    Kolektivna efikasnost tima je aspekt grupne dinamike koji može biti posebno značajan kada je u pitanju uspeh sportskog tima, zato što pokazuje kako tim funkcioniše kao celina, kao i koliko članovi tima pojedinačno dele uverenja da mogu biti uspešni u izvršavanju određenih zadataka. U ovom istraživanju analizirali smo konstrukt kolektivne efikasnosti u sportskim uslovima i njegovu povezanost s drugim važnim konstruktom - kvalitetom odnosa između sportiste i trenera, posmatrano iz perspektive sportiste. Percepcija i meta-percepcija odnosa između trenera i sportiste od strane sportiste je operacionalizovana ukupnim skorovima na upitniku CART-Q, verzija za sportiste (Jowett & Ntoumanis 2004), dok je uverenje o kolektivnoj efikasnosti tima operacionalizovano ukupnim skorom na upitniku CEQ (Feltz & Rigg 1998). Uzorak ispitanika je obuhvatio 136 sportista, starosti od 14 do 38 godina, iz 9 različitih prvoligaških sportskih klubova u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je percepcija odnosa između sportiste i trenera od strane sportiste značajan prediktor uverenja u kolektivnu efikasnost. Oni sportisti koji svoj odnos sa trenerom procenjuju kao harmoničan - blizak, posvećen i komplementaran, uvereniji su u kolektivnu efikasnost tima od sportista koji svoj odnos sa trenerom procenjuju kao manje harmoničan.Collective efficacy of a team is an aspect of group dynamics which can be very important for the team's performance since it shows how the team works as a unit and how much each member believes in the team's capacities to organize and carry out actions so as to reach a goal. The following study is an analysis of the construct of collective efficacy in sports situations and its correlation with another important construct in sport psychology - the quality of coach-athlete relationship viewed from the perspective of an athlete. Self-perception and meta-perception of the coach-athlete relationship from the athlete's point of view is measured by means of the athlete version of the CART-Q (The Coach- Athlete Relationship Questionnaire, Jowett & Ntoumanis, 2004), whereas belief in collective efficacy of the team is measured by the CEQ (Collective Efficacy Questionnaire, Feltz & Rigg, 1998). The sample comprises 136 athletes from the age of 14 to 38, who are members of Serbia's top nine teams. The findings of this study confirm the hypothesis that the athlete's perception of the coach-athlete relationship predicts athlete's beliefs in collective efficacy. The athletes who assessed the relationship with their coach as harmonious (close, committed and complementary) had stronger belief in the team's collective efficacy than the athletes who qualified the relationship as less harmonious.

    Organizational identification, commitment and orientations of professional military personnel

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    Uvod/Cilj. Sve vojne organizacije traže takve zaposlene koji će se zalagati za misiju organizacije i delovati odgovorno u smeru postizanja ciljeva operativnih i radnih grupa kojima pripadaju. U skladu s tim, primarni zadatak menadžmenta vojnih organizacija nije samo formiranje pripadnika koji bi bili posvećeni organizaciji već i oficira i vojnika koji se identifikuju sa organizacionom misijom. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita postojanje razlika u organizacionoj identifikaciji, predanosti organizaciji i organizacionim orijentacijama kod profesionalnih vojnih lica i lica zaposlenih u uslužnim i administrativnim delatnostima. Metode. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je ukupno 450 ispitanika - 150 profesionalnih pripadnika vojske, 150 zaposlenih u civilnom sektoru na uslužnim poslovima i 150 zaposlenih u civilnom sektoru na administrativnim poslovima. Za statističku obradu podataka korišćene su analiza varijanse i kanonička diskriminativna analiza. Rezultati. Profesionalna vojna lica odlikovao je visok stepen kako organizacione predanosti tako i organizacione identifikacije u poređenju sa zaposlenima u civilnom sektoru na uslužnim i administrativnim delatnostima. Kroz postupak kanoničke diskriminacione analize utvrđeno je da je profesionalna vojna lica od ostalih razlikovao visok stepen doživljaja sličnosti sa kolegama i visok stepen lojalnosti vojnoj organizaciji, kao ključnim aspektima organizacione identifikacije. Uz to, profesionalna vojna lica imala su izraženiju afektivnu privrženost organizaciji. Zaključak. Ljudski resursi predstavljaju ključ i glavni faktor konkurentske prednosti u kontekstu snažne konkurentnosti na polju vojno-odbrambene realnosti. S obzirom na to da su oni adaptibilniji i fleksibilniji, u poređenju sa tehnološko-strukturalnim resursima, visok stepen doživljaja sličnosti sa ostalim pripadnicima organizacije, izražena lojalnost i afektivna predanost organizaciji, u dobroj meri garantuju nove uspehe i napredak vojne organizacije.Background/Aim. All military organizations seek such employees who will advocate for the organization's mission and act responsibly in the direction of achieving the objectives of operational and working groups to which they belong. Accordingly, the primary task of the military organization management is not only the cultivation of the members who would be committed to the organization, but also the officers and soldiers who identify with the organizational mission. The aim of this study was to examine differences in organizational identification, commitment to the organization and organizational orientations of the professional military personnel and employees in service and administrative activities. Methods. The research sample consisted of 450 respondents, of whom 150 were professional soldiers, 150 civilian employees in the service sector and 150 employees in the civil sector in administration. For statistical analysis of the data, the analysis of variance and canonical discriminant analysis were used. Results. Professional military personnel was characterized by a high degree of both organizational commitment and organizational identification, compared with employees in the civil sector - service and administrative activities. Through the process of canonical discriminant analysis, it was found that the professional military personnel are different from the other personnel in the sense that they identify with their colleagues and they feel a high degree of loyalty to the military organization, as key aspects of organizational identification. In addition, professional military personnel have pronounced affective commitment to the organization. Conclusion. Human resources are the key and the essential factor of advantage in the context of strong competitiveness in the field of military defense's reality. Given that they are more adaptable and flexible, compared with the technological and structural resources, a high degree of experienced similarity with the other members of the organization, pronounced loyalty and affective commitment to the organization, to a large extent guarantee new successes and the progress of the military organization

    Psychophysiological foundations of workplace safety

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    U radu su predstavljene teorijske osnove bezbednosti ljudi u radnom okruženju posmatrane sa psihofiziološkog aspekta, kroz karakteristike i uticaj psihičkih procesa, osobina i stanja na bezbednost individue tokom rada. Imajući u vidu da je svaki čovek različit i da predstavlja svojstvenu i jedinstvenu individuu koja je strukturirana na poseban i specifičan način, poznavanje ljudskih psihofizioloških karakteristika predstavlja presudni faktor za profesionalnu bezbednost. Naime, osobine radnika kao što su individualne sposobnosti, karakterne crte ličnosti, volja, emocije, znanje, veštine, temperament itd. utiču na njihove postupke tokom procesa rada, praveći razliku u njihovom ponašanju i ishodu radnog procesa s aspekta bezbednosti. Kroz proučavanje čovekovih psihofizioloških osobina, tj. njegovih psihičkih osobina, procesa i ličnosti, moguće je u određenoj meri uticati na poboljšanje parametara bezbednosti na radnom mestu i efikasnog funkcionisanja sistema "čovek - proizvodno okruženje".This paper presents the theoretical background of human safety in a work environment from the psychophysiological perspective through basic characteristics and the impact of mental processes, traits, and conditions on an individual's safety during work. Considering that every person is different - a unique and distinctive individual structured in a specific manner - the knowledge of the psychophysiological characteristics of humans is crucial for professional safety. Specifically, worker traits such as individual abilities, personality traits, will, emotions, knowledge, skills, temperament, etc. affect their actions during work, creating a difference in their behaviour and the outcome of work in terms of safety. By studying the psychophysiological characteristics of humans, i.e. their personality and mental traits and processes, it is possible to a certain extent to influence the improvement of workplace safety parameters and the efficient functioning of the "humans-production setting" system

    Specifičnosti panike u vanrednim situacijama

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    Along with the progress of modern society in terms of material prosperity, democracy, political rights and personal freedoms, new threats arise and the risk factors that cause fear or panic, endanger the health, lead to psychological breakdown of the personality, and, exceptionally, to the loss of life. Anxiety, panic and threat to life are no longer rare - the tragic personal experiences, the tragedies of relatives and friends, terrorist attacks, military interventions etc., have become our daily reality. Psychology of the crowd is very interesting for studying. The panic stricken crowd radically changes in terms of human psyche, the total response and behavior; the flow of mental process gets its own characteristics. Instincts become the main regulators of individual and crowd behavior. Cognitive processes, aimed at identifying and categorizing the world are significantly weakened, the interaction between people becomes one-sided, while the rules and norms lose their regular function.Uporedo sa napretkom savremenog društva u pogledu materijalnog blagostanja, demokratije, političkih prava i ličnih sloboda, nastaju nove opasnosti i faktori rizika koji izazivaju strah, paniku, ugrožavaju zdravlje, dovode do psihološkog sloma ličnosti, a izuzetno i do gubitka života. Strepnja, panika i ugrožavanje života nisu više retki - tragični lični događaji, tragedije rođaka i prijatelja, teroristički napadi, vojne intervencije itd., postaju naša svakodnevna realnost. Psihologija grupe je veoma zanimljiva za izučavanje. U grupi zahvaćenoj panikom radikalno se menja ljudska psiha, ukupno reagovanje i ponašanje, a protok mentalnih procesa dobija svoje specifičnosti. Glavni regulatori ponašanja pojedinca i grupe postaju instinkti. Saznajni procesi, usmereni na prepoznavanje i kategorizaciju sveta bivaju znatno oslabljeni, interakcija među ljudima postaje jednostrana, dok pravila i norme gube svoju regularnu funkciju

    Personal traits and a sense of job-related stress in a military aviation crew

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    Uvod/Cilj. Ubrzane tehnološke i organizacione promene u mnogim zanimanjima dovode do porasta stresa na radu. Ove promene posebno su izražene u vojnoj avijaciji, tako da je u ovom istraživanju ispitivana povezanost samoprocene profesionalnog stresa kod letačkog osoblja tokom redovne trenažne obuke i određenih osobina ličnosti. Metode. Za ispitivanje faktora stresa na radu korišćen je modifikovani Cooper-ov upitnik, koji je prilagođen prema karakteristikama letačke profesije u vojnoj sredini. Osobine ličnosti ispitane su putem NEO-PI-R inventara ličnosti. Uzorak je obuhvatio 50 ispitanika (37 pilota i 13 članova drugog letačkog osoblja) zaposlenih u Vojsci Srbije. Ispitivanje je obavljeno tokom redovnih kontrolnih pregleda u Institutu za vazduhoplovnu medicinu, tokom 2007. godine. Statistička obrada podataka obuhvatila je deskriptivnu analizu, jednosmernu analizu varijanse i korelacionu analizu. Rezultati. Letačko osoblje u vojnoj avijaciji svoj posao doživljava kao vrlo stresan, pri čemu su najveću stresnu vrednost imali intrizički faktori posla (AS = 40,94) i uloga u organizaciji (AS = 39,92), dok je najmanji nivo stresa imao faktor međuljudski odnosi (AS = 29,98). Pokazano je, takođe, da neuroticizam, kao osobina ličnosti, i neke sociodemografske varijable (mlađi ispitanici, sa kraćim radnim stažom) značajno korelišu sa doživljajem profesionalnog stresa. Zaključak. Procena stresa i ispitivanje određenih osobina ličnosti može poslužiti kao osnova za razradu adekvatnih antistres programa i mera koje bi doprinele boljoj psihološkoj selekciji, adaptaciji, karijernom vođenju i organizaciji rada vojnih pilota i drugog letačkog osoblja.Background/Aim. Accelerated technological and organizational changes in numerous professions lead to increase in jobrelated stress. Since these changes are particularly common in military aviation, this study examined the way military aviation crew experiences job-related stress during a regular aviation drill, depending on particular social-demographic factors and personal traits. Methods. The modified Cooper questionnaire was used to examine the stress related factors at work. The questionnaire was adapted for the aviation crew in the army environment. Personal characteristics were examined using the NEO-PI-R personality inventory. The study included 50 examinees (37 pilots and 13 other crew members) employed in the Serbian Army. The studies were performed during routine physical examinations at the Institute for Aviation Medicine during the year 2007. Statistical analysis of the study results contained descriptive analysis, one-way analysis of variance and correlation analysis. Results. It was shown that army aviation crew works under high stress. The highest stress value had the intrinsic factor (AS = 40.94) and role in organisation (AS = 39.92), while the lowest one had the interpersonal relationship factor (AS = 29.98). The results also showed that some social-demographic variables (such as younger examinees, shorter working experience ) and neuroticism as a personality trait, were in correlation with job-related stress. Conclusion. Stress evaluation and certain personality characteristics examination can be used for the devalopment of the basic anti-stress programs and measures in order to achieve better psychological selection, adaptation career leadership and organization of military pilots and other crew members