6 research outputs found

    Recognition of Vehicle Class in Image

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    Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je rozpoznať typ vozidla z obrazu pomocou neurónových sietí. Vozidlá sú rozdelené na šesť typov a to konkrétne - osobné auto, malá dodávka, dodávka, nákladné auto, kamión a autobus. Dátová sada bola vlastnoručne zozbieraná z videozáznamov, ktoré zaznamenávajú trajektóriu vozidiel. Následne bol zostrojený anotačný nástroj na anotovanie obrázkov. Na trénovanie sietí boli použité architektúry: VGG16, ResNet50, Xception, InceptionResNet-v2. Výsledkom práce je porovnanie architektúr. Všetky architektúry sa natrénovali a dosiahli výsledok nad 90%.The goal of this bachelor thesis is to recognize the type of vehicle from the image using neural networks. Vehicles are divided into 6 types, namely a car, a small van, a van, a mini truck, a truck and a bus. The data set was picked from videos that record the trajectory of the vehicles. Subsequently, an image annotation tool was built. The following architectures were used for network training: VGG16, ResNet50, Xception, InceptionResNet-v2. The result of the work is a comparison of architectures. All architectures were trained and achieved a result above 90%.

    Semantic Segmentation of Pathologies in Retinal Images

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    The thesis aimed to segment pathology visible in the retina images, such as exudates, hemorrhages, and microaneurysms. For that, two well known deep neural networks, named U-Net and SegFormer, were trained. To test the performance of the models, one publicly available dataset was used, named IDRiD. Obtained results were reported after analyzing different factors which affected the performance of the models U-Net and Segformer

    Semantic Segmentation of Pathologies in Retinal Images

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    The thesis aimed to segment pathology visible in the retina images, such as exudates, hemorrhages, and microaneurysms. For that, two well known deep neural networks, named U-Net and SegFormer, were trained. To test the performance of the models, one publicly available dataset was used, named IDRiD. Obtained results were reported after analyzing different factors which affected the performance of the models U-Net and Segformer

    Recognition of Vehicle Class in Image

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    The goal of this bachelor thesis is to recognize the type of vehicle from the image using neural networks. Vehicles are divided into 6 types, namely a car, a small van, a van, a mini truck, a truck and a bus. The data set was picked from videos that record the trajectory of the vehicles. Subsequently, an image annotation tool was built. The following architectures were used for network training: VGG16, ResNet50, Xception, InceptionResNet-v2. The result of the work is a comparison of architectures. All architectures were trained and achieved a result above 90%

    Optimizing Mass Spectrometry Analyses: A Tailored Review on the Utility of Design of Experiments

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