7 research outputs found

    Zawartość kadmu i ołowiu w pieczywie glutenowym i bezglutenowym dostępnym na polskim rynku – potencjalne ryzyko zdrowotne konsumentów

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    INTRODUCTION: Grain products, especially bread, play an essential role in the nutrition of people around the world. However, due to the release of excessive amounts of pollutants into the environment, grain products may also contain some amounts of potentially toxic elements, which may have a negative effect on the human body. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The aim of the study is to analyze the content of heavy metals in selected gluten and gluten--free breads available on the Polish market, and to assess the non-cancerous and cancerous exposure of consumers to cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). This assessment covered the exposure of eight age groups. The content of Cd and Pb was determined by the ET-AAS method. RESULTS: The highest mean concentration of Cd was recorded in wheat-rye bread (0.072 mg/kg), the lowest in gluten--free bread (0.021 mg/kg). The general distribution of Cd in individual types of bread was as follows: wheat-rye > wheat > rye > gluten-free bread. CONCLUSIONS: The estimation of exposure to Cd and Pb of the consumers of wheat and wheat-rye bread showed that a significant health risk may occur in the population of children < 11 years of age.WSTĘP: Produkty zbożowe, zwłaszcza pieczywo, odgrywają istotną rolę w żywieniu ludzi na całym świecie. Jednak ze względu na uwalnianie nadmiernych ilości zanieczyszczeń do środowiska produkty zbożowe mogą również zawierać pewne ilości pierwiastków potencjalnie toksycznych, które mogą mieć negatywny wpływ na organizm człowieka. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Celem pracy jest analiza zawartości metali ciężkich w wybranych chlebach glutenowych i bezglutenowych dostępnych na polskim rynku oraz ocena nienowotworowego i nowotworowego narażenia konsumentów na kadm (Cd) i ołów (Pb). Ocena ta obejmowała narażenie ośmiu grup wiekowych. Zawartość Cd i Pb oznaczono metodą ET-AAS. WYNIKI: Najwyższą średnią zawartość Cd odnotowano w pieczywie pszenno-żytnim (0,072 mg/kg), najniższą w pieczywie bezglutenowym (0,021 mg/kg). Ogólny rozkład Cd w poszczególnych rodzajach chleba przedstawiał się następująco: pszenno-żytni > pszenny > żytni > bezglutenowy. WNIOSKI: Oszacowanie narażenia na Cd i Pb konsumentów pieczywa pszennego i pszenno-żytniego wykazało, że w populacji dzieci w wieku < 11 lat może wystąpić istotne ryzyko zdrowotne

    Secondary emission from heaps and post-industrial areas as the important source of exposure of Upper Silesia inhabitants to heavy metals

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    Introduction. The degradation of post-industrial areas is one of the main ecological problems. The high content of heavy metals in soils in these areas is a serious threat to the health of residents of nearby settlements. The aim of the work is to assess the non-dietary ingestion exposure to heavy metals of the youngest population in selected cities of Upper Silesia. Material and methods. 52 soil samples were collected from post-industrial areas and post-mining heaps, including the area intended for reclamation and revitalization operations (Ruda Śląska), as well as the area already subjected to these operations (Olkusz). After the samples were cleaned, dried, and weighed, the mineralization process was carried out, and the concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Pb and Zn) was determined by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively induced plasma (ICPOES). The assessment of non-dietary exposure of children to heavy metals was made on the basis of the US EPA guidelines on the methods of calculating the dose, depending on the age, weight of the child, and the duration of exposure. Results. The largest exceedances of tolerable levels of heavy metals in the soil have been recorded in samples taken from the post-industrial area in Olkusz, where a skatepark is currently located. For most of the examples analyzed, the potential heavy metal dose (LADD) was a multiple of tolerable weekly intake (TWI) for cadmium or a desirable dose (BMDL) for lead. Conclusions. The analysis of the concentration of heavy metals in the collected soil samples showed that the tolerable values were multiply exceeded for soils originating from both the post-mining heaps and the recreational area. Exposure of children and adolescents to such high levels of heavy metals is a significant risk to their health

    Health risks from consumption of medicinal plant dietary supplements

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the heavy metal contents of dietary supplements manufactured from medicinal plants and assess the potential daily burden on their consumers. The study consisted of 41 dietary supplements produced from terrestrial plants or microalgae. The analysis of cadmium, lead, and mercury content was performed using analytical methods. The content of Cd and Pb was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The mercury content was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry with the generation of cold mercury vapor (CVAAS). The presence of at least one of the three analyzed heavy metals was found in 79.2% samples of supplements produced from terrestrial plants and in 88.2% supplement samples produced from microalgae. Hazard quotient was used to calculate noncarcinogenic risk for humans by ingestion of dietary supplements containing heavy metals. From among all supplements, 68.3% of samples were contaminated with Cd and Pb (this does not always apply to the same samples) and 29.3% of samples were contaminated with Hg. The health risk assessment of consumers of dietary supplements showed, in an extreme case, that taking this supplement for only one week poses a health risk associated with exposure to Pb. The health risk associated with the intake of dietary supplements primarily depends on the duration of consumption

    Trace and major elements in food supplements of different origin: Implications for daily intake levels and health risks

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