9 research outputs found

    Effects of epidural anesthesia on I and II delivery stage and on a newborn

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    Background/Aim. Epidural anesthesia (EA) is the most efficient method of pain reduction and its total elimination during delivery. The aim of this study was to establish an influence of EA on the first and the second part of delivery process, frequency of vacuum extractor and forceps appliance, and the effect of EA on the newborn. Methods. A total of 360 patients with EA were analyzed at delivery and 1 130 controls without EA. Both groups had vaginal delivery. In both groups deliveries were stimulated by 10 IU of oxytocin in 500 mL of crystalloid solvent, with 15-20 drops per minute. As anaesthetic, Bupivacain (0,25% or 0, 125%) was used by the 18 G catheters Braun and Wigon. Level of application was L2-L3 part of spine. Results. The results of this study indicate that deliveries with EA were shorter in duration, but also had much more vacuum extractor and forceps appliance (over 2.5 times) than those without EA. Apgar score was significantly higher in the experimental group with multiple deliveries. However, there was no significant deference between average Apgar score of newborns of patients with EA and that of newborns of patients without EA. Conclusion. Application of EA decreases duration of delivery, and has no any adverse effects on newborns

    Frequency of uterine rupture at delivery and accompanying risks for the mother and the newborn

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    Background/Aim. Uterine rupture at delivery is a severe life threatening complication for both matter and the newborn. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of total number uterine rupture within the deliveries, to perceive circumstances and causes that lead to rupture, to establish perinatal and maternal mortality and to present our therapeutic procedure. Methods. In the group of 37 ruptures at 59 660 deliveries from the period 1991-2000 included in this retrospective study we analyzed age, level of education, gestational age, parity, previous caesarian section and other operations on uterus, time of diagnosing rupture, grade and place of rupture, use of Syntocinon and Prostaglandin at delivery, perinatal and maternal mortality, as well as therapeutic procedures at rupture that occurred. Results. The highest influence on uterine rupture in our group had been exerted by previous caesarian section and myomectomy in relation 33 : 4. Incomplete uterine ruptures were more frequent, 26 (70.27%), in relation to complete ones, 11 (29.75%). The most frequent place of uterine rupture was the front wall, 34 (91.89%), two ruptures occurred on the fundus and one on the back wall. The most frequently applied therapeutic procedures were rupture suture in 31 (83.78%) cases, and in six (l6.22%) cases hysterectomy. Perinatal mortality was three times higher than average (17.78‰) in that period and was 51.28‰. Conclusion. We emphasize that rupture frequency in the total number of deliveries was one rupture at 1 612 deliveries, whereas rupture frequency on the intact uterus was 1 : 17 269, and frequency of uterine rupture after caesarian section was one rupture at 245 deliveries. Our research as well as researches of other authors, showed that a previous caesarian section is the most frequent cause for the occurrence of uterine rupture. Therefore, caesarian section should be avoided whenever possible, not just because of a potential rupture, but also because of more frequent hysterectomy that interrupts woman's reproductive ability

    Invasive Mole - Case Report of Massive Uterine Destruction

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    Patient with malignant Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasm (GTN) was treated by mean of MTX-FA, MAC, EMA-CO and EMA-EP. Changes in serum human chorionic gonadotropine (beta hCG) levels and changes in ultrasonographic findings were checked weekly. Finally transabdominal hysterectomy with ovaries conservation was done and polychemotherapy administrated after the operation until three consecutive serum chorionic gonadotropine values were negative. This is a case report of Invasive mole in 32 years old patient without possibility to preserve reproductive health. GTN developed two months after spontaneous abortion in 13th week gestation. No changes in uterine structure were found during the first ultrasonographic examination. Three months after abortion and one month after GTN confirmed, massive destruction of lateral uterine wall was detected during transvaginal Doppler ultrasound examination. Resistance index of 0,366 was significantly lower than normal, with hypervascularisation in affected tissue. Serum beta hCG confirmed poor effect of polychemotherapy treatment and decision for operative treatment was made. Hystological findings after the operation confirmed malignant GTN- invasive mole. Specific changes in ultrasonographic picture could have an impact in therapy making decision and could not be refereed without the most relevant parameter such is serum human chorionic gonadotropine

    Preoperative blood transfusion for gynecological operation of a patient with Bernard-Soulier syndrome: Case report

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    Bernard-Soulier syndrome belongs to congenital thrombocytopathic platelet disorders. There is a change of the structure of the glycoprotein in platelet membrane, causing the impair of platelet adherence on the blood vessel wall. This syndrome is clinically manifested by spontaneous bleeding in the skin and mucosa. The prognosis is usually good with an adequate support, but serious bleeding episodes occur during menstruation, trauma or surgery intervention. Treatment of bleeding or prophylaxis during surgical intervention is usually based upon platelet transfusion and the use of antifibrinolitic drugs. The object of case report is the significance of the right and an adequate preparation for the operational treatment: Mrs 42 year old, with diagnosis: Bernard-Soulier thrombocytopathia. Iron deficiency anemia. Status post operationem cystis ovarii sinistri. Admitted to the Clinic of gynaecology and obstetrics 'Narodni front' for operative treatment. The menstrual cycle is on 28 days, duration 7 days. From juvenile period there were reports of episodes of bleeding with thrombocytopathia. In prepartal period transfused with few doses of platelet. All dental interventions followed with bleeding, done with 6 doses of platelet concentrate. The history of operation of a cyst with a diagnosis: Cysta ovarii lateralis dextri torquata in 2005. The operation followed with pre-operative use of 15 doses of platelet concentrate, 2 units of fresh frosen plasm and 3 units of deplasmatic erythrocytes. There was a report of adverse reaction due to plasm transfusion and erythrocytes as a hypersensitive reaction, but during operation, there was no bigger post-operative bleeding. In following 2 years, the patient was hospitalized few times because of seriuos menometrorrhagia, and conservativly treated with iron preparations, with a difficult tolerating. Anamnesis: allergy to preparation of salicylate, ranitidin, diclofenac and tranexamic acid. In last hospitalization, the patient was admitted because of a large bleeding. Haematological parameters: Hgb 63 g/L, Rbc 2,61 x 1012/l, MCV 76fL, Plt 22 x 109/l. Biochemical parameters in referential values. Global tests of haemostasis preoperativly: PT 13,4s (9-12,6s), INR 1,02, APTT 20,7s (24-35s), fib 2,08 g/L (1,69-5,15 g/L), TT 18,9s (18-25s), 3 doses of deplasmatic erythrocytes and 2 x 7 doses of platelet concentrate with preoperativly used of methylprednisone (80 mg). Operation: Hysterectomia totalis abdominalis classica cum adnexectomiam lateralis dextri. Pre-operative and post-operative period regular. Therapy: antibiotics, analgetics, infusion solutions and 5 x 7 doses of platelet concentrate with methylprednisone (80 mg). Wound healing per primam. The patient was discharged from the Clinic well recovered, with a plan for a treatment and a future care needs

    Cervical poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with dominant choriocarcinomatous pattern: A case report

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    Introduction. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm (GTN), choriocarcinoma in coexistence with primary cervical adenocarcinoma, is a rare event not easy to diagnose. Choriocarcinoma is a malignant form of GTN but curable if metastases do not appear early and spread fast. Case report. We presented choriocarcinoma in coexistence with primary cervical adenocarcinoma in a 48-year-old patient who had radical hysterectomy because of confirmed cervical carcinoma (Dg: Carcinoma porto vaginalis uteri FIGO st I B1). Histological findings confirmed cervical choriocarcinoma with extensive vascular invasion and apoptosis but GTN choriocarcinoma was finally confirmed after immunohystochemical examinations. Preoperative serum human gonadotropine (beta hCG) level stayed unknown. This patient did not have any pregnancy-like symptoms before the operation. The first beta hCG monitoring was done two months after the operation and found negative. According to the final diagnosis the decision of Consilium for Malignant Diseases was that this patient needed serum hCG monitoring as well as treatment with chemotherapy for high-risk GTN and consequent irradiation for adenocarcinoma. Conclusion. The early and proper diagnosis of nonmetastatic choriocarcinoma of nongestational origine in coexistence with cervical carcinoma is curable and can have good prognosis