57 research outputs found

    Justification, Optimization and Reference Levels in Existing Exposure Situations

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    U radu su razmatrani zahtevi za upravljanje situacijama postojećeg izlaganja a naročito primena principa opravdanosti i optimizacije zaÅ”tite, odnosno uvođenje referentnih nivoa za uspostavljanje kontrole nad ovim situacijama. Diskutovane su preporuke iz standarda MAAE i regulative Evropske unije, koje su zasnovane na nalazima Međunarodnog komiteta za zaÅ”titu od zračenja, kao i relevantne odredbe propisa Republike Srbije. Istaknut je značaj donoÅ”enja dugoročne Strategije upravljanja situacijama postojećeg izlaganja, sa odgovarajućim akcionim planovima za implementaciju.The requirements for managing situations of existing exposure, and especially the implementation of the principles of justification and optimization of protection, and introduction of reference levels for establishing control over these situations have been discussed in the paper. Reccomendations given by the IAEA standards and EU regulations, which are based on the findings of the International Committee on Radiation Protection were considered as well as certain provisions of the regulations of the Republic of Serbia. The need and importance of adopting a long-term strategy for managing existing exposure situations, with appropriate action plans for implementation, was highlighted.XXXII Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Security Challenges Due to the Appearance of Counterfeit, Fake and Suspicious Items in the Nuclear Supply Chain

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    Poslednjih godina, usled ekonomske i političke nestabilnosti Å”irom sveta, raste zabrinutost zbog moguće infiltracije falsifikovanih, lažnih i sumnjivih predmeta (FLSPa) u lanac nuklearnog snabdevanja. FLSPi ne prolaze kroz rigorozne procedure kontrole kvaliteta, koje su obavezne za legitimne artikle, tako da mogu odstupati od propisanih specifikacija. Unutar lanca nuklearnog snabdevanja, FLSP mogu umanjiti integritet opreme, sistema, struktura, komponenti ili uređaja koji doprinose nuklearnoj sigurnosti i/ili nuklearnoj bezbednosti. Nenamerno uvođenje ili zlonamerno umetanje FLSPa u nuklearni lanac snabdevanja može dovesti do pojave nuklearnog bezbednosnog događaja. Prevencija i procena rizika su od suÅ”tinskog značaja za obuzdavanje sigurnosnih posledica nezakonite trgovine, a tehnologija bi mogla da igra centralnu ulogu u praćenju, u cilju smanjenja resursa dostupnih politički motivisanim i terorističkim akterima. Zbog toga, neophodno je razviti mere za ublažavanje implikacija na nuklearnu bezbednost od FLSP koji su se infiltrirali u lanac nuklearnog snabdevanja, ili u potpunosti sprečiti njihovo uvođenje. Zahtevi za obezbeđenje kontrole kvaliteta za svaku kategoriju dobavljača i klasifikacija kvaliteta nabavljenog artikla ili usluge treba da budu deo FLSP programa i sastavni deo Integrisanog sistema menandžmenta kontrole kvaliteta. Od velike je važnosti izvrÅ”iti sveobuhvatan pregled postojećeg međunarodnog zakonodavstva i propisa koji se odnose na FLSP i sagledati proces nabavke u svetlu implikacija FLSP na nuklearnu bezbednost.In recent years, due to economic and political instability around the world, there has been growing concern over the possible infiltration of counterfeit, fraudulent and suspect items (CFSIs) into the nuclear supply chain. CFSIs do not undergo the same rigorous quality assurance procedures as legitimate items, and deviate from prescribed specifications. Within the nuclear supply chain, CFSIs can diminish the integrity of equipment, systems, structures, components or devices that contribute to nuclear safety and/or nuclear security. The inadvertent introduction or malicious insertion of CFSIs within the nuclear supply chain could lead to the occurrence of a nuclear security event. Prevention and risk assessment are essential in containing the security consequences of illicit trade, and technology could play a central role in monitoring ā€“ with the aim of reducing the resources available to politically motivated and terrorist actors. Therefore, it is necessary to develop measures to mitigate the nuclear security implications of CFSIs that have infiltrated the nuclear supply chain, or prevent their introduction altogether. Quality Assurance requirements for each supplier category and the quality classification of the procured item or service should be part of CFSI Program as an integral part of the Integrated Management System and Quality Assurance Program. It is of great importance to make comprehensive review of existing international legislations and regulations which refers to CSFIs and to look into procurement process in the light of nuclear security implications of CFSIs.XXXII Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Health Risk Assessment of Particulate Matter Emissions from Natural Gas and Fuel Oil Heating Plants Using Dispersion Modelling

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    A significant proportion of homes and apartments in Serbia are still reliant on central heating systems during winter months, with about fifty heating plants in operation. Common fuels used in these plants primarily include fossil fuels such as coal, fuel oil, and natural gas. Some of these fuels have a high sulfur content, leading to an increased concentration of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter in the atmosphere (Todorović et al, 2020; Todorović et al, 2021). This study compares and evaluates the environmental impact of the two heating boilers at the Valjevo city (Serbia) heating plant. The AERMOD air dispersion model was used for estimating the concentrations of the various pollutants (Kakosimos et al, 2011; Mokhtar et al, 2014; Shaikh et al, 2020). Onsite emission data were gathered separately for the two heating boilers at the facility fuelled by natural gas and fuel oil, respectively. A combination of topographical and historical meteorological data were used to set up a receptor grid that was exposed to the gas emission in a radius of 10 km. The environmental impact from the fuel oil boiler was shown to be significantly higher than that caused by the natural gas-fuelled boiler. The resulting distribution of pollutant gases and particles showed that the concentration gradient is less inclined towards the city centre and instead spreads eastwards into the surrounding villages. The data were used to evaluate carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks. It was found that the health risk was acceptable for different averaging periods. However, further study is still required in order to properly assess the cumulative health risk generated by other surrounding industries

    Ispitivanje adsorpcionih svojstava ilovače za uklanjanje jona olova i arsena iz vodenih rastvora

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    Olovo i arsen predstavljaju značajnu grupu neorganskih polutanata koji su prisutni u životnoj sredini, pre svega u vodenim sistemima, pa je njihovo uklanjanje veliki tehničkotehnoloÅ”ki izazov. Zbog toga se sve viÅ”e pažnje posvećuje razvoju pristupačnih, efikasnih i ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivih adsorbenata. Prirodni materijali na bazi oksida metala (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3), poput ilovače, predstavljaju efikasne adsorbente za uklanjanje katjonskih i anjonskih vrsta iz vodenih rastvora. U ovom radu adsorpciona svojstva ilovače ispitivana su u Å”aržnom sistemu, promenom pH vrednosti početnog rastvora, dok su masa adsorbenta, vreme i temperature procesa bili konstantni. Značajnu ulogu u odvijanju adsorpcionog procesa ima pH vrednost rastvora, stoga se eksperiment zasnivao na određivanju efikasnosti procesa pri vrednosti pH rastvora 4, 5 i 6. Strukturne karakteristike ilovače su određene primenom rendgenske difrakcione analize (engl. X-Ray Difraction, XRD), infracrvenom spektroskopijom sa Furijeovom transformacijom (engl. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FTIR) i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (engl. Scanning electron microscopy, SEM). Koncentracija jona nakon procesa adsorpcije određena je pomoću indukovano spregnute plazme sa masenom spektrometrijom (engl. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS). Maksimalna efikasnost uklanjanja jona olova postignuta je na pH vrednosti 5 (94,2 %), dok je za jone arsena optimalna pH vrednost bila 6 (35,1 %).Lead and arsenic represent an important group of inorganic pollutants that can be found in the environment, primarily in aquatic systems. Their removal from water systems is a big environmental problem, but also a significant technological challenge. Therefore, an increasing attention is paid to the development of widely available, efficient and environmentally friendly adsorbents. Natural metal oxide-based materials (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3), such as loam, are effective adsorbents for removal of cationic and anionic species. The adsorption experiments were performed in a batch system, varying the pH value of the initial solution, while the mass of adsorbent, time and temperature were constant. The influence of pH value has a leading influence to the adsorption process so the process efficiency was determined at the pH values set at: 4, 5 and 6. The structural characteristics of the loam was performed using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The concentration of ions after their removal was determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The maximum removal of lead ions was obtained at pH 5 (94.2%), while for arsenic ions, it was at pH 6 (35.1%)

    Stable Lead Isotope Compositions in Coal, Coal Ash and Coal Fly Ash From Serbia

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    The Republic of Serbia predominantly produces electricity in thermal power plants (TPP) Nikola Tesla (A i B), Kolubara and Kostolac. They are supplied from Kolubara basin mines (Nikola Tesla (A i B), Kolubara) which produces three quarters of Serbian lignite (about 70%), with the mean annual production about 30 million tons of coal and from Kostolac basin (TE Kostolac) which produces 30% of lignite in Serbia. Coal combustion residuals include bottom ash, fly ash and slag. Environmental pollution by coal ash and fly ash has been intensively studied taking into account high content of potentially hazardous elements such as As, Pb, Cd and Cr. Tracking lead sources in environmental studies has usually been performed by stable lead isotopes. The pres- ence, pathways and environmental impact of coal ash and fly ash can be identified using Pb isotopic compositions. In this study, isotopic compositions for 12 coal samples from Kolubara and Kostolac major coal mines and 12 fly ash samples from thermal power plants Kolubara (A and B), Kostolac (A and B), Nikola Tesla TENT (A3, A2, and B1) were determined. Samples were digested in mineral acids mixture. Lead conc- entration and stable Pb isotopes were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results obtained might be useful in monitoring of Pb poll- ution from the examined sources, as well as in emission control.Međunarodna naučna konferencija Održivi razvoj i zelena ekonomija : Knjiga apstrakata ; 19-21 April 2022, BeogradInternational Scientific Conference Sustainable Development and Green Economy : Book of Abstracts ; 19-21st April 2022, Belgrad

    Assessment of the burden of disease due to PM2.5 air pollution for the Belgrade district

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    The health effects attributed to exposure to ambient PM2.5 concentrationsabove 10 Ī¼g/m3by using the AirQ+ modeling software were assessed. Thehourly concentrations of PM2.5 were collected from 13 air pollutionmonitoring stations in the Belgrade district during Jun and July 2021.,which were further used as input data for the AirQ+software. The averageconcentration of PM2.5 for two-month monitoring from all sampling sites inthe city was 14.8 Ī¼g/m3, the maximum daily concentration was 55.7 Ī¼g/m3,while the maximum concentration per hour was 365 Ī¼g/m3. The spatialdistribution of concentrations was mapped using geostatistical interpolation,revealing hotspots within the city centre and industrial area of the district.The burden of disease, such as stroke, ischemic heart disease (IHD), chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer (LC), due to theambient PM2.5 pollution was evaluated according to the WHO methodologyfor health risk assessment of air pollution. The model used for thisassessment is based on the attributable proportion defined as the section ofthe health effect related to exposure to air pollution in an at-risk population.The estimated attributable proportion was 19.4% for stroke, 27.2% for IHD,15.3% for COPD and 9.0% for LC. The estimated number of attributablecases per 100,000 population at risk, due to PM2.5 air pollution, for stroke,IHD, COPD, and LC, was 28, 34, 15, and 8, respectively

    ŠŠ½Š°Š»ŠøŠ·Š° Š°ŠŗтŠøŠ²Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚Šø Cs137 у Š³Ń™ŠøŠ²Š°Š¼Š° сŠ° тŠµŃ€ŠøтŠ¾Ń€ŠøјŠµ Š”рŠ±ŠøјŠµ Š¾Š“ чŠµŃ€Š½Š¾Š±ŠøљсŠŗŠ¾Š³ Š°ŠŗцŠøŠ“ŠµŠ½Ń‚Š° Š“Š¾ Š“Š°Š½Š°ŃˆŃšŠøх Š“Š°Š½Š°

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    Nakon akcidenta u nuklearnoj elektrani 'Lenjin', u periodu od trideset godina, u Institutu za primenu nuklearne energije - INEP, gamaspektrometrijski su određene koncentracije aktivnosti 137Cs u hiljadama uzoraka gljiva sakupljenim na teritoriji Srbije. Dobijeni rezultati statistički su obrađeni i predstavljeni u ovom radu. Poznato je da su gljive dobri bioindikatori zagađenja radioaktivnim supstancijama. Stepen usvajanja radiocezijuma zavisi od vrste gljive, ali i od metode njihove obrade (suÅ”enje, mariniranje, salamurenje). NajviÅ”a koncentracija aktivnosti 137Cs izmerena je u uzorku smrčka 1986. godine i iznosila je 2390 Bqkg-1, dok su u toku 2015. godine izmerene koncentracije bile manje od 0,1 Bqkg-1. Tokom godina, koncentracije aktivnosti su očekivano opadale, ali se deÅ”avalo da dođe i do izuzetka od ovog trenda, pa je u uzorku suvog vrganja sakupljenog 2002. godine izmerena vrednost od 1004 Bqkg-1.Thousands of samples of wild mushrooms from the territory of Serbia were analyzed to determine activity concentrations of 137Cs by using gamma spectrometry in the Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy ā€“ INEP, during the period of thirty years after the accident in nuclear power plant 'Lenin' in Chernobyl. Statistically analyzed results were presented in this work. It is known that mushrooms are good bioindicators of radioactive pollution. The level of radiocesium uptake depends on the mushrooms species, but also of their treatment (drying, marinating, pickling). The highest activity concentration was 2390 Bq kg-1 for 137Cs (fresh weight) in 1986 in Morchella conica, while activity concentrations 137Cs in samples collected 2015 were less than 0.1 Bq kg-1. As expected, activity concentrations of 137Cs in mushrooms decreased during the years, with some exceptions from this trend (e.g. activity concentration of 137Cs in Boletus edulis collected in 2002 was 1004 Bq kg-1 (dry weight)).Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230

    Optimization, Validation and Verification of ICP-MS Method for Determination of the Total Emission of Metals From Stationary Sources

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    Emisija zagađujućih materija u vazduh iz stacionarnih izvora zagađivanja se utvrđuje merenjem i/ili izračunavanjem emisionih parametara na osnovu rezultata merenja. U skladu sa održivim razvojem, teži se ka tome da se ove emisije smanje, ali je njihova neprekidna kontrola neophodna. Teži se da koncentracije metala koji se ispuÅ”taju emisijom u životnu sredinu budu smanjene, pa je neophodno razvijati metode koje su dovoljno osetljive da detektuju i kvantifikuju niske koncentracije. Standardna referentna metoda za određivanje ukupne emisije As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl i V iz stacionarnih izvora je SRPS EN 14385. Jedna od osnovnih karika u sistemu menadžmenta kvalitetom jeste obezbediti poverenje u kvalitet rezultata analize merenja. Ispravnost analitičkog merenja kontroliÅ”e se od ulaska uzorka u laboratoriju do samog izdavanja izveÅ”taja o ispitivanju, sve u cilju dobijanja maksimalne pouzdanosti rezultata ispitivanja. Program obezbeđenja (QA) i kontrole kvaliteta (QC) uspostavlja se i realizuje da bi se obezbedila tačnost i preciznost (pouzdanost) dobijenih rezultata merenja. Cilj rada je optimizacija, validacija i verifikacija ICP-MS metode za određivanje metala iz emisije stacionarnih izvora. Da bi se obezbedili objektivni eksperimentalni dokazi da su ispunjeni posebni zahtevi za svaki analizirani metal, proces je uključivao (i) procenu mernih nesigurnosti, (ii) analizu dostupnih sertifikovanih referentnih materijala i (iii) merenje uzoraka za ispitivanje u okviru međulaboratorijskog poređenja. Dobijene vrednosti ICP-MS analize metala iz stacionarnih izvora ukazuju da je ponovljivost bolja od 5 % RSD, ponovljivost u PT Å”emi bolja od 10 % RSD, bias bolji od 10 % i granice detekcije u opsegu 0,05 i 10 Ī¼g kgāˆ’1 za analizirane metale.The emission of polluting substances into the air from stationary sources is determined by measurement and/or calculation of emission parameters based on measurement results. In line with sustainable development, efforts are made to reduce these emissions, but continuous monitoring remains essential. The aim is to decrease the concentrations of metals released into the environment through emissions, necessitating the development of methods sensitive enough to detect and quantify low concentrations. The standard reference method for determining the total emissions of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl, and V from stationary sources is SRPS EN 14385. A fundamental aspect of quality management systems is to ensure confidence in the quality of measurement results. The accuracy of analytical measurements is controlled from sample entry into the laboratory to the issuance of test reports, all with the goal of maximizing the reliability of test results. Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) programs are established and implemented to ensure the accuracy and precision (reliability) of obtained measurement results. The objective of this work is the optimization, validation, and verification of the ICP-MS method for determination of metals emitted from stationary sources. To provide objective experimental evidence that specific requirements are met for each analyzed metal, the process includes (i) assessing measurement uncertainties, (ii) analyzing available certified reference materials, and (iii) measuring test samples within inter-laboratory comparison. The obtained values from ICP-MS analysis of metals from stationary sources indicate repeatability better than 5% RSD, repeatability in proficiency testing schemes better than 10% RSD, bias better than 10%, and detection limits in the range of 0.05 to 10 Ī¼g kgāˆ’1 for the analyzed metals.Procesing '24 : 37. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji : zbornik radova - Proceedings, 29-31. maj 2024, Beogra

    Contribution to the Serbian coal ranking and fly ash characterization using Pb isotopic ratio

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    The Republic of Serbia generates the majority of its electricity at the thermal power plants (TE) Nikola Tesla, Kolubara, and Kostolac. Coal is extracted from the Kolubara basin, which produces approximately 70% of lignite (an average of 30 million tons per year), and the Kostolac basin, which produces 30% of lignite. Ash, fly ash, and slag are examples of coal combustion residues. Because of the high content of potentially hazardous elements such as As, Pb, Cd, and Cr, environmental pollution with ash and fly ash has been extensively researched. Stable isotopes of lead can be used to trace lead sources. It is possible to monitor the presence, transformation pathways, and environmental impact of Pb by determining its isotopic composition in coal and fly ash. For the first time, the isotopic composition of selected coal samples from the Kolubara and Kostolac mines, as well as fly ash from the Kolubara (A and B), Kostolac (A and B), and Nikola Tesla (TENT A3, A2, B2) thermal power plants, was investigated in this study. The obtained data for 206Pb/207Pb in coal serve as the foundation for ranking domestic coals, whereas the isotopic ratios 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207PbĀ  in fly ash can be used to monitor and control lead pollution from investigated sources
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