12 research outputs found

    Intraoperacijska navigacija detekcijskom gama sondom kod resekcije osteoidnog osteoma ā€“ prikaz dvaju slučajeva

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    Two cases of osteoid osteoma tumor (OO ) are presented and our early experience with intraoperative gamma probing to localize OO during surgery is reported. The concept of radioguided surgery was developed 60 years ago and the gamma detection probe technology for radioguided biopsy and/or resection of bone lesions has been applied since the early 1980s. Bone scintigraphy is very important for initial diagnosis of OO with almost 100% sensitivity. The bone scan finding is specific, with so called double density appearance, very intense accumulation of radiopharmaceutical in the nidus and therefore great difference between the nidus and the surrounding healthy bone, thus making possible to treat this lesion with probe guided surgery. Three phase bone scintigraphy and single photon emission computed tomography were conducted in our patients for initial diagnosis of OO . A second bone scintigraphy was performed before surgery. The surgery followed 12-15 hours later by intraoperative nidus detection with a hand-held gamma probe. Gamma hand-held probe is a system that detects gamma photons. The count rate in the nidus area on the day of surgery was 3 to 4 times higher than in the healthy bone area. Drilling was performed until the counts decreased to the level of the surrounding bone counts, thereby confirming complete excision. This is the method of choice for minimizing bone resection, the risk of pathologic fracture, the need of bone grafting, and reducing the period of convalescence. Evidence for the treatment efficiency is pain disappearance after the surgery.U radu se prikazuju dva klinička slučaja kod kojih smo koristili detekcijsku gama sondu za intraoperacijsku navigaciju prilikom kiretaže tumora osteoidnog osteoma (OO ). Zahvati su izvrÅ”eni na Klinici za traumatologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra ā€œSestre milosrdniceā€. Koncept radionavigacije u kirurgiji razvijao se zadnjih 60 godina, a primjena tehnologije gama detekcijske sonde za biopsiju ili resekciju koÅ”tanih lezija datira od ranih osamdesetih. Uz RTG te kompjutoriziranu tomografiju scintigrafija kosti je jedna od najvažnijih metoda u dijagnostici OO , s gotovo 100%-tnom osjetljivoŔću. Za početnu dijagnozu učinjena je trofazna scintigrafija kosti i SPE CT ā€“ jednofotonska emisijska kompjutorizirana tomografija. Druga scintigrafija kosti učinjena je prije zahvata. Operacija je uslijedila 12-15 sati kasnije uz intraoperacijsko otkrivanje gnijezda ručnom gama sondom. Na dan operacije brojčana vrijednost bila je 3-4 puta viÅ”a na mjestu lezije u odnosu na zdravu kost. Kiretaža tumora provođena je sve dok brojčana vrijednost nije pala na razinu vrijednosti okolne kosti, na taj način potvrđujući potpuno uklanjanje lezije. Ovo je jedna od metoda izbora liječenja OO , jer na najmanju mjeru svodi resekciju kosti te time smanjuje rizik od mogućih patoloÅ”kih prijeloma i skraćuje razdoblje rekonvalescencije. Dokaz uspjeÅ”nosti kirurÅ”kog zahvata bio je nestanak boli u operiranih bolesnika

    Can Croatian Medicine do Without Palliative Medicine? ā€“ Study Investigating the Need for Formal Education

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    The aim of this study was to determine the publicā€™s, i.e. citizensā€™ attitude on one hand, and health-care professionalsā€™ attitude on the other, regarding the public education in palliative care. Also, the assessment of health-care professionalsā€™ attitude regarding the need to establish a sub-specialty in palliative medicine in Croatia was performed. The study was carried out during 2007 and 2008 in the capitals of 7 Croatian counties, involving 2353 participants. Two types of anonymous questionnaire were distributed. Citizens were surveyed at public places, business offices, waiting rooms, while health-care professionals were surveyed in medical centers. The survey was conducted personally by the authors, i.e. Ā»face to faceĀ« with the respondents. The collected data were entered into a database and analyzed, taking into account the anonymity, privacy and data confidentiality. The response rate was 99% for the public and 97% for health-care professionals. 44% of the public thought that educating the public in palliative care is absolutely necessary, and 42% that it is mostly necessary; compared with 47% of health-care professionals who thought education was absolutely necessary, and 45% who thought it is mostly necessary. In addition, health-care professionals were asked about their opinion regarding the establishment of a subspecialty in palliative medicine and 76% of respondents considered it absolutely necessary. Both the public and health-care professionals recognize the need for public education in palliative care. The authors wish to especially emphasize health-care professionalsā€™ perception of a great need for the establishment of an official medical curriculum and a medical sub-specialty in palliative medicine

    Smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje bolesnika s vratoboljom ā€“ 1. dio

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    Vratobolja je jedna od najčeŔćih miÅ”ićnokoÅ”tanih bolesti koja rezultira značajnom boli i nesposobnosti te ima velik utjecaj na individualnoj razini, kao i na zdravstveni sustav i druÅ”tvo u cjelini. Uzroci vratobolje su različiti, a etioloÅ”ki prevladavaju oni mehanički povezani s degenerativnim promjenama vratne kraljeÅ”nice. Svjedočimo raznim dijagnostičkim i terapijskim pristupima za ove bolesnike. Hrvatsko vertebroloÅ”ko druÅ”tvo Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora predstavlja sveobuhvatni narativni pregled i smjernice za dijagnozu i liječenje bolesnika s vratoboljom, s naglaskom na najčeŔće uzroke. Smjernice su rezultat konsenzusa stručnjaka različitih specijalnosti, a temelje se na najboljim dokazima. Ovaj prvi dio odnosi se na dijagnostiku, a drugi njemu komplementarni dio odnosi se na terapiju. Dijagnostički dio smjernica (1. dio) obuhvaća: klinička obilježja i evaluaciju (uključivo strukturirane upitnike), laboratorijsku dijagnostiku, slikovne metode, neurofizioloÅ”ko testiranje i minimalno invazivne dijagnostičke postupke. Dio smjernica o liječenju (2. dio) uključuje: farmakoloÅ”ko liječenje, tjelesne medicinske vježbe, trakciju, manualnu terapiju, metode fizikalne terapije, primjenu ortoza, minimalno invazivne terapijske intervencije, kirurÅ”ko liječenje, rehabilitaciju nakon kirurÅ”kih zahvata i psihijatrijski pristup. Ovo su prve hrvatske smjernice za vratobolju primarno namijenjene liječničkoj profesionalnoj zajednici

    Nursesā€™ Assessments Versus Patientsā€™ Self-Assessments of Postoperative Pain: Knowledge and Skills of Nurses for Effective Pain Management

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    Postoperative pain is the most common form of acute pain. Nurses contribute to effective pain management with their knowledge and skills. The aims of this research were to examine differences between nursesā€™ assessments and patientsā€™ self-assessments of postoperative pain, differences in the mentioned (self) assessments with respect to characteristics of both groups of respondents, and the correlation between the NRS and the VRS scale. The study included 103 nurses employed at a hospital and 103 patients treated in the surgical departments after the surgical procedures. Data were collected using the standardized Numerical rating scale (NRS) and Verbal rating score (VRS). The median of patientsā€™ self-assessments of pain intensity on the NRS scale was 4, while the nursing assessment of patientsā€™ pain was 3, with no significant difference (p = 0.083). No significant differences were found on the VRS scale between nurse assessments and patient self-assessments of current pain intensity. The pain was described as moderate by 35% of participants, including 35.9% nurses and 35% patients. Significant positive correlations were recorded between values on the VRS and NRS scales for nurses (Rho = 0.812; p p < 0.001). The results of this study may have implications for the improvement of postoperative pain management protocols, with regular use of pain assessment scales and individualization of analgesic prescriptions

    How Nurses and physicians face ethical dilemmas ā€“ the Croatian experience

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    The aim of this study was to assess nursesā€™ and physiciansā€™ ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Nurses and physicians of the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka were surveyed (N Ā¼ 364). A questionnaire was used to identify recent ethical dilemma, primary ethical issue in the situation, satisfaction with the resolution, perceived usefulness of help, and usage of clinical ethics consultations in practice. Recent ethical dilemmas include professional conduct for nurses (8%), and near-the-end-of- life decisions for physicians (27%). The main ethical issue is limiting life-sustaining therapy (nurses 15%, physicians 24%) and euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (nurses 16%, physicians 9%). The types of help available are similar for nurses and physicians: obtaining complete information about the patient (37% vs. 50%) and clarifying ethical issues (31% vs. 39%). Nurses and physicians experience similar ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. The usage of clinical ethics consultations is low. It is recommended that the individual and team consultations should be introduced in Croatian clinical ethics consultations services

    How Nurses and physicians face ethical dilemmas ā€” the Croatian experience

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    The aim of this study was to assess nursesā€™ and physiciansā€™ ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Nurses and physicians of the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka were surveyed (N Ā¼ 364). A questionnaire was used to identify recent ethical dilemma, primary ethical issue in the situation, satisfaction with the resolution, perceived usefulness of help, and usage of clinical ethics consultations in practice. Recent ethical dilemmas include professional conduct for nurses (8%), and near-the-end-of- life decisions for physicians (27%). The main ethical issue is limiting life-sustaining therapy (nurses 15%, physicians 24%) and euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (nurses 16%, physicians 9%). The types of help available are similar for nurses and physicians: obtaining complete information about the patient (37% vs. 50%) and clarifying ethical issues (31% vs. 39%). Nurses and physicians experience similar ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. The usage of clinical ethics consultations is low. It is recommended that the individual and team consultations should be introduced in Croatian clinical ethics consultations services