5 research outputs found

    Consumption of bakery products and the assesment of salt intake among adults from three Croatian regions

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    Sol (NaCl), iako nužna za organizam i u proizvodnji i konzerviranju hrane danas je u fokusu znanstvene i stručne javnosti zbog povezanosti s najvažnijim uzročnicima morbiditeta i mortaliteta diljem svijeta. Pekarski proizvodi zbog svoje učestalosti konzumacije značajno doprinose dnevnom unosu soli. Prikazani su rezultati za konzumaciju pekarskih proizvoda i unos soli iz istih za odraslu populaciju tri regije Hrvatske: Zagreb i okolica (Z), Sjeverna Hrvatska (SH), te Istra, Primorje i Gorski kotar (IPG). Ovo je dio istraživanja o prehrambenim navikama odrasle populacije Republike Hrvatske koje je provela Hrvatska agencija za hranu. Ukupna dnevna konzumacija pekarskih proizvoda je 142,50 Ā± 110,54 g u Z, 150,18 Ā± 114,98 g u SH, te 142,45 Ā± 115,55 g u IPG. NajčeŔće se konzumiraju polubijeli i bijeli kruh. Ukupan dnevni unos soli je 2,51 Ā± 1,97 g u Z, 2,53 Ā± 1,90 g u SH i 2,40 Ā± 1,96 g u IPG. Usporedbom regija, značajne razlike su utvrđene između Z i druge dvije regije u doprinosu kruha i peciva u ukupnoj konzumaciji pekarskih proizvoda i unosu soli. Značajno je veći unos soli iz peciva u Z u odnosu na SH (p=0,047). Obzirom na spol, statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene samo za konzumaciju kruha i unos soli iz kruha, u sve tri regije. Osobe sa sela jedino u regiji SH imaju značajno nižu konzumaciju pekarskih proizvoda (p=0,010) i kruha (p=0,041), te ukupan unos soli (p=0,006) i soli iz peciva (p=0,029). U IPG utvrđena je značajna korelacija indeksa tjelesne mase i konzumacije kruha (r=0,374). Osobe povećane tjelesne mase u regijama Z (p=0,046) i IPG (p=0,047) konzumiraju značajno manje peciva u odnosu na normalno uhranjene.Sodium (NaCl) even necessary for organism and in food production and preservation today is in scientific and professional focus due to its relation with the most important morbidity and mortality causes around the globe. Bakery products are due to their consumption frequency significant contributors to daily salt intake. Results for consumption of bakery products and salt intake in adults from three Croatian regions are shown: Zagreb and surrounding area (Z), North Croatia (NC), and Istra, Primorje and Gorski kotar (IPG). This is a part of nutritional habits research on adults in the Republic of Croatia conducted by Croatian Food Agency. Total daily consumption of bakery products was 142.50 Ā± 110.54 g in Z, 150.18 Ā± 114.98 g in NC, and 142.45 Ā± 115.55 g in IPG. Semiwhite and white bread are preferred the most. Total daily salt intake was 2.51 Ā± 1.97 g in Z, 2.53 Ā± 1.90 g in SH, and 2.40 Ā± 1.96 g in IPG. Between regions, significant difference was found between Z and the other two regions in contribution of bread and bagels to total daily consumption of bakery products and salt intake. Significantly higher salt intake from bagels was found in Z in comparison to NC (p=0.047). Gender difference was found only for bread consumption and intake of salt from bread in all three regions. Adults from rural areas only in NC have significantly lower consumption of bakery products (p=0.010) and bread (p=0.041), total salt intake (p=0.006) and salt from bagels (p=0.029). In IPG significant positive correlation was found between Body Mass Index and bread consumption (r=0.374). Overweight adults from Z (p=0.046) and IPG (p=0.047) consume significantly less bagels in comparison to normal weighted adults

    Consumption of bakery products and the assesment of salt intake among adults from three Croatian regions

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    Sol (NaCl), iako nužna za organizam i u proizvodnji i konzerviranju hrane danas je u fokusu znanstvene i stručne javnosti zbog povezanosti s najvažnijim uzročnicima morbiditeta i mortaliteta diljem svijeta. Pekarski proizvodi zbog svoje učestalosti konzumacije značajno doprinose dnevnom unosu soli. Prikazani su rezultati za konzumaciju pekarskih proizvoda i unos soli iz istih za odraslu populaciju tri regije Hrvatske: Zagreb i okolica (Z), Sjeverna Hrvatska (SH), te Istra, Primorje i Gorski kotar (IPG). Ovo je dio istraživanja o prehrambenim navikama odrasle populacije Republike Hrvatske koje je provela Hrvatska agencija za hranu. Ukupna dnevna konzumacija pekarskih proizvoda je 142,50 Ā± 110,54 g u Z, 150,18 Ā± 114,98 g u SH, te 142,45 Ā± 115,55 g u IPG. NajčeŔće se konzumiraju polubijeli i bijeli kruh. Ukupan dnevni unos soli je 2,51 Ā± 1,97 g u Z, 2,53 Ā± 1,90 g u SH i 2,40 Ā± 1,96 g u IPG. Usporedbom regija, značajne razlike su utvrđene između Z i druge dvije regije u doprinosu kruha i peciva u ukupnoj konzumaciji pekarskih proizvoda i unosu soli. Značajno je veći unos soli iz peciva u Z u odnosu na SH (p=0,047). Obzirom na spol, statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene samo za konzumaciju kruha i unos soli iz kruha, u sve tri regije. Osobe sa sela jedino u regiji SH imaju značajno nižu konzumaciju pekarskih proizvoda (p=0,010) i kruha (p=0,041), te ukupan unos soli (p=0,006) i soli iz peciva (p=0,029). U IPG utvrđena je značajna korelacija indeksa tjelesne mase i konzumacije kruha (r=0,374). Osobe povećane tjelesne mase u regijama Z (p=0,046) i IPG (p=0,047) konzumiraju značajno manje peciva u odnosu na normalno uhranjene.Sodium (NaCl) even necessary for organism and in food production and preservation today is in scientific and professional focus due to its relation with the most important morbidity and mortality causes around the globe. Bakery products are due to their consumption frequency significant contributors to daily salt intake. Results for consumption of bakery products and salt intake in adults from three Croatian regions are shown: Zagreb and surrounding area (Z), North Croatia (NC), and Istra, Primorje and Gorski kotar (IPG). This is a part of nutritional habits research on adults in the Republic of Croatia conducted by Croatian Food Agency. Total daily consumption of bakery products was 142.50 Ā± 110.54 g in Z, 150.18 Ā± 114.98 g in NC, and 142.45 Ā± 115.55 g in IPG. Semiwhite and white bread are preferred the most. Total daily salt intake was 2.51 Ā± 1.97 g in Z, 2.53 Ā± 1.90 g in SH, and 2.40 Ā± 1.96 g in IPG. Between regions, significant difference was found between Z and the other two regions in contribution of bread and bagels to total daily consumption of bakery products and salt intake. Significantly higher salt intake from bagels was found in Z in comparison to NC (p=0.047). Gender difference was found only for bread consumption and intake of salt from bread in all three regions. Adults from rural areas only in NC have significantly lower consumption of bakery products (p=0.010) and bread (p=0.041), total salt intake (p=0.006) and salt from bagels (p=0.029). In IPG significant positive correlation was found between Body Mass Index and bread consumption (r=0.374). Overweight adults from Z (p=0.046) and IPG (p=0.047) consume significantly less bagels in comparison to normal weighted adults

    Natural food supplements as carriers of nutrition quality, healthful potential and the sustainability of the product

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    Od davnina su ljudi hranu dobivali direktno iz prirode te je tek krajem 19-tog i početkom 20-tog stoljeća doÅ”lo do ekspanzijskog razvoja moderne industrije koja je razvojem novih tehnologija omogućila i razvoj velikog broja prehrambenih i farmaceutskih proizvoda. Ovaj razvoj utjecao je i na razvoj lijekova čime se potisnula filozofija ā€žhrane kao lijekaā€œ gotovo jedno cijelo stoljeće. Zbog pojave mnogih bolesti tijekom 20-tog stoljeća, moderna industrija svoj razvoj ponovo počinje temeljiti na obogaćivanju hrane prirodnim dodatcima prehrani. Prepoznatljiv je trend proizvodnje "funkcionalne hrane", odnosno hrane koja posjeduje povoljno djelovanje na zdravlje uz pripadajuća nutritivna svojstva. Uočeno je da je dodavanjem začinskih i ljekovitih biljaka moguće poboljÅ”ati okus i miris hrane. Velik broj istraživanja dokazao je da i navedene skupine biljaka sadrže spojeve s izraženim baktericidnim i fungicidnim djelovanjem te, kao prirodni dodatci prehrani, sprječavanju kvarenje hrane i održivost namirnica. Pored toga, izuzetno su snažni antioksidanti. Uporaba prirodnih dodataka prehrani danas je izražena kroz sve tehnologije proizvodnje, a najviÅ”e u tehnologiji mesa i mesnih prerađevina, mliječnih i pekarskih proizvoda te kroz uporabu u jestivim ambalažnim filmovima i punilima u prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji. Dodavanjem začinskih i ljekovitih biljaka u različite vrste proizvoda možemo značajno unaprijediti nutritivnu kvalitetu te ljekoviti potencijal i održivost proizvoda.For centuries, people have received food directly from nature, and by the late 19th and early 20th century there was an expansion of the modern industry, which enabled the development of a large number of food and pharmaceutical products through the development of new technologies. This development has also influenced the development of drugs, which has suppressed the philosophy of "food as medicine" for almost a whole century. Due to the appearance of many illnesses during the 20th century, the modern industry is beginning to develop enriching food with natural nutritional supplements again. A well-known trend is the production of "functional food" or food that has a beneficial effect on health and the associated nutritional properties. It was noted that by adding spicy and medicinal plants it is possible to improve the taste and smell of food. A large number of studies have also shown that these groups of plants contain compounds with expressed bactericidal and fungicidal activity, as well as natural nutritional supplements to prevent food degradation and food sustainability. In addition, they are extremely powerful antioxidants. The use of natural nutritional supplements is now expressed in all production technologies, mostly in the meat and meat products technology, dairy and bakery products, and through the use of edible packaging films and fillers in the food and pharmaceutical industry. By adding species and medicinal plants to different types of products, it is possible to significantly improve the nutritional quality and the healing potential and sustainability of the product

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    With Food to Health : proceedings of the13th International Scientific and Professional Conference

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    Zbornik sadrži 5 preglednih radova, 6 izvornih znanstvenih radova i 3 stručna rada predstavljena na 13. međunarodnom znanstveno-stručnom skupu HRANOM DO ZDRAVLJA, organiziranog u sljedećim sekcijama: Prehrana, Funkcionalna hrana i dodaci prehrani, Sigurnost hrane i Analiza hrane.Proceedings contains 5 review papers, 6 original scientific papers, and 3 professional papers presented at 13th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH, organised in following sections: Nutrition, Functional Food and Dietary Supplements, Food Safety and Food Analysis