783 research outputs found

    Gagnsemi ADL þjálfunar fyrir heilablóðfallssjúklinga

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    Urbanize the Suburb

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    Iceland is an island located in the North Atlantic Ocean where the climate is cold and the weather can be unpredictable. The sun angle is low during winter, which gives minimum daylight. This darkness and strong winds affect the urban life in the capital city Reykjavík and controls how people commute and spend their free time. One of the main goals in the regional plan for the capital area is to stop urban sprawl, densify within the existing urban fabric and increase the use of public transit. The plan is to develop the City line, light rail transit, and strengthen centers in the suburbs next to the City line. This thesis deals with redeveloping a suburban center and design for urban life in the suburb together with a new public transit, playful public realm and solutions for cold climate. The design site is located in one of the first suburbs in Reykjavík and the aim of this thesis is to transform the site from being a car-based area in to a walkable and attractive well-connected suburban center and increase outdoor urban life all year around

    Mat á líkamsvirkni aldraðra

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenSýnt hefur verið fram á hvernig skortur á hreyfingu eða líkamsvirkni getur haft áhrif á framgang ýmiskonar sjúkdóma og ýtt undir færniskerðingar á efri árum. Jafnframt er mikið rætt um hreyfingu sem meðferðarform og forvörn gegn ýmsum kvillum ellinnar. Ef hvatning til hreyfingar á að hitta í mark hjá öldruðum einstaklingum hlýtur hinsvegar að vera forgangsmál að afla upplýsinga um hversu líkamlega virkir eldri Íslendingar eru og hvernig hreyfingu þeir stunda. Mat á líkamsvirkni aldraðra er dæmi um staðlaðan spurningalista sem nýta má í slíkum tilgangi. Markmiðið með honum er að komast að því hversu mikið einstaklingar hreyfa sig í frístundum, við heimilisstörf og við vinnu. Niðurstaðan er heildarstig frá núll til 400 þar sem einstaklingar sem hreyfa sig meira fá fleiri stig. Listinn er auðveldur og fljótlegur í fyrirlögn og innihaldið fellur ágætlega að íslenskri menningu. Slíkar upplýsingar um hreyfingu geta t.d. nýst við uppbyggingu á einstaklings- og samfélagsmiðaðri þjónustu í formi forvarna og meðferðarúrræða

    Evaluation of symptoms of anxiety and depression among Icelandic children who have been exposed to domestic violence

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files- Children who live with domestic violence can suffer many harmful consequences but little is known about the nature and consequences of domestic violence on children in Iceland. The aim of this study was to evaluate behavior and psychosocial wellbeing of children who have witnessed and/or suffered psychological and/or physical abuse in their homes. Participants in the study were 28 children who took part in a group therapy which was conducted by the Government Agency for Child Protection for children who have suffered violence in their homes and/or witnessed violence in Heimilisofbeldi og tilfinningavandi barna 82 Sálfræðiritið, 22. árg. 2017 their homes, and their guardians. The study’s sample consisted of 85% of all the children who accepted an offer to take part in the group therapy over a two year period. The research design is descriptive. The study is based upon data that was gathered at the beginning of treatment to evaluate various symptoms with participants but the treatment itself was not evaluated. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were evaluated with standardized assessment scales, MASC and CDI, that the children answered themselves. The children’s guardians answered a thorough half-standardized admission interview. Symptoms of anxiety and depression among participants were more common in comparison to children in the general population. Results showed that 30% of the children had clinically significant symptoms of anxiety and 20% showed clinically significant symptoms of depression. A high percentage of the children had been bullied (53,6%), 30% felt bad or very bad in school and 35,7% had suicidal thoughts. Results show high prevalence of anxiety, depression and psychosocial problems among Icelandic children who have been exposed to domestic violence. Widespread emotional and social difficulties of participants are an indicator of and underline the seriousness of the effects of domestic violence on children who are exposed to it, regardless of whether the violence is directed at themselves or not

    Bodily Thought and the Corpse Problem

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    A key consideration in favour of animalism-the thesis that persons like you and me are identical to the animals we walk around with-is that it avoids a too many thinkers problem that arises for non-animalist positions. The problem is that it seems that any person-constituting animal would itself be able to think, but if wherever there is a thinking person there is a thinking animal distinct from it then there are at least two thinkers wherever there is a thinking person. Most find this result unacceptable, and some think it provides an excellent reason for accepting animalism. It has been argued, however, that animalists face an analogous problem of too many thinkers, the so-called corpse problem, as they must accept both 1) that we are distinct from our bodies, as our bodies can and we cannot persist through death as corpses and 2) that our bodies can think. I argue that the best reasons animalists have for accepting the two claims that generate the distinctness part of the problem double up as reasons to reject the claim that our bodies can think, and vice versa. I argue further that Lockeans cannot similarly get around their problem of too many thinkers

    There is No Exclusion Problem

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    Many philosophers want to say both that everything is determined by the physical and subject to physical laws and principles, and that certain mental entities cannot be identified with any physical entities. The problem of mental causation is to make these two assumptions compatible with the causal efficacy of the mental. The concern is that this physicalist picture of the world leaves no space for the causal efficacy of anything non-physical. The physical, as it is sometimes said, excludes anything non- physical from doing causal work

    On state transfer in Cayley graphs for abelian groups

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    In this paper, we characterize perfect state transfer in Cayley graphs for abelian groups that have a cyclic Sylow-2-subgroup. This generalizes a result of Ba\v{s}i\'c from 2013 where he provides a similar characterization for Cayley graphs of cyclic groups.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    A Note on Eigenvalues of Cayley Graphs

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    A graph is called integral if all its eigenvalues are integers. A Cayley graph is called normal if its connection set is a union of conjugacy classes. We show that a non-empty integral normal Cayley graph for a group of odd order has an odd eigenvalue.Comment: 8 page

    Characteristics and challenges associated with managing and leading clever people: A case study of the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO)

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges that have been related to managing and leading clever people and the characteristics that are unique for them. This was done by reviewing the available literature and summarizing the main findings. The literature is scarce and inadequately researched. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the main characteristics of the clever employees at the IMO and the challenges associated with managing and leading them. Furthermore, if the characteristics and challenges were the same as found in the literature, with a special focus on eight known challenges we identified. Finally, if the case study at the IMO would reveal any new characteristics or challenges, as it would be of value to this knowledge frame

    Lyfjamistök hjúkrunarfræðinga á sjúkrahúsum

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Lyfjamistök hjúkrunarfræðinga á sjúkrahúsum eru tíð. Hér er vakin athygli hjúkrunarfræðinga og annarra í heilbrigðiskerfinu á eðli lyfjamistaka og hvernig megi draga úr tíðni þeirr