19 research outputs found

    Una visión global de la industria hotelera en Estambul

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    El rendimiento de las empresas en los destinos turísticos gana importancia con el esfuerzo que realizan estos lugares por volverse más competitivos y atraer visitantes y turistas. A pesar de la necesidad de investigaciones en esta área, hasta la fecha no se ha llevado a cabo ningún trabajo que analice la industria hotelera en un destino desde una perspectiva amplia, ya que la mayoría de los estudios se centran en un área específica de la organización y su relación con el rendimiento del hotel. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo ofrecer una visión completa de la industria hotelera en Estambul. Por otra parte, la investigación también tratará de establecer un instrumento de recogida de datos estándar que se pueda utilizar en el futuro como herramienta de evaluación comparativa. La investigación se llevará a cabo desde diferentes perspectivas que incluyen prácticas de gestión, medidas de rendimiento financiero, indicadores operacionales, perfil y actitudes de los empleados, perfil y satisfacción de los clientes, prácticas medio-ambientales y uso e inversión en tecnología. Además el estudio trata de determinar los factores más importantes que afectan al rendimiento de los hoteles y explorar la relación entre las diferentes variables incluidas.As destinations are striving to become more competitive and attract visitors and tourists, the performance of its enterprises, including hotels is essential. Despite the signifi cance of research in this area, to date, there are no studies that analyze the accommodation industry of a given destination from a broad perspective, since most of the investigations focus on a specifi c area of the organization and its relationship with the hotel’s performance. Therefore, the research aims to provide a comprehensive view of the accommodation industry in Istanbul. Moreover, the study will also attempt to establish a standard data collection instrument that can be used in the future as a benchmarking tool. The research will be carried out on a number of complementary perspectives that include management practices, fi nancial performance measures, operational indicators, employee profi le and attitudes, customer profi le and satisfaction, environmental practices and use and investment in technology. Furthermore, the study attempts to determine the most important factors that affect the performance of the hotels and to explore the relationship between the different variables included

    Istanbul hotels from a 3600 perspective: A comprehensive view of the Istanbul accommodation industry

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    El rendimiento de las empresas en los destinos turísticos gana importancia con el esfuerzo que realizan estos lugares por volverse más competitivos y atraer visitantes y turistas. A pesarde la necesidad de investigaciones en esta área, hasta la fecha no se ha llevado a cabo ningún trabajo que analice la industria hotelera en un destino desde una perspectiva amplia, ya que la mayoría de los estudios se centran en un área específi ca de la organización y su relación con el rendimiento del hotel. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo ofrecer una visión completa de la industria hotelera en Estambul. Por otra parte, la investigación también tratará de establecer un instrumento de recogida de datos estándar que se pueda utilizar en el futuro como herramienta de evaluación comparativa. La investigación se llevará a cabo desde diferentes perspectivas que incluyen prácticas de gestión, medidas de rendimiento fi nanciero, indicadores operacionales, perfi l y actitudes de los empleados, perfi l y satisfacción de los clientes, prácticas medio-ambientales y uso e inversión en tecnología.Además el estudio trata de deter-minar los factores más importantes que afectan al rendimiento de los hoteles y explorar la relación entre las diferentes variables incluidas

    Istanbul hotels from a 360 0 perspective: A comprehensive view of the Istanbul accommodation industry

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    As destinations are striving to become more competitive and attract visitors and tourists, the performance of its enterprises, including hotels is essential. Despite the significance of research in this area, to date, there are no studies that analyze the accommodation industry of a given destination from a broad perspective, since most of the investigations focus on a specific area of the organization and its relationship with the hotel’s performance. Therefore, the research aims to provide a comprehensive view of the accommodation industry in Istanbul. Moreover, the study will also attempt to establish a standard data collection instrument that can be used in the future as a benchmarking tool. The research will be carried out on a number of complementary perspectives that include management practices, financial performance measures, operational indicators, employee profile and attitudes, customer profile and satisfaction, environmental practices and use and investment in technology. Furthermore, the study attempts to determine the most important factors that affect the performance of the hotels and to explore the relationship between the different variables included

    Growth of branched gold nanoparticles on solid surfaces and their use as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates

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    Branched gold (Au) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized directly on surfaces of three different supports (silicon, glass, indium tin oxide (ITO)) by following a "seed-mediated" method. Growth of the nanostructures in high yield and all with branched morphology was achieved on all surfaces. Nanostructures with desired characteristics were synthesized by determining the optimum seed size (8 nm Au nanospheres) and pH (3.00) of the growth solution. The Au NPs synthesized under these conditions have branched morphologies with average sizes of ca. 450 nm and are well dispersed on the support surface. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy studies were performed using Rhodamine 6G (R6G) as a probe molecule. The results revealed strong SERS activity of the synthesized Au NPs for the detection of R6G in concentrations as low as 1 nM with an enhancement factor (EF) estimated as greater than 8 orders of magnitude

    Growth and process conditions of aligned and patternable films of iron(III) oxide nanowires by thermal oxidation of iron

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    A simple, catalyst-free growth method for vertically aligned, highly crystalline iron oxide (alpha-Fe2O3) wires and needles is reported. Wires are grown by the thermal oxidation of iron foils. Growth properties are studied as a function of temperature, growth time and oxygen partial pressure. The size, morphology and density of the nanostructures can be controlled by varying growth temperature and time. Oxygen partial pressure shows no effect on the morphology of resulting nanostructures, although the oxide thickness increases with oxygen partial pressure. Additionally, by using sputtered iron films, the possibility of growth and patterning on a range of different substrates is demonstrated. Growth conditions can be adapted to less tolerant substrates by using lower temperatures and longer growth time. The results provide some insight into the mechanism of growth